I was superrrrr busy I promise!! Ya'll know I don't take five six days to update.
When I said that Zaydaan will suffer in Sadkay humare, I meant it lmao. But also, poor Aaina, she's suffering with him lol.
Okay so a little okay chapter but also dramatic so be ready!
Make sure to vote and comment.
Tell me what you think.
Awan Chaudhry smirked at the struggling little girl, she was trying so hard to speak that her eyes were red and fearful, she struggled against the ropes that were binding her to the chair. Even though Alexander had tied her very loose, she was still struggling against the ropes. She was being just as stubborn as her father, just as resilient.
They had offered her food for hours now but the girl refused to eat it, insisting that her mother told her not to eat anything given from strangers.
Awan did not really care about her or her diet to be honest, he just knew that this little girl was the key to everything he had ever wanted.
He talked to Alexander, the man he had been conspiring with for a long time.
"And the first lady? She trusted you?"
He asked the man yet again. Somehow it really satisfied Awan, knowing that he had people working for Zaydaan Ziagil that were his allies. How could the so called Prime Minister think of himself as so smart when he didn't even realise that his own people were conspiring against him?
He gave Alexander the responsibility of his wife, of the first lady. How could he be so blind?
"Poor woman thought I was her friend." Alexander played along, laughing as Awan barked out a laugh, looking like the complete maniac that he was.
How could one be so happy at someone else's misery?
"Hilarious." Awan mumbled, picking up the pastry yet again and pointing it in Zayla's direction.
"Sure you don't want to eat, darling?"
The Prime Minister's daughter shook her head, closing her eyes as the tears fell out.
Alexander gulped, picking up his phone and casually remarking at Awan as he scrolled through the screen.
"Let her be. She is as annoying as her father."
He murmured, letting another chuckle escape Awan. Alexander quickly opened his messages, typing out a text for the Prime Minister.
All the necessary arrangements have been made. Zayla is safe with me, I am bringing her to you. Dixie Hotel @ five. Bring your men. No amount of money can change my loyalty to you.
He could feel Awan's eyes over him, he was observing him. Alexander let out a smirk and then he smiled, as if he was talking to someone he loved.
"Who is that?" He looked up at Awan.
"my girlfriend. Told her that we'll be spending our summers in Bali. She's excited." He responded easily, lying through his teeth.
He didn't have a girlfriend.
"The amount of money I am giving you, you can travel the whole fucking world with it and still have a full account." Awan stated.
Alexander didn't mind the two million dollars. Awan had earned his money through unethical ways all his life, about time someone drained some money out of him.
"So Aaina, she was very upset. I did feel bad for her. Pretty women like her shouldn't cry."
Awan started on his Aaina talk yet again, Alexander didn't know why he was so obsessed with the woman. He thought of her as an object, like a possession of Zaydaan Ziagil that he so badly wanted.
"But the woman married Zaydaan Ziagil. Crying was in her fate." He continued, looking at Zayla's tears and then back at Alexander.
Awan's eyes held such satisfaction that Alex wanted to barf.
"He must be in so much pain, hm?" He questioned Alexander, standing up as he pulled out a bottle of champagne from the shelf, looking at the bodyguard to hear his response.
"You have no idea. This little girl is his entire world." Alexander told him the utter truth.
"Well, then. Cheers to that!"
"Finally opening that?"
Awan only popped the bottle open in response, nodding as he poured it down.
"Yes. We're so close to winning after all." He handed the glass over to Alexander, sitting back down.
"Champagne with the man who made it all happen."
"The man you hid this kidnapping from?" Alexander asked, chuckling.
"I trusted you, Alex. I trust you, my friend. I just had this one last trick up my sleeve." Alexander would die before calling a man like Awan Chaudhry as his friend.
He was a stuck up bastard.
"Sana. She was very close with the first lady." He mentioned casually, resulting in Awan showing her a smug face.
"As per my instructions. I picked the girl from a brothel and gave her a damn life. She owed me." He explained, clicking his glass of champagne with Alexander.
He gulped the drink down in one go.
