BTW This whole book is in Sal's PoV so I don't switch any POV's to make people confused as all hell. Enjoy!
Also the song at the top is relaxing so you can play it if you want to.
Song is by Vall (check them out on SoundCloud, bro)
Btw Sal is gay in this fanfic òwó
Looking around my new apartment, I find this place quite cozy. Said place was just around my dad's budget and quite in good shape for it being around for a while. I didn't know where Gizmo is, assuming that he was going to come in the apartment when my dad opened the door from getting the last box.
I heaved the last box, which contains my things, onto the pile of boxes propped up against the wall. I swiped a bit of sweat from my forehead, taking off my prosthetic in the process. I put my prosthetic back on while Gizmo ran in and almost knocked me over while snapping on the straps. Damn it, cat. I love the fucker though.
Shuffling over to the door, I heard a slight knock on the door. "Coming!" I say, almost tumbling out from my room and hurrying towards the front door. Once I opened it, a taller ginger haired boy, about the same age as me, spoke," Welcome to Addison Apartments! I assume your name is Sally?" I nodded at him with slight confusion of him not asking about my prosthetic for the first question he would ask once he saw me. "Yes, that's me... How do you know my name?"
The boy replied," How could I not know about the new guy at Addison Apartments? Everyone's been talking about you." At first I was a bit flattered. Everyone? Talking about me? I'm not quite used to being noticed this much. Besides for that time I first showed up the kindergarten in a prosthetic. That was a really bad memory coming to mind pretty fast.
I shook the thought out of my head and decided to go with," That's chill, dude" Dammit,Sal! That sounds too 1990's! The boy chuckled," Larry would like you, I just know it!" Who's... Larry? Sounds like a pretty cool dude. Ugh, there you go assuming genders again, Sal. You haven't even met them and you're already assuming Larry's a boy name. I mean, yeah, it sounds like a guys name but it could be used for a girl's name, right? For heavens sake Sal, please pay attention to reality!
I got out of my little rant in my head and quickly said," Ok that's cool bye!" I slammed the door shut, looking at it as if I had done something completely wrong, which I have. I got my converse shoes on, opening the door slightly, seeing the boy walking down the corridor. I swung the door open and closed it lightly, speed walking over to the boy. "Sorry about that. Just needed to get ready." I said nervously. He smiled," It's no problem. I'm Todd by the way. You wanna meet Larry and the others?" I nodded as we both got into the elevator. Todd apparently has a key card that allowed us to go down to the basement. Hm, why the basement? No, Sal stop judging! The ding of the elevator caused me to snap out of it. Honestly, I have to stop these little arguments in my head. The doors slid open and we both walked towards another door labeled 1B. Todd just walked in like it was normal to barge in. After we got into the apartment, there was another door blah blah blah. Todd twisted the door handle, revealing a pretty gloomy room. The room was pretty clean except for the canvases littered in one pile on the floor. Posters of these two letters "SF" were completely covering the walls with a little "pop" of dark red or blue for some.
On a somewhat messy brown bed was a boy with long brown hair sprawled out on it. The boy, or Larry, was kinda hot even though I couldn't see his face. Fuck, my gay is showing. Sal, stop it! "Larry! Wake up!" Todd yelled at his friend, receiving a groan in response. Larry lifted his head up a bit, looking at what was going on. I nervously waved at him while Todd went on," Larry! Up! The new guy's here!"
Larry gazed at Todd and then me. Lord, he's making my gay show more, and I barely even know him! Dammit, Sal!
"Nice to meet you I'm Larry. You must be Sal" he said in a groggy, morning voice.
Sal... think... My gay's gonna be raging by the end of this...
This took me exactly fricking 4-5 hours to do sjwhuskekdk hope you liked this probably short ass chapter- Love you all! ❤️
Word count: 814 words
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