I Can't Cake My Eyes Off You!
I'm publishing the first five chapters of my original story (Dawn of the Rose) on wattpad for free so that way I can hopefully transition it to being a paid story on wattpad for more accessibility. Any support tossed that way would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
"People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day."
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. I wish I did. But I don't.
Warning: To hell with logic and tragedy!
I give up. Someone PM me on tumblr and beta this story for me. ;-; Please. Halp.
( 。◕‿ ◕。)
By the poolside, I sat criss-cross on a comfortable lounging chair. On the chair next to me was a relaxed Kakashi, sipping some fruity drink while in a black swimming top (to obviously keep his face covered) and puppy-print trunks.
"Ahh! Stop—blrrgh—Neji!" Naruto cried out as Neji tried to drown him after Hinata came out of the locker room.
Darling Hinata looked absolutely amazing in her one piece and skirt, and unfortunately Naruto couldn't help but make a comment.
Neji, who was in the pool with Naruto, did not appreciate said comment.
"Sai, as Naruto's Butt Advocate, you must make sure he stays alive so more people can appreciate his butt," I reminded the pale boy. Sai, who was perfectly content sitting at the pool side with his legs in the water while he chatted with Ino, gave me a dead serious nod before going off to rescue Naruto.
"Why don't I have a Butt Advocate?" Ino pondered.
"I'll be your Butt Advocate when you turn eighteen," I immediately offered, not looking up from what I was sketching.
Ino perked up at that.
Tenten, lounging a ways from us, sighed audibly from that and gave me a tired look. "What are you even doing, Sakura?"
"Currently? Designing the cake I'm going to pop out of when I'm eighteen for Kisame," I answered absently.
Kakashi cleared his throat. "Why are you jumping out of the cake?"
"Because I want to," I said with a grin. "I can jump out for you, sensei."
"Nope. Hard pass on that," Kakashi cheerfully replied. "Have you been doing that this entire time?"
"No, I was working on the menu at Cafe Neko Fetish."
"I'm still deciding on the name," I confessed. "It'll come to me, I'm sure."
"Please don't name it Neko Fetish," Shikamaru deadpanned from across the pool.
"Well I can't just call it Hot Men and Women in Cat Uniforms!" I retorted, then thought. "HMAWICA?"
"How do you even pronounce that?" Sasori asked, aghast.
"Why did they have to give you money for that idea?" Kakuzu questioned.
I ignored my snarky companions, returning back to work on my ever important design for Kisame.
After all, Pein would be attacking Konoha this week. Even without Jiraya's intervention he always attacked Konoha on the same damn day every life unless I had been actively preventing it from day one. It actually made me question if there was a higher force at play. Maybe Kishimoto was a true god and could use Plot-no-Jutsu to keep certain events from ever changing.
Not that Nagato would get to do much mayhem this time around. I've had years to plan this with Tsunade and her trusted advisors.
Never mess with a dedicated fan girl who has time and knowledge on her side.
After this pool party Jiraiya would swoop in and take Naruto off to train until it was time for his Big Hero Entrance.
We had taken countless precautious to warn us the moment Nagato enters the Land of Fire, and the second we know we'll issue the evacuation and replacement.
All civilians will be ushered out through secret underground tunnels far away enough from the danger. As each one enters the tunnel, a clone will replace them.
Not just any clone!
A special clone invented by spy master Jiraiya to essentially perfectly mimic a civilian, and die like a civilian.
Man fūinjutsu was friggin OP. It was the deus ex machina for the Narutoverse.
Got a problem? fūinjutsu can absolutely solve it somehow.
The clones would only last for a few hours, but it should be enough to trick Nagato and Konan so they wouldn't peace the fuck out when they realize it's a trap.
Obviously, though, this still came with risks.
There was a good chance that we would still lose shinobi and kunoichi to their attack.
It was a shame—really, it was—but it was hard to care.
As callous, and cruel, as it might make me sound... I just didn't care about faceless lives anymore.
If I could help them, keep them alive, I would.
But I didn't see an option where I could do that and save Nagato and Konan. Both of which were needed for the least deaths possible in the War Arc.
