Part 9
Shadow Saber's P.O.V
"I should've expected this shitty house to be where they're at," said my bad side as I was looking at the house from the front entrance. "Damn, sure is pretty shit," said Shadow Freddy walking up to me with RXQ. "I do hope you have a plan, because if we don't have one then we'll most likely have to improvise," said RXQ. "That's an option I'll use only if necessary," I responded. "So where do we start?" asked RXQ. "The basement because that's the most fucking obvious place where someone would go to hide people," said my bad side. "Well, that seems to be the case with every kidnapper," I responded. "OH MY GOD! ENOUGH BICKERING AND LET'S FUCKING SCORCH THIS CHEAP ASS HOUSE!" yelled my bad side as he kicked the door down. "YOUR FUCKING DOCTOR IS HERE GIVE YOU AN STD!" I ran in as I noticed the door for the basement was under the stairs. "So much for going in with stealth man," said Shadow Freddy. "We never established so fuck that option!" yelled back my bad side. "Hey, it's an efficient way to kick ass," said RXQ. "Hey man, this is why I brought you," said Shadow Freddy. "I may have to call an old friend if it's come down to that option," I said. "OR THEY CAN CALL THE PERSON WHO'S GOING TO GAS THIS COUNTRY!" yelled my bad side as he shot a beam at the door, while it completely melted. I walked in as Shadow Freddy and RXQ followed behind me as well. There was light illuminating from the basement as we all walked down. It was purple, yet it was a feeling that told me I was familiar with it. When we reached the bottom we finally found our friends, though I wish it was not the way I was seeing in front of me. There were pumpkins all around the basement, however they were the things illuminating purple light. And in the middle was my friends tied up unconscious on the hard stone floor. "You know shits for real when they're down here and you find this, yet the people responsible aren't present," said RXQ. "You sure did as hell take the words out of my mouth," I said. "You dare come here at last victims of the past!" said a female voice in the room as two green eyes illuminated from the faint darkness that was not revealed by the light. "Come out bitch so I can fuck you! Literally!" yelled my bad side. "Perhaps we can took in a more civil manner?" suggested my good side. "Being civil is not our specialty," said the voice as three more pairs of eyes emerged from the darkness. All of them walked out of the darkness for us to see them more better, but maybe the unexpected deserves to stay hidden a bit longer. There was weird version of Baby, though it appeared to be all withered and in terrible condition. Next was the old spring-bonnie suit, only it was a different model that was old and withered as well. There was then a messed up version of Funtime Freddy, only it's face was a bit melted and the paint was all orange. Not to forget the body was just wires. Finally there was a weird back bear with a start on it's chest, though it was messing an eye. "Who the hell are you guys?" I asked. "Animatronics with a purpose traded for another, revenge. But we are Scrap Baby, Scraptrap, Molten Freddy, and Lefty," said Scrap Baby.
First time I've used these animatronics from fnaf 6, but you'll see them in another book soon.
"Oh! Looks like another group of dick biscuits!" exclaimed my bad side. "Your insults can't hide your insubordination, and the forthcoming future," said Springtrap. "Heh, heh, heh! We could just destroy you right now, but I would rather test out how hard I can squeeze you soul out," said Molten Freddy. "Hey man! We can take our friends and act like this never happened, or your asses can be butt hurt for the rest of the night," said Shadow Freddy. "There is no other alternative other than fate and our destiny," said Scrap Baby. "Then I'll take that as a 'hell no' then," said Shadow Freddy. Him and RXQ charged at the others as both tackled Scraptrap and Molten Freddy. "Looks like it me against the bitch and the black version of Smokey the Bear!" said my bad side. "How entertaining!" I charged at Lefty as he jumped to the left as I tried cornering him to get a blow on him. "So, you gonna be the one to kick my ass before I turn you ass to white?!" asked my bad side."
I know, that was pretty racist. But I could add the n-word, though I'm not that racist.
