Part 2
Shadow Saber the Bunny's P.O.V
"Where the fuck are those cunts at?! My fucking god are they pissing in each other mouths because I can't wait any longer!" exclaimed my bad side. "Shut the fuck up it's already been like a minute from when they were supposed to arrive," responded Saber, who was looking around while we stood in the middle of our lawn. "Please, just shut up the both of you. I think I'm starting to get another headache. "Well too bad pussy! I can feel like but you don't hear me sucking my dick over the pain!" exclaimed my bad side in response. During the banter, a portal opened up near the garage, which meant the others had finally arrived. And out of it, Shadow Freddy, RXQ, and Funtime Foxy all appeared in arrival. "Hey, man! Long time no see," cheered Shadow Freddy as we both walked up to each other and gave each other a quick hug. "The same can go for you," I responded. "How about you homosexuals just have gay sex already and pull my fucking brains out so I don't turn gay from it!?" exclaimed my bad side. "Just turn gay already so at least your life can be shit," said Saber walking over to us. "Ah Saber! Good to see you in person again! Been watching a lot of that anime Shadow Saber mentioned?" said Shadow Freddy as Saber walked over to us. "You fucking told him? Bruh, talk about getting into others business," said Saber as he turned to look at me with a face of annoyance. "Well looks who's the cunt now! Always saying shit about me like it's a fucking job! Well this is payback motherfucker! Deal with it or your ass is getting shot like a Honduran prick!" exclaimed my bad side.
A/N Seems like as the years go by, the more racial and fucked my jokes get. Not surprisingly.
"Why don't the three of you calm down for a minute alright? Let's just chill down and relax," said Shadow Funtime Foxy, who was attempting to ease the tension. "You still refer to his sides as people? I keep saying the both of those things are like god forsaking us or some shit... Not actually, but he had to have a god damn reason," mentioned Saber. "Fuck off! Like I give a shit anyways about it!" exclaimed my bad side at him. "Bruh, you literally still freak out every time she refers to you as a living being? Acting like an incel like usual," Saber responded back while laughing at the same time. As usual he took the situation as a joke, like with most things he did. "I hope your organs are harvested like those fuckers in China bitch!" exclaimed my bad side back. "Whoa, man! How about we head on over to the pizzeria, alright? I could go for some pizza if the place has any," said Shadow Freddy. "There is no pizza there! Gotta order some shit from Little Seizures or something," said Saber. "I see you've gotten more creative with your insults," I mentioned as I turned to look at him. "Hey, Domino's is worse than that place. Besides, they are jokes after all," said Saber walking past me and the others. "Tell that to Freddy and he'll literally have one, and like I give a shit!" "Strangle fellow he is, man. Kinda odd you were based off of him," said Shadow Freddy turning away after looking at him for a moment. "Strangely yeah, not to mention he's pretty blunt about his cruel and unforgiving jokes. And yet he has a sense of maturity and decency," shared Shadow Funtime Foxy. "Indeed. Not the most enduring person I have to deal with either," I responded. "C'mon! Let's at least stop by for some pizza somewhere," said Shadow Freddy walking towards where Saber was waiting for us a couple feet away. "Aren't we going to eat dinner at the pizzeria anyways?" asked RXQ. "Look, man. I didn't have breakfast or lunch and I gotta have something to keep me from starving," responded Shadow Freddy as we all started to follow him now. "Oh, I should've asked for Chica for snack before we left, man. Goddammit."
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