Part 5
Saber the Bunny's P.O.V
"What's wrong with you? You look like you just saw hell itself," said Shadow's bad side. "Or gay porn! Probably because he's gay!" exclaimed Shadow's bad side. "Actually I just found Ennard jerking off to his butters," I responded walking towards him. "SEE! TOLD YA HE FUCKING JERKING OFF!" yelled his bad side. "YOU'RE GAY NOW!" "It's not gay if I'm the one sucking on it," I responded. "Perhaps we need to talk about whether it's appropriate or not," said Shadow's good side. "SHUT THE FUCK YOU CAN CENSOR MY WRAITH WHEN I SEND YOUR ASS BACK TO THE SHADOW REALM!" he yelled. "Did somebody say dick?" asked Freddy behind us. "How did this asswipe get behind us!?" yelled Shadow's bad side. "Ask god," I responded. "Yeah! I'll ask him if I can gas you!" he responded. "The both of you! Quiet down!" exclaimed Baby. "We're here to relax and not have panic attacks. Even though it's obvious some of us have problems," said Baby. "I'm ed special! That's what Shadow Saber told me!" exclaimed Freddy.
I literally came up with that joke a day ago with my friends.
"He's so retarted he doesn't know how to say special ed properly," said Shadow's bad side. "Besides the point, let's just relax and not have any problems," continued Baby. "Tell that to Saber. He'll probably have flashbacks for seeing Ennard beating his meat to his butters," said Shadow's bad side. "You mother fucking cockbite," I said back. "What! Where is he!?" yelled Baby. "What?" said Ennard walking towards us. "Get over here!" she exclaimed walking towards him fast. "So what do we do now?" asked Foxy. "Not stand around," I responded. "And do what!? Convert to German?!" exclaimed Shadow's bad side. "Build a snowman, that's what," I responded. "That's gayer than all gay people in the world combined all fucking!" exclaimed Shadow's bad side. "It's better than dealing with Baby getting after Ennard," said Shadow Saber. "It is great to see for once we're agreeing on something," said Shadow's good side. "I didn't ask to build a Russian spy!" exclaimed Shadow's good side. "It's not Russian if it hase a camera planted or traces of vodka," I said rolling up a giant ball of snow together. "Probably the government for fuck sakes," he responded. "Oh! Oh! Pick me! Pick me!' said Freddy jumping up and down. "What the hell," I muttered. "Ok, what is it?" I asked. "Can we build Hilter?" he asked. "Please do so we can hail to him," said Shadow's bad side. "No, we can't. We're building a animatronic version," I responded. "And you don't bother to build Freddy all retarted like," he said. "Who needs to build him when you can build an annoying bitch," I said as I stopped rolling the giant ball of snow. "Help me put another one one," I said. "I got it!" yelled Freddy putting a pine cone on top of it. "I asked for another giant ball of snow, not that," I said. "What? I thought you asked for a dead squirrel?" he asked. "What the... That's not what I said!" I exclaimed. "Can't get shit through his head when it doesn't even enter his brain," said Shadow's bad side. "Whatever! I don't see you doing a damn thing!" I exclaimed. "Might as well," said Shadow Saber walking over and rolling another giant snowball. "What are you fucking gay?" asked Shadow's bad side. "C'mon! Can't you be a little optimistic here?" asked Shadow's good side. "Can't you not sound autistic?!" exclaimed Shadow's bad side. "Should've realized he baited you into that one," I said putting the giant snow ball on the second one. "And you should've realized I'll fucking feed your ass to a pack of hyenas and the they'll laugh at your ass for being gay!" exclaimed Shadow's bad side. "In your wet dreams," I responded. "I bet that's the only sex you'll ever get!" he exclaimed. "What the hell is going on here?" asked Baby walking over to us. "Just making someone and getting harassed by Shadow's bad side because he doesn't have the capability to harassed women instead," I responded. "Prick," he responded. "What a minute, is that Ballora?" asked Shadow Saber looking at the snowman as I finished it up. "Yep," I responded. "IS THAT SEXUAL HARASSMENT!" exclaimed Ballora walking over to us. "Nah! It's you looking like a whore, as usual," I responded. "HA! SHE DOES LOOK LIKE ONE!" yelled Shadow's bad side. "You and what you do in your spare time," responded Baby. "That's very rude," said Bon Bon. "WHAT IS INVOLVES SEEING YOUR ASS!" yelled back Shadow's bad side. "For once can I have a holiday like this?" I asked myself. "Maybe I can take that alternative." "SHUT THE FUCK UP AND STOP TALKING TO YOURSELF!" yelled Shadow's bad side. 'I'm just going to not talk aloud,' I thought. 'Why the hell do I do that?'
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