Part 10
Saber's the Bunny's P.O.V
"Oh! I don't feel good," said Freddy sitting on the couch while holding his stomach. "You better not have someone burst through your chest. "His fatass probably is reacting to all the candy he ate," said Shadow Saber's bad side. "But it was so good," said Freddy moaning. "Next time eat a fucking heart and see if that'll help!" responded Shadow's bad side. "Maybe tomorrow," said Freddy. "Well, I'm glad you saved us. But of course you don't tell me you have... I don't know fucking relatives!" I said. We all looked over at RXQ and Shadow Freddy; RXQ was standing and doing nothing while Shadow Freddy was smoking weed. "Hey man. Just because we're shadows, doesn't mean we're related," responded Shadow Freddy. "Whatever. I don't know why we had to go to our house rather than the pizzeria," I said. "We would've headed back if Freddy didn't throw up," said Baby. "If I can have one more piece," said Freddy trying to reach out for his bag on the table next to him. "Hey man, thanks for the candy," said Shadow Freddy walking over and taking his bag. "NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck... I think my appendix is going to explode," said Freddy. "Son of a bitch," I said. "We should probably get going, we've done enough here to help," said RXQ. "You sure? I mean you're both are cool guys. Though I would prefer Shadow Freddy if you didn't smoke up my house," I said. "Sorry," he said. "However, I think it's best you all enjoy Halloween before it ends." "Ya, when it's fucking almost twelve," said Shadow's bad side. "Ok, then I'll retake all those words back. Just take it easy all of you," said Shadow Freddy. "And don't go to some random house just to get candy," added in RXQ. "That was Funtime Dickhead, not us!" exclaimed Shadow's bad side as he looked at Freddy. "Wait! My dick is a head? I haven't even circumcised it yet," said Freddy. "We're going leave. Your friends are weird," said Shadow Freddy. "Is that supposed to be a joke about women!?" asked Ballora angry. "Ballora, just stop. You're not helping the situation," I said back. "One more thing. Next time you both visit, at least ask for a invitation." "Ha! Oh man, can't say I will when I forget the next day!" said Shadow Freddy.
Legit, I can't remember to do homework or chores. At my school we have a thing where we use it to keep track of what we do or write down the homework we have to do after school, and yet I still can't remember to do shit. Sad I know.
Him and RXQ disappeared as said looked at Shadow. "You got some weird ass friends," I said. " Says the cuck who hangs out with mostly retards," responded Shadow's had side. "How does that make me a cuck though?" I asked. " BECAUSE YOU ARE ONE! YOUR SAD ASS DOESN'T OWN A BITCH!" yelled his had side. "Yep. Good to still be here," I said to myself. "But let me ask you this. And this question is more for you Shadow Saber, why did you rescue me and the others? Also how the fuck did you know we were in trouble?" I asked. "Shadow Freddy and RXQ told me," responded Shadow. "You know that's fucking creepy as hell," I responded. "Ok, I probably should've asked but I wasn't thinking about it at the time," he responded. "Besides, even with my bad side I still chose to rescue you guys because I honestly did not want to feel guilty for leaving you guys, as much as I hate most of you," he responded. "Besides, at least I can tolerate you." "What about me?" asked Freddy. "You're still dumb as hell," said back Shadow. "Well, I'll take that rather than being in a damn basement. The only thing I'm wondering about is who the hell were those people," I said. "I don't know but it's obvious they'll be after us now," he responded. "The fucking villain all ways comes back in the movies! It's like reality, yet nobody has common sense anymore!" I exclaimed. "Right," responded Shadow. "Alright, I think it's time to leave," said Baby. "Can someone please carry me?" asked Freddy. "You're not fucking disabled gringo!" yelled Shadow's bad side. "I'll carry you," said Foxy walking over to him and holding him in her hands. "Aren't they sweet?" asked Shadow's good side. "More like gayer then a gay stripper," said Shadow's bad side. "Have a good Halloween," said Baby as they all walked to the door. "You too," I responded. "Also Freddy, we're going to have long talk when we get back the the pizzeria," she said to him. "About what?" he asked. "Probably you going to be a slave," said Shadow's bad side. "What! I NEED TO CALL MARTIN LUTHER KING JR!" yelled Freddy. "Let's go," said Baby as everyone walked outside, while I closed the door. "You want some candy?" I asked Shadow. He looked at me for a moment, deciding his answer. "Why not." He grabbed a couple pieces of candy as he sat on the couch. "Fatass," said his bad side. "Hey! You're apart of me so it's you who's going to be a fatass as well," responded Shadow Saber. He didn't respond, this was the first time he had countered his bad side. "Wow! Look who shut ypu up for once," I said. "Fuck off," he responded. "You know, I'm starting to hate every holiday, and that's because every fucking time something weird happens," said Shadow. "Hey, at least it makes it interesting," I responded. "I guess it does, considering it's abnormal," responded Shadow. "I swear I don't know how we haven't become famous because of these events." "We probably will some day," I responded. "Or maybe we are. I don't know, all I know is I'm going to be fat after tonight."
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