Part 3
Saber the Bunny's P.O.V
"But Bon Bon! I want the lighter!" exclaimed Freddy. "Freddy, we talked about this. You can't smoke weed," said Bon Bon. "How is it that Bon Bon takes away his lighter and can still have his cheerful voice as if this is a joke?" asked Shadow Saber. "At least he's dealing with Freddy about smoking weed," I said. "Told you he always got high of something," said Shadow's bad side. "Please?" he asked. "Please?" "Alright," said Bon Bon handing him the lighter. "Yes! Thanks Bon Bon," responded Freddy. "Unfucking believable," said Shadow's bad side. "Alright, I have the food," said Baby walking in with turkey and other food. "Wait! It's not Halloween! Why are we eating turkey?" asked Freddy. "Silly Freddy, it's Christmas!" responded Bon Bon with his cheerful voice. "OH SHIT! NO NUT NOVEMBER IS OVER! THAT MEANS I CAN NUT WITH FOXY NOW!" yelled Freddy.
I had to bring it up at some point.
"Oh, Freddy," said Foxy giggling. Me and Baby looked at each other almost ashamed these two were a couple. "And here I thought Thanksgiving wasn't bad enough," said Shadow Saber. Suddenly Ennard walked towards us with his butters on his hands. "Where were you Ennard?" asked Baby. "Busy," he responded. "With what? Hiding a gas chamber?" questioned Shadow's bad side. "Can we just eat?" I asked. "NO YOU FUCKING PIG! EVER HEARD OF WAITING!" yelled Shadow's bad side. "Says the cockbite who can't tune down his auto talking," I responded. "OH I'LL MAKE YOU MUTE JUST LIKE..." said Shadow's bad side stopping. "You gonna continue?" I asked. "I can't make a joke, shut the fuck up!" he responded. "Yeah, remember the time I countered your joke," I responded. "LET'S EAT THEN!" yelled Freddy while stuffing the whole turkey in his mouth. "What the hell Freddy!" exclaimed Baby. Suddenly he started choking as he grabbed his mouth while making noises. "He's choking!" exclaimed Foxy. "Good. Let him choke on his own stupidity," said Shadow's bad side. "Why the hell do you guys let him choke!?" I exclaimed as I ran over to him. "Let him die. Who gives a fuck?" asked Shadow's bad side. "Shut up!" I yelled while hitting his back to get him to throw up the turkey. Finally the turkey flew out of his mouth as if it was alive, hitting the ground all wet and covered in saliva. "Get that away from me!" screeched Ballora before jumping up and backing away. "Pussy," said Shadow's bad side. "I swear! You don't stuff the food in your mouth with something whole like that!" I exclaimed. "Really?" he asked. "No shit!" yelled Shadow's bad side. Baby sighed while she got up. "I'll get a broom." "So what the hell do we eat now for a main course?" asked Shadow Saber. "I'll just prepare another turkey for now," I said walking out of the kitchen. "Go on maid! How about you flash someone!" yelled Shadow's bad side. "Suck on your wet dreams dick!" I yelled back while walking into the kitchen. I walked towards the fridge while grabbing a cold second turkey out of the fridge. "Guess this damn second turkey we got was worth it," I said grabbing it while setting the time for the oven. "Some dinner huh?" asked Baby walking towards me from behind as I turned around. "Not the worst, but the same like every holiday," I responded. "Though this time you have Freddy stuffing a whole turkey down his throat," she said. "Besides, making the turkey is going to take hours to finish," she said. I turned back around as I looked at the oven preheating while holding the turkey. "Son of a bitch," I muttered while turning off the oven. "Welp! Looks like we're getting Papa Johns pizza," I said. "I'M HUNGRY! I'LL RIOT IF WE DON'T GET FOOD!" yelled Freddy. "EAT YOUR FUCKING HAT AND ASS!" yelled Shadow's bad side. "Just hope nobody becomes food," I said. "Or if Shadow eats all of our asses."
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