"Cheers!" He exclaimed, laughing and drinking like an utterly disgusting pig. Alexander put his drink back on the table, smirking as he saw the empty glass of champagne in Awan's hands.
Awan noticed that, noticed how Alexander hadn't even taken a sip.
He frowned.
"Why aren't you drinking?" He asked, feeling his throat tighten. His vision started to feel drowsy, his eyes felt like they were drying,
"Alexander, why are you not drinking that?" He questioned again, feeling all the symptoms that anyone would face before passing out.
Ten seconds later, Awan Chaudhry was on the ground, his head hitting the ground with a large thud.
He tried to say something, opening his mouth but it was of no use as Alexander grabbed a knife from the nearby plate.
"I'll slit your throat if you even say a word." He warned, watching as the man lost all his consciousness and remained flat on the ground.
"And knocked out." Alexander mumbled, walking towards Zayla.
He opened the ropes and picked her up in his arms, letting out a sigh of relief.
"Come on Princess, let's get you out of here." As he picked her up, Zayla began to cry yet again. Maybe she didn't trust Alexander enough, seeing him pretend with Awan had her thinking that he was a bad guy.
Alexander gave her a soft look, smiling at her.
"You can't cry, Uncle Alex is here, yes? I'm taking you to your baba but you have to be silent right now." He tried, seeing as slowly her expression changed.
The talk about taking her to her father had made her feel more at ease, more comfortable.
"Can you do that?" He asked her, making the girl nod.
"Good. Come on then." She tightened her arms around his neck, as if she was scared out of her mind.
He got out of the hall, spotting the guard stood right outside, a gun in one hand and his phone in another. He frowned, seeing Alexander with Zayla.
"Where are you taking her?" Alex let out a small chuckle, making sure that hai eyes weren't deceiving enough.
"Awan is out of his head. He drank too much. He told me to get her up into his room so he wouldn't hurt her. She is too precious." He explained, keeping the wicked look in his eyes.
The guard nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, you got a million or more?" He enquired, knowing that Alexander was a special man to Awan.
"More." He pointed at Zayla, telling the man that he'd be back.
"I'll be back, man."
He mumbled walking upstairs. Alexander knew that there was a way to the basement from the upper story, Awan had told him that Room 897 led straight to the storage downstairs in the basement, there was a way out from there.
All the information that Awan had given to him in these days of pretence, Alexander had stored it all in his head, knowing that it would be of some use at a certain point. He was glad that today was one of those days.
Alexander reached the room in a hushed manner, locking it behind him before he opened the door to the bathroom and then the hidden door inside it.
He looked at the Prime Minister's daughter who had suddenly been exposed to the dark staircase area. She was about to make a sound when Alexander put his hand on her mouth yet again, switching on his phone light and walking down the stairs with careful steps.
As he finally reached the basement storage, he peeked a glance outside, finding nothing but green grass. He gulped, opening the door and blinking his eyes at the sudden exposed light.
He looked on his right and found nothing, he turned to his left and found Prime Minister Zaydaan Ziagil standing in anticipation.
His eyes fell on his little girl and Alexander knew the amount of courage it took for him to not let the tears shed out of his eyes. His facial expression said it all.
Prime Minister Zaydaan Ziagil was blinking back tears of happiness this time, Alexander hadn't seen a sight so damn beautiful.
When Zayla looked at her father, she hit Alexander's arms, trying to get out of his hold. The bodyguard only chuckled, running upto the Prime Minister.
He looked at the men around, pointing at them to move inside and do whatever it took.
He handed Zayla over to Zaydaan, finding the Prime Minister embrace his daughter. Zayla wrapped her arms around his neck and he simply inhaled, then exhaled a sigh of relief.
"Awan is knocked out! You go!" He told Zaydaan, the Prime Minister nodded.
He hadn't thanked alot of people in his life, hadn't felt so grateful for alot of people in his life but he was so damn grateful to this man.
"Alexander," Zaydaan tried to find the right words, the bodyguard shook his head.
"Not right now. Our plan is still in motion." He reminded the man in charge.
Zaydaan Ziagil nodded, moving back.
"Bring him home." He ordered.
The Prime Minister sat in his car. He was relieved but this wasn't over.