Sacrifice them here, in exchange for the dozen or so lives saved in Konoha, and lose hundreds during the War Arc.
Or sacrifice a dozen Konoha shinobi and kunoichi here to save hundreds in the War Arc.
It'd be super duper swell if Naruto's Hero Powers could extend to no one dying, but that was impossible in this world.
But those were dreary thoughts and this was a fabulous day, so to heck with that!
"Kakashi, what kind of cake would you like me to jump out of for you?" I asked him, starting to shade in Kisame's cake.
He rubbed his face. "I could have sworn I told you, not even a minute ago, I did not want you to jump out of a cake for me."
"Rhubarb and strawberry?" I suggested.
"Chocolate banana?"
"Oh, I see... Okay, I'll just do marble cake for you," I said, deciding with a firm nod.
"Why do I bother?" he questioned himself.
"I have no clue," I hummed. "I have decided on strawberry cake for Kisame-sama, though. I know he looks badass, but he has a supremely cute sense of taste."
Kakashi sipped his fruity drink through the bendy straw. "Fascinating."
"Completely. You know, Kisame-sama would be happy to see me jump out of a cake for him when I'm eighteen," I told Kakashi.
Kakashi took another sip of his fruity drink, turned his head and looked me dead in the eye as he deadpanned, "Fascinating."
I wagged my finger at him. "You're a stinker sometimes. But I love you."
"I know you love me," he returned. "I appreciate it."
I gasped, my eyes wide as I turned back to face him. "Really?!"
"Really what?" Kakashi asked, his face pale as he started to inch away.
"You appreciate me!"
"I didn't say that."
"You did, though!"
"Nope. Bye," he said before immediately substituting himself with a log and fleeing.
With a soft smile, I placed a hand over my heart.
'Silly fella. I'll always love ya.'
'Always and always.'
( 。◕‿ ◕。)
On the day that Nagato was set to invade, Itachi and I headed out of the village. There really was no need for either of us to partake in the invasion. Itachi because he was still recovering, and I because I was way too valuable to even risk accidental death.
Sasuke was supposed to come with us, but he actually went off to train with the toads with Naruto in a surprising show of friendship.
Well, maybe not friendship so much as I let it slip that Naruto was going to get one hell of an upgrade by training out there, and Sasuke absolutely had to get the same upgrade. Goggle Gods forbid his butt buddy can't be stronger than him.
In lieu of Sasuke not coming Kakashi was intended to take his place, but ever since his accidental "confessed" the poor boy has been avoiding me. What a cutie!
That wasn't to say that Kakashi wasn't going to come with us—he didn't mention not tagging along—but I thought I'd be nice and considerate and just lie to Itachi about what time to meet up and sneak out.
A lot more fun that way in case something exciting happens to us.
Like a certain Obito kidnapping me!
Itachi walked steadily behind me through the forest as we marched toward Kirigakure. I wasn't actually going to go to Kirigakure, but I had an itch in my head that told me that I would run into Haku if I headed off in that direction long enough.
"Itachi?" I asked him, hoisting up my backpack further on my shoulders. "What kind of cat ears would—"
"Oh, God, no," Kakuzu moaned, his voice laced with despair as he buried his face in his hands.
"I had hoped he was dead," Sasori whispered, a thousand-yard stare entering his eyes.
"I wish I had some ibuprofen, yeah," Deidara sighed, rubbing his forehead for the oncoming headache that was Hidan.
To my delighted surprise I found Hidan barreling to us through the woods with a smirking Anko behind him. Hidan, no longer in Akatsuki robes, was now dressed in tight black pants and ripped up shirt.
Oddly enough they actually looked like Anko's old clothes—
"BASTARD!" I joyously cried out, sprinting head on toward the sexy silver haired Jashinist.
Hidan accepted my hug as fellow disciple. "The cookies were great, and Anko's a halfway decent disciple."
"Halfway decent?" Anko snapped, offended. "I'm amazing, thank you."
"Yes. No one does S&M like Anko," I loyally praised her. "Then the conversion in T&I is going well?"
