Chapter 4: Umewakamaru
(O.D.D.- Don't...worry guys...I'm still...alive.... _('ཀ'」 ∠))
Tsuna shifted his weight a bit more to one foot as he waited beside the gate of the Nura Mansion for Rikuo. A breeze blew by, causing the Decimo to shiver slightly--even though he was wearing a dark green hoodie with a light, orange-brown t-shirt underneath, tan jeans on his legs.
'Today feels a bit....ominous.....'
"Something on your mind, Dame-Tsuna?"
The brunet glanced over his shoulder and sighed, fiddling with one of his backpack straps over his left shoulder, his brown eyes looking into onyx ones briefly.
"Something's up. And I don't like it."
Reborn raised an eyebrow but made no comment.
Today, Reborn decided to be casual. He wore a black t-shirt with dark-gray jeans, a small backpack slung over his shoulders. His fedora was--of course--still present.
Leon, crawling around on the brim of Reborn's fedora, flicked his tongue out at Tsuna to greet the brunet. Tsuna smiled and reached a hand out to the chameleon, and the reptile easily leaned into the Decimo's touch.
The brunet drops his hand and swivels his head around to see Rikuo jogging over with a certain Yuki Onna behind him.
Tsurara bowed a greeting, smiling shyly at Tsuna and Reborn.
"Konichiwa, Tsunayoshi-san, Reborn-san."
Rikuo smiled widely.
"Sorry for the wait! Let's get going!"
"Nnnnuuuraaaaa! You certainly took your time!"
Kiyotsugu huffed as he tapped his foot, crossing his arms to show how antsy he was. Rikuo bowed multiple times, smiling sheepishly at the other. Tsurara seemed to glare at Kiyotsugu slightly, a chilly breeze blowing through.
"I'm really sorry, Kiyotsugu-kun!"
Kiyotsugu sighed.
"I forgive you, Nura! But you should know, it's the guide you should apologize to! I bet he's waiting for us right now at the foot of the mountain! Let us not waist anymore time. Away we goooo!"
The rest of the self-proclaimed Kiyojuuji Paranormal Investigation Squad rolled their eyes with either exasperation or fondness. Jirou quickly ran after Kiyotsugu as Yura, Kana, Saori and Natsumi followed at a more sedate pace.
"Oi! Don't leave me behind!"
Yura blinked her eyes, expression deadpanned.
"They're quite energetic today...."
Kana giggled.
"Hehe, aren't they always energetic?"
Saori rolled her eyes.
"Oh brother."
Natsumi had a sparkle in her eyes.
"Ufufu~! Let's just catch up with them~!"
Tsuna watched the group march ahead as he stayed with Reborn, walking at a more sedate pace. Reborn flicked his fedora out of his eyes, glancing at Tsuna.
"I'm disliking this already. Why did you bring me along?"
Tsuna chuckled.
"C'mon, Reborn, you need some sunshine, you Demon of Darkness. Plus, I kinda brought you along as reassurance that everyone will be alright."
Reborn huffed and stuffed his hands into his pockets, muttering sarcastically.
"Huh. And I thought you wanted to bond--teacher and student."
Tsuna chuckled, unfazed.
"Sure. We can be all buddy-buddy if you'd like."
Reborn merely smirked.
"I can throw you off of a cliff if I ever find one."
Tsuna flinched and sweatdropped, stepping away from the other slightly as he continued to walk.
"You wouldn't dare...."
Reborn widened his smirk.
"Oh, I dare..."
Suddenly, Kiyotsugu impatiently called out to the two.
"Ooooiiiii! Hurry up you two!"
Reborn merely chuckled as he drifted past Tsuna.
"Watch out for ledges, Dame-Tsuna..."
Tsuna sweated as he followed the other, keeping a wise distance from Reborn.
'A baby is mischievous and a pain in the a**--literally. An adult is downright death and torture. A teen.....a teen is unpredictable and nightmares.' Tsuna shook his head slightly. 'All forms of Reborn are terrifying.'
"Indeed they are, Tsuna. Indeed they are."
"Stop doing your weird mind-reading thing, Reborn."
The group played a card game while on the train--although Reborn opted out.
When Kiyotsugu lost again in the Yokai Poker Card Game, which he made himself, he groaned and gripped his head.
"Why!? Why do I keep getting Natto Kozo?!"
Saori sighed boredly as she flicked her card back into the pile.
"You have the worst luck I've ever seen, Kiyotsugu."
Tsuna smiled amusedly before looking at his own card.
"Hm? I got Ushi-Oni." (Bull Demon.)
Kiyotsugu sent a glare at the Decimo.
"That was supposed to be my card!"
Tsuna inclined his head.
"Is it a high-ranking card?"
"Of course it is! The Ushi-Oni is supposed to be a very strong yokai. It's supposed to be--"
Tsuna sweatdropped as the other went through a very thorough explanation of why Ushi-Oni was a powerful card. Saori groaned.
"Oh my gosh--look what you did!"
Tsuna merely sent a sheepish smile at her as Kiyotsugu continued to drone on. Yura glanced outside of the window, watching the greenery pass by in a blur. Natsumi giggled brightly.
Everyone turned to look at Rikuo, who was holding the top card: Nurarihyon. The glasses-wearing brunet laughed nervously.
"I won again...."
Kiyotsugu stopped his rambling and glared at Rikuo before sulking, curling up slightly into a ball.
Tsuna looked at the card Rikuo held with amusement.
'In truth, Rikuo-kun is a Nurarihyon. I'm not even sure if it's by luck that he keeps winning.'
Rikuo noticed a small trolley of food being wheeled down the aisle and grinned slightly. The brunet glanced at the others.
"Hey, what do you guys want? I'll pay."
Saori lifted an eyebrow in surprise.
"Uh, Nura, the loser usually pays, so...."
Rikuo shook his head slightly and laughed.
"It's alright! Besides, I like doing this."
"I'm chipping in then," Tsuna piped up with a small smile. "I wouldn't like to make someone pay for everything."
Rikuo looked like he was about to protest, but Tsuna merely shook his head. The shorter brunet huffed and begrudgingly agreed. The two took requests and ordered them when the trolley came buy, paying and thanking the elderly lady that was serving them.
Tsurara was gazing at Rikuo, who was juggling a few drinks and snacks, with adoring eyes, she smiled brightly at him.
'That's Waka! Even the card game thinks that he's the rightful leader of the Nura Clan! Oh, he's so kind and cool~!'
Meanwhile, Kana was looking at Tsurara with confusion.
'I just....don't understand Oikawa-chan.....she always looks at Rikuo-kun with this starry-eyed look....? I mean--who is she!?'
Reborn, with his fedora tipped over his eyes, was napping peacefully.
"Hmmm....he's not here...."
Kiyotsugu had a hand under his chin as walked up a few of the many steps that lead up the mountain as the rest of the group followed him.
"The guide said he would meet us at the entrance. Perhaps, because we are late, he went on ahead?"
Tsuna narrowed his eyes slightly at that before looking to the side at the trees. Something tugged on his Hyper Intuition and he brought his gaze to something off of the path, causing him to blink in curiosity at what he saw.
"Ano....what's that?"
Everyone stopped and looked at Tsuna before following his gaze.
There was....a small shrine within a circle of trees.
Yura inclined her head as she stood in front of it.
"....'Umewakamaru'....who's that?"
"That there's the shrine for the demon spirit that resides in this mountain, hehe...."
Everyone jumped, except Tsuna and Reborn, as they turned to look at the source of the new voice.
A short many stood there, his unruly, black hair flopping all over his head. His glasses had a harsh glare of light reflecting off of it, so his eyes couldn't be seen at the moment. But the detail that unsettled Tsuna the most....was the unnaturally wide grin that seemed to stick on the man's face. Glancing to the side, Tsuna could also see that Reborn, Rikuo and Tsurara were a bit unnerved by the other's presence.
The short man waved at them.
"Hello, kids."
Kiyotsugu didn't seem to mind as he quickly went over, shaking their apparent guide's hand.
"Hello! I'm sorry if we were late! If it weren't for a certain someone--" Kiyotsugu sent a weak glare at Rikuo, who smiled sheepishly. "--we wouldn't have been late for your amazing, guiding experiences!"
The guide merely laughed, barely moving his mouth as he shook Kiyotsugu's hand back.
"It's no problem at all! I almost thought you guys wouldn't come."
As the two exchanged words and most of the group watched them go at it, Tsuna felt a small pebble hit the side of his head.
