▽I'm Not Gay.. Am I?▽
-Chapter 2
John woke up to a blinding light in his eyes. He groaned quietly and shaded his eyes with his hand and slowly climbed down from the bunk. He noticed Alexander was still asleep. John thought Alex looked cute while asleep. He seemed carefree, and peaceful. 'Wait.. what? I'm not gay... haha.. no... am I?' He seemed to get lost in his thoughts. He shook of the thought of himself being gay. Not that was bad or anything, but that he couldn't comprehend his unknown sexuality. He wondered turned toward their door, debating if he should go out, or not. After a few minutes, he decided to wait 'till Alex woke up, and ask him.
John sighed tiredly and plopped down in the chair to the desk him, and Alex shared. He reached for one of his bags and pulled out a pencil case, and a little notebook he had brought with him. He opened it up to see all of the little drawings he had drawn over the years of him having it. He grinned to himself, thinking of the moments that he drew the drawings in his book. He seemed to have a love for art, but he felt as if he didn't have enough skill for it.
He turned his head to Alexander for a moment, hearing him stir. "You awake?" He asked. "I guess so," Alex groaned tiredly, his voice hoarse. John found it attractive, but surely didn't want it to show. So he turned his head to his book, his chocolate curls covering his rosy cheeks.
"Well, good morning," He eventually said. "And good morning to you, John," Alex smiled, even though he knew John wouldn't see it. Then his previous mental debate crossed his mind, and he decided to ask. "Hey Alex?" "Yeah?" Alex looked up from his dresser drawer. John spun around in his chair to face Alex, pushing a few strands of hair behind his ears.
Alex couldn't help but blush at John's unintentional adorableness. Alex was an emotional mess when it came to adorableness. He tried to hide his blush with a cheesy grin. "I was just wondering when we were going to eat breakfast," he said, blinking. "Oh yeah, I'll show you to the cafeteria after we get dressed," Alex said. "Um, can you uh.. turn around..?" He asked shyly. "Huh? Oh yeah! Of course!" He spun around and blushed embarrassingly.
John didn't dare move unit he was sure that Alex was ready, and sure enough, Alex called for him. "Ok, done! Your turn, I guess," Alex shrugged, walking over to John, his hands in his pockets. John nodded and got up, letting Alex have the seat. He grabbed a lime green T-shirt, and a pair of light blue jeans out of his bag, making sure Alex was turned before.. well.. dropping his pants I guess... (I can't lmaoo)
"I really need to get organized later.." he said more to himself than to Alex, not caring if he heard him. "I can help if you need, I dot have anything to do today anyways," Alex offered, turning around. He mentally thanked the lord that John was fully clothed when he spun, not thinking.
"Thanks, I appreciate it!" John said, his southern slang showing. John reached up to tie his hair back into a ponytail, his shirt rising a bit. Alex couldn't help but look, and instantly regretted it. He sank his nose down into his knee hug, trying to hide his slight blush. He didn't know why that seemed to turn him on.
"Ok, I'm ready to go," John said, turning to his new friend. "Alright, sounds good." He released his knees from his embrace and stood up, a bit shorter than the 17 year old. "Ok, so. Usually around this time, all of the kids come out of their rooms to get breakfast. So don't get run-over" Alex chuckled. 'Gosh dangit, his chuckle is cute! Damnit this is gay of meeee' John thought, trying to mentally scold himself.
Alex opened the door for both of them, kids seeing to spew out of their rooms. Alex grabbed John's hand and pulled him through the sea of kids, knowing exactly where to go. John could feel his face heat up a bit. He kept telling himself he didn't have feelings for other boys.
He knew he couldn't hide his feelings, or sexuality forever. But he also knew it seemed really awkward to come out. And of course, he knew that Alex wasn't homophobic, in fact, he was bisexual himself. But just the thought of it was really nerve racking for John.
Alex didn't let go of John's hand as they entered the cafeteria, not realizing he wa still holding it. However, John didn't seem to mind at all. It felt comforting to him, and he liked it in a way he couldn't explain. Not even to himself.
Alex and John sat down at a table with a few girls, whom John had never seen before. They waved to him and smiled sweetly as he took a seat next to Alex.
John looked at the three girls with curiousity. One of them spoke to Alex. "So, who's your new friend?" She wiggled her eyebrows at Alex. John tried to force his blush into a cheeky grin. The other two girls, seeming older, couldn't help but giggle. Alex rolled his eyes playfully, completely flustered. "He indeed is my friend." He said. I chuckled to myself.
"Girls. This is John Laurens.." he gave John a look that said -sorry-I-just-needed-to-save-myself-from-the-humiliation-. I grinned. "In the place to be." I said, turning toward the girls. "And who might y'all be?" He asked, his southern slang showing. "I'm Elizabeth! But please do call me Eliza'" The girl with straight, deep brown hair replied. "Peggy! Nice to meet ya!" The young, lively, curly haired girl replied. "Angelica Schuyler, it's a pleasure to meet you, John!" The oldest one replied, holding out her hand for John to shake. He took it and shook it gently.
"Angelica is the oldest of the Schuyler sisters. She's 18. Eliza is 17, and Peggy is 16." Alex said. "Cool, I'm 17." John replied, smiling kindly.
"So Alex," Peggy started. "Do you mind if we come over to your place and get to know him?" She asked, nodding over to John. "I don't mind," Alex asked, looking to John for his approval. "Neither do I." He said, a lopsided grin on his face. Alex liked that cute grin. 'Damnit Alex. Stop stop stop! He's most likely straight,' Alex sighed quietly and got up from the table to head down to his room, followed by the girls, and John.
'Today will be a good day' John thought, smiling to himself.
A/N: Ok, so! This one was long! I hope to make them all equally as long as this, or Maybe even longer 😏!! So excited to write more lollll!
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