For several minutes the large group stood about greeting old friends and loves, and family, embracing those they had not already been reunited with upstairs. And still others were on their way. Shade stood watching them all, Anne always nearby. She gave to him a look that said it was as awkward for her to see Thierry again as it was for Shade to see Angel.
Shade had not actually seen Angel since the war. That had been quite a few years ago. Several decades at least. She looked exhausted despite the smell of shampoo about her, the clean clothes, and the glassful of blood in her hand. Shade walked to her side. "Hello, Angel."
She said nothing, not even silently, just looked at him.
"It was good what you've done for them. I know what you go through. Thank You, it helps us all."
"I know," she said. "Thanks." But Shade sensed pain in her when they spoke. It was the sort of pain one felt when they knew someone they had once loved and been loved by was with another person now. Shade sometimes felt that same feeling thinking about Angel and all the many lovers she'd had over the last several centuries. Even knowing that they couldn't live together without fighting and ripping open old wounds didn't completely keep them from feeling pain.
It was one of the things about being immortal that really sucked like a boy whore. And as Shade knew from experience they sucked intensely and deeply.
Orchid was there, looking well. But Athen wasn't there. Orchid usually looked very well so long as his thrice wed ex-husband was not about to remind him that he'd spent too many years with someone who wasn't the best thing for him. All those years with Morpheus playing the friend and watching Orchid be self destructive and hurt.
Orchid embraced Shade, smelled like clove cigarettes and he always did. "It's good to see you," he said.
Shade stood back to look at him, smiled. Orchid always made him smile. "Takes a lot to pull you away from Karachi."
"Yeah? When was the last time you left here?" Orchid asked.
Shade smiled.
Orchid went to find Morpheus who was talking with Amadeo and Sweet. They were all good friends. Quick had found her father; Louis hadn't had a chance to see her in a long time, though Quick was always good about writing to those she loved afar. Mara was holding onto Sadian's baby, her granddaughter actually. Thierry was shielding Monique from the crowd, she wasn't feeling very well, but she and her baby would be well soon enough. Christian and Zuelekha were sitting on the far side of the room. Daerick and Joy had made themselves at home and were watching videos. Professor Sitchtin had rejoined them. And Koki who was now calling herself Kasha was standing with Miko and Laila, the three of them sporting newly dyed hair. Opium had appeared. And so had Daniel, he was trying to get Valor's attention.
Shade took his seat at the table, silently invited Sadian and Trepidation to join him. They both sat either side of Shade near the head of the table and soon the others were joining them. Sadian gestured for Astoric to sit beside her. Mara still had their baby and went to sit with Trip, as they all called him.
"Look at all this food," Sadian said as the chairs filled.
"Have as much as you like, I had them make dishes especially for your family," Shade offered.
"I'm starving," Sadian said. It seemed her brother was hesitant to speak in this large crowd.
"It is a shame you haven't seen more of the world, Astoric," Shade said, "Many of us are quite friendly, and there are so many beautiful things to see."
"But I've seen snow and deep green forests, I've felt grass and sand beneath my feet, climbed trees on three continents. I've seen the Sunset on the Indian Ocean. I've pet dolphins and even a unicorn. I've seen Kilimanjaro. I've seen the Nile from train. I rode on the back of an elephant. I've felt love, felt pain, become a father. I don't ask for more."
"Don't you even wish to be free to see more?" Shade asked.
"I'm free," Astoric said, "I am free to see whatever I can. I'm free to risk being attacked for what I am. I'm free to die."
Sadian grinned. "Have some of this pink lemonade," she suggested to Astoric. He nodded and poured himself a glass. "This food is all very good. It's a shame we can't eat like this more often. We rather have to live off the welfare of various Havens. Not bad, but I'd rather be able to earn a living. Only if I leave a haven to get a job I know I'll be hunted. There are a few still left alive."
"So they weren't all killed today?" Shade asked. He was amused. Sadian and Astoric were clever children.
"No. And I learned that there is some person or group of people willing to pay one and a half billion dollars just for Valor and I together. If they kill Astoric or Father they get much more. People might become hunters for that kind of money. I might kill myself for that kind of money, die and give Valor 750 million to keep herself hidden away in style."
Shade thought about it, shrugged. "A billion dollars is not so much. I could get a billion dollars."
"Who else could?" Sadian asked. "Find out who put the price on our heads, we'll never be the slightest bit safe unless someone finds out. Who would pay one and a half billion dollars to make sure we don't assimilate or dominate the human race a million years from now?"
"It's a good question," Shade admitted, "But I'll have my people work on it."
