Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thundermans
Chapter Twelve: The Spooky Roller Coaster Flight
Louie Preston POV
"Hey, I thought that you guys couldn't come to Mystic Mountain!" a red-headed teenage girl with brown eyes exclaimed.
We all froze, then turned around to see a large group of people. One, who looked like a father who was very tall with grey hair, blue eyes, and a rather large belly, one who looked like a mother with dark, reddish-brown hair and brown eyes, one a girl of about the age of fifteen with dark brown hair and brown eyes, one a boy of about the age of fifteen with light-brown hair and brown eyes, who could possibly be that one girl's twin brother, one a boy of about the age of ten with brown hair that was so dark that it almost looked black, one a girl of about the age of eight with brown hair, brown eyes, and a rather large, pink bow on top of her head, one a teenage girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, and then, there was that red-headed teenage girl with brown eyes.
"Who are they?" I asked Frankie. "Now is not the time to ask questions," Frankie whispered.
That's right! They can't see me, Miles, or my dad because we're ghosts!
"Oh is this what you wanted to do with us today, Phoebe, when you texted me, asking me if I was busy today and if we could do something together?" Taylor asked.
"Yeah it was," the fifteen-year old girl, who I'm assuming is Phoebe answered, "I guess that I should have been more specific, huh?"
"Yeah, but it's ok."
"So what are you guys doing here?"
"Oh, I was just about to go on The Shooting Rocket with my friends!"
"Really?!?! Us too! Wait.... With your friends?"
Taylor laughed a really fake, nervous laugh.
"I'm just so close with my mom and Frankie that I call them my friends!" She lied.
Boy, was Taylor really bad at lying. If everybody could see me, I'd jump in and help, but I can't.
"Yeah," Taylor and Michelle agreed, going along with the lie.
The girl with blonde hair squinted at Taylor, Frankie, and Michelle. "Are you sure?" She asked them, "Because when you heard you guys talking, it didn't sound like you were talking to each other."
"Oh... You guys heard us talking?" Frankie asked her.
That's when it occurred to me that Taylor had forgotten to hold her phone up to her ear, to make it look like that she was talking on the phone.
"Uh-huh," the girl with blonde hair replied.
"Oh, those were just our other friends," Frankie told the girl with blonde hair, "They had to leave."
See, Frankie is quick on her feet and is good at lying, unlike her older sister, Taylor.
"Oh really? And what are their names?"
"Harry, Pedro, and Milinda!"
See what I mean?
"Oh really; I'm suspicious! Why did they have to leave?"
"Because they all got motion sick!"
"Eh-heh. And why were you guys telling them that they couldn't ride because they would fall through?"
"Because their stomachs might of been too uncomfortable for the harnesses and they might not of made it as tight to their stomachs as they should of and they could fly right off the roller coaster and fall right through the tracks!"
"Really? Are they stupid?"
"Trust me, Sam, they are very stupid!"
"And why would they want to wait in line in line with you guys for the ride?"
"Because they are very interested in roller coasters, even though they get motion sick from them!"
"Oh and why and how did they leave so quick?"
Frankie raised one eyebrow, "Why do you think?"
The girl with blonde hair, who I am assuming is Sam thought for a moment.
"Ewww! Ok, ok, I gotcha!"
"Phew!" Miles, Dad, and I sighed, "That was a close one!"
Good thing that they couldn't hear us!
"Enough chit-chatting!" The fifteen-year old boy stated, "Let's go ride The Shooting Rocket!"
"Ok!" Everybody agreed.
"Yeah!" I shouted with joy, as I followed everybody else, "Let's do this!"
"Son," Dad began as, he put one hand on my shoulder, "I think it's best if we sit this one out."
"But why? I want to ride The Shooting Rocket!"
"Come on Louie, you heard what Frankie said!" Miles told me, "If we were to ride that roller coaster, we would just fall right through; it wouldn't be the same!"
"I guess you're right," I sighed, "What could we do?"
"I don't know," Dad replied, "Let's sit down on a bench and think of something!"
"Ok," Miles and I agreed, as we sat down.
We all thought for a minute, when all of the sudden, a brilliant idea hit me.
"I got it!" I exclaimed.
"What is it, son?!?!" Dad asked.
"Yeah, what is it, Louie?" Miles added.
"We could just possess some people and ride the roller coasters while we're in their bodies!" I told them.
"I don't know Louie, I think it would be a little too risky," Dad told me.
"Yeah, and I don't think Frankie's lie would let us ride with them and their friends in possessed bodies," Miles stated.
"Yeah, you guys are right," I agreed, "It would be much more fun if we could all ride together!"
"Yeah," Dad and Miles agreed.
Then, an even more brilliant idea hit me!
"But, maybe we can all ride together!" I said with excitement.
"What are you saying, son?" Dad asked me.
"I'm saying that we can all possess a bunch of birds and follow the roller coaster's path as Taylor, Frankie, and their friends are on it!" I answered.
"That's a great idea, Louie!" Miles complimented, :Can we, Dad?"
"Sure, why not? I mean, we might as well have fun while we're here, am I right?" Dad laughed.
Miles and I laughed too.
