Chapter 4: A very sarcastic ghost
Ezra's POV
THE GRIN he gave me was just plain old shady. I didn't want to trust this guy but he was one of the only ways I could get out of the darkness, I feel like if I don't break out soon, I will lose all sanity. I only stare at him, it was a long stare down until one of us actually chose to speak, which of course was me, he obviously wanted a reply. "So are you taking me somewhere?" I ask sounding like an idiot. He raises an eyebrow, "Yes, that is what you did with my brother, am I correct?" He says with bits of hidden sarcasm, this guy loved being passive aggressive. I only nod impatiently and I keep my eyes locked onto his. He smiles a little again and gives a small chuckle, "I can assure you my friend the present is pretty bloody right now." He says looking everywhere but me, "But it's better than the past, so let's just stay optimistic." He tells me. I nod hesitantly with my eye brows lowering to my eyes, "Okay."
"I will take you to see a few of your friends but that's all." He says in a tone.
"Alright, at least I'll see some people." I say, trying to stay optimistic like he said.
"And you hear, touch, taste, see, and talk as much as you want but they will not hear or notice you in any way at all!" He says in a joyfully sarcastic voice. I frown cause I really wanted to just talk to someone I knew who wasn't a ghost that controlled time.
"So who's first?" I ask.
"Kian." He tells me. I give him a questioned look.
"Who's Kian?" I ask confused, I had never met anyone named Kian in my life.
He shoots me a look with confusion, "What do you have amnesia?" He says, "Senile possibly, it's your teacher or coach or whatever." He rolls his eyes.
"His name is Kanan, he is my master. And my memory is perfectly fine!" I correct him. He only rolls his eyes and mutters a whatever under his breath. Let's just say the ghost of the present wasn't much of a enthusiastic ghost you'd meet. He opens up a bronze portal and he jumps in pulling me behind him. All I see is flashes until I am in a dark room. Kanan sits on the edge of his bed with his left hand holding his forehead up and his right hand holding the holocron. He opens it up and a hologram pops up showing a man named Obi-wan Kenobi who was a Jedi Master or something like that, Kanan never really told me much details about him. All the hologram was him delivering a message to all the remaining Jedi's. About halfway through Kanan grabbed the small cube and shut it off, it was weird seeing him so stressed out. He always seemed to maintain his frustration. Behind me the door opened with Hera in the doorway, she sadly smiles at him, "Lot quieter without the kids messing around, isn't it?" She says in a soft voice, I could tell she had been crying by how bloodshot her eyes were. He nods back, "It's too quiet." He mutters loud enough for Hera to hear. She walks over and wraps one arm around him, "We'll get them back, I promise." She assures him. The both look around the room avoiding each like how the ghost did to me, finally Kanan is the one to speak up.
"Do you think she tell?" He says out of the blue.
"Sabine, do you think she'll say anything to the Empire?" He asks.
Hera shakes her head, "She couldn't tell very much."
"Much about us, but what about the other things she's kept from us, about her life being a Mandalorian, the imperial complex, she has barely told us about the whole bounty hunter thing." He says.
Hera shrugs, "I guess we'll just have to find out."
"Alright I'm bored!" Says the ghost. I roll my eyes and he takes me to another room. The next room has Chopper, Zeb, and myself in it. I'm floating in a huge tank full of water with scars all over my body. Chopper pats Zeb's leg and starts to beep.
"You know I can't understand what you're saying." Zeb says angrily, he seemed to be stressed too. Chopper only beeps more.
"I'm just gonna pretend I know what you're saying." Zeb says glancing at Chopper. Chopper beeps a little bit more.
"Of course I miss them, I mean, I know Ezra's right here, it just feels like we are just hanging around with his dead body." Says Zeb, it makes me smile cause I knew he actually cared a little bit about me.
"And Sabine, it feels like she was taken away decades ago, it feels like I never even knew her." He tells Chopper. Chopper slowly beeps in a sad tone patting Zeb's leg. Zeb wipes his eye and walks out. "Alright off to the next brother you go!" The ghost of the present booms breaking the silence. "What?!" I exclaim, "You're not showing me Sabine?" I yell. He shakes his head and let's out a huge sigh, "My friend, she is something you do not want to see, I am shocked she is still in one piece! I would've thought they would've just killed her and take her off the bounty list!" He tells me. "God you don't understand, I don't care if that girl's looks sends me into shock, let me see her now!" I demand sounding more imperial alike then Jedi alike.
His frown deepens, "My friend-"
"No, don't you dare call me your friend, let me see her!" I yell.
"You don't understand!" He defends him self.
"Oh and you do?!" I shot back.
"I really don't think it's a good idea!"
"JUST LET ME SEE HER BEFORE SHE TURNS INTO A DEAD GHOST FREAK LIKE YOU IDIOT!" I yell as loud as I can, I was fighting tears and I was about to lose. He slumps down, "Alright, I will. Not cause I love to punish annoying qchildren, because you asked for it." He says angrily. He snaps his fingers and I am in a dark room, I look around until I see Sabine. She was lying limp in a corner, blood was rushing down everywhere. She would also occasionally scream in her sleep, she had a few broken bones and whip and burn marks imprinted all around her. I touch her cheek even though she wouldn't be able to feel me, I then hug her with tears streaming down my face. I feel a small, warm, hand touch my shoulder. I turn around to see its the ghost. He gives me a sad look, "It's time for you to go Ezra, to meet my other brother." I only nod not wanting to speak, but I knew he was gonna say something else.
"Oh and Ezra..." He starts to say.
"I want you to know there are two paths you may take with my brother." He tells me.
I nod, "Which are..."
"One path leaves you finishing with my brother and breaking out of the cycle, the other involves my father, he controls the next phase of life. Which is no life." My eyes widen.
"You mean like I might die?" I stutter.
"No, no no no!" He says.
"He's the future, he'll show you what your actions can cause." He tells me.
I look to the floor.
"There's no wrong path Ezra, you'll learn from both of them." He tells me, I nod and wave goodbye. Then everything fades away and I am once again left in the dark.
I AM LIKE THE WORST PERSON EVER I AM TERRIBLY SORRY! I have had barely anytime to do things between school and activities! I am so sorry and I really mean it I'm so sorry for not updating. But I think I will be able to update tomorrow! See you guys!
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