Chapter Eighteen
Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thundermans: Back to the Past
Chapter Eighteen: You Were Right, Carly!
Louie Preston POV
"Is this the right place?" I heard Piper ask.
"Yep, this is definitely it!" Phoebe answered with enthusiasm, "I recognize this as the place where I first met Sam, Cat, Taylor, Ms. Hathaway, and Frankie!"
"And I recognize this as the place that I usually get my food from when I'm too lazy to make my own food and nobody else is around to make it for me!" Sam added.
"What about date and time?" Megan questioned, "Is this the right date and time in history?"
"Well, if my teleportation time travel wrist watch worked accurately and Phoebe gave me the correct information, then this should be the exact date and time that my family met Sam, Cat, and the Hathaway's; just fifteen minutes before," Max Thunderman answered.
I took a minute to look around at my surroundings. All I could see was a huge, grey building with a gigantic sign that read, "Bots". To the left of Bots, there was a huge parking lot that looked as if it had just been re-tarred not too long ago. To the right of Bots, there was a huge field filled with all sorts of plants, including bushes and flowers. I just stood there for a moment and wondered why the heck they would just leave a huge field like this next to a huge restaurant like Bots. Then it occurred to me that this field had been here for many years before Bots even existed. It was some sort of park, perhaps a memorial. Just as I was taking in the beauty of the variety of flowers, I was forced to go back into reality when Freddie nearly pierced out my eardrums.
"THERE THEY ARE!!!" He screeched as he pointed towards a large group of twenty-nine people who were sneakily making their way towards the entrance.
"Are you sure that that's them?" I asked.
I then turned towards Phoebe, Carly, Miles, Henry, Alex, Tori, and Cat for reassurance. "Phoebe, Carly, Miles, Henry, Alex, Tori, Cat? Are they really our enemies? Not that I don't believe you, Freddie; I just want to make sure since I'm not one of the ones who remember what actually happened."
All seven of them then began to examine the group of twenty-nine people.
"Yep, that's definitely them!" Henry announced.
"You were right, Carly!" Cat cried, "Our enemies did go back in time to destroy all of our friendships!"
"Those little demons!" Alex growled.
"I can't believe that they would ever do this!" Tori exclaimed.
"I can believe it, Tori," Miles began, "I mean, they're ghost super villains, super psychos, and vandals; what did you expect? They're all criminals! They wanted their revenge and they got it. However, they took it WAY to far this time!"
"True, and I agree! They DID take it WAY too far!"
That's when the rest of us began to examine the group of twenty-nine people. That's when I realized that fifteen of them were male, while fourteen of them were female. I could not tell which ones were the super psychos or which ones were the vandals, but I could tell which ones were the ghost super villains. Sixteen of them were wearing really ridiculous costumes. No one that I know would ever would want to be spotted in public wearing something as silly as those, so they HAD to be ghosts, just like Dad, Miles, and me! Also, they type of costumes that they were wearing all looked super evil, which suggested that they were also super villains.
"OH MY GOSH, IT'S NORA DERSHLIT!!!" Sam gasped all of the sudden as she pointed towards the group.
I could not tell which one of them Sam was pointing towards since there was so many of them and they were so far away.
"Hey, don't the Thunderman's and Carly have superpowers?" Zack asked.
"And didn't you guys say that Max, Phoebe, and Carly have freeze breath?" Cody recalled.
"Why don't you guys sneak up on them and use your freeze breath to freeze them into ice sculptures?"
Phoebe and Carly glared at Zack.
"The Dark Twister and The Dark Hurricane sucked out our powers remember?" Carly reminded him.
"Yeah, it's kinda one of the reasons why we gathered all of you up today," Phoebe chimed, "That and to get all of us to be friends again. And to get your memories back. And just to see who remembered what actually happened."
"And plus, I do not think that I can successfully freeze that many people at once," Max Thunderman stated, "If I even try to freeze one of them, they are bound to see me and attack me."
"True, but you have other powers too, don't you?" Cody asked.
"Yeah, I also have heat breath, telekinesis, and thundersense."
"Hey, why don't you use your telekinesis powers to freeze all of them in place, and then you could freeze them with your freeze breath?"
"I do not think that I can use my powers against that many human beings at once."
"Is there anyone else in your family who also has telekinesis?"
"Well, before The Dark Twister and The Dark Hurricane sucked their powers out of her, Phoebe used to. And from what I heard, before our enemies went back in time and messed everything up, Carly used to too. But, Mom, Dad, Billy, and Nora never had telekinesis powers."
"Well, they have other powers that could help us out, right? And don't the Preston's have ghosts powers and aren't the Russo's wizards? I mean, there HAS to be something that they can do to temporarily freeze them in place so you can actually freeze them."
"Now that you mention it, Cody, there is one thing that we could do," Alex smirked, "Mom, Dad, Justin, Max, follow my lead! I have an idea!"
"Which Max? Me or him?" Max Russo questioned as he gestured towards himself, then towards the other Max.
Alex rolled her eyes. "YOU!!!"
"Oh ok, geez! I was only making sure! I don't want to stand here, doing nothing, while I'm actually supposed to be doing something to stop all of this madness!"
"Whatever, Max. Just follow my lead, ok? And as for the other Max, you might want to tag along so that when my family and I are done, you can freeze them with your freeze breath."