The brunet immediately sent a scathing glare at Reborn, but he noticed that the ravenet wasn't looking at him with his usual smirk or innocent-looking eyes. His onyx eyes were cold, sharp and calculative, but they weren't looking at Tsuna at the moment; the hitman was watching something else besides Tsuna and the rest of the group. Reborn the Teen was no longer here--Reborn the World's Greatest hitman was.
Tsuna watched as Reborn's hand--the hitman didn't even spare a glance at the brunet--moved slightly, gesturing to.....the trees?
The brunet discreetly looked up, trying to not make it obvious that he was looking at the trees. His Hyper Intuition had been bugging him to look up earlier, but the nagging in his head labeled the threat as something harmless at the moment.
Tsaun blinked in idle surprise when he saw.....two teens? Dressed in kimonos too...? This is the 21st century, right? And is one of them wearing a horse skull....?
'What the heck?'
And then Tsuna noticed the strings.
Tsuna narrowed his gaze and could see the near-invisible wires that were connected to the teen with the horse skull and yellow kimono to their guide.
'He's being....controlled....'
The Decimo flitted his gaze around to the other trees.
Nope. Just those two.
Tsuna quickly brought his gaze down to avoid any suspicious looks that might be sent his way. He couldn't help but be slightly amazed how well the puppeteer made their guide move and speak.
They're trying to lure us into the mountain, His Hyper Intuition murmured. Be on your toes, but don't make any moves against them now. You'll endanger Rikuo-kun and his friends if you do.
Tsuna saw Reborn reaching for Leon on his head out of the corner of his eye; the brunet made a slight movement with his hand, which the hitman caught immediately and stopped moving.
Reborn's hand still hovered over Leon as the he sent a small, annoyed look at Tsuna.
*Why not?*
Tsuna stifled a huff.
*I know you want to shoot something, but you can't do that now. You'll risk getting the others injured.*
Reborn seemed to study Tsuna out of the corner of his eye before sighing, moving his hand from Leon to tug his fedora down slightly instead.
*Fine. But I better shoot something by the end of this little field trip.*
Tsuna sent a grateful smile, without looking, at Reborn.
The guide seemed to finish catching up a bit with Kiyotsugu before looking at everyone else.
" you guys know about the legend of this mountain?"
Natsumi inclined her head.
Their guide--Adashibara-Sensei, Tsuna had heard in the conversation--grinned widely at her.
"Well, little lady, this legend speaks of a human who had turned into a demon," He stage-whispered, sounding ominous. "This human was named Umewakamaru. It's said that he was tricked into making a pact with another demon, selling his soul so he could have revenge for a loved one. They say that the demon still haunts and slays anyone who comes to this mountain, Mt. Nejireme. And look over there."
The man pointed past the group, causing everyone to turn and look.
Large claws, almost the size of the teens, were scattered about--some were embedded in the ground or trees while others simply laid strewn about.
Everyone grew silent, a bit freaked out from the tale and the evidence that was there--except Tsuna and Reborn.
Adashibara widened his grin.
"Well now, how about I take you up to the little inn?"
Kiyotsugu bounced back from his slight fear, smiling brightly.
"Oh, thank you so much, Adashibara-Sensei! I would love to hear more of your stories along the way!"
The unnerving man smiled.
"Of course, of course~!"
As Adashibara lead them back onto the staircase, Tsuna and Reborn would always send a few quick glances at the two teens(?) up in the trees. The Decimo walked with Reborn, close enough that their shoulders brushed from time to time; the brunet sent a glance at the hitman.
*I'm going to guess that they're yokai.*
Reborn seemed to nearly roll his eyes.
*Great deduction, Einstein.*
Tsuna huffed.
*I'm just saying.*
Reborn seemed to deadpan Tsuna briefly.
*I'm not blind, nor am I stupid, Dame-Tsuna.*
Tsuna almost flailed his arms in the air out of frustration, but he restrained himself so he wouldn't get looks of confusion.
*Whatever! But this makes me worried. My Hyper Intuition tells me that they're targeting Rikuo-kun.*
*Hm...I'm sensing an coup d'état.*
*An 'overthrow of power'? Against Rikuo-kun?*
*The kid's the heir.*
*Makes sense. Must have something to do with....*
Tsuna seemed thoughtful as Reborn inclined his head at him.
*'Must have to do with'...? Who are you talking about?*
Tsuna shook his head and sighed.
*I don't want to be pointing fingers just yet. We'll talk about this later.*
Reborn smirked mockingly.
*Yes, Your Majesty.*
Tsuna rolled his eyes and huffed.
*Shut up.*
The two then brought their gazes back to the front, where they could hear Kiyotsugu's exuberant voice above all the rest that were there.
The two teens--yokai--were still in the trees, following them.
"Well, here's the inn. I hope you kids enjoy your stay."
Kiyotsugu seemed to deflate as Adashibara waved goodbye at the exit of the inn.
"Do you really need to leave, Adashibara-Sensei? I want to hear the rest of your stories!"
Adashibara let out a chuckle.
"Another time, Kiyotsugu-kun. Have fun~"
Tsuna watched as the other left before following the others inside. He glanced over his shoulder in time to see Adashibara crumple slightly to the ground before getting whisked away by an unknown force. Tsuna blinked before reaching up to his neck, tugging on a chain to pull out a two-pieced ring that was connected to it.
'I want you to see if Adashibara-san makes out of here safely.'
There was a brief glow from the ring before and an orb of orange light darted out of the inn and down the mountain stairs.
Tsuna watched the light go--
"Wha--? Yes?"
Tsuna spun around, hiding his ring underneath his t-shirt again, to see his cousin standing there with a concerned look in his eyes. Rikuo inclined his head slightly.
"Are you alright?"
Tsuna sweated mentally.
'Goodness gracious! Did he see me!?' "U-Uh, yeah. I'm fine."
Rikuo sighed and nodded.
"Well, it's getting a bit breezy, so we should head inside before we catch a cold."
Tsuna scratched the back of his head nervously.
"Oh, I'll come in soon. Just wanted to see the sunset for a bit, ehehe...."
The Decimo watched as the shorter brunet smiled at him and nodded.
"Alright, I'll see you inside!"
Rikuo waved at Tsuna before jogging back towards the inn. Right when Rikuo left, a flicker of orange was caught by the corner of Tsuna's keen eyes. Natsu had returned. Tsuna tugged his ring out into the open again to have Natsu merge back.
'Gao, gao! Gao....gao.'
'Hmm....I see. So he made it out safely....and he seems to have no memory of what had happened....I guess that's for the best. Thank you for your hard work, Natsu.'
The glow vanished from his ring, showing that Natsu went back to sleep or simply settled to rest.
Tsuna took one more look at the setting sun outside before heading towards the inn.
"Hey, I heard that the weak heir's distant cousin is here."
A teen with a red kimono and a salmon-pink scarf, bangs brushed over his left navy-blue eye, sent a smirk at his companion.
"Hoho~? Cousin, eh? Do you want to do something to him, hm~? And that broody-looking teen with the fedora~?"
A teen with a yellow kimono, sleeves covering his hands from view, a horse skull perched on his head, grinned widely at the other. The one with the red kimono incline his head.
"Heh, it would be fun to mess with those two. There was nothing said about not traumatizing the brat's cousin and his friend. How 'bout it, Mezumaru?"
The one with the horse skull, Mezumaru, widened his grin.
"Sounds fun, Gozumaru~!"
"Let's hit the hot springs!"
Natsumi giggled as she jumped up and down in front of Saori, who widened her eyes and smiled.
"He** yeah! Let's go!"
Saori grinned wolfishly.
"Yura, you're coming too!"
The Onmyouji blanched before sighing.
"I guess a little break wouldn't hurt...."
Kana giggled as she gathered a few towels.
<<(Meanwhile....with the Boys)>>
"Yosh! Men, let's head out!"
Kiyotsugu struck a pose as he held a flashlight in his right hand. Reborn was sitting down, propped against the wall with his fedora tipped over his eyes; the ravenet pushed it up and sent a displeased frown at Tsuna, who merely shrugged and made a pleading motion to him while Kiyotsugu, Jirou and Rikuo spoke with each other.
*Just play along....*
*I'm so done with your little adventures.*
Tsuna smiled amusedly before making a pleading motion towards the other.
