lol i hate this episode with a passion :-) im v sorry if it sucks
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People always say that there are small glimpses of the future when Death is coming to take you.
They say that it's God's way of tempting you to hold on because this is what you will receive for your strength to keep fighting, to keep your chest beating. So, basically, it's saying either hold your shit together or you're going to die wishing you didn't. Being in a near death experience opens up your eyes, and you're able to see more clearly what you've been taking advantage of as well as what has been right in front of you this whole time.
Sage thought that was all a load of bullshit, especially when she saw her best friend get hurled into the wall of the high school and she was choking on her own blood. It would have been more pleasant if Scott hadn't decided that picking her up bridal style and carrying her into the school was the best plan in the world. The blonde could feel Derek's wounds branding themselves onto her own body, and soon enough she was going to die.
Derek was dead.
Derek was dead.
And Sage couldn't help but feel extremely guilty as she spat out blood onto the tile floor of the school. Some small part of her hoped that it wasn't true because she wasn't healing. Her wounds were still gaping into her back, and she could continue to feel her breath get caught from her, a sign that she was dying. She just wasn't decaying as fast as a normal person would have. She should have been healing if Derek was dead. Her abilities should have kicked in. She should have been okay.
She wasn't okay.
Scott sat her down near the door, looking at her for a good ten seconds before turning away to hold the door shut. Sage realized that Stiles hadn't even spared her a glance yet, and she couldn't blame him. She knew that blood was drenching her white tank top, staining it a deep red and her jacket was all the more destroyed as it pitifully hung on her body.
Why was she dying?
"Lock it. Lock it!" Scott screamed, holding the door by the handles while Stiles did the same thing to his right.
Sage narrowed her eyes and took a deep breath before slowly taking off her jacket, wincing when she felt her wounds being pulled open even more. Doing what she could with what strength she had left, she managed to rip the sleeves of the Walmart brand cloth, and wrap them as best as she could around the gashes.
"Does it look like I have a key?" Stiles hissed back, still diverting his eyes away from Sage.
He felt sick to his stomach from both fear and just simply being sick after watching Derek get turned into a play toy and swung at the wall like he was disposable. Which Stiles guessed he was now considering he was dead. The very thought of that made him want to throw up all over the school floors.
"Grab something!"
Stiles stared baffled. "Like what?"
Stiles went to yell back when he remembered the pliers that were left abandoned when they were carrying Sage in. His eyes widened and he stood up from his couching position, staring out through the window at the yellow object that could be their only option. Scott seemed to have noticed his friend had an idea, and got up as well. Sage, feeling completely left out, did her best to scale up the wall, managing a standing position.
"No," Scott cried, realizing what his best friend was going to do.
Sage felt her back burning, a hot sweat beginning to spread throughout her body. Stumbling over to the window, she squeezed herself a spot in between the two boys where she could clearly see what Scott was so worked up about.
Her voice cracked when she spoke. "Stiles, you're not going out there."
"Yes, I am," Stiles objected, keeping his eyes on the tool.
Sage shook her head, and grabbed a hold of his bicep, mainly because she could barely keep upright and because she needed for him to finally look at her.
When Stiles did indeed turn to her, he knew that if he didn't feel sick then, he definitely did now. Sage looked like a walking corpse. Her eyes were rimmed with bags, making them look as if someone landed a hard punch at them. He could barely look down any farther than that because it only got worse from there. The blonde's lips so stained a crimson red, along with the whole bottom of her chin and the top of her tank top that she looked like she could be the star of a horror movie.
He knew that if she turned around, the entirety of her back would be scarlet.
The thought of her dying set him in a panic.
"I'm not letting you go out there and risk your life, okay?" Sage said, raising her eyebrows as she let another noticeable wince. "I'm dying, Stiles. That means if I go out and get the pliers, and the alpha shows up, it won't matter if he kills me. So, please, let me do this."
"Let her do it," Scott agreed, making Sage turn her head around.
He gave a curt nod, and she felt relieved that he was letting her. There was always the possibility that even if the alpha shows up, he won't kill her. Although, the thing at the movie store might have just been a one-time thing and he was just feeling generous after killing someone.
