No one came forward and Percy's face broke out into a grin. "Try to come get me, and I'll kill you myself."
Pontus laughed. "You won't make it anyways."
"Mr D, not yet. And tell Dad to change everything." Percy said just before Annabeth swiped her hand through the circle.
Pontus jerked on Percy's hair again. "You will pay for that last bit, Jackson. It was a foolish move as that makes you practically useless to me."
"Not completely." Annabeth said with a smirk.
Camp Half-Blood was getting battle ready, though they weren't the ones under attack.
"I need all campers ready to go at the beach in fifteen minutes !" Reyna shouted. Her voice reached the entire comp clearly with the help of an amplifying spell by one of the childen of Hecate. "Those of you who are staying behind, be sure to keep up the patrol schedule I've left with Chiron."
Reyna then turned to Frank and Jason standing a ways away, giving them a thumbs up.
"That's done." Frank said, "Do we need to make sure Will has everything he needs?"
"I have Zack doing that." Jason said. "He'll meet us at the beach when he's done."
"Who's keeping an eye on Jack?" Frank asked.
"Piper." Jason said. "She won't let him out of her sight."
"Why did we change those plans again?" Reyna asked, walking up to them, Hazel and Nico now with her. "It seems to me that he's just being a self-sacrificing pile of—"
"Because Percy may be self-sacrificing, but he also has a modicum of self preservation. Even if it's the smallest amount you've ever seen." Nico said. "He's figured a way out."
"How do you know?" Jason asked.
"That was the same look he had right before he pulls a move that helps him against stacked odds. " Nio replied. "Don't tell me you haven't noticed in the training sessions with him."
There was a general murmur of agreement as they all realized that Percy does indeed get that look. Then they all broke off to finish preparations before Lord Triton showed up.
Poseidon's palace was the one under attack. Oceanus leading the charge as he's done once before. This time, their chances even lower than the first as over one third of the ocean population turned to side with Pontus.
They'd been all but decimated in the first few days.
The effects were catastrophic. The sea seemed to be at war with itself. Even now, standing on the beach was almost asking to be swept away. Tides weren't working the way they used to; one second the sea levels would be normal, the next they'd either be completely covering the sand if not even farther, or they'd be so low, sea life as big as sharks and small whales would be stranded on dry ground.
The demigods had been requested to provide the much needed backup under the ocean. Only the necessay amount to defend the camp were staying behind, Triton was arriving in the next twenty minutes to bless the group to breathe underwater and guide them safely to the palace.
Poseidon had promised they would all be able to keep the blessing as well as a favor for each of them if they helped. For those who survived anyways. The gods were not shy in telling their children of the dangers. It was likely not many would live to see the end of this war. But as much as the gods made it clear they weren't forcing any of them to go fight, they all knew none of them really had a choice. If the seas fell under the control of Pontus...things would not look good—even for those on dry land.
Over 70% of the earth's surface is covered in water after all. The world was set to go to waste if they lost this war.
Triton arrived, and with him, a squad of his own men. A mix of merfolk, giant squid, and sharks. All were fitted for battle.
"We must be swift." Triton said. "We don't know when the tide will change."
The god blessed the demigods with the ability to breathe underwater and manipulate water. "It is only to the extent that you can move with haste so as to keep up." Triton warned. "You will not be blessed to match my brother or another sea affiliated being. Do not enter a contest of wills."
With that warning in mind, they set off. The campers were afforded only an hour to get used to moving underwater, and then they had to keep up or risk falling behind.
—- —- —-
As they waited for their demigod back up to arrive, those in Atlantis were fighting for their lives. It was too late now to switch sides—either from or to Pontus' army—as the consequences would cost the defector their life or a lifetime of scorn. A sentence befitting a traitor.
Most defending Atlantis were now in the citadel. They needed their back up badly.
Oh, their resources could last them until the demigods arrived for sure. However, the walls could only do so much to stand against a giant's club, let alone six of them. The inner walls would fall in the next day or so, the citadel not long after that.
The citizens of Atlantis were not unused to war. Atlantis had been attacked twice now in the last ten years. Most of the older Cyclopes had fought with Poseidon in the first titan and giant wars. However none of them had to face both titans and giants at the same time. The might of the Olympians were truly being tested.
"How long until Lord Triton returns?" One of Poseidon's dolphin looking advisors asks.
"Not soon enough."Poseidon answered. "Not with the strategy we are using now."
"My lord, we cannot. The giants wait at every gate. It would be suicide." Another advisor, a mermaid said.
"No less suicide than waiting in this cursed palace." Poseidon spat. He swore to tear down this palace and its tainted walls once this was all over. He refused to live in a place that once housed traitors and that the titans and giants would no doubt set foot in if the demigods did not get there on time. "At least we'd be doing something."
"We have done something, my lord." The dolphin advisor tries to assure. "Lord Perseus saved many lives by doing what he did." Now the many other advisors were trying to get him to stop talking. "We were able to change all our protocols before Pontus' army even got here."
"Percy." Poseidon muttered darkly.
"My lord?"
"It's Percy." Poseidon said, his tone harsh. His grip on his trident making his knuckles white.
"Yes, my lord." The other advisor's actions making sense now. He backpedaled as fast as he could. "Lord Percy was most brave to relay the information the way he did."
"Ready whoever will brave the gates with me." Poseidon said, causing the advisor to breathe a sigh of relief now that they'd moved on. "We will storm the attacking forces in two hours."
"Yes, my lord."
—- —- —-
The mortal world was unable to explain why the seas seemed to fighting against itself. Any who lived within 200 miles of the shore had to evacuate. Most islands became uninhabited within a month when it became clear the seas would not calm any time soon. Some entire countries like the UK and Madagascar became empty completely. The countries taking in the refugees got quite crowded. The smaller islands were completely submerged, disappearing from satellites.
The boarders of Camp Half-Blood were protected by the barrier that surrounded it. It was the only thing on Long Island that survived all the flooding.
Laws of gravity had no hold upon the waters. New islands popped up from everywhere, surrounded by walls of ocean water.
Glaciers from the icecaps were seen floating in the middle of the pacific and even up the Amazon River.
No logical explanation could be given for the complete and utter disregard for the ways nature had always been. The mortals could only pray things returned to normal soon.
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