Chapter Two
Isolde scolded herself as she swept tears from her eyes once again. This was stupid. She was stupid. So what if Loki did not return her feelings? That was no excuse for her to act weak. Finally, she ceased pacing across her floor and sat on the edge of her bed. Thor would undoubtedly ask her how things had gone in the morning. That would be embarrassing. Even worse if he asked Loki instead of her.
She let out a long breath. Maybe she just needed to get away from here for a while. That was it. She could go to Midgard and live amongst the humans for a bit. She always found that peaceful for some reason.
Her mind decided, she took off her dress and tossed it on the bed. She pulled on a pair of breeches and a top that wouldn't look too out of place amongst the humans. Grabbing a small bag, she put in a change of clothes, her daggers and some jewels she could sell for money if need be. Lastly, she carefully tucked away three small, flat, gold discs.
Isolde was not only a warrior, she had magic as well. Her talents lay in healing though not physical injuries. Her power worked on mental wounds, trauma, grief, etc. Unfortunately, she couldn't use it on herself. The ability she intended to use now, however, allowed her to travel through the realms without using the Bifrost.
She couldn't just leave without letting someone know where she went. Quickly, she sat at the desk at the side of her room and pulled out parchment to write a letter.
Dearest friends,
I am afraid that I am a coward and have therefore abandoned you for another realm. While it was made plain to me this night that the affections I have are not returned, it was also made plain that I do not have the ability to watch Loki with another woman, or women as the case may be. After a time, perhaps I will come to terms with this, but it will not happen here in the palace, or even my own home I fear.
Loki, I still consider you my friend. I will not stay away forever as I fear I would not last long without your mischievous spirit and gentle laughter. I do love you, my dark prince. More than I should, it seems. If you have need of me, but call for me, and I will return.
Thor, as always you have my blades. Should you have need of them, you simply need to summon me and I will come. Take it easy on your brother. This is my doing, not his.
I travel to Midgard in hopes I will find peace and happiness there. That being said, I will not return until I am summoned. I fear that my revelation may make things uncomfortable and I understand if you would rather I stay away for a time. I will await the moment that you wish me to return home.
Always your faithful servant,
She read through the letter and, satisfied with its words, she pulled the rope that would call her handmaiden to her. A small key hung around Isolde's neck and she used it to unlock a small box on her desk. She pulled two small, silver discs from within and laid them with the letter.
"Yes, Mistress," her maid said as she stepped into the room.
"Fetch Jana for me, please," Isolde ordered.
"Of course, Mistress."
Isolde turned on her seat to watch the door and wait for the other woman to arrive. Before long, a soft knock came at the door followed closely by Jana as she walked into the room. She smiled. "Isolde, what can I do for you?"
Jana was another woman in the nobility and Isolde was probably closer to her than any other female save Sif. But Sif was the wrong person for the task she had. Isolde took the letter and disks in hand and gave them to Jana. "I am leaving for a while. Could you please give these to the princes in morning?"
She scanned the letter and looked up at Isolde with wide eyes. "Loki told you he did not love you?"
"I did not tell him."
"Then how do you know he does not?" the other woman asked with a frown.
Isolde patted her hand. " me. I know." She picked up her bag and slipped it onto her shoulder. She turned back to smile at Jana. "Goodbye, my friend. I will see you soon."
"Goodbye, Isolde," Jana said with a nod.
With a wave of her hand, Isolde opened a portal to Midgard and stepped through. It closed behind her without a sound.
Loki laid alone in his bed staring at the ceiling. He'd long ago sent the women away as they held little interest for him. They'd gotten his shirt off and exchanged a few kisses and that was it. An ear-piercing scream filled the air and Loki jerked upright. He tossed his covers aside and jumped to his feet. Another scream rang out as he threw open his door and he headed in that direction. People were gathered in the doorway of one of the rooms.
It only took Loki a second to realize the room was Isolde's. Fear slammed into his chest. "Out of my way," he demanded. Thor approached from the other direction, people parting before him. The brothers exchanged a look before stepping into the room.
A woman was sobbing in the middle of the floor, her face buried in her hands. Relief flooded through Loki as he realized she wasn't Isolde. His gaze darted around the room. When Isolde was nowhere to be seen he strode across the floor to the weeping woman. Crouching beside her, he lifter her chin with his hand. "Where is she? Where is Isolde?"
"Sh-sh-she jumped," the woman stuttered out.
"What?" Thor's voice boomed behind him, startling Loki.
The woman glanced between the two of them looking frightened. "She summoned me. When I arrived she was weeping. She said she couldn't stay here and jumped."
Loki's stomach rolled. He ran to the open door leading out to a small balcony. His eyes scanned below finding nothing. Thor was barking orders to the guards in the other room, demanding they search for her.
Loki walked back into the room only to be met by Thor pushing him against the nearest wall. "What did you do?" his brother demanded.
"You think I had something to do with this?" Loki asked in disbelief feeling a deep sense of betrayal that Thor would accuse him.
"She approached me after I left the banquet. She intended to tell you of her feelings this night. What happened?"
Loki's heart skipped and he found it hard to breathe. "What feelings?"
Thor tilted his head and looked him over. "She told me that she loved you. Did she not tell you this?"
Loki licked his lips and shook his head. "I didn't see her after she took leave of me at the banquet. I assumed she had gone back to her room and returned to mine."
"But she went to your room," the woman he'd all but forgotten about said. "She told me earlier that she was going to see you."
He shook his head again. "No. But I..." he trailed off as he remembered what he'd been doing in his room not so long ago. He slid down the wall, warm tears cascading down his face. It was his fault. She loved him as he loved her and his own stupidity had caused this.
Thor helped him to his feet and led him from the room. Both the brothers were unashamed of the tears that ran down their cheeks. People parted before them, aware that neither brother was fully present in that moment. If they had been perhaps, just perhaps, they would have seen the screaming woman smile and the remnants of a letter and two silver discs burning in the fire.
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