Chapter 21
Hey readers! I'm back with another update! Please enjoy and comment! I WILL be making this chapter longer. I really like what happens this chapter but I think it needs a lot of work as I'm sure you'll immediately agree. SO it WILL be longer. If it isn't longer by 15/03/15 then I will do something that I'm not quite sure of yet but feel free to leave ideas for my punishment in the comments. :D On the side you will see some Legolas fun!!!!!! Now read on!
It was mid-afternoon when Legolas shouted for the company to stop.
“There was a scuffle on this side of the road,” the elf explained indicating a large clump of muddled prints off the left side of the track, “A horse and rider were attacked by . . . orcs, I think. Yes, orcs. A pack of twelve, if I am not mistaken.” Worried mutterings filled the air but the dwarf King silenced them with a sharp flick of his hand.
“Can you continue to track them from here?” Fili demanded from atop his mount. Legolas nodded the sun glinting off his pale white blonde braids. “Alright then,” the King declared, “Now we part ways. Dwalin, Oin, Gloin, Nori and Bofur you’re with me. The rest of you follow Balin back to Erebor and mind her until we return with my brother. Are we right?” Murmurs of agreement rippled through the group. A few moments were taken to bid hasty farewells.
“Good,” Fili nodded, “Lead on Elf."
Legolas slipped down from his horse and, taking the reins in one hand to lead his mount, began to run away from the road, his eyes cast down ever searching for the continuation of the tracks. Fili and the selected few followed closely behind while Balin and the others headed onwards on the road to the Mountain.
“One and a bit more days of travel, lads,” Balin’s wafted into Fili’s retreating ears, “And we’ll be back home. We’ll just have to keep the home fires burning until the rest get back.”
“The tracks lead across the Anduin,” Legolas reported as the sun was beginning to start its decent, “And follow the river north on the other side. I would advise to call a rest so the chase can resume with full vigour in the morn.” Heeding the elf’s advice the remainders of the company crossed the river and set up a camp on the other side. Soon after Bofur prepared something to eat and everyone enjoyed a warm meal.
“You brought your own supplies I assume,” Sabrielle whispered to the other elf, “There isn’t much non-meat products going here.” Legolas confirmed her beliefs by bringing forth a saddle-bag.
“And you brought your own too?” he asked her back. The dark haired elf nodded.
“Trade you cucumbers for some lembas,” she grinned pulling the long green vegetable from her own saddlebag.
“Why not?” the blonde elf shrugged as he reached into his own supplies to get the elvish bread.
“Sabrielle!” came a call from across the camp, “Could you come here a moment? The ponies are edgy.” The elf in question stood up and turned to her companion.
“Won’t be a moment,” she informed him and sped off to tend the ponies.
Night came quickly and Sabrielle offered herself for first watch so she could take with her old friend without being too noticed.
“How are things in the wide world, Legolust?” the elf teased as the other sat down next to her. “Found any more innocent maidens to bat your eyelids at and woo and seduce? Or have you been going steady since we last met?” The blonde elf laughed softly at her jests.
“Steady?” he replied feigning shock, “Never! Since we last met I’ve gotten a weaver, the blacksmith’s daughter, a flutist, a harpist, the daughter of the Imladris ambassador and the lover of one of my father’s guards to fall utterly in love with me.” Sabrielle raised a slender eyebrow. “And then they’ve woken up and been ever so embarrassed that they behaved so foolishly and have apologised to the point of that I wanted to rip my lovely ears off.”
“Truly?” she questioned with a laugh. The other elf nodded faking solemnity.
“Yes,” Legolas answered, “I get around quite a bit. And you can hardly blame me, being on the road for such a time. Who knew how many female elves travel about alone and away from any of the Great Elf Kingdoms? Six beautiful ladies in two years. What about you, Ri? Any travellers catch your fancy?” Sabrielle shook her dark head.
“No, you flirting sprig,” she laughed swatting him playfully on the arm, “I respect my guests. You should know that well enough by now. There is a good reason why I don’t live in Rivendell anymore.” Legolas quickly turned his face to look away into the darkness.
“I know,” the blonde replied all fun draining from his voice, “You should go rest now. I’ll take over the watch. I can’t sleep tonight anyway.” Sabrielle didn’t move and only gave her companion a hard stare.
“Legolas?” she queried shuffling closer so that their shoulders were lightly touching, “Is everything alright? Why aren’t you this relaxed around everybody else?” The other elf sighed and did not answer for a few moments.
“I guess it’s my upbringing; being Thranduil’s son, Prince of the Greenwood and all,” he replied gently, “I feel I have to be representing my people all the time. Have to be royal and regal and condescending. Except for when I am with you. You make me feel free.” The female elf smiled a little at the compliment in disguise.
“You know I love you as a sister, don’t you?” Legolas shot suddenly. Sabrielle nodded more than a little confused at what had brought on the statement. “I have noticed that several of the dwarves here look at you in the way that many of the girls I see look at me. Be careful around them, Ri,” he murmured, “I don’t want you to end up heartbroken like Tauriel.” A small period of silence followed on the tail of the declaration.
“She was the only one for you, wasn’t she?” the female elf inquired gently. His blonde head bobbed uncertainly in response caught halfway between a yes and a no.
“Goodnight, Ri,” Legolas whispered shifting away from her and ending all further discussion. Slowly Sabrielle stood up and brushed the fallen leaves from her clothes.
“Goodnight, Legolas,” she replied leaning down to peck him gently on the cheek, “Bofur will take over in a couple of hours.”
Soooooooooo? How was that? I promise to make it longer! And don't forget to leave your punishments for me below for if NOT WHEN I don't meet my deadline! Hope you enjoyed! If you didn't TELL ME!!!!!!!!! And just for the record lembas is an elvish bread thing that only takes one small bite to fill the stamach of a grown man. Useful for long trips. Until next we meet!
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