The Cullen house, though I'd only seen it once, didn't fail to amaze me. Even for vampires it was impressive, considering all I had to my name. As I walked toward the front door, the same colour of wood as the pines that guarded it with shade, the clothes on my back suddenly felt cheap. It was clear that Alice really had been excited for Bella's birthday: the whole house was filled from top to bottom with fairy lights and pink, fringed strings, which were glowing faintly from behind the large walls of glass that enveloped the inside rooms. The birds in the surrounding woods played a sweet tune, and I almost believed that Alice had asked them to play out happy a birthday just to spite Bella. It was something, I felt, that she would do- that she could do.
I knocked on the door, listening to the near inaudible scratch from behind it. Almost instantly, I knew it was Emmett. Only his large, impressive from could move with such a strength. But then, as quick as it had come, the noise silenced, and a low thump hit the ground behind. Turning around, I was met with Emmett, his knees bent as if he was preparing to jump as soon as his feet had connected with the floor. His usual grin was hindered by a pout, as if id spoiled something.
"Sorry, I thought it would be Bella," he said, swinging his arm around my shoulder.
Behind, the door swung open with a creak, and Rosalie stared out with narrowed eyes that I matched. Emmett would have easily known that I was, in fact, not Bella. My eyebrows rose teasingly, and he looked away. Guilty, I thought.
Rosalie finally stepped out from the doorway, an empty box in her hands and a roll of wrapping paper tucked under her arm, no doubt a present that Alice was forcing her to wrap. Her porcelain skin gleamed under the warm lights, like snow in the sun, only Rosalie was permanent, her harsh but beautiful face never able to melt.
"Bella's not coming until seven, remember?" She said, rolling her eyes at the thought.
In despite of everything- all the groans shed made, and the nervousness from Bella- I liked Rosalie. There was something about her relentlessness in the fact that her own opinions wouldn't waver, that made her some sort of anchor, of which I knew Emmett had to cling to. She was ethereal, yes, in the classic sense, but her mind wouldn't be changed by others so easily. I hoped I could say the same for myself, in some way, but I wasn't sure. Alice's insistence that I could confide in her, was proof enough.
"Come in Elide," Emmett said, moving his large shoulders to pull us forward. "Everyone's in the kitchen."
"So how come we haven't seen you?" Emmett asked once we'd made our way into the hallway, the sound of pots and pans clanging coming from the bright room ahead.
"You've been in Africa," I said, brushing off any thought of the real reason I'd been avoiding the Cullens. "How was the honeymoon?"
From behind us, Rosalie sighed. "It was too good for us to have to come back for this."
Before she could say any more, we entered the kitchen, erupting into the lightness that'd been blocked out in the hallway. On the island in the middle, the thing first noticeable, was a tiered cake, at least four levels, dressed in a smooth coat of pink and decorated with flowers. Emerging from behind the tall cake, Esme's kind face beamed back at me. She always looked as if, in er human lifetime, she would've had a constant blush, as her round cheeks bunched up, almost creasing her gentle eyes.
"Elide, lovely to see you again," she called, gliding around the island so she could embrace me, her movement on her feet swift and effortless. "Thank you for helping us prepare. We couldn't rein Alice in this time."
My eyes finally flickered to the girl who stood by the window, her short figure surrounded by the blur of light, like some sort of holy surrounding. I blinked again, removing the image. Vampires were most definitely not holy. But Alice smiled her angelic smile, making second guess yet again.
"It's Bella's birthday! She has to celebrate," Alice chimed, coming over to grip my hands in hers, nudging her head to the cake. "Come on, you can help me set the cake in the living room."
I stood in front of the pink cake, letting my hands slip below the glass stand.
"You made this?" I asked.
Alice nodded. "Esme did it this morning."
"It amazes me," I said, shaking my head. "I haven't baked anything in years."
