Chapter Thirty One. Manhood
Year E3029
"We need to get lower," I said toward Thomas, grabbing his sweaty arm.
We raced to the stairs, skipping every other step on our way down. Our footsteps echoed around, not being quiet, but we wouldn't survive the heat storm up high.
A flash of light lit up the stairwell, cracking thunder seconds behind. The building shook, rumbling under our feet. Thomas slipped on a step, falling to the next platform. He rolled to a stance, not slowing down.
"Do you think this place has a basement?" he asked, opening the door at the dead end.
"Yes, but maybe only has one entrance." I ran by him, sprinting down the hallway.
If this stairwell showed no basement, most likely, it would be on the one on the other side of the building. A crack stung my ears while a spark of light blinded my eyes. I stumbled to a stop, holding my head. As my blurry vision cleared, I saw Thomas on the floor, cupping his eyes.
I rushed to him, brushing my hand on his soaked back. "Are you okay?" I asked, kneeling beside him.
He glanced up at me with a hurt smile. "Yeah, I was looking out the window when that one went off."
The heat storm soaked my hair, with liquid dripping down my face. The humidity in the air bathed us like a warm bath. My strands stuck to my face while Thomas's curly hair fell flat.
I glanced away from him, down the hallway, and saw the other stairwell. The lights in the building flickered on, then off before all the exit signs horned a siren while flashing red.
"There," I said, pointing at a sign next to the door.
Thomas crawled to a stand, running in front of me. The hallway lit up red every second as a loud siren blared. He stopped, stepping aside for me to run through the already open door.
Another lightning strike rumbled while I noticed the red door with a hover sign telling us where the basement was. I grabbed the handle, burning my hand with pain.
I jumped back, feeling the skin on my palm sting. Hissing out, Thomas grabbed my wrist, opening my fingers to see swollen blisters. Red flashed above us, with the horn overtaking all senses.
Thomas removed his shirt, showing off his glistening torso. He wrapped it around the handle of the door, opening it. I stepped onto the dark, muddy stairs, guiding us into the underground.
Thomas kept in my shadow, holding my upper arm. I glanced over my shoulder to see he hung his shirt on his neck. He exhaled heavily, tightening his hand on me.
The stairs darkened as we lowered ourselves, but the humidity and heat became bearable. I lit my blue fire on my non-injured palm, stepping off the last step.
Someone in the corner shuffled away from us, covering their naked lap with a cloth. The walls of the unfinished basement leaked with water on the purple dirt. The person tied a dress coat around their waist before standing.
"Hey, state your name?" a male voice said, bringing his hand above his face while my fire blinded him. "Men Of Suits banned safforian fire in the city."
The man stepped closer, showing the Men Of Suits jacket around his waist. His blonde hair dripped sweat as his toned torso shined blue from my fire. I quickly put out my flame, seeing the dim tan light in the corner where he sat.
"We are only trying to escape the heat storm like you," Thomas informed the man, stepping before me. "Why not put at least underwear on?"
The blonde guy stepped away from us, grabbing material from the ground while a gun fell from his clothes. He covered it fast, balling all his things up next to a backpack.
"Names?" he asked with authority while slipping his boxers on.
Thomas glanced at me nervously. A drop of sweat trailed down his nose, falling off the tip.
"Mandy, and this is my neighbor, Dave." I felt my body tremble with heat. "I only used my fire to get down the dark stairs."
"Yes, we barely survived the heat storm," Thomas added.
The man hummed in agreement. "I am part of the Men Of Suits, so—"
"We saw that," Thomas said, interrupting the man.
"So, you stay on that side of the basement, and I will stay on this side."
This man was full of himself, walking around with his shoulders back. He coughed before eyeing me. The darkness with little light helped me with him not seeing my purple hair.
"I am Cal." He stepped closer, putting his hand out toward Thomas.
I watched their hands connect as I brushed the chip removal in my pocket with my fingers through my pants. Thomas's arms looked bigger than Cal's, but Cal was a good three inches taller. They released, prompting Cal to step closer to me with his hand out.
"You said Mandy, right?" he asked while I held my injured palm to my chest and shook his hand awkwardly with the other.
Cal tilted his head, grabbing my wrist without asking. He forced my fingers open before I ripped it away. Pain radiated up my arm, stinging with heat.
Thomas put his hand on Cal's chest, stepping between us. "Dude, what's your problem?"
Cal stepped back with his hands in the air. "Thought she had a weapon," he said with no care, walking to his stuff in the corner.
Thomas spun to face me with his palms on my shoulders. "You okay?"
"Yes, prick," I hissed through my teeth, loud enough for Cal to hear me.
I could see him shaking his head before sitting beside the dim light. He brought his palms to his forehead, closing his eyes from the heat. The light shined perfectly on his chip scar.
Thomas's hand brushed my hip, pushing me to the other wall. "Let's look at your palm."
He leaned against the wet mud, tossing his shirt to the ground. His fingers tapped his pants before he brushed them through his hair. Sweat dripped down my back while I picked my hair up off my neck. Thomas's round eyes glanced at me with an uncomfortable expression.
"You thinking what I am thinking?" he asked, wiping his brow.
"Yes," I exhaled, pulling my shirt over my head.
Thomas unzipped his pants, pealing the material off his legs. I watched as a thigh tattoo appeared, matching the pattern up his arms. My hand patted the chip remover, keeping it in my pocket as I pried my pants off.
