Episode 15: WHAT THE HELL?
Author: Samuel Frederick
Episode 15: WHAT THE HELL?
Something funny happened the next day at the exam hall. In the middle of the struggle, as everyone brainstormed to answer their questions, there was this certain lady who sat a row before me, asking for extra sheets from time to time. In less than an hour, she had single-handedly used up to three answer sheets. Almost everyone's attention was on her. Even the invigilator was surprised.
The funny thing was that, Oluchi sat beside me and we had barely written anything. She was as clueless as I was, and we had little time left.
“Oluchi ask this lady something!” I whispered.
“Why can't you ask her by yourself?” She replied.
“Hurry up. We don't have time.”
“Don't you have a mouth? Do it yourself.”
“Please, just ask!” I pleaded with her in hushed whispers. “Come on!”
She hesitated for a while before tapping the lady in front of us. The pretty lady looked back at our dull faces, confused.
“Can I help you both?”
“Yes. Babe, please, don't be offended. Can you help us with the answers for Section A?” Oluchi asked smartly.
“If I tell you I haven't answered anything yet, you won't even believe me. Can you help me with the answer for number 1, Section B in particular, please?” She asked, to our utmost surprise.
Oluchi and I shared glances at each other and we couldn't control the laughter that erupted on impulse. We almost got ourselves into trouble. If not that the invigilator was a nice man, he would have surely seized our papers.
We ended the paper for that day and met outside. Oluchi, Mimi, Jovita and I strolled randomly around the school, discussing along the way until we found ourselves at the school's main field. It was actually Oluchi's idea for us to go there.
When we asked her why she preferred the field instead of the cafeteria we intended to go to, she simply told us not to worry, that we would soon see for ourselves. It actually happened that a football match was being held there.
To my surprise, I saw Boma, Simon and Kingsley all dressed in football jerseys. They were all training for the match. I wanted to call out to Boma, but Oluchi cautioned me not to disrupt their training, so we all took a sit among the crowd and watched as they prepared for the match.
“How did you know they would be here?” Jovita asked, referring to Oluchi.
“Oh. Simon informed me earlier on. He wanted me to see him play for the new team.” Oluchi replied.
“So is this what they are actually playing? It's very boring.” Jovita shrugged. “I can't waste my precious time here.”
“Yo, chill! They haven't even started yet. Relax your nerves.” Oluchi assured her. “This is just the training session. Don't you watch football?”
“I do, but not local football matches like this. This very one is not worth my time.” She complained with a frown on her face. “It's too dry.”
“Let them start first.” Oluchi said, trying to die the matter but Jovita wasn't having it.
“Should we place a bet?”
“A bet?” Oluchi repeated, confused. “A bet for what exactly?”
“Iʼm sure your boyfriend's team won't win this match. Iʼve seen their rival team beat other teams before. Other teams they defeated in several past games are very strong compared to them.”
“Interesting. So you donʼt believe your boyfriend's team can win?” Mimi asked, shaking her head dramatically. “What a pity!”
“Hush! Leave my boyfriend aside. I always support Kingsley when it comes to other aspects, but this time around, I just know they wonʼt win this particular match. Let us bet?”
“How much?” Oluchi asked, showing interest.
“One thousand Naira each!” Jovita responded, dipping her left hand into her purse. “Do we have a deal?”
“Deal!” Oluchi agreed, grinning. “I'm so down for it! Let's do this!”
They both pulled out a thousand Naira note each and dropped it with Mimi.
The training session soon ended and the real match started. The referee blew the whistle for kick-off. The first 10 minutes seemed like a warm up for both teams; their focus was more on defence than attack.
20 minutes passed into the game, yet no goal came forth. It was like a tug of war between both teams. I especially wanted Bomaʼs team to win, not because I was fond of him, but because I wanted to prove Jovita wrong as well as Oluchi badly wanted to.
The anticipation for a goal was credibly high as a member of Bomaʼs team dribbled across the field and made it to the rival teamʼs goal post, only to end up with a wrong move that ruined the shot. He could've simply passed the ball to someone else who would’ve perfected the shot, but he faltered, thereby putting his entire team in jeopardy.
The first half soon ended with no goal from both teams. The coach of Boma's team could be seen with his players, yelling at the guy who ruined the only chance they had at a goal, while Boma and the rest of the team sat on a bench, looking tired.
I waved at him from where I was sitting but he didnʼt see me. I called out his name, but he couldn't hear me either. Then I had an idea. I borrowed a cardboard paper and a marker from someone seated next to me and I wrote ‘Boma’ on it boldly, and then I waved it up like a flag.
He initially didn't see it for a while until a guy sitting next to him tapped him and pointed in my direction. He looked up and saw me, simultaneously tapping Kingsley and Simon to see us too. We all waved at each other except Jovita who just shrugged, pretending not to see them waving at us.
“Babe, your boyfriend is greeting you na!” Oluchi intervened, patting Jovitaʼs right lap. “At least wave back at him!”
“I'm not blind. I can see that. Mind your business.” She snapped.
Judging by her unlikely remark, we could easily tell that she and her gentleman were both having issues. Little wonder why she didnʼt support our team.
The second half began and now, the anticipation for goals was extremely higher than the first halfʼs game. Both teams played with much enthusiasm, much morale, much vigour.
I personally cheered Bomaʼs team with my cardboard flying high to show our support. Oluchi and Jovita werenʼt smiling at all. Their bets were at stake, after all.
Halfway into the game, it already seemed like the match would end miserably. Everyone's expectation had reduced, including mine.
All hell broke loose when a guy from the team Jovita supported skillfully dribbled across the field, managed to dribble past the defenders and tactfully made a headway for a goal. He passed to a fellow teammate and with a swift kick, the ball found its way into the net.
The crowd went haywire! I couldn't believe it. I also saw the look of disbelief in Oluchiʼs eyes. She was dumbfounded. Jovita jumped up, screaming joyfully and jubilating like sheʼd won a lottery. Her prediction was, indeed, correct!
The match soon ended with our team on the losing end. We'd lost the match, meaning that Oluchi's bet was gone too.
“Didn't I tell you all?” Jovita mocked as we climbed down the small podium we had just sat upon. “I’m never wrong! You guys are losers! Big time losers!”
We all ignored her.
“I told you they would lose, but none of you believed me. Now you see your lives?” She continued mocking us all, laughing like a psychopath.
Oluchiʼs facial expression appeared fierce, but I signalled her to keep calm. She adhered.
We ignored Jovitaʼs taunting remarks and continued walking toward the pitch where the guys stood, arguing about their awful performance. When we finally got there, I realized they were all devastated and exhausted, especially Kingsley who was the goalkeeper.
“Common ball you cannot even catch, but when it comes to romancing somebodyʼs innocent daughter on bed now, that is where they will always find you! Mighty lord of romance! Be thou exalted!” Jovita mocked with finality, referring to Kingsley to our surprise. We all thought it was a joke until she hissed and walked away.
Surprisingly, Kingsley didn’t even act like he cared at all. He definitely didn’t give a damn about her insults. He only hissed back at her and excused himself from us, leaving us all in utter shock and disbelief.
Seriously, what the hell just happened here?
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