Sadian nodded.
There was some commotion a ways down the table. Morpheus was getting up. "Excuse me, I've just remembered something I forgot to do," he said.
"Will we see you later?" Shade asked as he raised his glass.
Morpheus nodded, and then, with the sound of wings, he was gone.
"Sometimes the Angels give Murphy jobs to do...and he can't tell us about them," Sadian said.
"I remember," Shade said. Several times he could remember Morpheus and his mother Opium trying to explain their behavior. But so far they had always been a help, though there were certain things they just didn't interfere in.
† † †
Quickening appeared with Sweet on her arm. They were well dressed, not in ratty dress and torn black clothing as the had been when they arrived in Alexandria. They had both washed and brushed their hair and Quick wore the silver circlet about her head that had marked her as The Lady of The Goth. It seemed to please Louis, and that pleased Anne.
"There are a lot of planes coming in," Quick said.
"Alexandria is a major hub for air travel," Louis said, though Anne knew Quick had only meant she heard a lot of planes landing.
"There are special flights coming in tonight," Anne explained, "You and your son have many important friends that would like to see that he is well."
Quick turned to speak to Sweet. "We should go down and see the visitors."
"We'll go with you," Louis said.
Anne wouldn't try to dissuade him. She followed the other three down to the large common room. She saw Shade was near the door, knew he was silently ordering his various subjects to direct the new visitors inside. He turned and smiled when Anne approached. She tried to concentrate enough to see who the visitors were, but she just couldn't tell.
The door opened though no one had touched it. There was a woman there, definitely Anglo-Indian. "Sayide Jinnah," Shade said.
She made a bow to Shade, "I am pleased to meet you in person, High Lord Shade." She made a little bow toward Anne, "Lady Anne."
"Victoria Jinnah, isn't it? Wife of Coucil Member Jinnah?" Anne asked.
She laughed. "Yes, but in The Village he is known as Victoria's husband. I must see Trip and the other Shi Vampires, I have a message for them...and I understand Orchid and Morpheus are here with Miko and Laila...I also have messages for them from David, Eleni and Ahmed."
"They are all here, make yourself at home. They will all be here presently," Shade said, sounding rather British as he sometimes did when speaking various English languages. But maybe it had been for Victoria's benefit, her English was also the King's English...though there had not been a king in England for some time.
Anne looked through the doors and saw a group of Goths coming across the floor of the Church. Valerie, Tris, Prince Ludwig...others that Anne did not know so well but could take their names from with a thought. Maria was Ludwig's newly-wed wife. Eva was Valerie's daughter. Friedrich was Tris' personal bodyguard. Teena Marie was Valerie's younger daughter, and likewise Tris' daughter.
Valerie spoke for them, "Gutentag, High Lord...Lady Anne. Rozz could not get away though he did want to be here. We have heard of Trip's recent troubles and wish to see him. We also have information that we think may be useful to Angel, or to yourself, Shade."
Shade nodded. "I will speak to you shortly. Meanwhile please make yourself welcome in my home."
The group passed by into the house. Shade still seemed to be waiting.
"Who else would be visiting?" Anne asked.
"Some of the Jewels," Shade answered. A few minutes passed. Anne turned from the door to watch the room fill again. She saw that Sayide Jinnah seemed to be well acquainted with Quick. Anne thought Andrew had explained once when he had still been in Alexandria that Quick and Victoria had known each other from their posts on the net, and that both were regular visitors to the Library, virtually.
Orchid was speaking to Victoria then. Anne caught something about David wanting them back in Karachi. Valerie found Victoria then, it seemed they also knew each other well. Soon Mara came downstairs with Trip and quickly joined the others.
The last of the newer guests were entering the Church from outside. Anne noticed Shade noticing them and watched them enter. Steven was with them! He had not left his quiet little mansion on Long Island in centuries.
He walked through the dimly lit Church with several other Jewel men surrounding him. Julien and Zachary both of the San Francisco branch of the family along with Julien's husband Reginald. And Mitchell Jewel, so much younger looking than the handsome gray haired gentlemen about him, one of the small branch of the family that lived in Washington D.C.. Zachary was still President and followed by Secret Service men, while Mitchell was the son of Caroline who had been the last of the Jewels to hold the position of President.
Shade walked from his house to greet Steven, embraced his old friend. Anne was left to greet the others. "Welcome," she said, "make yourself at home."
† † †
Steven had not been away from New York, since before Caroline had been born, the first Caroline. And even before then, before the years he had spent in Los Angeles, he had lived in New York, had grown up between the city and his parent's summer house in Greenwich, Connecticut. And now he was in Alexandria, Egypt. Such a new experience for such an old man. Even while other business men of his age had been jet setting all over the globe and learning to speak Japanese Steven had remained securely based in New York City sending others to make deals in foreign countries.