It wasn't too long before Miles, Dad, and I found three pigeons to possess and flew above the line to go on The Shooting Rocket to catch up with Frankie, Taylor, Michelle, and their friends. They were all just getting on, as soon as we got there. There were eight rows of seats on The Shooting Rocket and each row had four seats. The Hathaways got on the first row, the Phoebe, the fifteen-year-old boy, the ten-year-old boy, and the eight-year-old girl got on the second row, Sam, and the red-headed girl got on the third row, and the mom and dad got on the fourth row. They all pulled down their black harnesses as soon as they sat down.
"Looks like we made it just in time!" Miles whispered.
"Yeah," Dad and I agreed.
Before they started the roller coaster, each of the employees gave each other a thumb's-up signal to make sure that everything was a go! Then, one of the employees hit a button and we were off!
The roller coaster slowly made its way up the track and we followed it, without being seen. As soon as the rollercoaster was up, it went straight down and turned left and straight into a loop. Now this was very hard to follow. I felt like I was falling, as I soared down the drop and following the loop made me dizzy. Also, the roller coaster was very hard to keep up with because it was going so fast. After the loop, the roller coaster made a sharp right turn and went into a corkscrew, which made me even dizzier. It was not me who was dizzy, it was the bird, and I could feel it somehow. Then, the roller coaster went into another loop, followed by another corkscrew. After the corkscrew, I noticed that everything around me was still spinning and I felt very light-headed. My vision started to close in on me and my wings stopped flapping. I was unconscious.
I woke up to the sound of a splash and the feeling of cold water. I opened my eyes. Taylor, Frankie, and Michelle were pouring water all over me.
"Stop, stop, he's awake!" Dad announced.
"Oh, Louie, thank goodness you're awake!" Michelle exclaimed, "We've been trying to wake you up for hours!"
I looked around for a moment. I then noticed that we were in the parking lot for Mystic Mountain and that I was still in a pigeon's body.
"What happened?" I asked.
"We we're flying and following The Shooting Rocket and you passed out, don't you remember?" Miles asked me.
"Yeah, I remember. I meant what happened after I passed out?"
"Well, after you passed out, you fell right out of the sky, and right before you were about to hit the track, I swooped down and caught you in my beak! Then, Miles and I carried you all the way out into the side of the parking lot and set you down. Then, Miles and I got out of our bird bodies; we tried to get you out too, but for some reason, we couldn't. Maybe it had to do with the bird being unconscious; I honestly don't know," Dad told me, "Let me see if I can get you out now." Then, Dad used his ghost powers to take me out of the pigeon's body.
"Phew!" I sighed with relief, "Thanks, Dad!"
"Anytime, son!" Dad replied.
"So, then what happened?"
"Well, after that, we tried to wake you up. We tried calling your name, shaking you, slapping you, and even..."
"No, no! Please don't say it!"
"Agghh! So then what?"
"Then, after awhile, we saw Frankie, Taylor, and Michelle's friends leave the park, so I decided to go get the Hathaway's, so that they could help us wake you up; and of course, I had to tell them the whole story. And then, I told the Hathaways to go get some cold water bottles from the vending machine and pour them on you. They've been doing this for hours, until you finally woke up."
"Really? How long was I out for?"
Dad thought for a moment. "I don't know.... five hours I guess."
"Yes," Michelle answered. "Honestly, I don't know what you guys were thinking! You could of killed yourselves!"
Dad, Miles, and I all raised one eyebrow at Michelle.
"The birds, I meant," she corrected herself, "But seriously, why did you guys do that?"
"I don't know," Dad told Michelle, "It was Louie's idea and I didn't want my boys to miss out on all of the fun that you guys were having on those roller coasters."
"Killing birds? You guys call that fun?"
"We didn't kill any birds! And besides, who knew that Louie's pigeon was going to get dizzy and make him pass out?"
"I guess you're right. I just got worried once you told me what happened."
"Are you ok, Louie?" Frankie asked me.
"I'm ok," I told Frankie.
"So, how was it? Was it awesome?"
"Louie, that was not awesome," Miles told me, "You almost killed that bird!"
"Yeah, I guess you're right, Miles," I agreed.
"For some reason I feel like this is somewhat our faults," Taylor told us, "Look guys, I'm really sorry if you guys felt left out when we went on those roller coasters with our new friends. I feel like we totally ditched you guys!"
"No, it's ok, Taylor," Milse stated, "Ghosts and humans have their differences and they can't all the same things. You guys shouldn't let our differences stop you from going on roller coasters just because we can't!"
"Yeah, you're right Miles. Thank you for understanding."
"So, how was The Shooting Rocket?" I asked.
"It was great!" Michelle told us, "The kids and I totally loved it!"
"Yeah, it was totally awesome!" Frankie agreed.
"Oh," I sighed, "I'm glad that you guys liked it."
"Don't feel bad, Louie. The next time that we go to an amusement park, we'll let you guys possess us and ride the roller coasters."
"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!" I asked with excitement.
Michelle, Taylor, and Frankie all nodded their heads.
"AWESOME!!!" I shouted.
"I think that we should all be heading back to our hotel rooms," Dad stated, "We've all had a long day and it's getting late."
"Yeah," we all agreed.
"Bye!" Dad, Miles, and I exclaimed, "See you guys later!"
"Ok, bye!" Frankie, Taylor, and Michelle replied as they headed towards their rental car.
And within the snaps of our fingers, Miles, Dad, and I were back in our spooky hotel room.
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