Sage took a deep breath, ignoring Stiles' protests.
She opened the door, slipping out and into the open. The pliers really weren't as far away as she originally thought they were, and she stumbled and cringed her way to them, feeling a burning sensation crawl up her neck when she bent down to pick them up. When she managed to stand again, she saw the alpha crawling out of the darkness from around Stiles' jeep.
Sage didn't even flinch when she saw it either.
Slowly backing up, keeping her eyes trained on the animal, she did the worst thing she could possibly think of. She looked to her right, and saw Derek's body laying there, motionless. Her whole world crashed to the ground, making her nearly lose her balance after tripping over her feet.
Turning back around to the alpha who stayed in the same place behind Stiles' jeep, she could feel his red eyes inspecting her every move, watching as she ground her teeth together. Finally, she did the one thing she least expected.
She spat out the blood in her mouth, roaring the alpha to life.
Then, she was being tugged inside, not even noticing her back was pressed against the door. Stiles had grabbed a hold of her arm, tugging her inside while Scott pulled the pliers out of her grasp, securing them in the door. Hands wrapped around her body, and she felt someone breathing into her neck in relief. She immediately knew that it was Stiles, and as much as she wished she could hug him back, every fiber of her was protesting any more movement.
"Stiles, that won't hold for long will it?" Scott asked, looking over at the boy who was just now pulling away from the blonde. He couldn't bring himself to tell Stiles that Sage's heart was slowing down, and that he could even smell her beginning to die.
He couldn't do that to his best friend.
"Probably not," Stiles muttered, turning around to face the opposite direction of the door.
Scott and Sage got the hint, rotating themselves as well to stare down the abandoned school hallway. Stiles flashed the light down it and nearly jumped out of his skin when a howl emitted through the air. As if it sync, the spastic boy wrapped an arm around Sage's waist, practically dragging her into the nearest room, Scott following the same route.
Putting Sage on the ground, Stiles quickly grabbed a hold of the desk in the center of the class, looking towards Scott for help.
"Get the desk!" he shouted, but as soon as it began to move, pitching out a loud squeak, they stopped. "It's not going to keep it out. It's your boss, Scott."
"What?" Scott asked, completely bewildered at the accusation.
"Deaton, the alpha, your boss."
"What? No!"
Stiles raised his eyebrows, hissing out. "Yes! Murdering, psycho, werewolf!"
"That can't be!"
"He disappears, that thing shows up ten seconds later to toss Derek twenty feet through the air? That's not convenient timing," Stiles sneers, clearly upset that Scott is getting so defensive over the whole thing. Sage muttered out a string of curse words, waiting for them to shut up already.
Scott's eyebrows furred in frustration. "It's not him!"
"He killed Derek, and he hurt Sage."
Scott immediately retaliated at the words. "Derek's not dead. He can't be dead."
Sage winced, although this time it wasn't because of the pain. She was still holding onto the hope that Derek was alive. He had to be alive. She couldn't just give up yet because him dying wasn't possible. It just wasn't.
He was Derek.
He was the boy she grew up playing in the dirt with, he was the boy that scared the shit out of her first boyfriend, he was the boy who would let her cry in his arms when she had a nightmare about the fire, he was her best friend. She refused to believe that he was dead. He had managed to survive tons of fights and injuries, she knew that he would live. He had to. She just— losing him wasn't an option.
It wasn't even a consideration.
"Blood spurted out of his mouth, okay? That doesn't exactly qualify as a minor injury. He's dead, and we're next!" Stiles cried out, throwing his hands up in astonishment. Sage closed her eyes, grinding her teeth as her jaw popped.
"Shut up!" she hissed. "He's not dead. I would know! If Derek was dead, I would be healing, but I'm not. I'm just getting worse, and eventually either I'm going to die, or Derek is going to magically heal and wake up and be okay because I can't— I can't," Sage spluttered out, not even bothering to pause to catch an intake of air.
She could feel her control slowly slipping, and she knew she would eventually start crying again, but she held it out. Biting her tongue, she looked up to see Scott and Stiles staring at her. They just stared; they stared as if they were seeing a porcelain doll after being dropped on the ground and shattered into a million pieces.