But Steven had to come. He kept well connected though he'd been long reclusive. He knew someone was determined to harm Trepidation and Lovely Mara who was the clone of the young girl whose mother Steven had married and who Steven had raised in Amadeo's absence. Steven, along with his grandson Steven and great granddaughter Amanda (who shared the names of Steven's parents) had helped to raise both Amadeo's children.
And now as Steven's oldest and very dear friend led him into his latest house, the collection of rooms off the Church where ordinarily chapels might be, where he ruled most of the world from, Steven saw that Amadeo was here. And Thierry, who had always been difficult to understand, but had never caused Steven to love him any less than the other Jewels. And Steven knew Thierry was going to have another child; David who was centuries old and a Vampyre would have a younger half-sister. And Mara, she was there, still so very like Caroline.
And then Steven saw Tris, son of Caroline's Son, Stephen, who had tempted a creature quite nearly a goddess to bear him a child. And Teena Marie, beautiful young woman who was the daughter of Tris and the intriguing third First Lady of Goth. The Jewels were no longer a famous family made up of only Americans. They were international.
The family had long inspired jealousy, rumor and criticism but only recently with attempts made on Zachary's life and on Trip's family had the Jewels come to be seen as such a threat that they were wanted dead.
Steven felt Shade's knuckles against his cheek, he hadn't seen the hand approach. "You really don't age," Shade marveled.
"The Angels are kind to me," Steven said with gesture to places above.
"The hair's gone gray but you look very much like you did when we met," Shade said.
"You look exactly the same, except the clothes are flimsier," Steven laughed. Shade had been nearly two thousand years old when they met, but he still looked like he could be twenty. He still wore his hair above his head in odd orchid-like configuration and never seemed entirely rid of the smudges of eyeliner beneath his eyes. "Is Julien here?" Steven asked.
"Yes, Orchid is here with us." Shade pointed him out then as they took seats in a quiet corner of the room.
"Orchid," Steven repeated, reminding himself to use his taken Vampyre name. "I must get a chance to talk to him. He never visits me...neither do you and Angel. And I think I loved you three the most."
"I wanted to see you, but being leader of the world is taxing."
Steven nodded silently as he watched Orchid slowly realize that Steven was there watching him. Orchid turned his head slowly, then nearly tripped over his own foot trying to turn and run to Steven all at once. He was there in an instant. It still never failed to shock Steven when the Vampyres did this. It was the same when they suddenly appeared in his bedroom window.
"Steven," Orchid said, stooped down so that he might look Steven in the eyes. It made Steven dizzy for a moment to see his eyes, but he knew Orchid often had no control over this strange power of his to put Humans in thrall. "Steven."
"I haven't seen you since you moved to Karachi with Morpheus."
"We're fabulously happy," Orchid said, head tilted coyly. "I thought he would be back now, actually."
"Do you know where he went?" Shade asked.
Orchid made a slow nod. "I have a sort of inkling. I think he's gone to try to help us find out who put the price on Sadian's head. She's just a matter how's just so wrong that she's got a price on her head."
"I think it's time we all had our talk," Shade said. He was silent a full minute, Orchid looked at Shade as curiously as Steven did. But Steven figured Shade must have done one of his Vampyre mind tricks because the others made their way over without a word uttered by way of invitation. Tris and his child's mother came with Prince Ludwig and sat themselves on a couch. And then Trip and all his family walked over.
"Would you like to hold her, Old Steven?" Sadian asked as she held her baby toward him.
"Is that what I'm called now?" Steven laughed. From Sadian the name was charming. He took little Valor and cradled her in his arms, "She's tiny..."
"She came a month early, and she's only two days old," Sadian whispered as they were joined by a few others. Quick and Sweet came to them, looking nearly as they had when David and Joy had brought them to New York and introduced the two young Humans to Steven. After them Angel came, then Thierry with his friend Aje who Steven really only knew from snippets of video and reputation. Orchid had to call for Victoria to come sit with them.
And then, Opium appeared on the coffee table, sitting upon it where only a book had been before. She smiled her typical glossy black-lipped smile. Steven was familiar with Opium and her abilities. "Murph's on his way," she said, appearing to look toward Shade as she said this.
"Did he find her then?" Orchid asked.
Opium made a nod. "He may have found someone who can give us a really good lead," she announced.
