"ARE YOU ALRIGHT??" THOR SAT DOWN beside me, as the jet took off from Sokovia.
"Y-Yes," I mumbled. No I wasn't. My mind flashed back to what I heard while eavesdropping on Pietro and Wanda.
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"I just know."
I gasped, and both of their heads whipped to face where I was. They couldn't see me because I cloaked myself in invisibility.
"Lubyov?" Pietro questioned, quietly. I mirrored his tone and quietly stepped away from the doorway where they stood. "Wanda, go. You need to detain Stark." She nodded, her eyes glowing slightly, searching for me. She moved away from me and Pietro, exiting out of another door before it closed behind her.
"Bye, Len." Wanda called out in her thick Sokovian accent. I smiled softly but did not reply, I had grown fond of Wanda despite our few talks.
Pietro sighed, running his hand through his white hair. "Please come out now . . ." I hesitated for a moment before stepping into the room. His eyes locked onto the doorframe where my footsteps echoed. "Let me see you, Lenny."
Immediately after my nickname fell from his lips, I rushed to him and hugged him tightly despite the circumstance. A puff of air came out of his lips at the sudden attack, his frame tensing before relaxing. A hesitant hand fell upon my shoulder. I opened my eyes, letting myself be seen as me.
"Hi," I squeaked out, my arms still wrapped around him. I was uncertain of what to do, he attacked me but I didn't care. I missed him. His arms slithered around my waist, pulling me tighter to him before his head fell into the crook of my neck.
"Why are you with the Avengers, Lenny?" He asked, his voice muffled into my skin.
I froze. He felt betrayed.
"T-They saved me Pietro," I sighed pulling away from him. I couldn't look up into his eyes because his eyes would show me more emotion that I couldn't handle. Not now.
"But you know what Stark has done–" Pietro hissed, his hands clutching on my arms tightly. "What his things did to my family!"
"I know what Stark has done," I told him sharply. "But I was captured, Pietro. I didn't want to be taken... I didn't want to have powers. I didn't ask for this."
Pietro ran his hand through his hair, frustrated. "But I can't keep you safe!"
"I don't need saving– not anymore." I exclaimed in frustration.
"Yes, yes you do, Lenny! Don't you see it? Stark will use you and you'll end up hurt–"
I raised my eyes up to him, grasping his head in my hands. I felt so small compared to his large stature, but it didn't matter then. I need him to listen.
"Pietro I am not on any side. I can't be persuaded. I'm with the Avengers because they can help me. Natasha was just like me– I can save myself–"
"But with their help," Pietro said bitterly. "You say you don't need saving but you owe them everything now, don't you?"
I sighed, dropping my hands from his face, "y-yes..."
"You should go, Lenny."
My head snapped up quickly, "n-no Pietro, I don't–"
"You what? You don't want to leave me?" His tone was mocking, but his eyes said a different story.
I bit my lip, "you know how I feel– you just even told your sister–"
"I know what I told her," Pietro snapped.
"Even if I'm not with you, Pietro... I still care about you."
"No, no you don't. If you cared you would stay with me!"
I looked up at the broken man in front of me, his eyes pleading me to stay with him... but I couldn't. I had to go... this wasn't right. I stood up on my tippy toes, and Pietro's breath hitched as my hands fell onto his shoulders.
I let my lips softly press to his, letting my eyes flutter shut. A gasp escaped my lips as Pietro pushed me against a wall, his lips not once leaving mine. My hand reached up, running through his hair, tugging on it as our lips slowed down.
I let my eyes open slowly as I pulled away, that was... Perfect.
"Goodbye, Pietro." I quickly became invisible, hitting his head against the wall harshly. "Sadly, payback's a bitch, and so am I."
I couldn't let my emotions get in the way of my mission.
I pressed my com, letting the others finally hear me, "one enhanced down. Now where the hell is Stark?"
◎ ◎ ◎
"Can someone please turn off this bloody music?" I hissed, pushing away from Thor.
"What's got her panties in a twist?" Stark mumbled and I glared at him.
"Nothing," I spat out, pacing back and forth around the jet. I just wanted to be with Pietro.
"Where were you?"
I froze at Steve's question.
"Your com went down for awhile and suddenly you come back on saying you dealt with one of the enhanced. What happened?" Steve explained and the others in the vicinity turned in question towards the two of us.
"None of your business, Steve." I quickly spat, knowing that my anger was getting the best of me, and it wouldn't be good.
"You knew them, didn't you?" Stark interrupted. Are you f.ucking with me, Stark? "We thought you would tell us but you didn't want us to know about them. You knew that we would try getting them."
"Y-Yes," I mumbled, dropping my head down so I wouldn't have to see their disappointed faces.
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