Chapter Five
Waking up in New York City for the first time in a year was odd for Jade, and it resulted in an instant telepathic headache, but she embraced the familiar sensations of the city she had grown up in.
Austin was already awake and making breakfast. Beth and Joey were sitting at the kitchen table watching him. They had crashed in the apartment of a couple of cult kids that Jade knew who were out of town for the week. It had three bedrooms, although they only needed two. Beth took her own room, and Austin curled up in bed next to Jade, with Joey taking up residence on Jade's other side.
"You get up impossibly early for a vampire, Half Breed," Jade said.
"Morning, Sis," Austin greeted her warmly. "Coffee?"
"Ah, the magick word. Thanks," Jade replied, taking a cup. "You still remember how I like it..."
"Of course I do. I'd offer you pancakes, but I also remember that you don't eat breakfast."
"Coffee is my breakfast."
"You really should eat more, Jade. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day," Beth said, taking some pancakes and bacon for herself.
"It's my New York blood. I can survive on nothing but coffee and sarcasm for days at a time," Jade replied. She took some food for Joey and started feeding him.
"So, what are we going to do today?" Austin asked.
"We're going to the Met, Central Park, and maybe the Village."
"Awesome! Maybe we can convince Beth to pierce her-"
"Bad Half Breed!" Jade scolded him. "Beth turns colors easily."
"What? I was just going to say her ears."
"Yeah, right. Sell it to someone who's buying."
"I already have my ears pierced," Beth pointed out.
"Once," Austin replied. "I know people who have thirteen holes in each ear."
"That seems a bit excessive."
"That's punk."
"I'm not Aideen. I can't pull that off."
"Stay here for a few days and I can help you shed that girl next door image you've got going on."
"Um... No thanks, I'm good." Beth's cheeks were turning bright pink.
"You're right, Jade. She does turn colors easily." Austin laughed.
"I told you so. Now leave her alone," Jade said.
"So, who's Aideen? Punk girls are hot."
"She's a friend from Salem. Maybe I'll introduce you to her one day, if you're a good Half Breed."
"Massachusetts has punks?" Austin asked in surprise.
"Believe it or not, yes, it does."
"Were you the first Goth they ever saw?"
"Very funny. No, I wasn't, but I'm part of a very small percentage at the high school."
"Hey, can we go to a fortune teller?" Beth asked suddenly.
"Why? They're mostly scam artists, and you can get a real reading for free at the Unit in Salem," Jade replied.
"I've just always wanted to go to one... I mean, if you think it's dumb, we don't have to," Beth said in embarrassment.
"It's not dumb," Jade replied quickly. "It's just that a lot of them are a rip off. Maybe we'll get lucky and find a real one."
"Yeah, right," Austin mumbled.
"You never know, Half Breed. Anyway, are you guys ready?"
"Totally ready," Beth replied eagerly.
"Let's go."
They were staying on the Upper West Side, so the Met was their first stop. Beth immediately became enchanted by all of the art work. She nearly got lost in the Greek section. When they hit the Egyptian section, which Jade insisted they save for last even though it was on the first floor, Beth saw why Jade had wanted to wait. It was huge, and very easy to get lost in. It contained everything from artwork to mummies, and when they walked into the Temple of Dendur, Beth felt so at peace she never wanted to leave.
"Who knew such a magickal place was in the middle of New York City?" Beth asked in awe. She sat beside Jade, who had picked a spot by the fountain. "Should I toss a coin in and make a wish?"
"You can. If any place can grant wishes, it's this one," Jade replied.
Beth tossed a quarter into the water and thought, I wish for... Hmmm... I don't know.
"Did you make a good wish?" Austin asked.
"Actually, I don't know what to wish for," Beth admitted sheepishly.
"Then just leave the offering for later, when you need a wish, and it'll be granted then."
"Do you really think so?" Beth asked hopefully.
"Definitely. Once you make an offering, the Gods keep listening until you make your request."
Beth smiled. "I like that idea," she said.
"We'd better get my sister out of here sooner rather than later," Austin said. "She'd probably sleep here if they let her."
"Hey, when you're a cult kid, you need a little sanctuary once in a while," Jade replied. She stood up. "But he's right. If we don't leave now, I'll never go. We'll hit up Strawberry Fields next."