† † †
Morpheus landed beside Monique where she rested on a couch. He noticed then as he felt the force of gravity upon him as he always did on Earth that those he should be speaking to were across the room. Morpheus shifted his pack as it threatened to slip off his right shoulder then walked across the cool marble floors and warm area rugs, to the group of concerned people that watched him.
Sarah was cawing at his ear, and he wasn't all together accustomed to her presence. It nearly startled him. He stopped when he came to Orchid's side and let gravity pull his weight down through one hip. Orchid kissed him quickly. Morpheus passed his pack to him. "I had to stop by the house before coming here," he said. Orchid would know to mind Morpheus' pet Orchid Fred, his lizard River and his three Djinn.
Morpheus knew the others were waiting on him, he felt and saw their gazes. He lifted his right hand to his left shoulder and snatched Sarah by her feet. She squawked and flapped her wings, not yet all together accustomed to him. But she settled down and remained perched on his arm. "This is Sarah," he said, "She was one of the Vampyre hunters that went from America to Africa in attempt to collect the bounty on the Shi Vampires."
The number of people making stupid jokes about ravens was disappointing. "She's a crow," Morpheus insisted.
Still this seemed funny.
"Sarah, please, tell these people what you know about the bounty you would collect on the Shi Vampires."
She spoke to them, strange small voice, just as Morpheus' lizard, River, had a small strange voice but nevertheless did speak American unlike run of the mill lizards. "Dusty told me about the bounty. At least 1.5 Billion if we got the right ones. We'd been gathering info on the Shivs since we first heard about them, that was before the Cairo conference. Dusty told me that if he didn't make it and I did I could return to New Orleans and contact a woman who would pay out the reward for every Shiv I had the teeth and heart of. We usually take the fangs and heart from Vampyres, or some other organ, eyes sometimes, as proof. We'd store them in metal containers. I would take the proof to this abandoned convent and ask for Bathsheba Zion. She would pay out the money. But Dusty said this Zion woman was only the contact, the money actually came from elsewhere. But he didn't tell me who the money came from...if he knew."
"They call us Shivs?" Trip asked.
Sarah just cawed at him. "Sorry, she's in my control, but we're not quite used to working together yet," Morpheus explained, "I should have her more tame soon, she'll be damned for sure if she doesn't change her ways while in this body."
"Well, that's something to go on," Aje said, "Angel?"
Morpheus noticed then that Angel looked unusually troubled. "Bathsheba Zion?" she asked, but no one really needed to answer her, it was apparent Angel knew just who this was. "We can have Athen contact her, I had to put a price on our own heads in an effort to trap the hunters, before I knew someone else would offer another bounty that was even higher. Athen can pose as the person who put the bounty on the New Orleans Vampyres that frequent Theo's bar, contact Bathsheba and find out where the money comes from. And if not we can kill Bathsheba; she's as disturbed as Jonathan was."
"You think Bathsheba is related to Zion? The one who formed the original Redjacks that my Abdals fought?" Steven asked.
"Yes, Steven. Bathsheba is descended from Jonathan. I've kept an eye on his family ever since I was released from imprisonment in the tower."
Morpheus sighed. He remembered Angel being locked up, asleep in the glass coffin. She had twisted Amadeo's mind and dreams while trying to escape the tower. It was somewhat Angel's fault Daniel Never would forever serve the descendants of Amadeo Jewel. Some powerful Angels protected Steven and all his family, and when Dream failed to stop Angel from hurting Amadeo while in his region they forced him to give Daniel over to the task they demanded.
"There's a few other people you should check on," Valerie said, "I'm afraid we've found out how the hunters learned where the Shi Vampires were."
"You have?" Thierry asked.
Valerie nodded, seemed ashamed. "Unfortunately we were not as careful as we should have been. Tris had learned of Sadian's pregnancy from Daniel and had learned from Morpheus where the Shi Vampires were hiding. He'd only been concerned when Daniel spoke to him and wanted to check how Sadian was. He was explaining this to Rozz and I, but we were with the family and others overheard us. It was Alaric and Isolde. I do not know which of them is more responsible, but it was definitely one of them. You all know our brother Alaric, and Isolde Wagner is his girlfriend, they have been living together but are not married as they do not have any children."
"We are all very sorry for what they have done," Ludwig said.
"We have not found out any more yet, but we have some of our trusted people working on it. Alaric and Isolde live in Berlin," Valerie said.
"We are afraid for what it means if there are a large number of people so against the Shi Vampires or Darkling in Berlin where Goth has such a large number of Darkling," Tris said.
"It's always like that though," Orchid said, "Wherever there is a large number of Darkling that is where their enemies gather to fight them."