*Please, Reborn?*
Reborn sighed deeply before giving a curt nod to Tsuna. The brunet pumped a fist into the air before Kiyotsugu turned to look at the brunet.
"Yosh! We shan't waste anymore time!"
Jirou seemed to pout slightly in the background, and Tsuna could've sword he heard the blonde mutter:
"But I wanted to see Tsurara-san....."
Tsuna chuckled mentally.
'Heh. He has a crush on Tsurara-san? Interesting....'
Reborn got up to his feet, brushing his jeans off before walking over to stand next to Tsuna.
Kiyotsugu grinned widely.
"Let's go~!"
The wavy-haired teen marched out of their temporary shared room, but he halted after he opened the door.
"Hm!? Oikawa!?"
Jirou seemed to perk up happily, peeking over Kiyotsugu's shoulder to see the said Yuki Onna.
Tsurara huffed as she looked at Kiyotsugu.
"If Rikuo-san is going somewhere, I want to come too!"
Rikuo gently pushed past Kiyotsugu to grab Tsurara's arm, pulling her to the side to whisper-shout frantically at her.
"Tsurara! Shouldn't you be with the other girls?"
The Yuki Onna merely smiled brightly at Rikuo.
"Don't worry, Rikuo-sama. I'm your subordinate, and I'm here to protect you."
Rikuo couldn't help but soften his gaze.
" don't always need to protect me...."
The ravenette merely giggled.
"Don't be silly, Rikuo-sama. As a Nura Clan member, I'm responsible to protect the heir!"
Rikuo seemed to slowly relent to Tsurara, sighing softly before looking at the ravenette with fondness.
"Alright....but don't just throw yourself in the middle of danger."
Rikuo then turned away to look at an impatient Kiyotsugu; the glasses-wearing brunet chuckled nervously.
"Ah....Kiyotsugu-kun, can Tsurara come with us?"
The wavy-haired teem hummed, squinting at Tsurara.
"We were going to go with just the guys......" Kiyotsugu then grinned. "But I guess this is fine too! An exuberant detective for the paranormal is always welcome to come along! The more the merrier."
Kiyotsugu waved the small group over to follow him down the hall and out of the inn. Jirou went to the front with Kiyotsugu while Reborn, Tauna, Rikuo and Tsurara hung in the back.
"'s so creepy here...."
Jirou couldn't help but glance around a bit frantically. However, when he saw Tsurara watching him curiously, he straightened up and steeled his nerves, trying to look cool.
"I-I mean--creepy to other people!"
Jirou, Kiyotsugu, Rikuo and Tsurara jumped and screamed or yelped at the sound.
They spun around to see Tsuna glowering at Reborn, who was looking at the ground--specifically the broken stick under his foot. Reborn lifted his hands and shrugged.
Tsuna swatted Reborn's arm; Rikou could've sworn his cousin muttered:
"You did that on purpose."
Reborn smirked.
Kiyotsugu shook his head and sighed.
"I thought it was a yokai......anyways, onward my group!"
As the rest of the group walked up front, Tsuna frowned as he slowed down with Reborn to speak with the other.
"....Something's bothering me."
"I think you should head back...." 'And I asked him to come with us in the first place....'
Tsuna trailed off sheepishly at Reborn's deadpanned expression. Reborn took a deep breath, counted to ten, before exhaling.
"You're pulling on my leash here, Dame-Tsuna........fine. I'll head back. But you owe me later on."
Reborn suddenly raised his voice so the others could hear.
"Oi, I'm tired, so I'm heading back early."
Rikuo looked at the other with concern.
"W-Will you be alright going alone?"
Reborn raised an eyebrow while Tsuna laughed nervously.
"Rikuo-kun...he can handle himself."
Reborn gave a curt nod and waved lazily at the group.
"See ya' later."
Reborn spun on his heel and headed back to the inn.
Rikuo frowned and looked over at Tsuna.
"Will he really be alright? It's dark out here."
Tsuna chuckled at his cousin's concern; the taller brunet shook his head slightly.
"Trust me, Rikuo-kun. The things in dark should watch out for Reborn."
It was getting late. Kiyotsugu and Jirou yawned while Tsuna, Rikuo and Tsurara stayed alert.
Tsuna felt a breeze blow by, but it felt.....unnatural...
The Decimo paused, stuffing his hands into his pockets as he looked up at the trees. Rikuo noticed that his cousin stopped moving and turned a concerned frown at the other brunet. Tsurara hovered around Rikuo, also looking at Tsuna with curious eyes.
The said brunet didn't respond as he watched the leaves rustle above with another breeze that blew by. Tsuna then shook his head lightly, bringing his gaze back down as he smiled at Rikuo, starting to walk again.
"Nandemonai...." (It's nothing....)
Suddenly, the group came upon a split in the path; Kiyotsugu shown his light both ways.
"Hmm~which way shall we go? Right or left?"
Jirou looked at both ways, frowning.
"Eh~maybe we shou--"
Suddenly, the two teens straightened their backs, freezing in place. Tsuna narrowed his gaze when Kiyotsugu and Jirou spoke once more.
"Let's go left." Kiyotsugu spoke monotonously. "I think we might find something that way."
Jirou spoke with an equally bland voice.
"No, no. Let's go right."
The two boys didn't even come to an agreement before splitting up. Rikuo quickly called out in alarm.
Rikuo looked both ways frantically before turning to look at Tsurara and Tsuna.
"We need to split up and find them!"
Tsurara immediately walked over to Rikuo, her lips thinned to a grim line.
"I won't let you go alone, Waka!"
Rikuo was about to say something, but Tsuna spoke up. The taller brunet had a small smile on his lips.
"Alright. I'll go after Jirou-kun then. Tsurara-chan, you can go with Rikuo-kun."
The Yuki Onna practically glowed while Rikuo looked at Tsuna with panic.
"B-But what if you get hur--?"
Tsuna laughed brightly and waved.
"Maa, Rikuo-kun. I'll be fine. We'll meet up soon, 'kay?"
Before Rikuo could protest and fret over the other, Tsuna darted to the right, following the path Jirou took. The 3rd Nura Heir sighed deeply before nodding at Tsurara, who gave an equally serious look and a nod.
They went to the left, following Kiyotsugu.
<<(With the Girls)>>
"Ah~this is the life~"
Saori stretched her arms in the air as she sunk deeper into the hot water. Natsumi splashed around as it were a pool. Yura merely looked at them two with amusement before glancing over at Kana, who was being oddly silent. The Onmyouji inclined her head.
Kana jumped slightly and sent a nervous smile at the brunet.
"You're being very quiet. Is something wrong?"
Kana sunk a bit deeper into the water before sighing. She stood up, grabbing her towel from the tiles surrounding the pool, wrapping it tighter around herself before wading over to the entrance to the springs.
"The heat must be getting to me. I need to sit out for a bit." 'Why do I keep thinking about Oikawa-chan's interactions with Rikuo-kun? And where is she anyways? Is she out with Rikuo-kun? Alone?'
Kana scrunched her face up in confusion and frustration as she went back to the temporary room the girls were staying at.
'Maybe I should go look for them....'
Yura watched the door to the springs contemplatively. It's been a few minutes since Kana left. Saori splashed some water at the Onmyouji to get her attention.
"Oi~chillax, Yura. Kana will be okay. If she has something on her mind, let her think through it."
Yura huffed and splashed back at her. Saori grinned at the challenge and Natsumi perked up.
"You wanna go?"
"A splash battle!? I'm game!"
Yura smiled slightly as they started to play around for a bit. Suddenly, Saori stopped playing when she felt a shiver go up her spine. The ginger scowled and reached over for her towel on the side.
"Does anyone feel like they're getting watched?" She wrapped her towel around her body as she stood up, turning to look at the wooden fence, that was built three times their height, on the opposite side of the spring entrance. "Seriously, if it's the boys, I'm gonna"
Saori was looking upwards with wide eyes as she trailed off. Yura and Natsumi were also gazing upwards with shock.
Giant beasts were grinning maliciously and hungrily at the girls, towering over the fence with big, bulging eyes that were lit with excitement. Yura was quick to stand and grab her towel to wrap around herself.
'Yokai!? I was so careles--!'
Saori and Natsumi screamed in surprise when the wooden fence was knocked down violently.
"Ahaha~! Come on guys! Eat up~!"
Yura darted her gaze to see a long-haired teen with a horse skull covering the top-half of his face. The Onmyouji narrowed her gaze.
'Is he the leader?'