Both Maxes nodded their heads in response. With that being said, Alex started to tip-toe towards the group of twenty-nine people and Mr. and Mrs. Russo, both Maxes, and Justin began to follow her. The rest of us just stood there and watched. Once they were close enough, Alex whipped her wand out of her pocket and Mrs. and Mrs. Russo, Justin, and Max Russo did the same. Then all of the sudden, just as two of the twenty-nine people were about to dive into bushes that aligned the edges of the pathway that led to the entrance, the Russo's waved their wands around in huge circles, then pointed them at the large group. All five wands turned blue and spewed out this purple stuff that looked like electricity, but was a magic spell. The purple spell managed to hit all twenty-nine people, causing them to freeze in their footsteps. Then, Max Thunderman used his freeze breath to make each and every one of them into blue ice sculptures one by one.
"GUYS, COME AND HELP US DRAG THEM OVER INTO THOSE BUSHES!!!" Max Thunderman shouted as he motioned towards the bushes over in the field after they were all done.
With that being said, Zack, Cody, Mr. and Mrs. Nichols, Drake, Josh, Megan, Spencer, Freddie, Gibby, Carly, Tori, Robbie, Rex, Jade, Andre, Beck, Nona, Goomer, Melanie, Sam, Cat, Dice, Dad, Michelle, Taylor, Miles, Frankie, Mr. and Mrs. Thunderman, Dr. Colosso, Phoebe, Billy, Nora, Captain Man, Henry, Charlotte, Jasper, Piper, and I all sprinted over to where Mr. and Mrs. Russo, Justin, Alex, and both of the Maxes were standing. Since we there was forty-seven of us if you include Dr. Colosso and Rex, we were able to lift our frozen enemies up with ease. Before we started to make our way towards the field, we made sure that nobody was watching us. As soon as we were positive that the coast was clear, we started to carry our frozen enemies towards the bushes. By the time that we had finally we reached them, we were exhausted from the long walk. Even though we made him carry multiple people, Mr. Thunderman was the only one of us who wasn't tired since he as super strength. We plopped all twenty-nine of them to the ground as we all tried to catch our breaths.
"Man, I can't believe it's finally over!" Phoebe sighed out of relief.
"Me neither!" Miles agreed.
"Well, I guess that we won't have to worry about them anytime soon!" Michelle exclaimed.
"But doesn't it seem a little too good to be true to you guys?" Cat asked, "We have been enemies with these guys for such a long time now and we just ended all of our troubles in one gigantic snap!"
"Yeah, it kind of does, but I'm just glad that it's finally over!" Tori exclaimed.
"Yeah, me too!"
"Hey, when are we gonna get our memories back?" Frankie asked.
"Not until a couple more minutes I don't think," Phoebe replied, "I don't think that we became friends yet."
"You know what, guys?" Charlotte said out of the blue, "Maybe we should take them back with us and lock them up in cages that they won't be able to break out of or send them to prisons with really strong security. I mean, your freeze breath effects aren't permanent, right, Max?"
"Right," Max Thunderman agreed.
"So, what if when it wares off, they decide to go back in time and make another attempt to destroy our friendships?"
"We could always confiscate their time travel devices."
"But, what if they get really mad when they realize they are stuck and decide to go inside of Bots and do harmful things to the past versions of you, Phoebe, Mr. and Mrs. Thunderrman, Nora, Billy, Sam, Cat, Frankie, Taylor, and Ms. Hathaway?"
"Yeah, Charlotte has a point," Josh agreed, "We should really take them back with us and make sure that they can't harm us our anyone else ever again."
"Yeah, and twenty-nine people is a lot to hide in these bushes. What if someone spots them and gets suspicious?"
Before any of us could say or do anything else, I felt as if something was lifting me up into air. Or, someone, I should say. I turned my head to see that somehow, our enemies were standing right in front of us and the ghost super villains were using their powers against me. I then turned my head back towards my friends to see that they too were being lifted into the air. Like me, they all looked frightened and angry at the same time. I then looked down to see that the frozen bodies were still there. How the heck was that possible!?!? That's when it occurred to me that the present versions of our enemies must of somehow realized that we were onto them and went back in time to stop us from stopping them. But, how did they figure out what we were doing? When did they see us? That's when it hit me. Whoever was in that house with the shed that we had to rescue Cat out of must of saw us rescuing Cat out of their window, told the rest of our enemies, left the house before the police found them and arrested them, gathered everyone up, and went back in time.
All of the sudden, the ghost super villains lifted us up even higher and quickly pulled us over to them. None of them were smirking; they all looked as if they wanted to beat us all into a pulp. That's when they dropped all of us to the ground.
"OWWW!!!" All forty-eight of us cried out of pain.
We all angrily pulled ourselves back up onto our feet, growling and snarling.
"YOU IDIOTS ALWAYS SCREW EVERYTHING UP!!!" A man in a dark-blue suit yelled, "NOW YOU WILL PAY!!!"
"GET THEM, GSVLs!!!" A woman in a dark-purple suit demanded as she pointed towards us.
Before any of us could react, the other super villains used their telekinesis powers to freeze all forty-seven of us in place. I gasped. That's when I realized them as The Dark Twister and The Dark Hurricane, the people who killed Dad, Miles, and me, turning us into ghosts. The Dark Twister then pushed a red button on his black watch that was around his wrist. I felt the wind starting to pick up. But instead of blowing right in my face, the wind was swirling in a clockwise direction right behind all of us. As it started to spin faster, I could see a blue oval forming right in front of us. After a second or two, the oval started to glow. The other super villains then used their telekinesis powers to lift us up into the air and to push us through the oval.
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