"So, what do we do?" Sage finally asked after a few silenced seconds.
Stiles went back into wise wizard mode, immediately replying. "I say we make a run to the jeep, take you to the hospital, and Scott seriously thinks about quitting his job. That sound good?"
"Stellar. Really, you deserve an award for your outstanding ideas," Sage muttered, but felt bad after saying it because of the way Stiles' face slowly dropped; she just needed something to take her mind off the pain, and sadly that had been snapping at the boy. "I'm sorry."
Stiles didn't reply to her, and Scott took that as the time to walk over to the windows, trying to pry them open. Stiles shook his head, following after him even though he knew that it was no use. "They don't open. The school's climate controlled."
"Then we break it!" Scott blubbered out, exasperated as he refused to believe that they were stuck inside of this hell.
"Which will make a lot of noise," Sage explained, looking up at them through her lashes.
Stiles looked down at her and nodded while Scott started breathing heavily. The wolf was starting to panic, and Sage found a sickening humor to it. She was the one dying and she wasn't even remotely scared because of it. Death wasn't something she chose to fear anymore, but something that she decided to welcome with open arms.
"So we run really fast," Scott opted, looking around outside for any sign of the alpha. "Really fast."
Sage let out an instinctive flinch at the idea of any sort of physical exertion. "Do I need to remind you that I can barely walk, Scott?"
Scott looked down, frowning when he realized she was right. He could always carry her to the car, but even that would be slowing him down because he would be worried about hurting her. He looked back out the window, his eyes catching something in particular. "Stiles, what's wrong with the hood of your jeep?"
"What do you mean? Nothing's wrong," Stiles denied, staring at Scott like he was insane.
"It's bent!"
Stiles' eyes widened and he pushed Scott out of the way."Like dented?"
"No, I mean bent," Scott reiterated, chewing on his lower lip as his eyes narrowed in on the car that they had just been driving a couple of minutes ago.
"What the hel—"
Stiles got cut off when something came projecting towards them, crashing through the window above and showering them in glass shards. Sage cried out, covering her head while Stiles and Scott threw themselves to the ground, Scott flinging his arms around Sage, pulling her into his chest to try and keep her out of harm since he was closest to her. Slowly, they lifted their heads to up see what exactly came flying into the school.
Sage went to speak. "Is that—"
"My battery!" Stiles cried out, going forward to crawl toward it when Scott grabbed a hold of him. Looking over at the two, he said, "We have to move."
"He could be right outside!" Scott whispered back, still in his state of panic.
"He is right outside!" Stiles reiterated with a snarl, flailing his arms.
Scott took a deep breath."Just let me take a look."
Scott's head popped above the window sill, looking to see if the alpha was actually anywhere near. Sage let out a deep breath when a flash of pain came, before taking another gulp of air, holding it in until the agony stopped. Stiles had been staring at her the whole time, thinking on his feet when Scott informed him that he didn't see the alpha.
"Move, now."
Stiles grabbed a hold of Sage, wrapping her right arm around his neck while Scott did the same to her left. They pulled her up as gently and quickly as possible, two combinations that don't usually work out, and made their way down the hallway.
"This way," Scott said, pointing towards the opposite direction that Stiles was intending on going.
The boy shook his head. "No, we need to go this way. Somewhere without windows."
"Every single room in this building has windows!"
"Then less windows!"
"The locker room," a voice blurted out, her eyes widening in realization.
Both boys turned to see that the blonde in between them was the one who spoke the idea, raising her eyebrows as she stared at them. Did they think just because she was dying she was incapable of having a brain? Actually, she was surprised neither of them had pulled a blonde joke yet. She was waiting for the day Stilinski came up with one.
That would also be the day she castrated him if she makes it out alive.
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When they finally got into the locker room, Sage felt exhausted even from the short walk.
While the boys started to converse, she walked over to the mirrors. That was the first time she actually saw herself, and man did she look terrible. Blood was on every inch of her, she was surprised the boys hadn't said anything sooner.