Not yet.
As the Prime Minister sat in his car with his daughter in his arms, he couldn't help but recite all the Quranic verses that he knew, all that he remembered.
He didn't recall the last time he had felt so relieved in his life. It felt like he didn't know life before this, if felt like he thought of himself as someone too powerful, someone who could handle everything in life, someone who could defend every curve ball that life had to throw at him but then, this happened.
His Zayla was taken away from him for mere thirty eight hours and he felt like life was over, like he was nothing.
Was it that easy to lose yourself at the thought of losing someone you loved so dearly? "
Zaydaan didn't know how but for a moment, he let himself be weak again feel weak again. He had remained stoic after being vulnerable in front of his wife but seeing his daughter had opened up all the emotions he held within him.
He inhaled her scent, feeling the sweat, the tears, the baby shampoo that Aaina used on her at times claiming that it remained there for days, he felt her tiny face, snuggled against his chest and he smiled, even though his eyes were wet with fresh tears.
He kissed the top of her head, putting his hands on her sides and holding her in a position where she faced him.
"Are you okay, Princess?" His voice was so tender that it could melt ice, so soft that no one could expect it coming out of Prime Minister Zaydaan Ziagil.
Zayla only nodded, her bottom lip jutting out in a small pout. He saw the tear stains on her cheeks and his heard clenched at the fact that his daughter had cried so much.
That bastard had made his daughter cry.
"It's alright. Baba is here, you're a strong girl." He tried, wiping away the new tears that had left her eyes.
For a little girl, who was about to turn four in just a month or so, Zayla was very expressive. And with her expressiveness, came the feelings that she held within.
She was so much like Aaina in that regard. When he thought of his wife, his heart suddenly felt warm. She was finally going to feel relieved, content, happy even.
His mind went to all the horrible things he had said to her, he would apologise for it, ofcourse. But he knew that his woman wouldn't hold any grudge even if he didn't apologise to her at all.
She understood him better than anyone. He felt his daughter whine in his arms.
"Alexander wasn't suspicious after all. I had my doubts about him." He heard Sami say after a while, Zaydaan only nodded.
He didn't respond to Sami about the Alexander situation, he trusted the man more than anything but somehow his gut feeling didn't allow him to tell anything about Alexander.
"After this, I'm not letting her out of my sight, Sami." He said, pointing at Zayla instead.
Sami Ullah only smiled, turning back towards the front seat as Zaydaan kept his daughter in his arms.
"Did that man do anything to you?" He asked the girl, who didn't say much to that. She wasn't visibly hurt but she was obviously scared.
"Are you sleepy?" He asked her next, seeing her slightly droopy eyes.
"Yes, baba." She replied in her meek voice.
"And hungry." She added, sniffing.
Zaydaan only nodded, kissing her head again.
"You didn't eat anything they gave you?" He questioned next.
"No food from strangers." She answered with a shrug, as if it was the most casual thing to say.
Zaydaan knew his wife had taught her that. But to know that his three year old was smart enough to resist any eating temptation, merely because she had been taught to do that was something that he found incredible.
"Very good, my darling. Did mama teach you that?" He enquired, making the girl nod.
"That's wonderful. I am so happy you didn't eat that food. I'll get you a very nice chocolate when we get home, okay?" He promised, seeing his daughter finally give him a big grin.
"Cookies too." She added, making the Prime Minister chuckle out loud.
"Yes, anything for you." He assured, cupping her small cheek with his large hand.
"When you see mama, give her a big hug, okay? She missed you so much." He said to his daughter, seeing her smile yet again as she engulfed her father into a tight embrace.
"Like this baba?" She tightened her hold around his neck once again and all Zaydaan felt was warmth and happiness.
"Yes. Like this." He whispered against her, thanking Allah for giving his daughter back to him.
Life would be nothing without her.
The first lady was freshly showered in her black pants and a white shirt, her hair was still wet, eyes at the door as she waited and waited for her little girl to come rushing through the door.
She hadn't wanted to even shower in the first place but Noora had insisted that she needed to look like Zayla's mother and not like a zombie. Aaina had been hopeful after receiving the news that Zayla was okay but she didn't feel relieved.