"I thought we were going to Central Park?" Beth asked.
"Central Park is huge, Beth. Strawberry Fields is just one section of it, but it happens to be my favorite."
"Wait, isn't that where the Imagine circle for John Lennon is?"
"Yes it is. Dylan's going to be very jealous."
"Oh, cool. I always wanted to see that," Beth said with a big smile.
Jade led the way, and once again, Beth was surprised by how magickal New York could be. The park was truly beautiful, and magick pulsed through every inch of it. They walked through Strawberry Fields and kept going, exploring the rest of the park.
Jade hesitated for a moment. "What's wrong?" Beth asked.
"There's a spirit," Jade explained.
"So? There are always spirits in Central Park," Austin pointed out. "Do you know how many people have died here over the years?"
"Died?" Beth repeated. "But it's so peaceful here."
"During the day," Austin clarified. "It's not safe after dark. Anyway, what's so special about this spirit, Sis?"
"She's beautiful," Jade said softly. "She radiates light, and she's just sort of... Dancing."
"Dancing? Is she doing the Electric Slide?" Austin joked.
"Not quite, Half Breed."
The spirit came closer to Jade and gently stroked her hair. It was oddly soothing. "Tell Alex I'm so happy for him," the spirit said. "And that it's okay to love someone else. I want him to be happy again."
"Who are you?" Jade asked.
"I'm Melody. And, actually, don't tell him yet. He's not ready to hear it... But eventually. You'll know when." Melody smiled at her before she added, "Cierra's a lovely girl. Let him know that I'm okay, and I love him."
Jade understood then that Melody and Alex had been in love. He never told us, she thought.
"It's too hard for him to talk about," Melody replied. "It wasn't his fault. It was my time, but he'll never accept that. He's stubborn."
I'll tell him, Jade promised. When the time is right.
"Thank you," Melody replied. "Go on, enjoy the City!" With that, she danced away.
"Jade, what's going on?" Beth asked.
"That's not my story to tell," Jade replied. "Everything's okay, though. Come on, let's keep going."
They continued walking, heading through the enormous park in the direction of Midtown until they found some large rocks to sit on. The rock formations looked over the entire park.
"This is beautiful," Beth said.
"I know. That's why I wanted you to see it," Jade replied.
"Where are we going next?"
"The Village... Which means we'll be taking the subway."
"Again? My stomach didn't handle that so well yesterday. Can't we take a cab instead?" Beth asked hopefully.
"Cabs are overpriced, and you risk your life in them. New York City cab drivers don't know how to drive like sane people. The subway is safer."
"It smells and it's overcrowded," Beth said with a frown.
"Welcome to New York," Jade replied with a laugh. "You get used to it."
Johnny was cursing softly as Danny Eckerd joined him in his office. "Hey, Johnny, did you know that I hate you?" Danny asked casually.
"What are you talking about?" Johnny asked in confusion.
"The Council of Uanie sent out a memo this morning. The vampires are going to war with the witches. Me vampire. You witch. Therefore, Me hate you."
"Danny, that's not funny!" Johnny said in horror. "Do you realize how bad this could get?"
"It'll blow over, Johnny," Danny insisted.
"No, it won't. Children are dead. And this is only the beginning."
"It's a few pissed off people from each side being idiots, Johnny. I'm sure the elders will calm them down."
"I don't think so. This is too big. It's going to be more than a territory war, Danny. It's going to be a civil war, as only Salem could do it."
"Says the precog... What did you see?" Danny asked, not nearly as casually as he had hoped. He knew that look in Johnny's eyes. Something catastrophic was in the works.
"Death, and a lot of it. If we don't stop this before it gets out of control, there will be a lot more lives lost," Johnny replied.
"Alright, so how the hell are we supposed to stop it?"
"I don't know. I wish I did..."
"Well, this sucks," Danny decided.
"How very well-stated of you," Johnny replied dryly.
"What do you want me to say? This is kind of scary. I mean, witches can do a lot of damage with spells and everything, and vampires can trance, and have the physical strength..."
"And you guys have the Reapers."
"But our Reapers aren't evil and would never participate in a fight like this. Besides, they're not just vampires. They're also witches."
"The Phillips women aren't the only Reapers in Salem, and even if they were, well... Let's just say that there's an evil necromancer involved... I can't say anything else, because it might be saying too much..."
