"I usually just use those sites for fun, you know, but you! What a gent'" she winked over at Stefan, who was in the driver's seat of her car.
He parked the car beside another.
Once the car powered off, he handed the keys to Minka.
"Tonight's been, well, perfect!" she said as she gently shook her head.
"I agree" Stefan stated.
"I'd meet with you again, if you wanted to" Minka offered.
"I would be upset if we did not" he claimed as he looked towards her.
The front door of the house before them opened.
"Brace yourself, this is my brother Donovan, he'll likely give me an earful for rolling in so late" Minka said as she watched her brother leave the house clad in a T-shirt, flannel pants and slippers.
"Mink' what did I say! I have work in the morning and Venus has school, you can't park yourself at mine and carry on like this" he said in a hushed tone as he stood be the passenger's side, he then looked forward, beside his sister "sir, I'll have to ring you a taxi, you see Minka's just...".
Donovan stopped in his tracks, looking on startled as Stefan turned to face him.
"No need" Stefan said.
He took Minka's hand and kissed it "I will make my own way home, sleep, dream of you and look forward to our next encounter" he said as he used his free hand to slip a piece of paper under her palm.
He then opened the door, moved around the car and approached Donovan. He extended his hand, though Donovan shook his head and crossed his arms. Upon refusal to shake, Stefan retracted his arm and instead greeted Donovan with a short bow.
Stefan then turned and sprinted off into the distance.
"Well that rude of you" Minka said as she opened the door and made her way out.
"Where have I seen him" Donovan enquired.
"We'll speak in the morning" Minka offered as she walked passed him and into his home.
"No inviting men back" Donovan stated as he followed her.
"Fine" she replied as she headed upstairs.
Donovan silently strolled upstair, looking towards the ground, breaking focus breifly as Minka closed the bedroom door, however he re-focused upon the dark carpet of the stairs and hall, until he got to his room. The light floor was littered with a trail of dirt.
He frowned as he looked towards the disturbed plant pot.
The next morning, Donovan stood at the kitchen sink, looking out the window; his back facing his daughter who sat at the kitchen island before a banquet of breakfast.
"Moring" Venus greeted an approaching Minka, who without a word, wrapped her arms around her shoulders; she looked pleased with her eyes shut and a warm smile.
The hug lasted a short while; Minka embracing Venus and Venus, who failed to return the affection, shoved a small white bun in her mouth.
Once she had finished the bun, Venus spoke...
"Buzzin' from booze are we?"
"No you cheeky madam, buzzing from a good time, actually" Minka replied.
"Well you reek of a bartenders apron" Venus snarkd.
Minka looked towards Venus's face, however, she took in her wary expression, before sharing in her view.
Donovan remained still at the window and sink.
"He OK?" Minka asked quietly.
"I don't think so" Venus whispered "he's normally dressed for work by now, well, he took time off, and that's not like him"
"Hope he's not been up all night, worrying about me?" Minka wondered.
"Well I assumed he was worried about someone stealing our last plant, he slept all yesterday, but I don't know if he went up to bed" Venus added.
"I'm sure he went to bed, and, we moved the outdoor plant to his room" Minka slowly relayed as she chose to end the embrace and move forward towards her brother...
"Don'?" she asked.
No response.
"Donovan" she said in a raised her voice and placed her hand on his shoulder.
In a instant, his trance snapped and he faced his sister...
Wide, weathered, watering dull eyes greeted her.
"Oh my God!" Minka yelled as she recoiled.
"I had a dream I was a captain in 'Wave Saga' before I picked up Venus" he slowly stated with a slight shake of his head "you know, who you went out with, he's a doppelganger alien and he's trouble".
"Venus, call an ambulance" Minka ordered.
The girl sat frozen in place, fear written across her face.
"Ve'!" Minka shouted as she looked at the frightened girl "forget it, I'll drive"
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