The 'leader' smiled and waved, his long sleeves covering his hand.
"Hello, ladies~! I'm Mezumaru! Now, won't you be good little meals for my friends, hm~?"
Saori and Natsumi were quick to faint from shock and fear, and they fell in the water, heads submerged. Yura whipped her head around to look at them with worry.
'They'll drown!'
The Onmyouji quickly grabbed one arm each and struggled to keep the two girls above the water so they could breathe despite being unconscious. However, with her arms full, she couldn't exactly attack the giant yokai that were still there. She grit her teeth as Mezumaru laughed at her dilemma.
"Maybe~you should let them drown and die~! That way, they won't be a problem anymore~!"
Yura growled lowly.
"Silence, filthy yokai!"
One of Mezumaru's eyes was seen briefly as his smiling mouth turned downwards.
"Oh? That's not a nice thing to say. Especially when you're about to die, little girl."
He waved his sleeve-covered hand, and one of the beastly yokai lifted its arm up to crush Yura and the other two girls with its palm.
Yura couldn't help but reflexively shut her eyes as she pulled Saori and Natsumi behind her, shielding them from the incoming brunt of the blow.
There was a squeal of pain--gravelly and full of anger. Yura snapped her eyes open and looked up.
There was gaping hole in the yokai's hand. Mezumaru made a surprised noise.
There was a light tapping of footsteps that reached everyone's ears. A certain ravenet sighed as he stepped out of the shadows of the area, a chameleon crawling around the teen's fedora. Reborn tipped his fedora out of his eyes with his left index finger as he kept his right hand stuffed in his pocket.
"Chaos. I see that you're all having fun."
Yura stared at Reborn incredulously.
Reborn shrugged.
"Yep. Me."
Mezumaru inclined his head at Reborn.
'What did he do? Is he a yokai? I thought he was just a human. What sort of power does he have....?' "Neh~who are you?"
Reborn brought his onyx eyes over to the skull-wearing yokai.
"Name's Reborn. And you don't really need to know anything else about me."
The ravenet then looked back at Yura.
"You alright?"
The brunette stared at Reborn for a bit before becoming aware of her current attire. She blushed furiously and sunk into the water while trying to keep Saori and Natsumi above the water at the same time.
Reborn blinked.
The ravenet then shrugged.
"Welp, that's a first."
"Have you no shame!?"
Reborn raised an eyebrow at Yura.
"Relax. I'm not looking down at anything. I'm staring directly at your face, being a kind gentleman and all that."
"J-Just s-st-stop l-looking at me!"
"It's rude to talk to someone without making eye contact."
Reborn sighed exasperatedly before clicking his tongue softly. Leon perked up and crawled off of Reborn's fedora and onto the ravenet's shoulder. The chameleon glowed, slowing transforming into.....a blindfold?
Leon tied himself securely over Reborn's eyes. The ravenet brushed a hand to Leon briefly before lifting his head to look at Yura with his blindfold; the chameleon's face was stretched over it.
"Is this better? I can't see anything."
Yura gaped.
'What is he thinking!? The yokai are still here!'
Mezumaru guffawed and clutched his stomach, nearly toppling off of the giant yokai he was standing on.
"Oh my gosh! What a stupid human! I don't get what's going on, but get ready." He grinned darkly. "These brutes are pretty hungry."
The yokai that had a hole in his hand snarled as he reached out to Reborn.
Reborn reached under his shirt. Yura was surprised to see pistol holsters strapped to him underneath his black t-shirt.
Reborn unholstered one of his guns and sidestepped the yokai's attack and tugged his shirt back down. The yokai slammed his giant, meaty fist onto the concrete. Reborn turned his head at the other with boredom expressed on the bottom-half of his face,
Reborn casually hopped onto the beast's hand when it retracted it; the hitman held onto his fedora so it wouldn't be blown off. The ravenet darted up the yokai's arm to stand on its shoulder before jumping up and flipping to land on its head. Mezumaru yelped and jumped out of the way, landing on another yokai's head.
The barrel of the gun was pressed to the head of the yokai Reborn was on. The hitman's mouth was set in a thin line, green blindfold whipping in the breeze that blew by.
"Lights out."
There was bright glow of golden light from Reborn's pistol.
The yokai's entire head was blasted off. Yura gaped slightly.
'H-He--! With one shot!'
The yokai's body swayed before it fell onto the ground with a jarring thud. Black blood oozed out. Reborn casually walked off of the yokai and stepped twoards Mezumaru and the rest of the yokai. He cocked his gun as his blind gaze lifted to look at them.
Mezumaru sweated.
'.....Who....Who is this guy!? Teen humans don't usually carry dangerous weapons, right!?'
Reborn smirked.
"If you're not coming at me....." The ravenet was suddenly right in front of Mezumaru's face, landing without a sound on the giant, subordinate yokai's head. "I'm coming to you."
Mezumaru swallowed.
<<(With Tsuna)>>
The brunet jogged through the forest, darting his gaze around cautiously.
He heard the leaves rustling above, but he chose to ignore it at the moment.
The Decimo heard a soft snore and immediately darted his gaze to the side.
The said blonde was....asleep? Tsuna quickly ran over, kneeled down next to Jirou's unmoving form and gently shook the blonde's shoulder.
"Jirou-kun? Hey...."
"He's not hurt in any way. But he'll be asleep for a while."
Tsuna tensed up at the voice, but he didn't turn around. The sound of dry leaves crunching underneath someone's feet. The brunet kept still as the apparent footsteps got closer.
"Hey.....pitiful human. Turn around and look at me."
The voice sounded young, a bit arrogant and amused. Tsuna took a deep breath before sighing softly. The brunet stood up slowly.
In an instant, Tsuna spun around and sent a fist at the stranger's face.
The brunet winced when pain shot up his wrist and arm before widening his eyes at what he punched. It looked like some sort of armored claw....
The one you saw this morning. His Hyper Intuition reminded helpfully. When Adashibara-Sensei was talking about the legend of this mountain.
Tsuna quickly grabbed Jirou with his uninjured hand and darted a safe distance away from the newcomer, who chuckled slightly.
"Wow. I didn't think you'd punch me. Good thing I got these guys out." The stranger sneered as one of the giant claws sprouting from his back flexed. "Does it hurt?"
Tsuna sighed as he set Jirou in a comfortable position before standing up. The brunet flexed his injured hand, and the newcomer was surprised to see yellow flames flicker along it. Tsuna raised his hand, swelling, dark bruise fading from his wrist, in front of his face as he smiled thinly at the other.
"Not anymore."
The stranger blinked in surprise before snorting, placing a hand to the hilt of the sword that was strapped at his hip.
"Well this is something. And I thought you were a normal human."
Tsuna inclined his head as he cracked his fingers.
"I am human. I'm just.....a peculiar one."
The other scoffed.
"Whatever then, human. I have a job to accomplish."
Tsuna raised an eyebrow and cautiously lowered his stance.
"....Can I at least get a name before you start hacking away with that sword of yours?"
The stranger scowled, navy-blue eye glowing slightly in the darkness.
The ravenet drew his blade out and darted over at Tsuna. The brunet placed a Lightning flame shield around Jirou before dodging to the side. Tsuna reached into his pocket to pull out two leather gloves; his mittens were destroyed a few months back after the release of the Arcobaleno Curse. The Decimo quickly slipped them on before Storm flames ignited his hands that curled into fists.
Gozumaru blinked in confusion before narrowing his gaze, following Tsuna.
'What a strange guy....'
Tsuna kept darting backwards to bring more distance away from Jirou before stopping. The brunet jumped to a nearby tree, pushed off of the sturdy trunk as he cocked a fist back. Tsuna slammed his flame-cover fist into Gozumaru's claw as he leaped away from the tree.
The ravenet smirked, but it was quickly wiped away when he actually felt some pain in the blow.
'What the--?'
Gozumaru brought his claw into his line of sight and widened his visible eye.
Tsuna raised his fists in front of his face, yellow flames bursting to life on his hands. The brunet's movement was now faster as he dashed around the forest clearing. Gozumaru tsked as he darted his gaze around, trying to keep up with the yellow blur.
'What the he**!?'
Gozumaru's face then decided to meet the sole of Tsuna's shoe.
The yokai's head snapped back as the Decimo's kick sent him flying and crashing into a tree. A cloud of dust was kicked up.
Tsuna skidded to a halt and waited for the other to get up, sweat starting to run down the side of his face.