"Are we going to have a zombie issue?" Danny asked in concern.
"I think so," Johnny admitted.
"I guess Randy will be leaving town, then."
"If he makes it out alive... If anyone does..." Johnny shook his head.
"Did anyone ever tell you that you're too Doom and Gloom, Johnny?" Danny asked.
"Shut up, Danny. I'm serious," Johnny replied.
"Yeah, I noticed. You're all 'Apocalypse! All is lost... All are screwed...' It's a downer, man."
"Can you be serious for ten seconds?"
"My record is fifteen, actually," Danny replied cheerfully. Johnny scowled at him. "Alright, alright, I'm sorry for trying to lighten the mood. What are we going to do?"
"That's what we need to figure out. And fast."
"Big case?" Mark Clinton asked as he joined them.
"So much for fast," Danny mumbled. "Yep, huge case," he added louder. Sometimes, it was difficult working with a mortal in a law firm in Salem. Mark had no knowledge of the supernatural, even though his brother-in-law and sister, Lewis and Maggie Ashford, had turned out to be warlocks. As far as Mark knew, they had died in a car accident. Keeping secrets from him was not always easy, but his incredible power of denial helped. If something was too strange, Mark immediately decided it must not exist.
The phone rang in Mark's office, and he hurried off to answer it. "Who did you tell to call him?" Danny asked.
"You assume that I had something to do with him getting a phone call?" Johnny asked innocently.
"Considering the timing, and the telepathic vibes you were broadcasting out of the office, yes, I do assume that."
Johnny shrugged. "You and I need to plan, and it was a polite way to get him to leave the office."
"Polite? So you didn't sick a telemarketer on him?"
"Not this time," Johnny replied with a slight grin.
"You're getting soft in your old age, my friend," Danny said.
"Come on, Danny. We need to figure things out."
After a very productive day of showing Beth around New York, Jade was pleased to see that Austin was, indeed, still alive and safe from the cults. They had seen the sights. Jade had gotten two more holes in each ear and a new tattoo from her favorite artist on St. Mark's Place. It was a pentagram with phoenix wings on her lower back. She paid for Austin to get his first tattoo, a sphinx on his upper left arm. At the sight of all the tattooing, Beth turned squeamish and went to a children's book store with Joey while Jade and Austin faced the needles.
Once they left St. Mark's Place, they got something to eat and went to a Broadway show. Jade felt relaxed for the first time in months. She lost herself in the music and storyline, for once not having to care about anything else. Beth had seen Broadway shows before with her parents, but she had never experienced rush tickets, or gotten to meet the cast afterward. Jade knew the people who worked at the theater and arranged for them to meet everyone.
"Thanks, Sis," Austin said as he hugged her. "It's eleven at night and I'm still alive and the cults haven't gotten their hands on me. You're awesome."
"We still have an hour to go before you're safe," Jade replied. She felt an odd tug and knew something was wrong. "Joey, take Beth and Austin somewhere safe. Actually, take them to Alestair, okay?"
"Wait, what?" Beth asked. "No way, Jade. I'm not comfortable with that."
"He won't hurt you. He knows I'll find a way to destroy him if he tries it."
"Jade, what's going on?" Austin asked nervously.
"Trouble. I need to go take care of something. Alestair will keep you safe until I can get back to you."
"You're not going alone," Beth said stubbornly.
"Are you going to stop me, Bethany?" Jade challenged.
"I... well... I could morph into warrior mode," she replied.
"You could, but you won't. Please trust me on this. I have to help someone who doesn't have a lot of time. I made a promise... I have to keep it."
"It's dangerous. Let us go with you... Or call the Unit in."
"There's no time for the Unit to get there. I know where she is. I have to hurry. Please just go." Jade turned to Austin. "Tell Alestair if he so much as thinks about touching any of you, I'll rip his balls off."
"Understood," Austin replied. "Don't get killed, okay?"
"If I die, there will be a lot of people going down with me tonight."
"That's not a promise."
"I don't make promises I can't keep."
Austin hugged her again. "I love you," he said.
"Yeah, Half Breed, I love you, too. Happy birthday." She hugged him a little bit tighter before releasing him. "If I don't join you guys by the time the sun rises, you and Joey go back to Salem, Beth."
