Chapter 32
Haylee's pov
''what do you mean'' adrian said and put his arm in front of me.
''you are not gonna kill her are you'' honey said
''no well hopefully no'' she said
''no you are not gonna do anything'' adrian said
''haylee is the only one that can save her her blood its special'' the witch said
''what do you mean special'' i said
''its a cure you don't know yet but you will find out why soon'' she said and i looked at honey.
''why couldn't my future self do this'' i said
''you did i remember this story now'' honey said
''it almost kills you'' she said and i looked at adrian.
''what do you mean almost'' i said
''she almost fries your brain'' honey said
''no you are not doing this'' adrian said and i stopped him.
''i can and i will if it saves our daughters life'' i said
''thats why you tried to keep me home today'' honey said to herself
''what do you mean'' i said
''this morning i woke up and you told me to come home right after school not a second late and i was joking around and after school this girl told me to hang out with her and i said i needed to go home but she was telling me don't be a slack just come and that if i didn't everyone would see me as a boring person and i got mad and said i wasn't so i went with her and we were out in the woods and we stopped and the girl told me to bite the witch she said it would make her strong that i would be doing a favor to her and i was hesitant at first but then she said that she wanted to be bitten that i wasn't just doing it that she wanted it so i went up to her and'' she looked down
''when i bit her she screamed in so much pain that i realized it wasn't planned she didn't know she was terrified she looked at me and asked why and when i turned the girls were gone then witches appeared and then i was flashed out of there by my friend frankie he then told me what i had done and i panicked you and dad showed up and frankie said he had a plan to fix this i needed to come here and talk to you the witches knew this was coming and they said something about a spell and blood im guessing yours'' honey said
''so how does this work'' i said
''me and you will go there ill be attached to you in your brain its what frankie is doing to honey but frankie probably has better things to help him so he won't kill her honey is here but if she were to die here she would die there too'' the witch said
''that is why we need to be careful i don't have everything but i have the spell to get us there'' she said
''lets do it'' i said
''mom you can die'' honey said
''i won't let you die for me'' she said
''im not dying for you honey but im sure as hell not gonna stand by and wait for you to get executed.'' i said
''lay'' the witch said and i laid down
''honey get me a small bowl and another with water and a towel'' she said and honey ran to get it and game back.
''i need your blood'' the witch said and i brought out my claws and sliced my hand and gave her some.
''good'' she said and i wrapped my hand in a towel.
''okay lets do this'' she said and she dipped her fingers into my blood and placed them on my temple and started whispering.
Then all i saw was black.
Honey's pov
''i don't like that its quiet'' dad said
''it mean's it working'' i said
''how do you know'' he said
''my bestfriend is a witch like i said he did flash me out of there'' i said
''how long is it supposed to take'' he said
''i don't know sometimes five minutes here can be five days there and five days here is five minutes there i dont remember how it works'' i said
''i just hope she's okay'' i said and looked down at mom and i sighed.
''now that im here i can ask why the hell you and mom were so stupid when yall were young'' i said
''what do you mean'' he said
''you think i don't know about cameron and stacy for christ sake its all grandpa talks about and laughs about'' i said
''yeah my dad always has a sense of humor telling me that he would always say something when i have kids didn't think he was serious'' he said and chuckled.
''you and mom barley look different yall still look so young in the future'' i said
''how old are you?'' he said
''no hints here bucco'' i said
''dang'' he said
''just know that ill be there'' i said and chuckled
''im glad you will be your mom really needed to know that there was hope'' he said and smiled
''so stacy and cameron'' i said
He explained to me who they were and how everything happened and i was upset with both of them but i won't let him know that.
''well as long as yall are perfectly fine now'' i said and he nodded
I looked at my mom and sighed. I just want her to know how much of an amazing mom she already is.....
Haylee's pov
I shot up gasping for air and i looked around and i saw cameron's witch.
''about time'' she said and i got up and she handed me clothes.
''here change'' she said
''so how is this gonna be done'' i said
''your blood is a key to many cures we don't know all of them but we know that your blood mixed with a few herbs can make the werewolf bite go away and it would be as if honey never did a thing to her'' she said
''so how does the whole frying my brain come in'' i said
''i will go back you will stay here with the other witches and they will help me with the spell i will be channeling you for power and you will give them some of your blood'' she said and i nodded
Here goes nothing.................
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