More Giyuu content! And it's definitely NOT because the author completely forgot about his existence up to this point and is trying to make up for it! Of course not!
Also, I was kind of craving sweets while writing, so I'm sorry about the multiple use of candies as plot points lol
“Ah- Giyuu! Good morning! How unexpected to see you again so soon! Are you lost again?” Y/N, who was carrying a pile of clean laundry in her arms, approached the man in the next day, a bright smile adorning her face.
…But he's still as awkward as he was yesterday.
They awkwardly stood there for some minutes, Y/N decided to make a strategic retreat before she passed out from shame, as much as she wants to be friends, she hates these longs silences!
“I'm going to go hang the clean laundry outside, sooo…bye? It was nice to see you again-”
She started to walk away from him in quick steps, the girl could even feel the cold sweat forming on her forehead as she heard the footsteps from behind her. 'Is he… following me?'
'I'm probably overthinking…' Y/N thought with a sigh, slowing her pace, only to notice that he also slowed his. 'Wha-'
She once again quickened her steps, him also starting to walk faster. 'HE'S DEFINITELY FOLLOWING ME-'
Y/N harshly turned back to him, making him flinch as she asked him with a (strained) smile : “Do you want to help me with the laundry?”
If he's going to be like this, she might as well throw her work at him!
Y/N just ignored the kakushi who worked at the mansion trembling in fear behind her, they will never get used to the way she treats the hashiras.
He only weakly nodded, Y/N immediately proceeding to nonchalantly drop the pile of bedsheets in his arms.
“Forward then, my helper!” She said (a bit more dramatically than necessary, she admitted) as she pointed at the way to the backyard.
“GYAAAH- SHE CALLED HIM A HELPER-” At this point, Y/N started to gain the reputation of being suicidal among the kakushi.
“—And I ended up saying 'mochi' because I got nervous after forgetting how to say 'old man' in Japanese-” Y/N was now hanging the sheets on the clothesline.
Giyuu was standing beside her while still carrying the pile of clean laundry in his arms , the girl occasionally turning to him to grab a new one to hang.
“And like, I know it was stupid to invade a trial, but what else could I do? And don't dare say that I could just have patiently waited in my room because there was no way in hell I would do that!” Y/N was currently babbling to him a bunch of random histories she could remember.
He didn't respond nor move a muscle, in fact, she wasn't even sure if he was listening to her at all, it was like she was talking to a statue, however, every time she moved to a different spot, he would follow right behind her with the sheets, so she doesn't think he exactly hates being in this situation.
…That's what she hopes, at least.
“….why mochi?” But after some more minutes of talking alone, he suddenly asked her this.
'He- He really was listening!'
After the momentary happiness she felt after he finally gave her a signal of being alive, she put her finger in her chin with a wondering gaze, tilting her head with a blank expression and saying :
“Because I was hungry?”
He only sweat dropped at her lame answer as the girl turned her attention back to hanging the sheets.
“It's done!” Y/N said, stepping away to proudly look at her finished work. “Thanks for the help!”
“… I didn't do anything.”
“Nah, your company was enough help for me!”
“Uh- by the way, what are you doing in the butterfly mansion to begin with?”
“...Shinobu and me are going out in a mission in the next days, but she needs some time to prepare before going out.”
“Huh? Why?”
“… The demon appears to be able to spread some kind of disease, she's preparing the materials for the treatment of the victims.”
“Oh, that makes sense!”
More silence.
“T-then… I'm going inside, thanks for the help-” Y/N said, quickly going back to the mansion, she will never get used to his awkwardness.
'…he's following me again, isn't he?' She sweat dropped at the sound of his footsteps behind her.
“Oh, what's this, Y/N? Your new shadow?” Shinobu teasingly said as she approached them, sending a glance to Giyuu.
“We are friends!”
“Since when?” She arched her brown questioningly.
“My! You're as quick to make friends as always!” You could even see the flowers floating around Shinobu as she patted Y/N's head. “Also, I think the girls were asking for you, you should go see them! They are in the garden.”
“Sure!” Y/N said, feeling giddy because of the head pats and leaving happily, completely forgetting about her 'friend'.
As Y/N left their vision, Shinobu turned to look at Giyuu, the flowers and pink aura she had around her completely gone as she said : “Be careful with your breakfast tomorrow.”
And she left, just like that.
After this, Giyuu made a new mental note : Don't accept anything Shinobu offers him from this point on.
“Y/NNNNN~ Please don't make me drink thaaaaat!!” Zenitsu clutched to her clothes while crying.
After Shinobu introduced the daily vitamins everyone would have to drink in order to be healthy, Zenitsu's complaints turned once again into a daily occurrence.
“Don't cry! Here, I will give you this candy if you drink it!”
“I'm not a kiddd!” He only cried louder after she said this.
“Huh? But it works with Inosuke though?” She said after dropping a candy in Inosuke's hands when he walked over to them to proudly show her his empty cup.
“SHUT UP!” Inosuke said angrily, harshly throwing the cup at his head, hitting his forehead spot on. “ACK!”
And he passed out on the bed.
“Inosuke!! Did you kill him??” Y/N said in panic, but let out a relieved sigh after Zenitsu just sat up again like nothing happened.
“Monitsu is in sleep mode again!”
“Well, I guess that makes things easier-” Y/N approached him, showing the cup with the vitamin. “Sleepnitsu, can you drink that?”
“Fine.” He said, nonchalantly gulping down the liquid.
'… It was so easy that it's making me feel apprehensive'
“Hey, that really hurts.” Zenitsu said, pointing to the spot Inosuke hit before.
“I-Is that so?”
“… Aren't you going to give me a kiss to make it feel better?”