Turning on the faucet, making sure it was silent, she cupped her hands under the water and splashed it on her face, rubbing to try and get all of the dried blood off. She quickly put her hair into a tight ponytail, knowing this wasn't the end of tonight. They still had to get out alive.
They being Stiles and Scott.
And Derek.
"Sage," Stiles whispered, coming up behind her to grab a hold of her wet hand, guiding her towards the door where Scott was waiting. Stiles didn't bother letting go of her hand, he just used the other one to go towards the door knob.
"Wait. I think I heard something," Scott mumbled to them, making Stiles' eyes widen to the size of saucers.
Stiles whipped his head around to look at his best friend. "What?"
"Shh," Scott hissed. "Be quiet."
When a silhouette appeared in front of the door, they all started to simultaneously walk backwards, Stiles' naturally grabbing Sage's waist to keep her upright. When Scott uttered the word "hide", Stiles wasted no time grabbing a hold of the locker closest to him, shoving his own body inside before bringing Sage into his chest, closing the door.
It was deadly silent.
Sage couldn't hear anything over the sound of Stiles' heartbeat which was beating faster than she imagined was healthy. It was ironic; her heart was slowing down and his was speeding up.
Taking a deep breath, Sage leaned her head on Stiles' chest, feeling the pain resurface. He must have known because he loosened his grip on her waist, bringing them up past her head so they were on both sides above her. The brunette boy towered over her, making it almost impossible to even look up at him with how dark it was.
Being this close to him felt like one of those flashes into the future.
When they heard the sound of a door open, Sage could hear Stiles' heart race even more. She glanced up to see that he took one of his hands off the side of the locker, placing it on his mouth to stop from breathing heavily. They kept eye contact, Sage chewing on her lips as it was her nervous habit.
When someone started to scream, Stiles launched himself from the locker, trying to get the janitor to shut up before he attracts the alpha. "Shh, you have to be quiet!"
"Be quiet? Are you trying to kill me? All three of you get out! And girl, it's not Halloween," the janitor yelled, nodding towards Sage. Her eyes widened when she realized he thought the blood was fake.
"Just listen for half a second, okay?" Stiles persisted.
The janiter was growing more outraged."No, not okay! Get the hell out of here right now!"
He grabbed a hold of Stiles and Scott, giving Sage a glare that she gladly returned.
When the three of them were thrown outside of the locker room, Stiles tried one last time to explain to the janitor. "If you just let me explain!"
"Just shut up and go!"
Sage went to turn around but a shrilling scream made her stop in her place. The door to the locker room was slammed shut, and all the three of them could see was the continuous banging of the janitor, along with dark streaks of crimson staining the glass. She let out a cry, and backed far away from the door while Scott started to fumble with the handle, trying to get it open.
Sage grabbed a hold of his arm, but she wasn't strong enough to pull him away, not in the condition she was in. Stiles tried it himself, and succeeded. Almost like a routine now, the boys wrapped Sage's arms around them and stabled her, stumbling down the hallway. When they came across another exit, they wasted no time barging into it, using their shoulders to try and get it open.
"What the hell," Stiles grumbled, pushing the door even harder. Scott stuck his head out the crack in the door to try and see what exactly the problem was while Sage continued to chew on her lips, feeling more jittery the longer they were out in the open halls.
"It's a dumpster," Scott explained, coming back inside to look at Sage and Stiles.
Sage frowned. "He pushed it in front of the door to lock us in."
"Come on!" Stiles cried out, starting to just slam his body into the door repeatedly.
Sage sighed, walking forward to grab a hold of his arms. He stopped, looking up to see who it was, and stood up completely when he saw the familiar blonde hair. "Stiles, it's not going to work. We just have to find another way."
Stiles looked up at the ceiling, then towards Scott, and back to her. "I'm not letting you die."
"You think I want to die? Here? In school?" she asked, her voice raising slightly as she felt all of her emotions wash over her.
Scott interrupted them. "You're not going to die. We're not going to die. We just have to keep moving."