"Please be careful," Beth replied.
"I will be. Joey, open the door and go." She kissed him on top of his head and watched him open the door and step inside. Beth and Austin followed reluctantly. When the door was sealed, Jade headed toward Washington Square Park.
A gathering of close to eighty devil worshippers stood in the park, looking to outsiders like tourists, but Jade saw beyond the glamour and knew that they were already deep in a ritual.
A girl of twelve years old was being tortured in the center of the group. Her long brown hair was braided and she wore a black dress and heels that were too high for her to balance on, although she wasn't standing now. The inverted pentagram around her neck was given to cult members when they took their vows as priests and priestesses. This girl was fighting those vows, kicking, screaming, and sobbing.
"Just join us and you will not be harmed any further tonight, Dear Child," one of the high priests said. Jade knew him. His name was Jonah, and he had been with the cult since long before Jade was born. He was in charge of the Manhattan chapter now. Jonah was a sadistic man, and he would not hesitate to harm anyone who got in his way.
"No! I won't take the vows! I don't want to serve evil," the girl said.
She's brave, Jade thought. Most of the cult kids just give in after a while... or they die.
She tried not to think of her own forced initiation. She had refused to take her vows and had barely survived. Only the fact that Alestair had intervened on her behalf had spared her life. Although he was a member of the Queens chapter, his soul was the Ultimate Darkness, so he outranked everyone in the cult. When he chose to play that card, on rare occasion, no one could question his demands. She'd been unable to walk for nearly a week, but she had survived, and that was what mattered. Not everyone was that lucky.
"You'll do as we say, Raine, or you will meet your end," one of the high priestesses said. Jade glared as she spotted the woman she despised more than anyone else in that cult.
"Aunt Cecily, please don't make me do this," Raine begged.
Cecily laughed at her. "You think that begging will save you? Foolish child."
"Fancy finding you all here," Jade said, making her presence known just in time to prevent another attack on Raine. She kept her voice free of emotion. She had to play her cards right. They never knew which side to expect her to be on, and that would help with her plans for the night.
"Jade Collins!" Jonah said in surprise. "To what do we owe the honor? Have you returned to kill some more of us?" He laughed.
"Don't tempt me," she replied.
"It's a special day, Jade. Raine's initiation is tonight, and unless she takes her vows, she will die. I'm so glad you could be here to see it. By all means, please stay for the party."
"But if you step out of line, we'll kill you, too," Cecily added with an unpleasant smile on her pale face.
"Not likely," Jade replied. "You've been trying to do that for years."
"My dear, spunky Jade, I missed you. I do hope you'll stick around this time. You have such talent... So much potential... If only you'd choose the right side," Jonah said. "We could do wonderfully horrible things together."
"I don't choose sides, Jonah. I'm on my side, and that's it, remember?" She smiled wickedly at him. He looked away first, and she was relieved. He still feared her just enough to back off, and that was important.
"Did you come to watch the festivities or not?" He finally asked.
"Of course I didn't. I promised River before he died that I would protect his sister. I don't break promises, especially to dead people."
"Then we're going to have a problem tonight, Jade."
"I don't have a problem with finishing all of you off. However, I might allow you to escape with your lives if you let Raine go without a fight."
"That isn't going to happen."
"I suspected you'd say that." Jade called up as much power as she could and sent a hex straight at Cecily's head. Cecily hit the floor before anyone had time to react.
"My God, she killed her!" A newer cult member who Jade had never met before cried out. He cowered behind Jonah, as if that would save him.
"You aren't worth my time or energy," Jade assured him. "Just don't get in my way and I won't harm you."
"You could murder her so easily? Without a second thought?" Jonah asked. "I'm proud of you, Jade."
"What can I say? Old habits die hard. I guess you guys taught me well. Besides, I never liked her anyway." She paused before saying, "So, who wants to die next?"
"Oh, Jade, is this child really worth all of this?" Jonah asked with a frown.
"Yes. She is. Now let her go, or I'll kill you, too."
Jonah paused to consider her words. "You know, I almost think that you could do it. From most, that threat would be laughable, but you, my dear, are a worthy opponent. One day, you'll join our side. You are destined for it. One who truly works for the Light could never kill so freely, without remorse."