'I can't keep using the other Elements of the Sky--I'll exhaust myself too quickly. I still need some of my pills to help me activate my HDW mode, but they're back at the inn--'
A claw darted out from the cloud of dust. Armored fingers wrapped around Tsuna's body tightly, causing the brunet to grunt slightly in pain.
'Sh**. I let my guard down.'
" you're really making it hard for me..."
Gozumaru came out from the cloud of dust, brushing his kimono off to get rid of some splitters. He had a strained smile on his lips as he narrowed his gaze at Tsuna.
"I need to keep you alive.....but broken bones won't kill ya', right?"
Tsuna shifted uncomfortably when the claws tightened themselves around him. The brunet looked down at Gozumaru through his bangs, a small frown on his lips.
"Is fighting really necessary, Gozumaru-san?"
The yokai scowled.
"What are you talking about?"
Tsuna softened his gaze.
".......The person you're doing this must really respect him, huh?"
Gozumaru widened his eyes.
Tsuna winced and bit the inside of his cheek to keep from crying out when he felt one of his ribs give out under the pressure of the claws. Gozumaru's eye was glowing as he snarled at Tsuna, jabbing the tip of his katana at the brunet's throat.
"Don't you dare speak so casually about Gyuuki-sama!"
Tsuna wheezed slightly as he looked at the other with a slight smile.
" remind me....of....Hayato-kun."
The brunet's vision began to blur.
A cool breeze blew through the area.
Gozumaru blinked and widened his eyes when ice coated his claw, causing him to let go of Tsuna. There was a blur of white as the brunet was caught with gentle arms.
"Tsunayoshi-san!? Tsunayoshi-san!"
Tsuna blearily opened his eyes to see worried golden eyes staring at him. The brunet smiled weakly.
The Yuki Onna--no longer in her human disguise--gently laid Tsuna down and pressed a hand cautiously onto the brunet's chest. Tsuna let out a sharp exhale and Tsurara quickly retracted her hand, a grimace set on her face.
'Broken. Waka will not be happy.'
Her aura flared out as she sent a glare at Gozumaru, who was shaking off the ice with annoyance clear on his face. Before she could move to attack, Tsuna weakly called out to her.
"What about...Rikuo-kun?"
Tsurara sent a reassuring smile to the brunet as she stood up.
"Waka is watching over Kiyotsugu-kun. In other words, he's safe."
Tsuna nodded and grunted as he trued to sit up, but Tsurara shook her head at him.
"Do not move. Your'e injured and this is a fight between yokai. You're only a human with no powers at all."
Gozumaru snorted.
"You're wrong on that, Yuki Onn--"
The ravenet cursed when a bitting breeze of ice nearly hit him as he dodged to the side. Tsurara glared at Gozumaru.
"Silence. You have gone against a family member of the Third Nurarihyon. For doing that, you are to be punished."
Gozumaru scowled at the Yuki Onna before sneering, lifting his katana up to point it in her direction.
"You're talking about that lame excuse of a yokai as the next Nura Clan leader!? Are you insane!? That brat, Nura Rikuo, is just a weak human. Even if he has some yokai blood in him, it means nothing if he doesn't let it run loose in his veins!"
Tsurara's glare was deadly at this point.
"You...You dare insult Waka!?"
Gozumaru scoffed.
"Oh~not 'Waka'. I was talking about that ugly piece of sh** you've been admiring the whole day."
Sharp shards of ice coated Tsurara's hand as she clashed it with Gozumaru's sword.
Her golden eyes blazed in the darkness as she sent a freezing breath of air at her opponent.
Gozumaru growled when ice crawled up his body once again.
"Not this cheap attack again!"
Tsurara watched with surprise when another claw came out into the open, breaking out of the ice. She darted backwards and dodged swipes from both claws, summoning spears of ice as she leapt into the air.
She brought them down on Gozumaru, who quickly curled up, putting the hard armor of the claws to use. He then uncurled the claws from himself and darted upwards to take a very close slash at Tsurara's neck, but she dodged in the nick of time. The Yuki Onna took a deep breath, shielding her mouth from sight briefly with her sleeve.
She then dropped her arm from her mouth and spewed shards of ice at Gozumaru as they both landed on the ground. The ravenet scoffed and quickly used his katana, slicing and breaking through each shard.
Gozumaru darted forward and grinned darkly before promptly stabbing her foot. Tsurara grunted and swallowed a yelp of pain. She would not show any weakness to her enemy.
Gozumaru brought his sneering face in front of the Yuki Onna's.
"Where's your 'Great Leader' now?"
Tsuna grunted as he attempted to sit up again, some how finding a way to get on his knees....and then his feet....using a tree for support.
And then--!
Gozumaru choked slightly when a well-placed kick ended up in his solar plexus. He was sent flying back for the second time that night, letting his sword stay wedged in Tsurara's foot.
This time, Gozumaru managed to regain his footing, landing on his feet as he skidded a few meters back. The sword was carefully pulled out of Tsurara's foot, and she immediately teetered forward. However, she was caught in a warm embrace.
"Tsurara! Please, stay with me."
The Yuki Onna blinked and widened her eyes with worry.
" shouldn't be he-here...!"
Tsurara was placed gently onto the ground as Rikuo hovered over her. The brunet quickly looked between Tsurara and Tsuna, gritting his teeth.
".....Both of're injured...."
His form trembled as Gozumaru snorted in the back.
"Wow. Awfully observant, kid. Now that you're here, it saves me the trouble of looking for you before I can kill you an--"
"You....You.....hurt them....."
Tsurara widened her eyes when she caught a glimpse of Rikuo's expression.
Rikuo slowly stood up, Gozumaru's sword in his hand, as he turned to look at the owner of the katana.
Before Gozumaru could make another snarky remark, a wave of thick bloodlust hit him. He quavered slightly under the force.
'Wh....What the he**!?'
Rikuo lifted his head to gaze at Gozumaru.
Glowing, crimson eyes gazed into navy-blue ones.
Brown hair glowed to silver.
His stature grew slightly.
Mist filled the area.
Gozumaru squinted his eyes before widening them when a figure stepped out of the fog.
Night-Rikuo has come out.
The casual clothes gone--switched with a yukata and a coat draped over his shoulders.
Rikuo sent a dark smirk at Gozumaru.
"...I see.....Gyuuki, huh?"
Nezumaru flinched before glaring at Rikuo.
"Don't talk about Gyuuki-sama li--!"
Rikuo waved a hand in the air.
"I know, I know......but in all honesty...." The silveret slowly approached Gozumaru as the moon shinned through the leaves, lighting up his smirking face. "....Gyuuki is my subordinate."
Gozumaru bristled.
Rikuo was suddenly standing behind Gozumaru.
The silveret smirked at the shorter.
"I will....speak with your boss. By the end of the night, he shall be at my side again."
Gozumaru tried to spin to face the other.
"Don't be so arroga--!"
Rikuo used the hilt of Gozumaru's blade and knocked the other out in an instant.
The silveret watched as Gozumaru fell to the floor, letting gaze linger on the yokai's fallen form before looking over at Tsurara and Tsuna.
Tsurara looked at Rikuo with awe.
She stumbled forward, and Rikuo was there to catch her before she fell.
"Rest, Tsurara. You've done a lot for me."
Rikuo proceeded to princess-carry her as she slowly fell asleep. Once she was unconscious, the silveret looked over at Tsuna and smirked--although his eyes seemed to glow slightly with anger.
"....You look like sh**."
Tsuna chuckled as he leaned against a tree for support.
"I'll be fine. Sun flames and all that. I can heal Tsurara-chan too, Rikuo-san."
Rikuo stared at the brunet, a slight grimace on his face as he studied the Decimo.
"You look exhausted already."
Tsuna shook his head, waving his hand dismissively, using his other hand to nurse his broken rib as he stood on his own two feet, ignoring the pain.
"Don't worry. You need to go after Gyuuki-san. Plus.....I've had worse."
Rikuo huffed, narrowing his crimson eyes at Tsuna.
"Fine....but first, I wanna make sure you're both safe. Can you make it to the inn?"
Tsuna smiled.
"I'm not fragile glass, Rikuo-san. Sure, I can make it."
Rikuo nodded and started to lead the way out of the forest.
Kana huffed as she pointed her flashlight around the stairs, her expression pinched with worry.
'...It's getting late....where are they?'
She whined in frustration when she saw nothing down the stairs.
'Did they really go into the forest!? It's so spooky and da--AH!'