Even if I had baked, it never would have turned out as intricate and professional as Esme's cake. My mother always had said how hopeless I was when it came to the kitchen, no matter how much she'd coaxed me with her help.
Together, we lifted the cake stand easily, managing to keep the balance between us as we stepped from the kitchen, into the hallway and finally into the living room. In the corner of the room, a large piano stood out, draped in a pink throw and covered with a small pile of wrapped presents- Rosalie's being one of them. We placed the cake in the middle, either one of us on each side of the piano.
"It really is nice of you to come," Alice said, her eyes on the lace placemat that she toyed with on the top.
"Alice..." I trailed off, biting my lip.
"No, I'm not being sly," she said, already knowing what I thought. "It is nice that you're here."
I hated how nice she was being, especially after the day at school, when she'd practically called me out for my absence. I couldn't explain it, and yet I was still angry that she wanted me to. I sighed, knowing that some sort of response was warranted, but all I could come up with was some slather of words that were far too feeling for it to be the reason that Alice wanted.
"I'm sorry, okay. I know you were upset that I didn't come and see you and your family. But..." I began, but Alice's eyes closed, and she sighed.
"Can we not, it's supposed to be a happy day," she said, beginning to walk away from the piano.
I reached out, arm sliding forward past the cake until I connected with her wrist, my chest flat against the pink sheets.
"Just let me finish," I pleaded. "I'm sorry, Alice. Don't ask for an explanation, just forgive me. I'll do better."
Alice softened as she looked toward my hand that enveloped her wrist. She smiled, letting my fingers slip slowly down her lower arm until she held my hand. "You better keep that promise," she said. "I think my family really like you."
I chuckled lightly. "I'm glad. I like them too," I said. "How is everyone?"
"Carlisle and Esme are the same. Jasper acts like nothing happened. He's not good with the whole blood thing still. And Emmett and Rosalie are happy being away from here," she said as she made her way toward the opposite side of the piano, testing how the cake stand looked from another angle. "Edward loves her more than he ever has."
"And you?" I asked- it was rare she ever talked about herself on first ask.
"I'm good. Better now that I have you to complain to," she said, her eyes finally widening from the narrowed squint she gave to her little display.
I almost cringed. Her comment almost felt like a dig, but more often than not, I knew I looked too deep into things.
"I think it needs to be a little more in the middle," Alice said, her finger tapping thoughtfully to her lips.
I stepped forward, shifting the cake to the right and then back a little. "Like this?"
She nodded and reminded quiet, leaving me with a feeling that could only be likened to a hold of a breath. A collective sense of waiting overtook the room in Alice's calming presence. It was almost as if I would drop dead, if I didn't break the silence.
"What now?" I asked.
Alice glanced to the windows, which over looked the wooded driveway. "She'll be here soon. I need to go make sure Emmett remembers what to do. Can you see if Esme needs anything?"
"Thank you. Oh, and I'll need you to distract Bella for a minute once she's here," she said, seconds after I'd barely nodded.
I watched her leave through the front door before I made my way into the kitchen. Alice was so strung up about Bella"s birthday- more so than I had originally thought. I wondered if it had something to do with her past, with the fact that she'd never had a happy birthday, as far as she could remember. Ever since we'd watched that video together, it'd been as if she was trying to make up for her own human time that she'd lost.
I didn't miss the look that Carlisle and Esme shared as I entered, and I braced myself for some sort of talk.
"Elide! I hope you know how happy we are that you're here," Esme chimed, dusting her hands off from the floury dough she rolled out on the table.
Carlisle placed a comforting hand on his wife's shoulder. "We want you to know that we're here for whatever you need. It can be hard, being what we are and being alone," he said.
"Thank you. It means a lot," I said.
I knew exactly why they were saying this, of course. Alice must have noted my absence, and I'm sure I carried a stench of worry wherever I went. But I smiled, nonetheless, casting my eyes to the food that Esme was now making to go along with the cake.
"I've been sent to see if there is anything I can help you with."