"I can't believe Alaric would do that," Trip said, "We used to be friends."
"I'm afraid that he has hated you since he learned Astoric was your child," Valerie said quietly.
"I wouldn't say he has any excuse for this action, but our brother does believe that Trepidation turned Rozz and Valerie against him in some way and also that Trip was responsible for Salome dying while giving birth to Astoric. He and Salome were to be married and they believed the child was theirs. He also has made it clear he no longer tolerates Darkling. I think he believes Trip and Tris both used some extraordinary power over Rozz." Ludwig was looking up at Thierry, and so where a number of others. Of course Thierry was responsible for impregnating Salome with Trepidation's child.
"Aje and I will take Quick and Sweet to Berlin and check out this Isolde Wagner," Angel announced. "Athen and the others still in New Orleans can investigate Bathsheba Zion. I suspect this is a large spread out group we are dealing with."
"Or it could be that Isolde gave their location away without there being any organized group in Berlin. Isn't it possible she turned the location via the net and the hunters used the information after a bounty had already been offered?" Shade asked.
Angel's face quizzed. "Well, I'll have to find that out," she said.
"What can we do?" Trip asked.
"Stay safe," Aje answered immediately.
"If it's possible I'd like to have Thierry's lab transferred here to Alexandria," Mara said, "And I'd like to be allowed to use the Library and some of your terminals to further our studies."
"If I may make a suggestion..."Steven began.
"Of course," Mara said.
"Perhaps it would be better if you came to my house. I do not think anyone would suspect it. I don't mean to question Shade's security but it's too obvious a hiding place in my opinion. I'm Sure Thierry can devise a way to set up his lab there. The mansion is much too big for me alone, it's hardly been lived in. And Athen and Mazaret have always been good about making sure I have the best and newest security devices around the house and grounds."
"What do you think?" Mara asked Trip.
"Well, I only wonder if it can be more safe or more secret than any other place we've tried living in. Actually I'm not sure I want to try hiding again."
"Trepidation, if you do not want to hide, no one will force you. Still, if you need anything that we have to give Ahmed and I will do whatever we can to help your family," Victoria said.
"But I think I see Steven's point," Shade said, "it will soon be known that a large number of hunters will never be returning to America. The Abdals and the Sidhe with them have done a lot to break down organized anti-Darkling activity, but the small groups that remain will be ever more determined to fight. It is the nature of Humans. They will want some target, someone to take out their anger on. You do not have to hide entirely, but listen to Steven's offer. You can go stay at his house a while. Even if it's known you are there it won't be easy for them to get at you."
"Yes, there are many similar old mansions on Long Island and it is not commonly known where I live or that I still live. And there are still a large number of my family in the New York area, Most all of my Daughter, Nancy's, branch of the family except for those who are here right now and Amber's family who are spread across the Southern United States and in Greece, Israel and Syria, and the few that moved to DC. The families of my grandchildren Johnathan, Hale, and Christopher all still live there. And My son Cecil's branch of the family as well. Actually, Thierry might like to set up his lab in the Lash house and take Monique there. That house needs some new memories. In any case we in New York still remember the first major modern battles against the Darkling. We're used to protecting ourselves. Not to mention that Angels have been known to visit."
"Angels even sit out on the streets disguised as homeless persons in New York," Morpheus said.
"Well, we have far less homeless since they reinstated the policy of keeping the mentally ill homeless in state funded hospitals as long as they needed care. And Amadeo's mother founded a shelter for young people, of which we now have six in various boroughs. And...I'd like you there."
"All right," Mara promised with a wide smile, "We'd be delighted to spend time with you in your house."
"I'll go with you," Shade said.
Everyone looked to him then.
"And don't I deserve a vacation? I'm certain all my advisors can keep things running and consult with me whether I am here or in New York."
"You know who's missed you?" Steven asked with sly smile, "Troy."
"You have Troy, Steven?" Shade asked happily, "I thought he'd gone to sleep and been buried in a vault somewhere."
"Thierry kept him as his pet when he was younger, if you remember, and eventually he found his way to me."
"Well," Shade smiled at Trip, "You could not ask for a better bodyguard than Troy!"
"Who is Troy?" Trip asked.
Shade grinned. "I suppose we haven't mentioned him in some time. He's my pet Vampyre wolf. I made him immortal some time after the Renaissance and not very long before the French Revolution."
"He used to live in the stables at the Palace Shade in LA," Orchid said, "But sometime during the time we were all rock stars Shade gave him to Thierry so he wouldn't be cold and lonely in bed when his mother started sleeping with Amad again."
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