Chapter 9
school sucked today but here is some more lams and bad writing
Angie's Pov
I watched as John and Alex walked out of the party, both of them drunk as can be. Alex has an arm around John's waist and is drunkenly singing a song as they stumble around while John, the less drunk of the two, supports Alex with his arm around his shoulder. I smile.
"If they don't hook up then, well, Alex must be straight or something." I hear Eliza remark. I turn back to my friends.
"Nice work team!", I nod at them. "Now we wait and see." Laf and Herc slowly begin to exchange meaningful looks with each other as we stand there awkwardly.
"Well, erm Hercules and I must go how you say..check on something." Laf offers as he backs away with Herc
"Oh just go make out already!", Peggy yells after them.
john's pov
Alex is singing a song about the story of tonight as we sway on the path back to our dorm.
I shake my head ruefully as Alex hiccups. I should have never challenged him, the poor guy.
"We'll tell the story of tooooooniigghht!" Alex sings loudly off-key. His arm is still wrapped around my waist in what I tell myself is an attempt to not lose his balance. We round a corner lazily.
"You know what John?", he giggles as he puts a warm hand on my chest.
"What?" We stop walking as he turns to face me, his eyes shining. Why do his eyes look so dark but still hold so much light?
"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" He murmurs. He blushes as our faces creep closer together.
"Alex, you're drunk, you don't know what you're saying,", I mutter.
"No John! I've never been more sure. You make me a better person. Ever since meeting you, my life feels complete. You are my better half. Over the past couple of months I do believe I have fallen completely and totally in love with you.", our faces are inches apart. My heart beats so fast I am certain he can hear it. His cheeks get even redder as we gaze at each other.
"Do you mean it?", I whisper.
"Yes" he breaths. I grow red as he leans in. We stare for a second, both of us daring the other to make the first move. He suddenly grabs my face and pulls me down as our lips connect. The world seems to stop as I grab his body, pull him closer to me. I pull at his dark hair and am rewarded with a small whimper as our mouths press together. His tongue begs for entrance at my mouth and then ravishes every corner of it when I open it. We fight for dominance as the world seems to sway around us. Every so once in a while I would pull gently at his beautiful hair causing Alex to moan softly as he clutches at my body.
We could have stayed for days in that position. Weeks even. But he breaks to breath in the cold, crisp December air. I'm sure that my cheeks are as red as his as we stand, bodies still pressed together, his arms still latched around my waist, mine still snaked around his body, one hand tangled deep in his soft hair. We each take shuddering breaths as we stand there recovering from what had just happened.
What am I doing? I just made out with Alexander Hamilton, outside of our dorms on a December night, while we were both drunk. He looks up at me and as if he senses my thoughts he whispers, "You don't regret it do you?" in a soft voice that makes me want to melt the way an ice cream cone does on a hot day.
"Of course not." I wrap my arms around him as we walked up to our dorm.
"John I'm tired." He whines the way a small child does.
"I know buddy, why don't you brush your teeth and get some sleep?"
"I didn't write-" He's interrupted by a giant yawn.
"Come on Lex, it's time for bed." I finally tuck him in and I'm about to head for my own bed, when he grabs the edge of my flannel.
"Sleep with me? Please?" I can't say no to those eyes. So I climb into bed and whisper soft words to him as he finally drifts to sleep in my arms.
Alex's pov
For a second there, my memory went completely fuzzy. I remember taking that eleventh shot. Then nothing. I blink for a second as I rack my brains. My head suddenly begins to pound as the sunlight streams in through my window. I notice the strong arms around my waist. I look up to see a peacefully sleeping John.
Wait, again? My mind spins. Then...
My face turns beet red as I remember the events of yesterday. I confessed didn't I? Then I- Oh dear god what did I do? I was so mortified. I never should have taken those shots.
I snap back to reality as I feel
John slowly stretch.
"Morning." He murmured slowly as he brought me closer to his chest.
"Don't talk." He says sleepily in a low voice that was oh so sexy as he brought a finger to my lips. "Let's just stay here a while. You and I."
"Okay." I snuggle closer to his rising and falling chest.
welp there you go! It's the make-out chapter. I hope you enjoyed and thank you to that one person who thought my writing was good enough to vote on! enjoy your day!
*edited once*
*edited twice*
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