Not at all.
She knew that the feeling of content would only come with Zayla coming back home, so the first lady waited.
And waited.
Finally, she heard the giggle that she had been dying to hear since what felt like ages, she heard the chirpy voice of her little three year old and then Zayla was in front of her.
She was still in the same clothes as two days before, her face had rear stains on them and her hair was sprawled all over her face.
Aaina let the tears flow once again as he daughter collided with her, putting her hands around her mother's neck. The first lady stayed in the bent position and hugged her daughter back, closing her eyes and feeling her there for a long while.
"Mama!" She had exclaimed as she had seen her mother.
Aaina was dying to gear those words. After a few minutes of only feeling her in her arms, Aaina finally pulled away, putting a hand on her daughter's face and looking at it, hoping that she wouldn't find any scar or bruise.
"Zayla. Alhamdullilah. Are you okay, meri jaan? Aap theek ho na?" She asked her daughter, sniffing as she wiped away her own tears and smiled for the sake of her daughter.
She was still bent on her knees as Zayla nodded, smiling. Her mere smile dulled the ache in Aaina's heart.
"Jee, mama." She said in her sweet voice and Aaina kissed her head, then her cheeks, pouring out all the love she held for her.
"Hayee Mera baby. Mama ko kitna pareshan kar dia aap ne. Ayenda se kisi aunty ke sath bahar bhi nai jaana aap ne. Okay?"
(Oh my baby, you made me so worried. You can't go outside with any aunty anymore, okay?)
She only nodded and Aaina stood up, holding the little girl in her arms.
"Will you eat something?" Aaina asked, walking towards the kitchen as she saw Zaydaan following them.
"Baba said chocolate." Zayla reminded, looking back at her father as Aaina put her on the kitchen counter and asked the help to make a paratha real quick.
"We'll get you chocolate. I promise." Aaina mumbled, placing another kiss on the top of her head.
"You're not hurt, right?" She asked yet again, worrying that the bastard Awan had done something to her. Zayla shook her head once again, mumbling about how he tied her arms and asked her to drink the chocolate milk but she didn't. She was so hungry that she wanted to drink it and eat the biscuits as well but she didn't want to upset her mama.
Hearing that only catered to Aaina feeling guilty. She would never trust anyone with Zayla ever again.
As Noora entered the kitchen and met Zayla, hugging her for dear life..Aaina took the paratha from the woman who was working and put it on the kitchen counter.
She went to the fridge herself, pulling out a packet of milk as she poured it into a glass.
She waited for the egg to be prepared and smiled at the way Zayla was rambling something to Noora.
Aaina let out a deep sigh, wiping the corners of her eyes as she felt her husband beside her.
Zaydaan put a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it. He leaned down and put his chin on her head, inhaling the smell of her freshly shampooed hair.
Aaina only let out a small sigh. She felt content, relaxed but somehow the thought of all of it happening, it was too much. There was a sense of fear in her heart that she tried so much to get away from but it didn't happen.
"She's here and she's okay. That's what matters." Zaydaan whispered against her head, Aaina only nodded as she saw Zayla getting off the kitchen counter.
Aaina took the plate of the fried egg from the woman and placed it on the tray that already contained milk and paratha.
She was ready to take Zayla to the living room and make her eat before getting her to shower and sleep but before she could do that, her eyes fell on Zaydaan who had just seen something on his phone.
All of the calm, soft and tender demeanour of his had washed away. All there remained was cold eyes and a locked jaw.
The first lady frowned. She waited for Zaydaan to look up and tell her what new shit had happened.
The Prime Minister looked up.
"Aaina, take Zayla upstairs." It wasn't a statement or an instruction. It was literally an order.
"Noora, go with her." He continued, rage appearing in his eyes.
Something was clearly happening.
"What's going on?" Aaina asked him, waiting for an answer. Zaydaan only gave her a look, eyes containing an entire storm.
"Both of you, go upstairs and don't come out until I tell you to do so."
"But-" Aaina tried to protest but Noora held her arm, whispering against her ear.
