Young looking night clubbers passed by Minka,who sat alone under a streetlight on a bright orange bench that happened to bea near match in shade to her large, faux coat.
She reached into the side of her bust and pulled out her phone; animating thescreen which then stated 10.48pm.
She input commands into her mobile, a slight scowl etching into her features asshe did so, before settling on what she had search for...
A photograph...
Below the big, screen grabbing header 'Pic'a'Date'; she studied the screen; tilting it, physically moving closer then digitally zooming in.
"Minka Moor?" a male voice asked.
She hesitantly looked up from her screen and towards voice. Several metres away, yet moving forward, an apparently tall, formally dressed man with thickdark eyebrows and loose, wavy blonde 'surfer' hair made his way over to her.
She looked back to the image on her screen, then back to the man.
"You look like Narcos Overt..." she began excitably before abruptly stopping "you look like your picture"
He extended his free hand out, the other occupied by a carrier bag. She received it.
"Real name, Stefan David" he offered.
Minka and Stefan walked arm in arm across a large and clear road - moving towards a case of stone steps.
Upstairs, they ended up in a public garden area; busy with topiary and square sculpturesof assorted sizes; plenty small enough to sit on, fewer larger were one would have to climb onto and finally, one in the corner disproportionately large;likely 10ft squared.
"We could have our picnic up there" Stefan offered as he pointed towards the largest sculpture "privacy" he claimed.
Minka smirked towards her date "If only" she snaked.
"Yes" he affirmed in a monotone.
"On top of the brick thing?" she questioned in humour.
"Yes" he repeated as before.
Minka exhaled "You got pretty eyes, but they don't work too well" she mocked "I'm a chunky 46 year old woman squeezed into a basque, plus, stiletto's!" she relayed in a good spirited rant.
He looked her up and down before he began to do a circling motion around his ears; this could pass for someone obsessively pushing hair back.
He then looked towards the sculpture.
"Let's just sit on the grass" Minka offered as she attempted to move past him, however, he stopped her, pulled her closer to his torso, then lifted her to his height.
Minka looked on startled at his emotionless face as he rushed forward with her in one arm and a carrier bag flailing at the elbow of the other.
She remained fixed on his unchanging expression as they took to the air; landed with a thud that broke her gaze.
She looked around silently as he placed her down on a bricked, surface within four small walls; on top of the large sculpture.
Her composure broke...
"What the..!" she shrieked as she looking out at the view below her.
Below a frazzled looking Minka, Stefan began empting out the shopping bag's content, sorting them into atidy order.
Minka viewed him.
"Sit, before you draw attention to us" he vaccantly ordered.
She silently did so
"What do you think of my food and beverage choice?" he asked as he looked at her before smiling.
She warily gazed to the goods.
After a period of silence, she spoke...
"They're perfect" she answered "I don't get it? That cava's the one I always gift to people" she observed the spread further..
"I either buy, a chilli salmon pasta, with house sauce, or, a smoked chicken with mustard sub, each time I go to a 'Grans Deli',and you bought both" she relayed very slowly.
He nodded his head vigorously whilst wearing the same smile, before gesturing towards the remaining goods.
Minka hesitantly addressed them too...
"I love mixing cranberry juice with wines and spirits" she said as she continued to study the spread, yet she stopped dead in her tracks "They..." she leaned forward and snatched a dark plastic pouch"these got discontinued years back!"
She looked up at him with worry - he was still smiling that same smile.
Hesitantly, Minka forced her focus on a small cardboard box. Opening it, she removed a dated looking teacup; dainty,with an arguably out-of-place fanged, green cartoon character logo."OK, now I'm creeped out" she stated.
Some time had pasted and Minka's reserved demeanour had faded; she lay on her front, her legs bent and her bare feet swaying about.
Stefan sat relaxed before her as they spoke.
"I don't know anyone else who's read 'Cog NutGear'" she said cheerily.
"Neither did I" Stefan stoically claimed.
"What did you think of Amber?" Minka asked.
"Honestly" he said before he 'adjusted his hair' around his ear "I think she's both misunderstood and someone the world needs" he offered.
"You are joking!" Minka yelled.
He twirled his finger around his ear again "Am I wrong?"
"I, I totally agree! I had to go on forums to discuss the book and nobodyagreed that if she'd have been friendlier, they'd probably root for her"Minka claimed.
Stefan enthusiastically nodded in return.
"I actually can't believe how much we have in common, it's scary" she said as she looked towards him in awe "I mean, honestly, I chose your profile 'cos you're a dead ringer for this indie actor I have a crush on"she admitted with a giggle.
"I am that actor" he flatly claimed.
"Yeah sure, rival super fan" she accused merrily as she poked his arm.
He simply smiled at her statement.
"Oh yeah! I've dated a Stefan and a David, so, this is all like, a sign" she added.
He nodded before speaking "Does this clarify your belief in soul mates?"
Minka gazed at him for a moment before answering "Nah, this is too good to be true, I've been drinking for hours, and, I'm sure I'm a little hazed from my brothers house"
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