She tripped slightly on a step, causing her to let go of her flashlight. She regained her balance, but she watched with horror as her flashlight bounced down the stairs.
She tried her best to not fall again as she chased her flashlight.
There was a slight break in the stairs, flashlight stopping near the edge of the next flight precariously. Kana picked up the flashlight and sighed in relief when nothing was broken. And then the light flicked off. Kana sweatdropped.
"Oh no, no, no....battery's dead....."
Kana groaned as she sunk down to sit on one of the steps, burying her face into her crossed arms.
'I wanna head back....but it's so dark...and the others are still out there....'
She sighed.
'What was I thinking? I should've just stayed at the springs.....'
Kana blinked and slowly lifted her head. When she did, she saw orbs of blue flames lighting up the sides of the stairs, two by two.
She stared, bewildered, at the flames.
Kana turned around, eyes wide.
'Why....Why is he here!?'
Rikuo walked down the steps, a serene smirk on his face.
Kana froze and stared at the taller before noticing Tsurara in his arms and Tsuna trailing in the back; the brunet smiled nervously at Kana.
"Ts-Tsuna-kun...! Oikawa-chan!"
Rikuo stepped a little closer before kneeling down in front of Kana.
"Can you please...take care of these two for me?"
Kana blinked owlishly.
"Wh-Wha--I, um....okay.....?"
Rikuo gently handed Tsurara to Kana before standing up. Without turning to look, Rikuo addressed Tsuna.
"You're staying here, boy."
Tsuna huffed at the nickname Rikuo used in order to keep an act around Kana.
"....You might be injured."
Rikuo chuckled before his expression turned solemn.
"I can take care of myself. And this....this is personal. So...please...don't involve yourself."
Tsuna gazed at Rikuo's back for a moment before sighing.
"I understand....Nurarihyon."
Rikuo seemed to smirk at the title before walking to the side of the stairs. He glanced over his shoulder to look at them.
"Stay safe."
He vanished into the darkness of the forest.
Kana looked like was about to call after the sikveret, but she decided to hold her tongue, sighing deeply. She then jerked her head up to look at Tsuna.
"Wait, where's Rikuo-kun!? Why is Oikawa-chan injured!? Why are you nursing your ribs!? And why do you seem so familiar with that guy!?"
Tsuna sweatdropped at the barrage of questions, lifting his free hand to try and placate her.
"Maa....I can't exactly tell you. Plus, it should be 'that guy''s choice to tell you what's going on."
Kana squinted at Tsuna before sighing deeply.
"I...I just don't get it...." 'WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON RIGHT NOW!?'
<<(With Reborn)>>
"Dang. How many yokai beasts do you have? I'm sensing exacting ten at the moment."
Reborn, still blindfolded, stood on a pile of yokai he had shot down.
Reborn 'glanced' over his shoulder and inclined his head.
"Oh. They woke up."
Saori and Natsumi were gapping at Reborn. They sunk into the water, sticking close to Yura.
"Yura, what the he** happened when we zonked out!?"
Yura had the same surprise, yet awed, look on her face.
Yura then shook her head and snapped to attention. She was an Onmyouji!
"Guys, you need to head for shelter--now!"
"Wh-Wha--? Alright!"
The girls fumbled for a towel and wrapped them around themselves as they sprinted away from the springs, trying not to slip and slide.
Saori went closer to Natsumi.
"H-Hey, what about those security doors!?"
Natsumi nodded nervously.
"Y-Yeah! That could work!"
When they went inside, they found the emergency button and Saori quickly slammed a fit on it. They watched nervously as 'danger, danger' began to be emitted from a speaker as metal doors slowly lowered down .
The girls yelped when a clawed hand smashed through the roof of where they stood; the scrambled to the side.
Yura huffed as she went to the side of the spring, picking up her wallet. She unzipped it and pulled out two of her Shikigami papers.
"Rokuson! Bukyoku!"
A large stag burst forth along with a samurai. The stag, Rokuson, snorted as it charged forward, slamming himself into a beastly yokai. Bokyoku, the samurai, quickly darted away to defend Saori and Natsumi from any attacks; he stood defensively in front of the two girls.
"By Yura-sama's orders, I shall protect you two!"
Meanwhile, Mezumaru was swallowing harshly.
Reborn inclined his head. He could sense everything, but he couldn't see.
"So she has something up her sleeve...Tsuna told me something about her..." The ravenet muttered yo himself before sighing loudly, speaking up. "Oi, Keikain."
Yura perked up and looked over at Reborn.
"How many can you summon?"
Yura blinked, thinking briefly.
'I can at least summon one more. Two would be the max and push me a little past my limit.' "One more."
Reborn nodded.
"I see....well then, round them up for me."
Reborn 'looked' at her with his blind gaze.
"C'mon, surprise them for me and push them together. And I'll help take care of things."
The ravenet quickly unloaded and reloaded his gun, empty bullet shells jingling on the tile floor.
Yura blinked owlishly before narrowing her gaze, nodding.
"Tanrou! Rokuson!"
A large wolf emerged at the call of his name, snarling as he charged together with Rokuson at his side.
Snarls and howls filled the air as Reborn slowly took aim, pulling his other gun out of its holster from under his shirt.
The yokai beasts were all bunching themselves together.
Reborn hummed.
"Chaos Rain."
Like the sound of heavy rain in a hurricane, bullets were shot from Reborn's pistols in a blur of movement. When one cartridge became empty, it was ejected and immediately replaced with a fresh one. Soon, Reborn was out of ammo, and the beasts were all but piles of dead corpses.
Reborn twirled his pistols, ejected his empty rounds, before blowing the smoking tips of both guns. Mezumaru was in one of the trees, shaking with shock.
"I-Im..possible....there's...there's no way--!"
Reborn sighed as he patted himself down for anymore rounds.
"Seeing is believing, right?"
Mezumaru tsked.
"I-It's not over yet! Negoro! Uwajima!
The two named yokai emerged, along with another, unnamed one.
"Show them the power of the Gyuuki Clan! Crush them!"
Reborn seemed to shrug before putting his pistols away underneath his shirt. Yura called out in alarm as the beasts charged forward at the ravenet.
The beasts were brought their large hands down on Rebor--
Yura widened her eyes with surprise as Mezumaru yelped and fell into the pool.
Black feathers fluttered through the air.
Reborn had his hands casually stuffed in his pockets.
"Hey. It's you three."
Black wings flapped as spears sliced through the last of the yokai. Sandaled feet landed in front of Reborn. Red eyes blinked and stared down at Reborn, beak clicking as it opened and closed.
"Reborn," One of the Karasu Tengu sons, Kuromaru, greeted. "Are you injured?"
Reborn brushed a hand up to Leon.
"This? Nah. I'm just being respectful to the young ladies over there."
The ravenet jabbed a thumb at Yura and the other two girls. Sasami, the only daughter of Karasu Tengu, narrowed her gaze and bristled. She squawked softly in anger.
"Attacking young ladies like this!? How disgusting!"
Mezumaru popped out of the water, spluttering.
"What the he**!? You b*****ds!"
The skull-wearing yokai yelped when a spear was pressed closely to his neck. Kuromaru made low growling noise in his throat.
"Boy, do you even know who you're speaking to? I'm quite positive you've heard of the Karasu Tengu Clan."
Mezumaru widened his eyes beneath his horse-skull.
"Karasu T-Te-Tengu Clan!? No way!"
The second son, Tosakamaru, cawed softly, gaining the attention of his siblings.
"The Young Master is not here."
Kuromaru narrowed his gaze, making the best frown he could with a crow's face.
"This is bad. The Young Master might be where Gyuuki is at this moment."
Reborn inclined his head.
".....You guys should get going then. I'm a bit concerned about Tsuna."
Sasami was still glaring at Mezumaru as she called out to her brothers.
"You two go on ahead. I shall....interrogate this one for....answers."
Kuromaru and Tosakamaru nodded.
The two Karasu Tengu flapped their wings and instantly went up into the air, disappearing from sight.
Reborn brought his blind gaze to Yura and the other two girls who were still there.
"Hey. Why don't you girls get changed or something? It's starting to get irritating that I can't see anything."
Yura nodded before remembering that Reborn was blind at the moment.
The girls left the scene. Reborn turned to look at Sasami as Leon transformed back into a reptile. The ravenet's onyx eyes stared blandly at the female Tengu.
"Never again. Never am I going on any sort of 'field trip' with these people."