"Cecily tortured her nephew, my best friend, my son's father, to death while I was in labor and couldn't do anything except watch. Karma's a bitch, and so am I."
"You waste your talent working for the Light, my dear girl. I await the day when you realize your potential and return to us. For now, however, I must end this. You may have the girl. She is worth nothing to us anyway. Come, everyone. We will meet again another night." He led the cult members away. They were reluctant to leave, but dared not disobey a higher ranking member.
"You saved me!" Raine sobbed. She flung her arms around Jade's neck. "I was so scared... I was sure I was going to die tonight."
"River asked me to save your life," Jade explained as she hugged the girl.
"When?" Raine asked in surprise.
"The day before he died, he told me that the night of your initiation was your time, and that as a Reaper, he wanted to change it. He would work the magickal end, and I would handle the physical side. I didn't know at the time that he'd be dead, but I promised to save you. And today, I heard him whisper your name, and I knew what I had to do."
"I didn't even know you were still in New York."
"I've been in Salem, but it's the Half Breed's birthday, too, remember? I came back for him, and then I remembered that you needed me."
"I'm glad you did..."
"Can you walk out of here?" Jade asked gently.
"I think so..." She closed her eyes for a moment before opening them and sadly adding, "They'll still kill me, you know... When you leave."
"No, they won't. I'm taking you back to Salem with me. I know Cecily was your guardian, so you'd go to some other creep in the cult with her dead, and that's not okay."
"But I don't have anywhere to stay," Raine protested.
"I work for Salem's Unit... They're a supernatural police force. They'll find a place for you where you'll be safe."
"Until the Salem devil worshippers get me."
"All ten of them? You can take 'em, kiddo." Jade laughed. "In Salem, the devil worshippers are so severely outnumbered by vampires, witches, and warlocks they don't dare cross anyone. And as long as you don't get mixed up with the vampires or the warlocks, you should be fine."
"I've never been safe."
"There's a first time for everything."
Suddenly, a cloud of black smoke appeared, and a minute later, Alestair stood before them. "Am I too late, then?" He asked.
"You missed all the fun," Jade replied. "Why are you here? And what's with the black smoke? You don't need that to appear. Are you showing off?"
"Parlor tricks tend to frighten the lesser cult members, and you know I enjoy putting on a show. Anyway, I thought you might need backup when Austin told me what you were up to. Clearly, I was mistaken."
"I can handle myself."
"You always could." He looked at Cecily's corpse on the ground. "I see you just couldn't help yourself. You simply had to kill one more devil worshipper while you were here?"
"She deserved it, and it made my point nicely." Jade shrugged. "So, did you at least leave a body with Beth, the Half Breed, and Joey?"
"Of course I did. I prefer that my anatomy remains where it is, and I heard Austin's warning loud and clear. You wanted them safe, and they are."
"Thank you. I knew you would be able to protect my brother, and you've sworn to protect Joey... And if you tried to hurt Beth, she'd probably morph into a warrior Goddess and split your atoms until you didn't exist anymore, so I wasn't too worried about her."
"The girl refused to so much as make eye contact with me."
"Well, you're the Ultimate Darkness and she's an empath... A very light empath... Your energy freaks her out."
"I will not harm your friends."
"I know that, but Beth doesn't know you like I do. Anyway, I'm exhausted. I wish I didn't have to take the train, but Raine's not a body splitter, so..."
"Allow me," a tall blonde woman said as she approached them. She smiled brightly at Jade and added, "Alex told me that you'd need a lift, and my car's right down the street. I'm Bobbi."
"Wait, as in Alex's stepmother? Well, that's unexpected... It's nice to meet you," Jade replied. "How did he know?"
"Sweetheart, he always knows. He just tries to mind his own business."
"I'll have to remember to thank him for this. I don't think I have enough energy to play commuter tonight."
"Well, I have a car, a nice guest room, and some very comfortable beds. You can call your friend and brother from my place and let them know that you're okay. We'll swing by where you were staying and get your things, but I think you need to stay with me for the night. Someone has to take care of you while you recharge."
"I'd like to keep them with me, if that's okay."
"Of course it is."
"I'll have Joey bring them to you when you're settled," Alestair said.
"Sounds like a plan," Jade replied. All she wanted in that moment was a shower and a long nap. It had certainly been a chaotic night.
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