Part 5
Saber the Bunny's P.O.V
"Ok, I think that's all of them." I said "Good, lets hope the others did something." Responded Baby. Shadow then walked in carrying all the food. "You got the food?" I asked. "NO SHIT! WHAT DO YOU THINK WE HAVE A BOMB?" Responded Shadow's bad side.
I hope you don't have a bomb.
"He's angry because he surprisingly couldn't operate the self check out station." Responded Shadow's good side. "What you think i know you had to use the touch screen?" He responded. "We got the food, so where do you want us to p-" "YOUR GONNA PAY FOR TOUCHING MY BUTTERS!" Yelled Ennard cutting off Shadow. "Oh fuck berries." I said as we all ran into the main room. Ennard was chasing Foxy with a knife as Ballora was yelling at Freddy for whatever reason. "I TOLD YOU FREDDY DON'T GO NEAR MY KIDS!" Yelled Ballora. "What, I was trying to sing them I song, watch." "WHEN YOUR BORED! AND YOU HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO WITH YOUR LIFE! AND AT THE POINT OF SUICIDE! AND I'M NOT TRYING TO RHYME! YOU EAT PIZZZZZA! PIZZA MOTHERFUCKERS!" Yelled Funtime Freddy while singing.
I'm proud of myself for making that song.
"EVERYONE! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Yelled both me and Baby. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at us. "Okay. What the hell is going on?" I asked. "FOXY THREW MY BUTTERS ON THE FLOOR!" Yelled Ennard. "I didn't do it, honest!" Said Foxy. "I SAW FREDDY THROW THE BUTTERS ON THE FLOOR AND LEAVE AND HE'S DENYING IT!" Yelled Ballora. "WHAT I DIDN'T DO THAT! Maybe." Said Freddy. "I bought some butters anyways." Said Shadow. "WHAT! GIMME THEM NOW!" Ennard said while grabbing them. "Freddy, you should apologize to Foxy. Said Bon Bon. "Ohh...your right. I'm sorry Foxy." Said Freddy. "It's ok Freddy. Said Foxy. "Ok...NOW we can actually start the party." I said. "Wait! What were we doing again?" Asked Freddy. "OH MY GOD!" Said me and Baby at the same time. "Freddy just kill yourself." Said Shadow's bad side. "Ok." He responded while pulling out a gun and pointing it at himself. "NO! NO! NO! FREDDY STOP! HE WAS KIDDING!" Me and Baby yelled.
Well..this got dark.
"Oh, nevermind." He responded. "No, no. Please continue." Said Shadow's bad side. "Shut up." I said. "God lets just start the party already." I said. "How does he even have a gun?"
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