This is if your dealing with this type of stuff witch I dunno who is. But if they find this....they should know I am here for them🙂.
Me: *finds branch tied to a tree trying desperately to escape and runs up to em* Branch! What happened!?
??: *grabs me and pins me down* I don't think so.
Me: *scratches his leg and bites it as if I have rabbies*
??: *screams and lets me go and I attack punching and biting em making sure he's on the ground*
The other members: *try to jump me*
Me: *kicks and knocks them all out*
They all fall unconscious
Branch: *stands their eyes wide open in fear screaming but its muffled dis to tape*
Me: *rips the tape off and undoes the rope and runs with em out of danger*
At safety
Me: okay, I think were good. You okay? Did they hurt you? *looks at em*
Branch: they were tough with me and punched me a bit but nothing to extreme to worry about.
Me: so wait....they punched you....but your not hurt🤔🤔
Branch: well, they got my nose witch is a bit broken and does hurt currently.
Me: omay so you need treatment.
Branch: *pulls out a first aid kit and does it himself and puts it BA k in his hair and stands up*
Me: ....hmph. Should of known. Hm...whatever. Your fine now?
Branch: yes. A bit scared though....what if they come back?
Me: *smiles and puts a hand on his shoulder* I'll talk to poppy about it.
Branch: you would do that for me?
Me: yeah totally! What are friends for?
Branch: *thanks me and hugs me*
Me: want me to walk you to your bunker?
Branch: uhh...actually that would make me feel better and safer.
Me: okay. Come on. Let's get you home. *grabs his hand and walks em to his bunker*
Once were there.
Me: *looms at branch seeing uneasy he looks and feels his pain and fear and knows I gotta do this* well, looks like you got home safely🙂
Branch: *is still in his own zone* y...yeah.
Me: *pats his back and hugs em and helps em into his bunker and helps em down*
Branch: *stops looking around and seams more chill*
Me: you okay now?
Branch: yeah, thanks for actually coming in with me.
Me: no problem. Now I gotta go speak with poppy now.
Branch: okay, thank you. Bye.
Me: *waves* bye! *heads up and out and locks his door matt for em and runs to Poppys pod to talk to her*
Once I get there.
Me: *knocks on er door*
Poppy: *opens it* oh. hi bella! What's up?
Me: *smiles loving her happiness* well...I just got branch away from some kidnappers and I got em to his bunker and he looked uneasy so I told em I will speak to you about them. Do you mind keeping them away from em. Branch seams really scared. I don't know much about what they did to em but it doesn't seam good. He told me they roughly handled em and punched demand he has a slightly broken nose a little.
Poppy: oh my! Is he okay now?
Me: yeah,he's in his bunker currently chilling.
Poppy: oh! That's great. Well, I will definitely do something about this. Thank you for telling me this. This won't happen again.
Me: *smiles* good, I can now tell em all this.
poppy: great. Bah bye.
Me: bye *leaves to go back to branch*
At his bunker
Me: *bangs on his door matt and calls down to em* yo branch! It's me!
Branch: *comes up* what's happening *says not really opening the door all the way. Just a peek*
Me: oh no, nothing. Just spoken to poppy about the whole thing and she said she'll make sure they won't do this again.
Branch: *signs of relief* oh thank trolly😌
Me: *smiles* well, anything else?
Branch: no....actually you did everything you can. Now just let poppy work. If I need anything I'll call.
Me: okay. Bye.
Branch: bye.
Okay poppy works it out they stop bothering branch I find out I'm happy. He's happy. The bad ones are banished. Branch is better then ever after their banishment.
Well,hop you like the story. Adios
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