"Oh, we could always use some help," Esme said, smiling warmly. She rolled the pin toward the edge of the island, letting me catch it before it toppled to the floor. "You can help me bake while Carlisle puts up the last of the lights."
"She wants more lights up?"
"We told you we couldn't rein her in," Carlisle laughed as he left the room.
I took the space beside Esme, holding the rolling pin awkwardly in my hands. She paused a minute, looking down at me, before she laughed, the sparkling sound pouring from her lips. Esme took the pin and began to roll it over the dough, letting it spill out before she pulled it back again, thinning the sticky texture.
"You've never baked?"
I laughed, hiding my awkwardness of the question. "Everyone has baked at least once in their life, and I'm no exception," I said, instead opting to place the already made dough onto the baking trays. "I'm just terrible at it. And there really is no point in making food that I won't eat."
Esme shrugged. "I think it's a brilliant past time," she said, before passing thoughtfully. "It reminds me of my mother. I suppose that's another reason why I do it."
I liked the way she smiled so fondly at the thought. baking reminded me of my own mother too, of the times she would almost hit me with her spoon out of frustration when I'd either burned the buns or stolen a taste. I loved the cranky woman, but instead of fondness, the thought of doing anything that reminded me of her brought out a sense of sadness, rather than affection.
"Do you mind pulling the muffins from the oven for me dear?"
I pulled the tray out, letting the smell waft over me. I wanted it to smell comforting and delicious, but there was a distinct nothingness that took over my nose. The smell of the small cupcakes was simply there, no matter how beautiful they looked.
"They're amazing!" I exclaimed, setting them on the bench by her dough. "Though I'm not sure Bella will be able to eat it all."
Esme chuckled. "I'll pack it up afterwards. I'm sure her father will give it a try."
When Bella finally arrived with Edward, she struggled to contain her disdain. With a cringe, she shuffled into the living room, Edward's arm draped across her shoulders, likely the only thing that was holding her together. Her eyes, I noticed, drew straight toward the corner of the room, to the piano, the beautiful cake and the silver wrapped presents.
Esme and Carlisle stood forward first, being closest to the door. Esme with her caramel-coloured hair and soft cheeks looked nothing but motherly as she pulled Bella in for a hug, wrapping her in her long, slender arms. She kissed her forehead, and then Carlisle put an arm around her shoulder, whispering something that seemed to make her laugh, putting her at some sort of ease, or as much as Bella could ever be calmed.
"You haven't changed at all," Emmett teased, feigning some sort of disappointment. But with his smiley face and energetic stance, he could rarely look discontented, and so Bella blushed and forced out a disjointed chuckle. "I expected a perceptible difference, but here you are, red faced just as always."
It never seemed possible, but Bella always seemed to blush deeper at any comment. It reached across her slim cheeks and toward her rounded nose, spreading light a wildfire. It was the medicine for her stiffness.
"Thanks a lot, Emmett," she said, nudging at his arm.
He laughed his strong, hearty laugh, shoulders shaking- large enough to cause earthquakes. From behind him, like a constant shadow, Rosalie stood with her lowered brow, blood-red lips void of any smile. At least she wasn't glaring, I thought.
"I have to step out a second," he said, eyes flickering conspicuously toward Alice. "Don't do anything funny while I'm gone."
"I'll try."
Alice skipped forward, beaming as she brushed kindly past Bella and toward the front door. it seemed she hadn't been able to get Emmett to fully understand his part on their gift. Before she could turn after them, a strode forward, gripping her arm in mine and manoeuvring her further into the living room. Jasper seemed to slide away from her like a magnet, keeping at a respectful distance, a simple smile remaining on his face.
"I've got the job of distraction. Look this way please," I said as she groaned. "Just a second."
"You're conspiring with them!" She exclaimed, not bothering to keep her voice lowered. "And here I was inviting you in hopes of having someone to save me from the birthday nonsense! Alice actually got to you, didn't she?"
