Chapter 14
Haylee's pov
''aww that sucks i wanted yall to be together'' she said and i chuckled
''sorry match maker'' i said
''yeah yeah a girl can dream'' she said
''and um thats not the only thing that happened today'' i said and looked down.
''what else happened?'' she said
''it has to do with why i was late'' i said and she looked at me.
''what did you do?'' she said
I explained to her what happened between me and adrian and she widened her eyes and her jaw literally hit the ground.
''WHAT!?'' she yelled and i covered her mouth.
''shhhhh!'' i said
''ew don't touch me with your hands i don't know what you have done'' she said and i rolled my eyes.
''we just made out and he gave me these'' i said and pulled down my shirt and she saw the marks he left.
''well now i know you are telling the truth.'' she said
''i wouldn't lie i hate the guy'' i said
''doesn't look like it'' she said and i scoffed
''that's what he said'' i said and she laughed
''wow you and adrian and i thought you told him to never talk to you again'' she said
''i don't know what the hell was wrong with me it was just something came over me and i was just-'' she cut me off
''horny as hell'' she said
''i can't explain it tori but his kiss it was so intoxicating his touch was sending chills down my spine and there was sparks and fireworks going on in my head'' i said
''oh my god'' she said
''what'' i said
''you are in love with him'' she said
''no im not'' i said
''haylee it makes sense he's your mate! he has to be!'' she said
''i doubt it'' i said
''fine but after sunday we will know'' she said and i rolled my eyes.
''let's just go to bed i have a long day tomorrow'' i said
''yeah with your "best friend" cameron'' she said and threw up quotations around best friend.
''oh shush'' i said and she laughed
''night haylee'' she said and i walked out.
''night tori'' i said and closed the door and went to my room or what was left of my room.
Tori was a big help and packed most of my things cause she didn't want me to do it myself which i am so thankful for cause i was dreading packing.
I changed my clothes and threw myself on the bed and went to sleep........
I woke up to my alarm and got in the shower and washed my body and hair quickly and then got out and wrapped myself in a towel and blow dried my hair. I put it up in a messy bun and then walked out and went to my closet and got out a white crop top and some denim ripped jeans and timberlands.
I got dressed and then let my hair down and it was a little wavy and i put on some mascara and some eos and filled in my brows a bit and then grabbed my phone and looked at the time and it was 9:53 so i went downstairs and saw tori and her parents eating breakfast.
''morning hay'' tori said
''morning guys'' i said and smiled and i gave tori's dad a hug since i haven't seen him lately and gave tori's mom a little hug.
''want some breakfast?'' tori's mom said
''no im actually gonna go with a friend to go get some breakfast'' i said and smiled
''who?'' tori's dad said
''cameron'' i said
''oh he's a nice young man'' he said and looked at the newspaper and i chuckled
''be safe now'' he said and i heard his car pull up.
''he's here gotta go love you guys'' i said and smiled
''oh before you leave since you move out today dear we wanted to give you your present early'' tori's mom said and went to the cabinet.
''oh you didn-'' and tori's dad cut me off
''nonsense we get you a present every year'' he said and smiled
''here you go sweetheart'' tori's mom said and i smiled and i opened it and i smiled and also wanted to cry.
''you got me a necklace'' i said and smiled
''we know its not much bu-'' i cut her off
''no its everything'' i said and smiled it had a werewolf howling at the moon and a cresent moon next to it.
''there's one more thing thats from me'' tori's dad said and i smiled and grabbed the other small black box out of the bag.
I opened it and it was gorgeous. It was a black bracelet with two gold werewolf heads.
''its not just a bracelet its a weapon here ill show you'' he said and grabbed the bracelet and unhooked it and flicked it downward and a knife came out of one of the wolf heads mouth.
''just in case anything happens'' he said and smiled
''thank you guys'' i said and gave them a hug.
''just wait my present will be better than that'' tori said and i laughed
''alright i have to go love you guys and thanks again'' i said and ran out to the car and got in.
''it's been five years'' he said and i laughed
''sorry tori's parent's were giving me their present'' i said
''what is it?'' he said and i showed him.
''damn these are badass'' he said and i laughed and he helped me put on the necklace and bracelet.
''thanks'' i said
''i um kind of got you something too'' he said and smiled
''cameron you didn't need to'' i said
''i kind of got it a long time ago for your birthday sophmore year but i chickened out and just left it in my dresser but now is the best time so i thought why not'' he said and smiled
''well thank you'' i said and i opened the little velvet white box and i saw a beautiful ring.
''its a opal ring that has a few diamonds and two cresent moons and i thought it was beautiful for you so i got it'' he said
''its honestly the most gorgeous ring i've ever seen thank you cam'' i said and i put it on my middle finger and it fit like a glove.
''perfect'' he said
''thanks cam'' i said and gave him a hug.
''no problem hay now lets get to the restaurant im starving" he said and smiled
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