Sasami forgot about Mezumaru for a moment and chuckled softly.
"I'm sure you'll get used to the activities of the Young Master's companions."
The Karasu Tengu was one of the yokai that somewhat understood Reborn's personality and actions--someone who would protect their loved ones while keeping a great enough distance to let them grow and not be hindered by anything.
Sasami then smirked.
"Now then...." She turned her gaze to Mezumaru, approaching him slowly as she brought out a whip. "I have some business to attend to."
Reborn waved lazily as Leon stuck his tongue out, crawling up to sit on the ravenet's fedora.
"Have fun."
<<(Mt. Nejireme Shrine)>>
Gyuuki sat kneeling in a room, flipping a page of a book on a stand.
He lifted his crimson eye from the words on the page with a frown on his lips.
'....They're late...those two....'
He shut his eye and sighed softly.
Gyuuki watched as the yokai he called out to turned around. Mokugyo Daruma, the Nura Clan board member, his mouth nonexistent--though he could still talk--raised his eyes in surprise when he caught sight of Gyuuki.
Gyuuki narrowed his crimson eyes as he gazed at Daruma with blank expression--a great contrast to the feeling of excitement welling up within him.
"Is it true that the Young Master defeated Gagoze?"
Gagoze was once a member of the Nura Clan, but he turned traitor and attempted to kill Rikuo and his classmates when they were only small children. Rikuo awakened his yokai blood for the first time.....and slayed Gagoze.
Daruma blinked his beady eyes, grunting softly as Gyuuki continued to speak.
"He has extraordinary skill, does he not? I had been waiting so long for his emergence--"
Daruma sighed softly when Gyuuki grew silent immediately.
".....Please, Gyuuki-kun, don't get your hopes up."
Gyuuki widened his eyes at Daruma's next words.
"Rikuo-sama.....Rikuo-sama is usually not a yokai...which can be a serious weakness to this Clan."
Gyuuki took in a sharp breath of air.
::(Flashback End)::
Gyuuki sighed and shook his hea--
"What are you thinking about, Gyuuki?"
The long-haired man blinked in surprise. He glanced over his shoulder....
Rikuo had his arms crossed casually as he gazed at Gyuuki with glowing, crimson eyes, leaning against one of the wooden pillars supporting the roof above.
Gyuuki regained his composure and sighed, shutting his eye.
"......So you did come after all......"
He opened his eye as he looked at Rikuo again.
"....It seems you've inherited the blood after all."
Gyuuki glanced briefly at the sword pressed to his neck before looking back at the 3rd Nurarihyon. Rikuo's smirk was gone as he gazed sharply at Gyuuki.
"Explain yourself, Gyuuki. Why did you attempt to take my life?"
Rikuo was only met with silence before Gyuuki smiled bitterly.
" defeated Gozumaru?"
"I am the one asking que--"
"Was it your 'aide'? You 'school friends'? Or your cousin? Did they trigger you to change into that form?"
The silveret narrowed his gaze and brought the edge of his blade closer to the older's throat.
"If I feel like it, I can take your head off, Gyuuki--"
Rikuo widened his eyes when he felt the cold bite of a blade pressed against his own neck.
Gyuuki had his katana drawn and pressed against Rikuo's, red eyes glowing in the darkness as they stared into the silvert's similar ones.
"....You are not the only one who can make heads roll, Rikuo...."
The silveret smirked slightly before grunting when the blade pressed deeper. Gyuuki narrowed his gaze at Rikuo.
"You will answer my questions, Rikuo."
Rikuo merely inclined his head slightly. Gyuuki's eyes searched the silveret's face before setting on the younger's eyes.
"....When morning will lose your form...and return to normal, yes, Rikuo?"
Rikuo looked up at the ceiling for a moment before sending a small smirk at Gyuuki.
"Yeah.....I might."
Gyuuki narrowed his eyes.
"Will you....forget everything? Forget being a yokai?"
Lightning flashed outside, illuminating the room slightly. Rikuo chose to be silent. Gyuuki growled slightly, gritting his teeth.
"I'll ask you again. Does the 'you', standing before me, have any memory of the day 'you'?"
Rikuo studied Gyuuki's expression before shutting his eyes. Gyuuki continued.
"If your 'day-self' has no knowledge of this form....then are you two separate people?"
The 3rd Nurarihyon chose not to respond once more. Gyuuki dug the blade into Rikuo's neck threateningly.
Suddenly, Rikuo chuckled.
"...You really know so much already. You must be really interested."
Gyuuki widened his eyes before digging the sword in deeper, causing Rikuo to jolt slightly in surprise.
Mist suddenly filled the room they were in. Gyuuki stepped back, lowering his sword as Rikuo darted his gaze around.
The silveret widened his eyes when he saw the faces of...old enemies. Everyone he had slayed with his sword.
The child-eater flashed his sharp teeth before slashing at Rikuo with a clawed hand.
"Tell me, Rikuo! How it felt when you killed me all those years ago!"
Rikuo slashed through the illusion, bringing his gaze to a snake-yokai--Hebidayu.
"Do you have what it takesss," He hissed. "To lead the Nura Clan? I want to know."
The 3rd Heir slashed through Hebidayu too.
A rat-yokai, in his humanoid form, sneered at Rikuo, brushing his blonde bangs out of his eyes.
"Did you know," Kyuuso smirked. "That ever since the Second Nurarihyon had died, the Nura Clan has gotten weaker?"
Rats suddenly appeared and skittered towards Rikuo as the rat-yokai continued to speak.
"There is no longer order in this world! What shall you do!?"
Rikuo clicked his tongue and slashed through every rat. Suddenly, the illusions of his old enemies attacked him all at once. As a cloud of smoke obscured the group, Gyuuki watched from the outside, narrowing his gaze.
"Rikuo! Without the Hyakki Yakou to protect you, is this all you can do!? The Supreme Commander was wrong! Has the blood you have inherited....gone rotten!?" (Night Parade of One Hundred Demons)
Rikuo scoffed as he crouched down slightly.
"Oi, oi, Gyuuki. Are you testing me? Don't underestimate me."
Gyuuki was surprised when Rikuo broke through the circle of enemies. The illusions were burned away by hungry, blue flames.
'That is Ougi Meikyo Shisui: Sakura.......a technique used by the Supreme Commander....'
The silveret smirked as he shouldered his katana, directing his gaze to the older.
"I will answer you question, Gyuuki."
Rikuo slowly stepped across the sea of blue flames.
"My....'will' won't be changed. Not since my blood awakened me." He widened his smirk. "I will become the Third Nurarihyon.....and I shall stand above you all!"
Rikuo dashed towards Gyuuki. The taller grunted and growled lowly as he deflected a swing.
"This isn't over yet! Is that all you've got!?"
Rikuo briefly raised an eyebrow before narrowing his gaze, focusing on the sword match.
"Gyuuki....after you kill me......what do you intend to do?"
Gyuuki blocked a blow before replying, sparks flying into the air as they clashed again, lightning flashing outside.
"After I have killed you..." His voice grew soft. "I too shall die."
Rikuo blinked in surprise.
Blood flew into the air.....Rikuo stumbled forward, placing a hand to the large gash on his chest. He gritted his teeth as he glanced over his shoulder to look at Gyuuki, who stood tall, gazing at the silveret sharply.
"....Surpass me, Rikuo."
Blood gushed out of Gyuuki's own wound as he fell back, breaking a small table as he stared up at the ceiling.
"...And that will be enough."
Rikuo stepped a few feet closer to Gyuuki, watching the taller.
"....Gyuuki....why would you want to kill me....and then kill yourself? It seems rather foolish."
Gyuuki was silent for a moment, staring up at the ceiling.
"How is Umewakamaru so perfect!?"
A stone was thrown at him by one of his 'fellow' students. He left the shrine he was studying at.
He decided to look for his mother.
"Oh, your mother?" A lady who had been gossiping with another said. "I heard she was ill in the mountains over yonder."
She lied.
The yokai that killed his mother laughed loudly.
Umewakamaru decided.
He shall no longer be a human.
For his mother.
He became a demon, slayed the yokai...
...and emerged as a yokai known as Gyuuki.
"Hehe! So you're Gyuuki, huh? You're pretty strong like the rumors said!"
A golden-haired, with black underneath, man grinned at Gyuuki, crooking a finger at the other, bright golden eyes flashing as he shouldered his katana.
"Join my Clan, Gyuuki."