They followed Scott's advice, and carried Sage down the hallway to try and find another way out. At this point, all of them were on a high trying to survive. It felt like a real, live, horror movie and the murderer was just luring them right where he wanted them.
Sage didn't exactly feel comfortable about this, especially after watching enough cheap films to know that one of three options die first (a) the idiot who thinks running upstairs is smarter than running out the open door, (b) the one who calls out 'hello' then gets their whole body chopped to pieces, and finally option (c) the blonde. Or, if it's really cliche, the blonde just so happens to be the one that calls out "hello," and then proceeds to run up the stairs.
No way in hell is she going to die being that stereotype.
"What is it doing? What does it want?" Stiles asked, looking over at Scott. Sage frowned, readjusting her arm that was over Stiles' shoulder. The position was pulling at her back, and she knew that the makeshift bandages weren't going to stop the blood forever.
"It wants me," Scott yelped, making both Sage and Stiles flinch at the tone of his voice. "Derek says it's stronger with a pack."
"Oh, great," Stiles retorted with fake enthusiasm. "A psychotic werewolf is into teamwork. Got it. That—that's beautiful."
Scott abruptly came to a halt, and being connected to both of them, they were forced to stop as well, looking over at Scott. All of his attention was on the windows to their left, more so what was outside of them, and when Stiles and Sage glanced over as well, they saw what he did.
Near the chimney, a shadow was looming on the roof, blending in with the black, night sky. Sage inhaled, feeling her chest burn. When the alpha started to move, Sage couldn't help but cry out when she realized they were back to running for their lives.
At a breakneck movement, Stiles and Scott whirled around. Sage hissed out in pain, but allowed them to practically drag her down two flights of stairs and through doors and hallways. A hot liquid was starting to trail down her back, and she knew that her wounds were bleeding more rapidly than they were before.
When they got down to the boiler room, Sage felt her energy give out and she almost crashed onto the floor. Her throat was beginning to sting, and she was barely managing a standing position. She turned away from Stiles and Scott, spitting out the blood that was building up in her mouth. She couldn't tell them that she was going to die if she didn't get to a hospital in the next thirty minutes.
The roars of the alpha echoed through the school, and Sage felt a sting in the back of her neck.
Stiles lightly hit the locker, and Sage shot her head up to look at him. He glanced in between the two before grabbing Sage, pulling her away from the old, school lockers and into what looked like a storage room. "Alright, we have to do something."
"Like what?" Scott cried, backing up as far as he could.
"I don't know," Stiles admitted, scratching his neck. "Kill it, hurt it, put mental anguish on it. Something!"
They continued to take steps back, jumping slightly when they came across an open room. Another howl coursed through the air, and the stinging sensation revisited Sage's neck, but the pain was nothing compared to what sat below it. A small chime came from next to her and she looked to see that Stiles was holding up his pair of keys. While Scott started to protest, Sage knew exactly what he was doing, so she stepped back to give him the room he needed.
When Stiles threw the keys into the empty room, it was only a matter of seconds before the alpha came running in, taking the bait and bolting towards the first sound he heard. Scott hurried, slamming the door shut and holding it down with his weight. "Get the desk, get the desk!"
The two of them quickly grabbed the metal desk, Sage backing up next to Stiles. It only took a second for the alpha to realize the whole thing was a trap and let out another growl, jolting all of them away from the door. Sage looked over at Scott who was still on the other side of the desk, and clenched her jaw.
"Come on, get across, Scott," Stiles ordered, to which Scott complied and did as told, landing near Sage. The two of them were about to turn around and leave when they saw that Stiles was doing the complete opposite, going closer to the door where the alpha was.
"What are you doing?"
"I just want to get a look at it!"
Sage looked at him, absolutely bemused. "Are you crazy?"
"Look, it's trapped, okay? It's not going to get out!" Stiles whispered back, ignoring Sage as she went to grab his arm. He climbed on top of the desk in order to see through the small opening left in the center of the door. "Yeah, that's right, we got you—"
"Stiles!" Sage snarled. "Shut up!"