"Bhabhi, chalein. Zaydaan bhai bauhat ghusse mai lag rahe hain, is time mat question karein."
(Aaina, come on. Zaydaan bhai seems angry, don't question him right now.)
She tried, Aaina only shook her head.
"Ghusse main insaan ghalat faisle kar leta hai, Noora. Tum Zayla ko le kar mere kamre mai jao, mai aati hoon."
(People often take the wrong decisions in anger, Noora. Take Zayla upstairs, I'll be right behind you.)
Aaina replied in the same hushed manner, Noora only nodded as she carried the tray in her hands and asked Zayla to come up with her.
As they left, Aaina gulped and walked upto her husband. She put her hand on his arm, taking his name in a tender manner.
"Zaydaan," She breathed, making him look at her instead of his phone.
"Aaina, go upstairs." He said again.
The first lady only shook her head and squeezed his arm, letting out a deep sigh.
She wanted him to know that she was tired. She couldn't handle anything else.
"Please, Zaydaan. Aap kuch aisa mat kijiyega jis se aap ko kuch ho. Mere main aur himmat nahi hai." (Please don't do something that will cause you any harm. I don't have any more courage.)
She pleadead. The coldness washed away for a moment and he held her hand, letting his warmth seep through her.
"Ab mujhe kuch nahi hoga, Aaina. Tum fikar na karo." (Nothing will happen to me, Aaina. Don't worry.)
He assured.
"Awan ko police ke hawaale kar dain aur is matter ko close karein." (Just hand him over to the police and close this matter.)
Zaydaan Ziagil would die before doing that. He would make sure that Awan Chaudhry would suffer much more than he made the Ziagils suffer.
"No. I am not letting that fucker get off so easy." He stated.
"Go upstairs. Wait for me." He cupped her face, she clicked her tongue.
"I am serious." He continued.
"You are carrying my child. I don't want you to come out at any cost. I will come to you." He promised, she rolled her eyes.
She couldn't help herself. What even was this man?
"The same child you wanted me to abort." She reminded him, Zaydaan Ziagil let out a small sigh. Ordering her was of no use at all.
"I was not in the right state of mind. Please, go." He pleaded, she still looked at him unsure.
Zaydaan gave her a small push.
"Aaina, just go." He firmly said it this time.
Aaina nodded, giving him one last look.
"Okay. Be safe." She whispered, then walked out of the kitchen.
As Aaina walked inside her bedroom, she found Noora on the edge of the bed with a half finished food tray on her lap. Zayla was fast asleep by her side, soft snores escaping her mouth.
"She's asleep?" Aaina mumbled to Noora, closing the door behind her. Noora only nodded, picking up the tray as she put it on the bedside table.
Aaina dimmed the lights of her bedroom and took a comforter out of her closet, spreading it over Zayla.
"She didn't even finish the food. She was so sleepy." Noora mentioned, standing up as she sat on the sofa opposite to the bed. Aaina sat by her daughter's side.
"Did Zaydaan bhai say anything?" She asked the first lady, Aaina shook her head.
"No. But I know they're planning to make Awan suffer in this very house. That's why Zaydaan sent his parents away. That's why we're here." She informed, making Noora nod at her.
"I don't understand the deal with Alexander. Was he conspiring with Awan all along?"
Even Aaina did not know that. Awan had said that Alexander had been conspiring with him but Alex had been the one to save Zayla. What was even going on?
"If he was, why did he save Zayla?"
"I'm so confused. But thank God, she's fine."
"She is. I'm not letting her out of my sight anymore. I don't want to do anything but be with her."
Aaina let out a sigh, staring at her daughter who had a peaceful look on her face as she slept.
"I have never seen you like this. When you were smashing everything, I was so scared. Then Zaydaan bhai came inside and you just broke." Noora reminded her of the crazy woman she had been a few hours ago.
"I've never seen Zaydaan so vulnerable. I don't think he would even react this way if he ever lost me. He was just a different man, Noora."
Aaina replied, gulping as she remembered the way Zaydaan had been. Her throat tightened.
"He's a father. He wasn't being Prime Minister Zaydaan Ziagil in that moment."
