The Hoth Mission
This was requested by SwordOfPeace
(I added some things.)
"Where here." Sabine said to Ezra as they dropped out of hyperspace. "Hoth, ever been here?" Ezra asked Sabine as she set the ship down inside the abandoned base. "No but records say it's really cold so let's get these medical supplies and go." Sabine said as she opened the phantoms door.
The lights weren't working so Sabine took out her flashlight and Ezra his lightsaber. "Do you know why they abandoned this base?" Ezra asked Sabine as they walked through the base. "Probably because of the Wampas." Sabine replied. "Wampas!" Ezra shouted with worry in his voice.
"Calm down, our source says the base should be secure. No Wampas shouldn't be able to get in." Sabine said. Then they heard a loud thump and a roar. "Well looks like our source was wrong!" Ezra said trying to which direction the noise came from.
"Well that just gives us another reason to find the supplies faster." Sabine said then started to run with Ezra following her.
After a few minutes of searching the finally found the medical supplies and started to head back to the phantom. When they were getting closer to the ship they saw a Wampa right in front of it. It was hitting the phantom trying to open it probably look for stuff something inside of it. They quickly hid behind a door that was behind the Wampa.
Sabine quickly pulled out her guns and peeked out the corner and aimed for the Wampas head. Ezra look at her and said. "Wait, let me try to connect with it." "Are you crazy!" "We don't have to make enemies if we don't need too Sabine. Sometimes violence is not always the answer."
Sabine considered her options for a second then said "Fine, just be careful. Please." "I will." Ezra said then came out from behind the corner.
The Wampa turned around, saw Ezra and started to head towards him. Ezra put up hand and started to make the connection. Sabine still feeling uneasy peeked out the doorway again and aimed for the Wampa again if Ezra's plan did not work.
All was going well until the Wampa saw Sabine and her guns. It stopped connecting with Ezra then grabbed him and threw him towards Sabine. Sabine she did not react in time. When Ezra hit her she managed to shot the Wampa in the arm but her guns flew out of her hands. Ezra head hit a wall hard and it knocked him unconscious.
The Wampa was heading for Sabine. She got up as fast as she could and grabbed on of her guns. After she grabbed her gun the Wampa pulled her up by her legs. While off the ground she aimed for the head and took her shot. The Wampa dropped her then collapsed on the ground.
Sabine took a few seconds to catch her breath then ran to Ezra to see if he was ok. She saw him on the ground not moving.
"Ezra, Oh kriff! Please be okay, please be ok." Sabine said with worry in her voice as she laid beside shaking him slightly, trying to wake him up. After a few minutes Ezra woke up. *groans* "Sabine is that you?" Ezra said as he sat up and slowly gained conscience.
"Ezra!" Sabine yelled then hugged him tightly. "Don't you ever scare me like that again." Sabine said. "Don't worry bine I will never leave you." Ezra said then put his hand on her cheek. Sabine started to blush but then noticed Ezra had a wound on his side and head.
"Ezra your bleeding! Come on lets get you inside the phantom so I can treat it." Sabine said then quickly grabbed the supplies and helped Ezra to the phantom. When they got inside the ship Ezra sat down while Sabine looked in the supplies for some bandages. When she found them she walked over to him.
"This might hurt a bit."Sabine told Ezra before she started to wrap the bandage around his head. When she was done with his head she said "I need you to take off your shirt." Both of them blushed when Sabine said that then Ezra took his shirt off. Sabine stared at his toned body for some seconds. Man where did he get all those muscles? Sabine thought. "Um... Sabine?" Ezra said and that snapped her out of her thoughts. "Oh, sorry my mind was somewhere else. Ok, This might hurt a bit." Sabine warned Ezra before she wrapped the bandages around his sides. Ezra held in the pain.
"Thanks." Ezra said to Sabine when she finished and got the ship ready to lift off. "Your welcome." The phantom made a strange noise and did not lift off the ground.
"Kriff, what now?" Sabine said. "What's wrong?" Ezra asked Sabine. "Looks like that Wampa really messed up the phantom. I'll go check it out." Sabine said then went outside to check. A few minutes passed then Sabine came back inside.
"Well I got some good news and bad news." ,Sabine started, the bad news is I can't fix the phantom but the good news is that I contacted Hera and she said they will be here by tomorrow morning." "Wait so we're stuck here till morning?" Ezra asked Sabine . "Yep. Get comfortable because we are going to be here for awhile." Sabine said.
She went through the supplies again and found a blanket. "There's only one blanket." Sabine told Ezra. "You can take it Sabine." "It's alright I don't mind sharing" Sabine said blushing a little bit. "Ok." Ezra said as Sabine laid beside him.
Hours went by and it started to get colder. Ezra woke up and heard Sabine shivering. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer to his chest. "I love you." Sabine whispered softly then went to sleep. Ezra wanted to say really but he saw her asleep. He smiled at how peaceful she looked, kissed her on the forehead then went back to sleep. All night they slept together in each other's arms.
The next morning
They woke up to the sound of a ship landing near them. "Sounds like there here." A tired Sabine said and started to get up. When Ezra got up the phantom door opened revealing the Hera.
"Good morning you two ." Hera started with a smile on her face, "How was Hoth?" "Life changing." they both as they looked at each other smiling. Hera with a confused looked on her face said "Ok... you two get ready we're about to leave." After that she left and the two were alone again.
"Wait Sabine before we go there is something I want to tell you." Ezra said with a smile on his face. "Ok." Sabine said and walked closer to him. Then Ezra grabbed her by the waist and kissed her on the lips. Sabine made a surprise sound and had her eyes wide open but eventually put her arms around his neck deepening the kiss and closed her eyes.
A few minutes later Sabine asked Ezra "How did you know?" "Let's just say you talk in your sleep." Ezra replied. Sabine blushed and took his hand. "Let's go home."she said and they both went back to the ghost to return to Atollon. They spent the whole day enjoying each other's presence.
Wow that was a long chapter. Well you guys deserve it since I been out for a few days. Sorry. I will try to update more frequently. But I hoped you enjoyed the chapter.😁
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