"No complaints," Anko said cheerfully. "Or, well, there were no complaints until this guy busted out and tried to find you. I, coincidentally, will only find and recapture him after he's already reached you."
"I think it'll take him a few more hours to reach me," I told her, smiling sweetly at both of them. "I'm so happy for both of you. But what are you doing here, Hidan?"
"Jashin-sama told me to tell you that he won't really tell the Rainbow Stick Story today," Hidan proudly relayed this vital message to me.
"Aw," I said, shoulders dropping. "Well, jeeze, thanks for telling me. I totally would have sold myself out today otherwise."
"I know," Hidan said, offering me a consoling pat on the shoulder.
"How does Jashin relate to your insane gods?" Sasori questioned.
I couldn't resist tossing Sasori a smug smile.
It'd be nice to say you'll see to him, but Sasori likely wouldn't get to fit all the pieces together. The mystery behind Jashin was something that took lifetimes to uncover, after all.
And it wasn't going to be spoiled in this life.
With a clap of my hands, I said, "Would you and Anko care to join Itachi and myself for a stroll in the woods as we wait out a ginger's temper tantrum?"
"That depends on what you have in the bag," Hidan said, gesturing toward my backpack was stuffed to the brim with baked goods.
"Sweet stuff... the good sweet stuff," I said, wiggling my eyebrows up and down.
"Suddenly a walk through the woods sounds like the perfect way to kill time," Anko observed, stepping forward and hooking an arm through mine.
( 。◕‿ ◕。)
It took about five hours of walking, shit-talking, and general merriment before we were greeted by a pleasant surprise.
Obito popped up a tree branch above us, looking decidedly not happy that I wasn't alone.
"I love you?" I immediately offered up to him.
"And here Tobi was about to save you from the big bad Pein," Obito muttered.
I patted my backpack. "How about you join us for the good stuff, then? We can set a picnic up just up ahead."
"You said I could kidnap you any time," Obito pouted.
"For the Rainbow Stick Story," I agreed, grinning widely. "Are you going to tell it?"
"... Yes."
"Liar, Jashin-sama told Hidan to tell me that you would not tell the story today," I retorted. "How about tomorrow?"
"No, you spoiler."
"Then I will not be a willing hostage that will strip on command," I politely informed him.
"I didn't ask you to stri—no, never mind," Obito sighed.
"Look, if you're not here for food, and you're not here to strip for us, then get lost fucker," Hidan said, making shooing motions at Obito.
"Wha—I'm not—" Obito spluttered.
"Why won't you strip for us?" I questioned, putting on a sad puppy dog look. "I would throw all my money at you."
Obito didn't have a response for that, so he left. Not without wagging the Rainbow Stick at me in a taunting goodbye again.
The jerk.
"Perhaps it would be best if we still stopped for the picnic?" Itachi asked, not so subtly eyeing the backpack.
"Yeah, we definitely wouldn't want those treats to go to waste," Anko nodded firmly, also eyeing the backpack.
"Your wishes are my commands," I said with a bow.
( 。◕‿ ◕。)
In a beautiful clearing on a beautiful day we set up a lovely picnic. Itachi had carried the basket with the picnic mat and supplies, while I had carried the bag filled with delightful food I had made the prior day.
We laid out the blanket and set up the food. Just as I was about to cut open the five tiered red-velvet cake a few guests burst into the clearing to join us.
I had sensed them a while ago, and prepared extra plates for them.
Giving them a cheerful wave with my serving knife I greeted, "Hi!"
Haku, Zabuza, and a lady I didn't recognize but who looked hecka adorable, headed in our direction. Haku had a big smile on his face. The instant he reached us he gave me a light peck on the cheek—the lady squawked, horrified by this—before he took a seat beside me. "Sakura-sensei, it's so lovely to see you again in person."
"Pictures don't do you justice, Haku," I said, grinning widely from the kiss. "You look amazing."