"I'm not scared of this thing!" but when the alpha banged his hand up against the chains, Stiles jumped back, tumbling off of the desk. To make matters worse, he continued to taunt the alpha. "I'm not scared of you! Alright? 'Cause you're in there and we're out here. You're not going anyw—"
A loud crash came from inside the room, and Sage swears she never wanted to kill anyone more than at that very moment. All of them slowly looked up at the ceiling, and a banging came from the crawl space. Stiles followed the sound with his flashlight, and Sage felt herself wanting to cry. When one of the ceiling tiles fell off, they all ran as quickly as they could with a dying blonde in their arms.
They stopped running when Sage began to stumble, choking out more blood all over the floor. Any accusations or complaints about her spitting up more red was withheld when a phone began to ring. Sage knew that it wasn't her's, she abandoned her own phone in Derek's car right before everything happened.
"Hold on, do you hear that? It sounds like a phone ringing," Scott said, stopping in his place to hear better.
"What?" Stiles hissed out, wondering who in hell would be calling them at a time like this.
"I know that ring too."
Sage felt her eyes grow wide when she caught onto what he meant. "It's Allison's phone."
"Do either of you have your phone?"
Sage shook her head, looking over at Stiles who struggled to pull something out of his pocket. When Scott saw that it was a phone, he grabbed it and unlocked the screen, dialing the number quicker than Sage imagined was possible. With the phone up to Scott's ear and distracted, Sage turned to Stiles.
"What the hell am I supposed to tell her?" she choked, looking down at her mutilated body. She knew one day Derek would kill her.
She just didn't think it would be before she turned eighteen.
Stiles furred his eyebrows, trying to come up with a lie. "Uh, you were attacked. It all happened so fast and you don't know who did it."
Sage bit down on her tongue, and felt tears well up in her eyes. "Yeah, okay. And how am I supposed to tell Allison that I'm dying?"
"I— you—" Stiles paused, swallowing hard. "You're not dying, Sage."
Sage just shrugged, and looked over to Scott who was pacing as he spoke to Allison. When he hung up the phone, he grabbed a hold of Sage. Not even bothering to lug her around anymore, he picked her up bridal style, much like he did earlier that night, and ran towards the stairs. She knew Scott's hands were probably coated in blood at this point.
"Where are we going?" Stiles asked as he followed behind Scott.
"The lobby. That's where Allison is."
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Stiles and Scott came crashing through the doors, Sage held tightly in Scott's chest. The very first thing Allison noticed when she saw them was the blood. Sage was coated in it. It was everywhere. On her face, on her body, on her clothes, in her hair. Allison immediately ran over to them, trying to help Sage out of Scott's arms.
When Sage was stable, wobbling a little bit after being carried up two flights of stairs, Allison grabbed a hold of her face, tears welling up in her tears.
"Oh my god, what happened?" Allison wailed, looking over at the two boys who stood behind Sage in silence. "Guys? What happened!"
Sage winced. "Someone attacked me. I didn't get to see who it was. It happened so fast. I think they had a knife but I don't... I don't remember.."
"We need to get her out of here!" Allison shouted, looking towards Scott. "Why haven't you taken her already?"
"My jeep is broken. We didn't know what to do. How did you get here?" Stiles asked, cringing when he heard his voice get higher from the lie.
"Jackson and Lydia—"
The doors to the lobby swung open, and Lydia strutted in. She hadn't even acknowledged anyone other than Allison, but when her eyes darted to the side, all the confidence in her step was lost. From behind her, there was an inhuman sound wafting in the air.
Jackson's eyes connected with Sage's and she gave a small smile.
"So, how's the weather?"
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So, I've been working on this chapter for a good ole' dos days. For everyone confused about the whole Sage-not-being dead-thing, I'd like to explain it to you. Okay, so, we all know that Derek doesn't die. Sage doesn't know this.
The way her ability usually works, she will experience the same injuries as any other person until they either heal or die. When someone dies, they've succumbed to their wounds, and Sage is no longer effected because she isn't supposed to die from another's injury. With the whole Derek thing, she isn't healing because Derek isn't dead. Therefore, not-dead Derek means dying Sage. Now, she is actually dying.
We'll find out why her abilities are all jacked up later.
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