Racing after Rafiki and Mufasa, Sade arrived to hear Rafiki explain how he saw Mufasa under the tree. Rafiki's dream showed Mufasa, a friend turned into a brother. Sade found her heart melt at the adorable moment.
That didn't last long.
"Mufasa?" A giraffe, backed by two others, approached the trio. Sarabi, Taka and Zazu now appearing next to Sade.
"How do you know my name?"
"You can not stay here. The outsiders follow you, you bring danger to the pride lands." Pride lands? It must be what the animals called this place instead of Milele.
"No, no. I promise no harm will come to any of you. The outsiders are lost in the mountains, you are all safe here!" Mufasa tried to reason with the scared animals that now circled the tree. Buffalos, rhinos, antelope, even predators that would cause prey to go running, listened to Mufasa's promise.
Sade wanted to reassure all the animals around them but just as she opened her mouth to speak, a roar sounded from the top of a rock.
It was Kiros and his pride. They found them.
"You brought them here! You threaten the peace!"
"No! I promise I will get them to leave but I need your help! They won't win if we fight together!" Mufasa pleaded with the animals as they shook their heads in fear.
"This is your fight Mufasa." The giraffe said. Kiros leapt down to a lower rock before addressing the animals below.
"Mufasa! Why involve the others? Are you scared?" Mufasa growled back up to Kiros.
"We need help, we can't win alone." Mufasa said to the group. Sarabi looked to her right and gasped as a lioness disappeared from her view.
"I'm on it!" Mufasa sent a confused look.
"Where are you going?" Sarabi sent a smile back as she run towards the lioness.
"To ask questions first!" Sade turned back to Mufasa and Taka. Mufasa looked to his Sade before turning to Rafiki. While Mufasa spoke quickly to Rafiki, Sade turned to Taka.
"We are going to fight, Taka. Please, be safe. It'll be hard but if we do it together, I know we can win." Sade said. Taka had a sad look on his face at her words, Sade figured it was because he was scared to fight.
"Together, Taka." Mufasa, having heard what Sade said to his brother. Taka could only nod slowly before the three ran up the gigantic rock.
The lions had to jump from one rock to another to reach the top but when they did, they found Kiros with his pride waiting.
"You killed my son."
"How did you find us?" Mufasa growled back to Kiros.
"Ah, that would be your dear brother." Sade felt all fight leave her body as she turned to look to Taka.
"What?" Mufasa questioned, trying to look at Taka but also keep his eyes on Kiros.
"Taka came to us when he finally saw the truth of who you are. You killed his family, lost him his title, and took his female. He only wanted to get even with the brother who betrayed him." Kiros snarled, pacing back and forth in front of Mufasa
"No, no no." Mufasa kept saying, looking to Taka. Sade could only stare at Taka in sadness, he chose his path long before she realized he was drowning and needed help.
She was too late.
"He's mine." Kiros growled as he jumped. With Mufasa distracted about Taka's betrayal, Kiros managed to push Mufasa to a lower level of the rock. Sade yelled in alarm and made a motion to follow before two lionesses stepped into her path.
"Oh no, I've been waiting for this." Amara, sister to Akua and tracker to Kiros said.
Sade growled out as the rest of the pride and Taka followed Mufasa and their king.
"I'll enjoy getting a taste." Akua said, bloodlust in her eyes as she flashed Sade her white fangs.
"You won't be." Sade said back as she jumped towards Akua.
The three lionesses fought as Mufasa managed to kick Kiros off of him and down to a lower level. Rushing to the edge of the rock, Mufasa called for the animals attention.
"I know this is not your fight, and I know asking you to help may be a waste of breath. But I ask you to realize that you will never be safe with the outsiders here. Once they finish us off, who do you think they will go for next? They have no care for the circle of life, and I ask you to fight for that today. To fight for your young, your future, and yourself." Mufasa said to the animal below him.
"What can we do to a lion?" The giraffe from before asked, she had a calf waiting for her at home. She couldn't abandon her baby for a fight that wasn't her own.
"There is no lion as tall as a giraffe, as strong as a buffalo, as swift as a cheetah or that can see like a hawk. You are not lions, and that's what makes you stronger than them! We can win if we fight together!" Mufasa said in encouragement. The animals below seemed to agree with his ideas and started to help fight off the outsiders.
A falcon flew up to the fighting lionesses, focusing on the one lionesses who was close to the rocks edge. A very far drop behind her.
The falcon swooped down from the sky, talons out as he scratched the lions face. The lions roared in pain and reared back to get away.
Not realizing how close she was to the edge, the lion lost her footing and fell.
"No!" Roared Amara as Akua fell to her death. With Amara distracted, Sade found herself sinking her fangs into Amara's neck. She clamped down on the lions neck as hard as she could, the lion wailing beneath her. Amara tried to swipe the lioness above her to no avail.
Amara stopped moving as the life in her eyes disappeared. Letting the lioness fall from her mouth, Sade looked to the skies to find the falcon. There he flew, eyes focused on the tired lioness.
"Thank you!" Sade said in gratitude before rushing to where Mufasa was last. All she was found were more outsider lions. Sade growled as she pounced on the nearest one.
Rafiki hit a lone lioness with his staff, a buffalo then pushing it away. Feelings a breeze brush over his fur, the monkey paused. Looking to the sky, Rafiki placed his hand on the ground.
"The earth will shake." He whispered as the ground began to rattle back and forth.
Back on the rock, Sade crouched low to the ground as the rock started to crack. The crack grew rapidly before it broke clean through. The lionesses on the other side attempted to jump to Sade's side but missed the edge, falling, very far, to the ground instead.
The rock, now cleaved in two, had one side resting on smaller rock, a long platform being formed. The other side of the rock managed to stay standing upright, now just a back wall to the rock on the ground.
Hoping that everyone was okay, Sade rushed to find a way down to the ground. Seeing an opening in the rocks, Sade rushed in to find a tunnel going down. It seemed the rock had some tunnels running through it, making it difficult for Sade to find Mufasa.
Sade ran past any tunnel she could, pausing to listen for Mufasa or even Kiros before moving on to the next. When she finally heard something, she ran towards it to find a large hole filled with water in the ground. The water glistened, its depth unknown as Sade couldn't even see the bottom. But there, on s small slope leading to the rocky ground, lay an exhausted Mufasa and a scarred Taka.
"Mufasa!" Sade said as she rushed to the two. Taka stood up and walked up the slope to meet Sade. All Sade could do was look at Taka with hurt. He caused this fight, that scar on his face, and all these deaths because he couldn't accept that Mufasa was a better lion than him. One that understood that others weren't subjects or animals to be looked down upon, but rather equals, with their own unique strengths and gifts.
Taka left the tunnels after Sade didn't say anything to him, instead she went to Mufasa.
"Alive?" Sade asked. She knew he wasn't okay, not with the battle, or with Taka's betrayal. So she asked a simpler question.
"Yea." Sade smirked as she nuzzled his head.
"Well that's good. I can't lose you just yet." Mufasa laughed as he slowly pulled himself from the water. His limbs were tired and sore but Sade's warm face and bright smile motivated him to keep going.
"Let's go see Rafiki and the others." Sade nodded to Mufasa and both lions left the bottomless pool room and walked towards the bright, beautiful sun light.
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