The humidity from the storm felt like a thin layer over my bare skin, but the cold mud in the basement helped make it bearable. I wrapped one of my arms around my torso under my breasts as Thomas's eyes glanced at me. I smirked, eyeing his bright orange boxers.
"Nice," I said with a giggle.
He grinned, pointing at the heart on the front of my underwear. "I can say the same."
I laughed, stepping sideways, knowing my ass showed in this underwear. With my palm on the wall, I slid down, sitting in the mud. Thomas glanced at Cal before strolling over and sitting beside me.
He grabbed my wrist gently as I kept my hurt hand in a fist. His thumb danced circles on my hot skin.
"Can I see?" he asked, placing his other palm on my knuckles and cupping my hand.
Thomas's hand looked like a vast glove compared to mine. I opened my fingers one by one, showing him my red palm. The skin burned as it throbbed, feeling my heart beat in it. The humid air stung it more, making me want to close my fingers over it again. Blisters bubbled in areas, showing the shape of the handle.
"Ouch," Thomas said. "We need to do something before it gets infected."
"Yeah," I replied, feeling my hand tremble.
Thomas held my wrist tighter before using his other hand to bring my fingers back into a fist. He wrapped his hand over mine, hugging his palm over my closed fingers.
A scraping noise had us looking up to see a first aid kit sliding toward us. I glanced up from it, seeing Cal smiling. He nodded his head before placing his palms back in his hair.
Thomas quickly took the kit, opening the tiny box with many supplies. His fingers flipped through the papers until he stopped, pulling out a square red packet.
"Burn kit," he said while reading the back. "Says open the seal and pour liquid on the injured area." He smiled, glancing at my hand. "Also states to keep covered for at least an hour for the best results."
I leaned closer to the kit, flipping through the packets. This MOS kit had everything you could think of, including bullet holes, sunhover bites, knife cuts, safforian burns, broken bones, and head injuries. A white package caught my attention, and I saw splint fly written on the top.
"Here," I said, pulling out the red one that said healing cover while putting the splint fly under my leg.
"Perfect," Thomas said, getting on his knees before me.
My eyes couldn't help but peek at his manhood, blocked by his boxers, regretting my actions as I glanced at Thomas, catching me. I could feel my cheeks burn from embarrassment, even in the heat storm. He smirked slightly, but changed his expression quickly while grabbing my wrist.
"We can talk about that later," he said, causing me to cough.
"Nope, I'd rather not," I replied, not wanting to make eye contact with him, so I watched my palm.
He froze with his hand in mine. "You can't—"
"Nope, we are moving on," I said, glancing at the ceiling before looking at him.
Thomas tilted his face, raising an eyebrow. His smirk slowly formed into a wide grin, showing off his perfect teeth. I shook my head, side-eyeing him.
"Not the time," I said, pointing at my burn. "Fix me."
He ripped the burn package open. "You will never need fixing," he mumbled, pouring drops of red on my palm. "Because you are perfect."
I could feel the relief right away while the red treatment sizzled on my skin. The burning sting instantly disappeared while Thomas opened the cover package and a yellow slug plopped onto my hand. The bug flattened out, wrapping around my skin.
Thomas touched the bright slug, pushing down on its mushy body. "Sick," he said with a laugh that echoed in the basement.
I grabbed the package for the injury cover, seeing that the slug would drop off when done. Thomas closed the first aid kit, standing to walk over to Cal. I jumped from the ground quickly, following him with the splint fly package in my hand.
"Thanks, man," Thomas said, handing the kit back. "Appreciate it."
Cal smiled from the mud, eyeing me as I stood behind Thomas. "No problem."
I stepped sideways, glancing at the dress jacket on the ground. "So, why is a Men Of Suits stuck in the basement of an abandoned building in the middle of a heat storm?" I asked, already knowing the answer.
Cal cracked his neck, crossing his arms over his chest. "Top secret."
I pulled back my hair, fanning my face with my breast pronounced. The bra I had on cupped my melons tight. With my mouth gaped open, I glanced at Thomas, seeing him falling for my trick, but Cal kept his eyes down.
"Wow, it is getting hot in here," I innocently said, placing my hand on the wall and leaning over. "I feel dizzy."
Thomas brushed my hair back, pulling it away from my face. "Are you okay?"
Cal stood quickly, standing on my other side. He placed his hand on my lower back, touching my naked skin. His other hand cupped my upper thigh as I watched his eyes scan my bare ass.
I wrapped my leg around Cal's, touching his sweaty back and pushing him against the wall. My slug hand grabbed the backside of his head, shoving his face into the mud wall. His strength thrust back, but Thomas stepped in, shouldering him deeper into the thick mud.
"What are you doing?" Thomas asked in a panic.
I opened the package of splint fly, wrapping it around Cal's hands to bind them together. The white fly encased its wings around Cal's arms, making him inescapable.
"Tying him up," I replied to Thomas.
Thomas stepped back from Cal while I pulled him from the mud. Cal exhaled, spitting mire from his mouth. "Bitch."
Thomas placed his fingers on his forehead, glancing at me in disbelief. "Maybe next time, let me know the plan."
"What?" I pushed Cal to the ground as he kept coughing. "And miss out on all your panic expressions, no."
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