Before I could say a word, Alice entered the room. "Time to open presents," she declared, stealing Bella's elbow so she could be dragged toward the gifts in the corner.
"Alice, I know I told you I didn't want anything-"
"But I didn't listen," she said smugly, moving swiftly to shove the first parcel in her hands.
"You've had mine," I said, shrugging my shoulders as she looked my way for an excuse.
"Exactly," Alice shouted. "So that means you can have ours! Open it."
Bella finally looked down to the box she held timidly in her hands. It was labelled from Emmett, Rosalie and Jasper, and I was in no doubt that it was the same present that Rosalie had wrapped only an hour earlier. The names were scrawled in a decadent, swirling scripture- it matched the blonde perfectly.
Bella opened it, eyeing the empty box warily. "Um... thanks."
At this, Rosalie let a smile slip out from her cold appearance.
Jasper laughed. "It's a stereo for your truck," he explained. "Emmett's installing it right now for you."
"So you can't return it," I added, only teasing her further.
"Thanks, Jasper, Rosalie," she said. "Thanks Emmett!"
"So open mine and Edward's next!" Alice almost squeaked, shoving another present into her hands. It was small and flat, almost an envelope, but it was wrapped in the same, shiny, silver paper.
Bella sent a heated glare toward Edward. "You promised."
"Just in time!" Emmett shouted, pushing past Jasper, who had moved closer sometime between answering Bella's confusion and her accusing shout to Edward. Emmett stood beside me, leaning over to stare at the still-wrapped gift.
"I didn't spend a dime," he said, raising his hands innocently.
Bella rolled her eyes but eventually went back toward the present, using her nails to attempt to rip open the thick paper and tape. Then it happened. It all happened quick enough for any normal human to be able to miss it.
Bella cursed as her finger slid across the edges, slicing through a layer until it pooled with crimson liquid, the sharp stench filling the air. She lifted her hand to the light, observing the scarlet blood that trailed down her finger as if it were rain dripping down a window. Then, as if suddenly coming back to reality, her eyes widened, looking just in time to see Edward storm in front of her, pushing her back with one strong push of his hand.
"No!" He roared, the sound shattering through the clattering sound of Bella's body crashing through the cake, the glass plates and the remaining presents. Her arms were thrown forward, leaving a trail of splattered blood in her wake.
Jasper threw himself at Edward with enough force to send wavering panic through my body. The scent of blood had only grown stronger, suffocating the air, tainting it like some sort of poisonous smoke. My hands shook with wavering control as my fingers covered my mouth and nose. His eyes were dangerous, teeth snapping like a wild animal as Edward tried to press him back further.
"Emmett, Rose, get Jasper outside," Carlisle said, taking order.
But they too, were struggling with the scent that was designed to drive them insane with thirst. Rosalie and I jumped forward first, ripping Jasper from Edward's grip by an arm each. Emmet came next, taking him in his large grasp and allowing its to tackle him through the front door, which Esme held open, one hand held clutching her nose.
When we finally reached outside, Jasper pushed himself from our hold and he went staggering forward, almost falling to his knees by the edge of the tree line. He looked pained, his face contorted into such a howling look... It was horrifically incredible, the control that hunger could have over a being, twisting them into cruel creatures that were nothing like themselves. I already knew how terrified Jasper must be feeling.
Rosalie and Emmett lined themselves in front of the doorway, blocking the entrance. Their faces were stricken with worry: if Jasper truly wanted Bella's blood, he wouldn't need a doorway to get to her. Behind, Esme hurried down the front steps, face held in her hands.
Then Jasper suddenly lurched forward, feet slipping through the soft earth, sending him spiralling forwards. None of us had the energy to follow after him- keeping control, it was draining. To the side, Rosalie leaned against the railing, eyes held tightly shut.
