☆Wait For It☆
-Chapter 1
It had been a long day for John. He had just arrived at the orphanage he was assigned to. He sighed and crossed his arms as a cool fall breeze brushed against him. He slowly walked in, feeling a bit out of place. He walked to the front desk, a lady taking a notice of his presence.
"How can I help you, dear?" She asked. "I-I'm John, John Laurens," He answered. "Alright, John. Let me check," She nodded to me and turned her attention to the computer at her side. John looked at the floor in nervousness, his stomach in a tight knot. "Ah, here we go!" She said suddenly making John jump a bit. "You'll be in room 145. Just down the hall, a left, then a right at the end of that hall. Got it?" She explained. "Y-Yeah.. I'm pretty sure I can.. find it," John answered, a light lolsided grin on his face. "Alright, dear. Also, you have a roommate. He's really nice. I think you'll like him." She said, a smile plastered upon her face. "O-Ok, thank you," he said. "Oh yes, and in the morning at.. 10:00 I need you to come here to fill out some papers so we can get to know you, okay?" She asked "Yes, of c-course." He answered.
And with that John walked down the hall. He took a left, and he continued down the hall until he saw room 145. "Ok, John, this is it," he muttered to himself. "You can do this." He took a deep breath and knocked on the door.
After a few minutes the door opened and a pair of beautiful intelligent, brown eyes, and a hunger panged frame appeared. John had never seen such a beautiful human being in his life. His heart seemed to explode. "U-Uhm... I'm.. your new roommate... J-John Laurens..." he gave the same lopsided grin to the beautiful boy. 'Wait.. does this mean... no.. but... what!? Damnit I'm confusing myself...' The boy dragged John out of his thoughts. "Oh, ok... I'm Alexander Hamilton," he began. "But please, call me Alex" the boy smiled at John. "Come on in! Make yourself at home." Alex made way for John to come in.
"It's not the prettiest thing I've ever seen, but it works for me." Alex said. "Well, its better than nothing," John replied. John looked at the bunk beds at the side of the room. The bottom one seemed occupied, so he took the top bunk.
Alex decided to sit on his bed. "So.. where are you from?" He asked. "Well... I-I'm from South Carolina originally.. but I moved here with my mom last year.." a bit of pain seemed to drown out John's happy mood. "Cool, I'm from Nevis. A place in the Caribbean." He stated. "That sounds awesome," John said, laying on his stomach, facing the end of his bed. "Yeah... I guess," Alex replied.
"So, anyways... um.. what's your favorite... animal?" Alex asked. "Definitely Turtles!" John answered enthusiastically. "Cool! I'm fascinated by rays." Alex said.
John had an idea. He planned on asking what sexuality Alex was, even though it could be risky. "So.. are you straight, or..." his voice trailed off. "Nope, I'm Bi." Alex said. A wave of relief washed over John. "Cool, I don't know what I am at the moment. It's hard to know what you are sometimes, I guess..." John replied.
"I understand," Alex began. "Before I came out bi there were a lot of homophobes where I lived. It was kind of.. dangerous to come out liking the same gender as yourself." Alex said, shuddering at the thought. "That's awful. No one should be judged on their sexuality," John agreed. "Exactly!"
John really liked Alex's enthusiastic personality. He liked how he wasn't afraid to let others know about his opinions. That took great courage, and John admired that. He liked that way Alex's hair hung just below is ears, and how his eyes lit it when John brought up a topic he was interested in.
Alex seemed to be interested in everything John had to say. He held onto every word that left John's mouth, and let it go only when the word had been processed through his brain. He liked John's signature lopsided grin he always wore, and the way his curls bounced when he moved.
"So, how old are you?" Alex asked John. "I'm 17. You?" John answered. "Cool, I'm 16," Alex said.
"What time do you go to bed?" John asked. "Usually around 9:30," John sighed with relief as he looked at the digital clock on their nightstand. "ok good. 'Cause I'm exhausted!" John exclaimed. Alex chuckled. "Alright, well. Goodnight John." Alex pulled the covers over himself, laying on his side. John giggled a bit and lay down, taking his hair out of his ponytail. He lay on his back to stare at the ceiling for a few minutes, thinking. 'What am I?' He asked himself. 'Am I.. bi.. or gay.. or what!?' He sighed. 'I guess I'll find out soon enough..' and with that, he was falling asleep, one arm hanging off of the side rail of his bed.
'I'll just have to wait for it'
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