She was right. Zaydaan wasn't being the PM Zaydaan Ziagil in that moment, he was being a father who had just lost his child.
"Do you think he would have resigned if Alexander hadn't texted him?" Noora enquired further, making Aaina shrug.
"He told me that he didn't care. Nothing mattered more than Zayla."
"And you? Awan wanted him to divorce you."
Even the thought of it was enough for Aaina to feel shaken up. For a few minutes, she had been absolutely numb at that time. Zaydaan looked like he didn't know what to do, he looked like a man who had no idea about anything, he looked like a normal, sad human being.
It had not even been fifteen minutes since Awan's call that Alexander had texted Zaydaan.
"I don't know. I was too scared to even ask. I'm just grateful that Alexander didn't betray Zaydaan." Aaina tried to look at the positive aspect because she didn't want to even think about what Zaydaan would have done.
"All is well that ends well. I still wonder why they sent us upstairs." Noora changed the topic, reminding her of the storm that was going on downstairs.
Aaina picked up the remote and switched the television on, clicking the camera button.
"There's only one way to find out." She set the screen in front of them, seeing nothing but a few of the Prime Minister house's security team and Ahad standing on one end.
Zaydaan was still on call, talking to someone. They couldn't exactly hear what was going on but they could see.
"I have to tell you something, Aaina." She turned her head, seeing Noora bite her lip as she looked at the first lady.
Aaina stared at her, waiting to hear something from her. She hadn't seen Noora look so calm, yet so confused.
"I know this is not the right time and Ahad wanted to tell you this but I really need to get it out of me."
She let out a breath. She was not ready for another shitty news. She couldn't handle it. What did Ahad want to tell her? God, was he in trouble?
"You're worrying me." Aaina said, her voice on edge, concerned.
Noora shook her head, clicking her tongue.
"No, no. It's a good thing," She assured Aaina, moving forward.
"I was not feeling well since a few days so I went to the doctor last week and found out that I'm pregnant."
She finally said.
Aaina gasped out loud.
"Noora. Oh my God," She said out in awe, feeling like Allah had suddenly given her something so special.
She felt like she had just heard the news about her own pregnancy. Noora was pregnant. Ahad was going to be a father.
Aaina stood up and walked upto Noora, embracing her tight.
"We're pregnant together. I'm so happy for you both." Aaina grinned at her sister in law, feeling Noora smile back at her.
Suddenly her smile faded as she looked into the screen. She inhaled a deep breath.
"Aaina, Awan is here." Noora announced, pointing towards the television screen.
Awan Chaudhry entered the living room, bloody and bruised. His bottom lip was cut, his left eye was swollen and his right cheek had a huge bloody scar.
He limped when he walked and grunted as the guards around him held him into their tight grip, not letting him lose at all.
His stomach hurt from the beatings that he had received but he still managed to laugh out loud as he saw Prime Minister Zaydaan Ziagil standing in the middle of the living room, his arms crossed against his chest.
"Welcome." He greeted his enemy, satisfied at his condition but still not satisfied at all.
"I hope those bruises don't hurt too much. I have other plans for you." Zaydaan added, hearing Awan's chuckle yet again.
"Maybe I am exactly where I wanted to be all along." Awan replied, the smugness and arrogance dripping from his voice.
"And maybe today is your last day in this world." Zaydaan shot back at him an eye raised at the way he was completely restrained, yet so damn arrogant.
"You have not won yet, Zaydaan Ziagil." Awan announced.
"Ghar bhi Mera, log bhi mere, taaqat bhi meri. Tum kabhi jeet ke qareeb bhi nahi pauhnche, Awan."
(My house, my people, my power. You've not even reached close to victory, Awan.)
The Prime Minister declared, feeling Awan's smirk getting bigger.
"Ye sirf tumhari ghalat fehmi hai."
(This is just your misconception.)
He replied, pointing towards Zaydaan's left side.
The next thing Prime Minister Zaydaan Ziagil saw was his brother, pointing a gun at him.
Betrayal was a fucking bitch.
Saw that one coming or nah?
Next update coming soon inshaAllah.
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