Part 3
Saber the Bunny's P.O.V
"Ok Freddy. I already had to fucking explain what Easter was five times. Tell me what it is?" I asked. "Uhhhhh... OH! Isn't it about some bunny that shits out candy and is a fake version of Santa?" he explained. "That's not... even close," I responded disappointed. "It's the best you're gonna get out of him," said Baby. "Sadly yes," I responded. "Can we do something else? I want to eat my exotic butters?" he asked. I turned and gave him a death stare, as I want off on him. "I HAD TO FUCKING GET MY ASS DRAGGED HERE, AND YOU WANT TO EAT YOUR GAY EXOTIC BUTTERS! FUCK OFF!" Everyone stared at me as I stood basically accepting the person I was. "Is that all?" asked Baby. "Yes," I responded. "Men," said Ballora. "BITCHES!" yelled Shadow's bad side. "Anyway..." I said ignoring that. "To celebrate for Easter..." I said. "Do you even need to explain this shit?" asked Shadow's bad side while cutting me off. "It's gonna be; someone get food, someone decorate, someone, suck dick, IT'S SO CHEESY!" "You're half right Einstein," I responded. "So you're saying I'm not eligible to know what you have planned?" asked his bad side. "And I see you're using a big word to prove you're intellectual?" I asked. "Are you fucking kidding me?! I use one big word and you criticize me for that?!" he asked mad. "It's just a joke, calm down!" I responded. "So you're saying starting World War III is a joke?!" he asked. "Oh! Can we do that!?" asked Freddy excited. "No! Just shut up!" I responded. "Yes we need someone to make food, but we're also gonna decorate eggs." "That's sexist!" said Ballora. "Actual you are, get extreme AIDS or an STD!" said Shadow's bad side. "That's offense!" she responded. "Pig!" "I swear! Make her a porn star so I don't have to see her gay face!" said Shadow's bad side. "Oh my god! For once can you shut up! I can't even talk!" I said. "I know! How about we cut off his throat and sell it on the black market?" asked Freddy. "That's it! I volunteer to buy the food so I don't have to hear this psychopath!" said Shadow. "You're one as well," said Baby. "Compared to him, not even close," he responded. "So are we going to paint sperm eggs now?" asked Freddy. "That's it! I'm out!" said Shadow while leaving. "If you're going to hop the border, make sure the border patrol doesn't find you," said Freddy. "NO! I'M MOVING TO GERMANY!"
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