Silence was the only thing he used to answer back, but it was a simple thing to respond with. "So we got a quiet one?" I asked. "THAT MEANS I HAVE TO BRAKE HIS APPENDIX!" yelled my bad side as I charged at him. He jumped to the side I grabbed him while throwing him on the ground, a second later RXQ and Shadow Freddy threw Scraptrap and Molten Freddy on the ground next to him. "All too easy man," said Shadow Freddy. "And yet they make it more complicated in the movies," said RXQ. "I warned you we wouldn't got easy, now I suggest you ease the pain and let us walk out of here without a scratch," I said. "Or we can maybe talk this out?" asked my good side. "Shut the fuck up!" responded my bad side. "I'm afraid the bottle with blood will be spilled, and with all the blood," said Scrap Baby. "Why the hell does every villain talk like they're intellectual?" I asked. "Hey man, this world is weird as hell like the weed I smoked this morning," said Shadow Freddy. "Let's just fucking destroy her," said my bad side. "Yeah. You're right," I said turning to face her. I charged at her, and as soon as I got closer the air was suddenly filled with purple smoke. "What the fuck!" I exclaimed. "She was the power! This bitch!" exclaimed my bad side. "But that's not possible, how could she have obtained our own powers?" asked my good side. "More questions later man! Right now I think we need to show them SBR!" said Shadow Freddy somewhere in the mist. "Please do! I can't see shit!" said RXQ from around the mist. "It's better then being blind," I said. "SBR. Show this clown her rightful position," I said. I could feel myself changing forms as I my eye started to change purple. SBR was here once again to beat someone's ass.
"Ah! Another holiday, another reason to be present again," I said looking at my hands. "Now who the hell is to get their ass kicked," I said looking around the mist. I stopped to my left as I turned to stick my hand out. Someone was pulled out of the mist as they went flying in my hand while I grabbed them. To me it was some knock off version of that Circus Baby animatronic, perhaps that't what is was designed to be. "Oh course it's a bitch, one that deserves to burn in hell," I said throwing her on the ground as the mist cleared away. There were three other animatronics standing up as they all looked at me. "How about I save the trouble and pain by making your death simple," I said. "With a beam." I shot my beam at them as it hit them all. As the smoke settled nothing was there, not even their ashes or remains. "Cowards! There's no fun with people like them," I said. "Hey man, at least we prevailed in the end," said Shadow Freddy walking to me with RXQ. "Ha, ha, ha! What up dudes!" I said fist bumping them both. "Nothing much, just having to help Shadow Saber like usual. How was your sleep?" asked RXQ. "Terrible. Sleeping for so long is a bitch, though not when you wake up and immediately fight a bitch!" I snorted. "They'll be back, but at least next time we'll be ready to blaze them to hell," said Shadow Freddy. "I wish my visit was less brief, but next time I'll just curb-stomp whoever I go up against," I responded. "Until next time. Hopefully Thanksgiving."
Shadow Saber's P.O.V
I could feel myself again; I was back in control. "Fuck man, this feels weird when he takes over," said my bad side. "Huh? I expected more damage," I said looking at a mark clearly made by SBR on the ground. "Well man, wouldn't have mattered since you're not there to witness it," said Shadow Freddy. "Fuck! I wish we could you I can see those hoes get booty raped!" exclaimed my bad side. "You'll see something better. C'mon, let's get the others out of here," I said grabbing Saber as RXQ and Shadow Freddy grabbed the others. We teleported out of the house and to the front of the house as we dropped everyone on the ground. "Ouch? What the hell is going on?" asked Saber who was awake now. "The usual stuff that happens during the holidays," I responded. "True that man," said Shadow Freddy taking some weed out and tried lighting it.
I swear I don't smoke, like I'm actually being serious. I've never smoked in my life, just saying.
"Hey, can I borrow your lighter for a second?" I asked. "Sure thing man," he responded handing me his lighter. "I swear, you're probably going to have the authorities after you for this," said RXQ. "Honestly, I'll let that slip for tonight," I said lighting a piece of wood on fire as I threw at the house. In an instant the house was a blaze, though it was a sight that was nice to see. "That'll make sure those freaks don't return," I said. "Those probably one of those moments where I feel joy for once in my life," said my bad side. "I guess it's a sight to behold if you consider it a glory," said my good side. "Shut the fuck up and enjoy the sight," said my bad side. "I can't believe you and your friends rescued me," said Saber on the ground. "You are all a bunch of assholes."
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