Last time Bella had bled, there'd been so much distraction that I had barely noticed the smell above my anger. Now... my hunger filled me, stretching out to each limb of my body until my muscles were screaming in an attempt to move toward her. I was so preoccupied, that I almost missed it, as Edward raced from the house, flying into the woods with the harsh look of fury on his face.
A few moments later, Rosalie finally spoke, keeping her eyes closed. "We should help look for Jasper," she said, her voice strained. "Edward isn't the best of trackers."
But before she could move forward, Jasper and Edward were already emerging from the woods, frowns etched deeply into their faces. Alice hung about the door, testing whether to enter again. The scent of blood was dwindling, but it still lingered. I gravitated to her side.
"Go in together," I asked, holding my hand out in front of me.
Alice nodded gratefully, taking my hand tightly and dropping it to our side. She led us into the living room, Esme shortly behind us. Bella stood, Edward now by her side as he always was. Her cuts were stitched up and the blood wiped away, but a pool still rested by the piano where she'd landed. Alice dragged me forward, clutching onto Bella's elbow tenderly.
"Come one, we'll get you something less macabre to wear," she said, carefully moving Bella around the room and toward the stairs.
Esme now held a bottle of bleach in her hand and a cloth, and was making her way to the spilled blood that seeped into the wood flooring.
Bella started forward. "Please, Esme, let me do that."
She shook her head. "I'm fine. You go get cleaned up."
Alice pulled her further up the stairs, leaving me to follow behind. Bella shook, her hands barely able to grip either onto Alice's outreached arms or the banister to her side. Fear had taken over her, making her heart beat wide within her chest. It was almost deafening, for me. But Bella was not scared for herself: she was scared for the Cullens, for all it meant for them.
"Alice," she whispered in a fragile voice as we reached the top of the stairs.
Alice didn't respond until we reached a room which I assumed was hers. It was bare, almost. A single day seat stretched across the left wall, all glass too, opposite to another window that was lined with floating shelves, stacked with books of every kind.
"How bad is it?" Bella asked, as Alice pulled the bloody shirt up pst her head, wary of the new stitches on her arm.
"I'm not sure yet," she said, biting her lip.
I couldn't concentrate on their conversation across the room. Something about it, perhaps the vulnerability of it, or the lingering presence of blood, made my limbs feel numb and my head ache.
Instead, I placed my attention on Alice's room. I was surprised by it- nothing screamed out that it was hers, except maybe the moon and sun covered blanket that decorated the seats, probably untouched, or the jewellery that lay strung across a chair. Then I saw the open door behind, leading to a large, overflowing wardrobe. That was more like the Alice I knew. My eyes finally drew to the bookshelves again, landing on a small, ornate box on the edge. I picked it up. Tarot cards. I eyed Alice and she just rolled her eyes.
"How's Jasper?"
"He's very unhappy with himself. It's all so much more of a challenge for him, and he hates feeling weak."
Bella's eyes widened and she spun around, lip quivering. Clutching to Alice's wrists, she said, "It's not his fault. You'll tell him that I'm not mad at him, not at all, won't you?"
"Of course," Alice soothed, brushing back her sweat covered hair from her face.
We drifted back down toward the front door again, where Edward now stood with Esme and Carlisle a small step behind him, looking like the orderly parents they portrayed and were. As Bella reached the bottom of the stairs, Edward held the door open without a word, letting her mumble a quick goodbye, before she was gone.
"Take your things!" Alice said, hurrying after her, a small pile of silver wrapped box suddenly in her hands. "You can thank me later when you open them."
"Tarot cards?" I asked Alice as she rejoined my side.
She glared playfully. "A girl tries what a girl's got to try."
"Did it work?"
Something similar to a cold shiver ran through the house. It had- they all had- been stained by this past event, whether they wished to be or not. It was more like a nightmare, than a bad memory. But no matter how much we forced ourselves to wake, to overcome the lingering smell of blood, of Bella, we couldn't.
And I was very much afraid that we were changed, because of it.
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