And he did. With an androgynous look the boy was prettier than I was. He had the long lashes, the dark eyes, cute mouth—he had it all. Although in an effort to appear a touch more masculine he decided not to dress in a yukata or kimono today. What a shame! Instead he wore the standard Kirigakure Jōnin attire—as did Zabuza—and tied his hair off to the side like those anime moms that got killed off in the main character's childhood.
'Haku better not become a mom with that hairdo. He's in serious danger.'
"We smelled the cake," Zabuza said, showing off his sharp teeth with that beautiful smile of his. He took a seat beside Anko, the two likely recognizng each other through my letters.
"You don't mind us joining you, do you?" Haku inquired.
"Baby, you can live with me if you want," I shamelessly offfered.
"Ah-hem," coughed the cute lady who was now starting to glare at me.
Haku sighed. "Sakura-sensei, this is... sigh... Kiki. Kiki this is the wonderful Sakura-sensei who saved my life."
Kiki was a petite girl who had that haughty heiress vibe going on with her—you know the kind that go oh-ho-ho-ho-ho in that high pitched tone that's a lot of fun to do. She had the archetype ringlet blonde hair, and gray eyes to go along with her fashinoable kimono.
"I am Kiki," Kiki proudly declared. "Leader of Haku's fan club."
"Oh, wow. I'm the leader of Kisame-sama and Madara-sama's fan clubs," I excitedly stated, happy to finally meet another fan club president in this world. "What nights do you meet?"
Kiki's eyes sparkled with joy at this admission. "Oh, my! I didn't expect you to also be a fan club leader. We meet on the first of the month, every month."
"That sounds like so much fun. How big has the club grown?"
"We've proudly reached over a hundred members last year!"
"Holy tamoli, that's amazing," I gushed. "Both of mine are still pretty small, and I think Naruto and Hinata are only apart of it as a gesture of support rather than true believers."
"Aww," Kiki said, reaching over to comfortingly pat the back of my hand. "I'm sure people will appreciate your club soon enough."
I sniffled. "I hope so."
Hidan groaned. "Can we stop with the fangirling? I'm fucking hungry."
"Yes, yes," I said. "Who's ready for some cake?"
( 。◕‿ ◕。)
Jūgo spotted Kimimaro the instant he finished being escorted through the evacuation tunnel. His heart swelled and he could feel tears prick at his eyes. He had only been cleared for light security yesterday, so he took the opportunity to completely ignore his escort and beeline toward Kimimaro.
Jūgo called out, "Kimimaro! Kimimaro!"
Kimimaro blinked slowly, halting his conversation with a very pregnant Kurenai. The white haired teenager turned around to face a positively elated Jūgo. "Yes?"
"It's—me! Jūgo," Jūgo excitedly exclaimed, grinning widely.
"Oh," Kimimaro responded before he pulled a sweater out of his messenger back. "Sakura asked me to give this to you. She's told me a lot about you. I know we were friends once, and I hope to be friends again."
Jūgo had heard about Kimimaro's memories being sealed, but he had hoped that their memories together would still remain. Jūgo couldn't resist his shoulders slouching as he hung his head.
Kimimaro reached out a hesitant hand to place it on Jūgo's arm. "I don't quite remember you, but I know I like you a lot. Would you please be my companion again?"
Jūgo smiled at that, a touch sad and touch hopeful. "I'd like that."
( 。◕‿ ◕。)
Kaidastorm created cute fanart of Lilly in the next book on deviantART.
The Pein Arc is boring from anyone's perspective that's not Naruto's, or not about to die. I tried adding Lilly in there, but she'd just be in the way combat wise and Nagato doesn't have a reason to listen to her. She can't force corpses to eat cake!
The Rainbow Stick Story has already been written out and will be revealed soon.
Thanks for all the votes on the poll, by the way! To clarify how to use the poll to vote you need to go to my fanfiction dot net profile page (Darkpetal16) and scroll all the way to the top. Right underneath "hide bio" and above my profile picture it shows the poll. It's also only available in desktop mode, so those voting on the phone have to switch to that mode.
Answer: Console commands. ;-;
Question: Favorite youtube channel? If you don't use youtube, then a favorite show or movie?
Reviews are love!
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