Author: Samuel Frederick
Episode 21: NEWS FLASH.
Oluchi’s mouth was agape, followed by Simon’s, and then Boma’s.
Their faces all had expressions of shock as they stared intermittently at the items on the floor, especially that of Oluchi who seemed even more surprised than the guys.
They kept on exchanging glances between each other and looking back at me.
“What is that?” Simon asked, pointing at the polythene bag whilst coming to me.
I thought he was referring to the bundles of cash so I wanted to fabricate something to tell them but Simon advanced further and bent down to inspect the nylon thoroughly.
He poured out all of the remaining contents which were the white T-shirts with the APC logo imprinted on them.
“Fifi, what is this?” Simon repeated, holding one of the shirts as he looked me deep in the eyes. I was unable to speak all of a sudden, frantically searching for the most appropriate words to say.
“Can't you talk?” He raved, shooting daggers at me. “Answer me!”
Just then, Bauchi, Mimi, Eagle and Kingsley came inside. They had been laughing on their way in but stopped abruptly at the scene they met.
I could see the obvious shock on their faces at the sight of the tons of bundled cash all over the floor, excluding Mimi who just stayed rooted to her spot, unfazed.
“Are you deaf?” Simon continued, sounding impatient. “I said what is all this nonsense?”
For some indescribable reason, I still couldn't find my voice. As much as I tried, the words failed me terribly.
The next thing I knew, a thunderous slap befell my left cheek before I could even blink my eyes. I almost fell on the floor due to the strong impact, but the wall behind rescued me. Mimi screamed loudly and ran to me, shielding me from Simon's view. Likewise, Boma and the other guys rushed to Simon and held him back.
“Are you crazy?!” Oluchi yelled, hitting him repeatedly on his chest. “Are you mad?!”
“Tell her to talk!” He kept on shouting at the top of his voice, trying to break loose from their grasps. “She’s hiding something! She is a traitor! Let her speak! Let her confess right now!”
It took a strong punch from Boma’s fist to Simon’s gut to calm him down, which sent him to his knees as he started gasping for air.
“What's your problem?” Boma snapped angrily, attempting to throw another punch at Simon but Bauchi held his arm and signalled for him to calm down.
I stood transfixed with my hand caressing my left cheek, still not believing what just happened. Mimi held me by my shoulder and walked me out of the room and Oluchi followed behind us, cussing and swearing at Simon.
A drop of tear trickled down my face when we got to the backyard and settled on a bench there, while Mimi and Oluchi continued to console me with concerned looks on their faces, even though I already told them I was fine. They just weren’t willing to stop showing their concern over me.
“But why? Why would he slap me?” I started soliloquizing, expecting no answer from anybody in particular.
“Babe, take it easy, wipe your tears.” Oluchi comforted me, caressing my left shoulder. “It’s going to be all right. Everything’s going to be fine.”
“I don’t get it. Why would he lay his hand on me?” I kept asking, feeling my temper raging. “What gives him the right to lay his filthy hand on me?!”
Just then, the back door creaked and opened and Boma came out, all alone.
He stood at a distance at first and watched me intensely for a while before proceeding forth.
“Let me talk to her,” he said, referring to Mimi and Oluchi.
Without hesitation, they both excused us, then he sat beside me.
He placed a thumb on my cheek and stroked it lightly, wiping off the salty liquid from my face.
“I'm sorry about that,” Boma muttered soberly, looking dejected. “I truly am.”
“But why? Why would he do that?” I asked, giving him a cold glare. “Is he mad?”
“He had a reason.”
“What stupid reason? What reason is enough for him to lay his hand on me?”
“Fifi, youʼll have to be very honest with me concerning these questions I’m about to ask you.” Boma said, looking extremely serious. “Do I have your word?”
After giving it a quick thought, I nodded and replied: “Okay. Yeah. What’re your questions?”
“First of all, how did you come across such huge amount of money?” Boma asked.
“How does that even relate to the issue at hand?”
“Answer me first!”
“Okay. Well, it was given to me by some people.”
"Which people?"
"A woman and a guy. I don’t really know much about them."
"For what reason exactly?"
"Well, they want me to campaign for them, even though I already said I’m not interested. Their ideal plan is for me to get close to you guys and snitch on you all." I explained. "You know, something like being an inside woman and giving them all the information they'll need against you guys."
"How long has this been going on?"
"For a while now… although Iʼve been getting threatened by them recently. Speaking of threats, just this afternoon, they held me at gunpoint inside their car, and then they offered me another sum of money which they said was a gift from a certain senator but I blatantly rejected it."
"Where did this happen? Around the school?"
"Yes, right outside the back gate," I nodded affirmatively, "just this afternoon."
"Why didn’t you tell us?"
"It skipped my mind! I guess I forgot to."
"You forgot something like that?" Boma’s eyes widened. "Fifi, do you know you are actually toying with death?"
"Iʼm completely lost right now. I seriously don't understand what is going on here. What is your actual connection with these people?"
"They are our rivals!" He said, averting his eyes from mine. "That is why Simon went berserk when he realized you have their materials with you. He thinks you are working for them."
"So even if I am, does he think that the best way to settle it was to slap me?"
"Get up letʼs go inside." Boma said calmly, ignoring my question. "You’ll have to repeat everything you just told me to them so that they can know you’re on our side."
A few minutes later after I had followed Boma inside, I explained everything I knew to the hearing of everyone and they listened keenly to me, especially Simon who seemed to be even more interested in the issue.
“So in summary, what you mean is that you don’t know these people in question?”
“Yes, I donʼt.” I answered honestly. “I swear on my mother’s grave.”
Simon gave me an awkward look and shook his head irritably.
“Boma, Bauchi, Kingsley and Eagle, make una meet me outside,” he announced and stood up. “Including you, Fifi.”
“I’m coming with you.” Oluchi chipped in.
“Stay back!” He ordered authoritatively like a soldier, and Oluchi literally melted like candle wax at his deep, bass, rumbling voice, and uttered nothing thereafter.
Obediently, I followed them out of the house to where the car was parked in the street and we all got in. It started with grave silence at first, until Simon looked at me awkwardly and then transferred his gaze to each of the guys, made eye contact particularly with Boma, before facing me once again.
“I’m sorry.” He simply said, trying too hard to sustain eye contact with me. I sighed and turned my gaze elsewhere. Boma patted me softly on my arm with a pleading look, as well as the other guys stared soberly, as though asking me to reconsider altogether.
I heaved a deep sigh and shook my head. “I forgive you, Simon.”
I saw a little twitch in Simon's face, as he nodded and muttered “Thank you” to me, still struggling to hold my gaze.
“Nice. So what do we do now?” Eagle asked, sounding impatient. “If we don't teach these guys a lesson on time, theyʼll come for us sooner than we expect,” he added.
“Not to mention, Fifiʼs life is also at stake here!” Bauchi chipped in. “We can't take this lightly at all!”
They both seemed to be referring to Simon, who seemed to be lost in thought. He heaved a sigh and cleared his throat, letting out a slight cough.
“Let’s wait till tomorrow.” Simon replied them, facing me. “Fifi, make sure nothing happens to those items they gave you. Am I clear?”
I nodded. “Yes, sir.”
“They would serve as our evidence against them if this forthcoming war leads to a case in court,” He added. “And as for the money, I hope you haven’t-”
Just as he was about to say something more, I got a phone call from Akosua, my sister.
“Sorry, I have to take this.” I said and picked my call and I instantly regretted doing so.
The news hit me in a flash, like a lightning bolt from my head down to my feeble toes. I shivered at once!
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