“Impossible!” Y/N quickly backed away from Zenitsu to hide behind Inosuke, accusingly pointing her finger at him : “I don't trust you! Not one little bit! There's no way I'm doing that!”
“Aaaaw, really?”
“Don't be acting all clueless!”
“Then, can you at least give a candy?”
“You gave one to Inosuke, right? It would be unfair to leave me without one.” He said, reaching his hand out to her with an innocent smile.
“I-I guess so…?” Y/N commented, approaching him in careful steps, extending her hand to drop the candy in his palm…
“GYAH!” He grabbed her as soon as she got close enough, pushing her down into the bed and engulfing her into a hug. “NOOO- YOU TRICKED ME AGAIN! AAAAARGH!”
“Silly girl.” He said, smiling mockingly at her.
“Don't call me that!!”
“MONITSU! LET GO OF UNDERLING!” Inosuke said, attempting to pull him away.
Tanjiro entered the room, looking exasperatedly at the scene before him. “TADAKOU! MONITSU CAPTURED UNDERLING AGAIN!”
“Tadakou?! Also, let go of her!”
“I have to go to work!”
“Taromagou, pull him from this side!”
“Y/N, calm down! He will eventually let go-”
“Let's kill him!”
Giyuu entered the room in the middle of all the chaos and screams, everyone (minus Zenitsu, that was still sleeping) turning to look at him with blank expressions.
“… Is this some kind of group therapy?”
“Oh my! Did you get fooled by Zenitsu again?” Shinobu popped out from behind him, asking this while smiling at Y/N.
“Is that a normal occurrence…?” Giyuu asked, his exasperated expression is probably the most emotion Y/N has ever seen him show up to this point, it's kind of regretful that it was for something like this-
“Sorry-” Y/N responded to Shinobu, teary-eyed.
“Girls, bring the water bucket!” She said, the three kids quickly coming with the bucket, it even had a drawing they made of Zenitsu in it.
“Here it is!”
“Anti-Zenitsu bucket!”
“Hang in there, Y/N!”
Shinobu walked over to the two on the bed, her emotionless smile of always in her face as she proceeded to throw the water at them.
“GYAAAAH! WHAT'S THAT?!” Zenitsu exasperatedly got up, looking around the room with a scared expression.
“I'm sorry for this Y/N, here's a towel, and let's go change your clothes before you catch a cold~” Shinobu said, gently taking her hand and guiding her outside the room, closing the sliding door with a loud thud.
“…what about me?” The completely drenched Zenitsu asked no one in particular.
As Y/N left the changing room with dry clothes, she quickly noticed the presence of Giyuu, standing against the wall.
“Oh- Hello! I'm seeing you quite often these days, right?”
“… Are you…okay?”
“Yeah! As good as new! Some water is not enough to kill me, you know?”
He silently extended his hand at her, dropping two candies in her hands.
“Is that for me? Thank you!” She smiled at him.
'These candies really have been getting popular around here these days-'
What Y/N didn't know was that by giving him candy yesterday, she accidentally 'taught' him that you make friends by giving sweets to other people.
He didn't respond to her, only staring at her face in response, her smile starting to twitch in panic. 'As I thought- I will never get used to this sudden silence sections!'
In the next day, Giyuu brought too much candy over and received a scolding from Shinobu.
“Yyyyy/nnn- come on! Let's get married!” Suma said while hugging Y/N by her waist, being dragged along as the girl only walked around, ignoring her.
“As I said, I still have to finish something before thinking about marriage, so-”
“Really? I even already got the ring and everything!” Makio said, dramatically wiping a tear.
“Haha! Good joke!”
“You guys didn't really buy a ring, right?”
“It matches your eyes!”
“ARE YOU GUYS CRAZY?! AREN'T THESE THINGS CRAZILY EXPENSIVE??” Y/N exasperatedly screamed, Makio letting out a laugh in response.
“Makio, don't be like that!” Hinatsuru approached her.
'Ah! Since Hinatsuru is the most level-headed one of them, she definitely will-'
“After all, just one is not enough! We have to buy nine more, then she will have one in each finger!”
“You're right, Hinatsuru! How did I not think of that??”
“What do you think, Tengen?” Suma turned to ask him.
“Hmmm…” He closed his eyes in deep thought.
“Please tell them that this is totally unreasonable!”
“You guys forgot about her toes!” And in this exact instant, Y/N let go of any hope of Tengen stopping them.
“Toe rings?! Is that even a thing?!”
“Only the best for my girl!” Makio said, doing finger guns in her direction with a wink.
“Yeah!” Suma happily said as support, raising her hand.
In response, Y/N only froze and trembled in the spot, her face completely red as she robotically repeated the words : “my… girl…”
“Oh- You guys broke her-” Hinatsuru said with a worried frown, waving her hand in front of Y/N's face, but she was already far gone.
So, I noticed that there were a LOT of readers confused in the last chapter, and honestly, I was a bit surprised- So here's a quick explanation about what's going on :
*Why is Y/N so sure that she's going to die?*
The answer is : Because of the seraphic breathing.
I described the seraphic breathing as “With the same power level of the sun breathing, but with the ability of sending demons to heaven”
However, a breathing like this would be too unfair without a setback, so…
There is a price for forcibly sending demons to heaven, and that is her life.
The breathing that uses her lifespan + it's small, but the possibility of her awakening the mark (with would shorter even more her already shortened lifespan) + her willingness to sacrifice herself to save the others that are going to die.
All of this makes her chances of surviving the last battle incredibly slim.
And if you wonder why I didn't ever address about it before, the answer is : Because I DID address about it! In chapter 40 (Also titled as : “live.” )
However, since there was so many people confused, it seems like I didn't make it obvious enough? Or I just failed to explain it properly? Either way, I apologize for this confusion and hope that this explanation helped, sorry about the big text btw, I tried to make it as short as possible-
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