A few days later, Gyuuki exchanged cups with the Supreme Commander.
The 'Ushi-Oni' became a part of the Nura Clan ever since that day.
::(Flashback End)::
".....Listen...Rikuo. Mt. Nejireme marks the western boundary of the Nura Clan's territories."
Rikuo blinked as he let the other continue.
"Beyond this point is unclaimed territory. No yokai Clans have laid claim to the land."
"Young Master!"
Rikuo darted his gaze to the side, seeing that one of the shrine windows was shoved open.
The two Karasu Tengu widened their eyes at the sight of Rikuo bleeding. The brothers quickly flew in and turned a scathing glare at Gyuuki's fallen form, raising their spears for a fight.
"Gyuuki, you b*****d--!"
Rikuo waved a hand at the two of them, signaling them to stand down. The brothers looked at Rikuo with confusion.
"But--Young Master--!"
Rikuo shook his head before turning his gaze to Gyuuki, stepping closer.
"Continue, Gyuuki."
Gyuuki sighed softly as he slowly sat up.
"This Clan--it doesn't matter if I stand on the inside or the outside--I can tell that the Nura Clan is slowly falling apart. It is no longer the great Clan it was known to be. I became.....fearful of what would happen. So I decided to do something. Despite everything that I've done tonight.....the Nura Clan is something that I cherish deeply."
Gyuuki wobbled to his feet and gazed at Rikuo tiredly.
"But now....I see...."
Kuromaru and Tosakamaru flapped their wings in alarm when Gyuuki raised his sword, prepared to stab downwards.
"Young Master!"
Gyuuki shifted his grip and brought the tip of his katana to his gut, stabbing hims--
Gyuuki held the hilt of his blade tightly. He gazed down at the remains of his sword. A good third of his blade was stuck in one of the wooden pillars beside them.
He never got to stab himself.
The brothers looked at Rikuo with shock.
"Young Master....?"
Gyuuki let the remains of his katana go, his expression anguished as the hilt clattered loudly in the silence of the room.
"Why.......Why did you stop me? Rikuo?"
Rikuo quirked a small smile as Gyuuki continued
"I am....obligate to take responsibility for the attempted uprising--"
Rikuo shook his head, scoffing softly.
"You tried to kill me...because you were afraid that I was weak--a coward to take on the role. Too weak to lead the Nura Clan. But although I have apparently proven still wish to die."
Gyuuki didn't answer and simply lowered his gaze to the floor. Rikuo spoke up once more.
"I am going to pardon everything that has happened."
Gyuuki jerked his head up in surprise while the Karasu Tengu brother squawked with alarm.
Rikuo raised his hand once more, relaxing his grip on his own katana.
"Gyuuki." The silveret softened his gaze slightly. "Do not die for something as foolish as this."
Kuromaru drew in a sharp breath.
"Rikuo-sama, not to be rude, but this is--"
"--A small problem that I'm willing to push aside and forgive."
Rikuo then spun around, sheathing his sword, pressing a hand to his wound gently as he slowly walked away.
"About my answer....wait for my 'day-self' to give it to you. If you don't like what you hear, then feel free to kill me. After that....finish yourself as you please."
Gyuuki watched the other walk away before succumbing to darkness.
A lone, crimson eye slid open. Gyuuki blinked as he stared up at....a very familiar ceiling....
He saw movement out of the corner of his eye.
"Oh, you're awake?"
Gyuuki blinked as he turned to look.
The silver hair, crimson eyes, smirk and tall stature was gone. Day-Rikuo, without his glasses and dressed in a yukata, kneeled before Gyuuki, who was lying down on a shiki futon with a blanket covering him from the neck down, smiling warmly at the taller. The long-haired man slowly sat up.
The brunet smiled brightly in return and brought a bag of ice out.
"Looks like your injuries have healed up. Thank goodness! Your subordinates sure are fast, Gyuuki."
Gyuuki blinked in idle surprise and narrowed his gaze with uncertainty.
"Ri...kuo...?" 'He remembers....?'
"This should be just enough ice."
Rikuo placed the bag onto Gyuuki's head. Gyuuki could see bandages peaking out from the brunet's yukata.
" really do change during the day..."
Rikuo looked to the side, crossing his legs instead.
"Yeah....I'm human now."
Gyuuki studied the other before voicing the burning question in his head.
"Do you...remember what happened?"
Rikuo sighed softly, grimacing.
"I remember....everything." Gyuuki widened his eyes. "I remember the first night I awakened my blood. I remember Zen and Hebidayu. I remember what happened last night.....I remember everything."
Rikuo took a deep breath before exhaling.
"I.....I killed them all..."
Rikuo smiled bitterly as he shut his eyes.
"I...I also knew....that somehow, when I was a blood would heat up and I would....I would forget myself."
Gyuuki widened his eyes further.
"It's about time I made up my mind." The brunet opened his eyes. "I can't keep my eyes closed forever."
Rikuo looked at Gyuuki.
"I'm scared--honestly scared........but...I have friends and family to protect. And I know...there will be times that'll have to depend on this blood."
Rikuo grinned slightly.
"That's why...I'm glad that you've been thinking of the Clan so much, and that you're a part of the Hyakku Yakou."
Gyuuki stared at Rikuo with shock.
"Join my Clan, Gyuuki."
The elder shut his eyes.
'Again....he fought me with all of his strength, surpassed me.....and acknowledged me.'
Gyuuki didn't smile, but his gaze softened considerably as he opened his eyes to look at the brunet.
'Thank you, Rikuo.'
Tap, tap, tap...
The two perked up. The paper door slid a bit more open. Rikuo was quick to get to his feet.
"Tsuna-kun! You should be resting!"
The said brunet laughed as he balanced a tray of cups of tea in his arms.
"Maa, Rikuo-kun. I'm in top shape right now. Reborn helped me heal."
Rikuo blinked in remembrance.
"Ah....I see..."
The Decimo was sitting in the guest room, untying the bandages around his chest. Reborn helped fix his broken ribs with his stronger Sun flames.
Tsuna glanced over his shoulder to look at Rikuo with slight surprise before smiling.
"Ah, heya, Riku--"
"You're in the Mafia," Rikuo blurted. "Right?"
Tsuna froze as Rikuo continued.
"I...I remember those nights. All of those nights."
The Decimo became deathly still. He heard his Guardians bickering--one-sided bickering--in the yard. Reborn was probably conversing with the Karasu Tengu.
Tsuna swallowed and smiled nervously.
" that so....?" 'Is he scared? Oh dear...what if he is...? Of course he i--!'
Tsuna yelped when a fist met his forehead. Rikuo fummed as Tsuna fell backwards.
"Stupid! You could've told me about it! And if you thought I was scared, think about it--my grandpa and my dad are technically similar to yakuza bosses! We're no different from your Mafia stuff!"
Rikuo sighed as he sat down next to Tsuna's fallen form.
"...Wer'e both....weak bosses that love our families, yeah?"
Tsuna stared up at Rikuo before chuckling, tears pricking the corners of his eyes.
"Hehe....I guess we are..."
"No more secrets!"
"Well....I can't make promises I can't keep."
"I'll try~"
::(Flashback End)::
Rikuo sighed as he accepted a cup of green tea.
"Arigatou, Tsuna-kun."
Gyuuki also murmured a thanks as he took his tea.
Tsuna waved goodbye as he took the tray.
"I only wanted to check up on you guys. Have fun talking!"
Gyuuki watched the other leave.
'That gravity-defying hair....and those sharp eyes.......where have I seen these traits before?'
The elder frowned as he tried to remember.
What came to mind was blonde, gravity-defying hair and calm, sunset-orange eyes.
Gyuuki shook his head and sighed softly.
'There's no way....' "Rikuo-kun, you may leave. I need to....lay down for a bit too."
Rikuo blinked before smiling, nodding his head.
"Okay. Sleep well, Gyuuki."
It was the best sleep Gyuuki had in years.
Aotabo was supposed to be on body-guarding duty with Tsurara to Mt. Nejireme, but his human form stood out way too much.
Ao moped the entire time Rikuo was on his trip with his friends.
Even after the trip, Ao couldn't really spend time with Rikuo. Aotoba took the job of driving Rikuo's friends home.
Aotoba sobbed as he drove down a street on his motorcycle with Kiyotsugu attached to his back.
(O.D.D.- I'm doing my best guys.....please be patient.... _('ཀ'」 ∠))
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