hear me out: felix
Your POV
"It's the big day," I sigh, as happily as I can.
"How are you feeling?" I ask Felix.
Felix looks at the mirror and turns himself to face me. He looks dashing. The tuxedo with subtle colored accents on the ends of the sleeves look so pretty. Felix's hair has been combed and styled to a Disney prince standard. Oh, his freckles seem to be more noticeable than ever.
He sighs, "I'm sca-nervous".
I tilt my head slightly, then turning it right side up. I smile softly and walk towards him, stopping a little ways before him.
Just enough space. I think, straightening out his already perfect appearing jacket.
"We have a few minutes. I'm all ears," I say.
"I know it's normal, to feel nervous before taking the final step in solidifying a relationship," Felix begins.
I take my hands off his jacket. Felix holds onto my pinkie finger, a habit he has had since I first met him. I feel a prick in my chest, like it's covered in thorns.
He continues, "but, I don't think I can continue with what I'm going to do without telling someone something that I need to tell them".
I'm silent, unsure of what to say or what the "proper" thing to say is. I'm the type to sit and listen more than the person to be a wise owl and give advice. Felix is now holding my hand instead of my pinkie. His head is down, watching his thumb slide straight on the back of my hand.
"Y/N?" Felix calls my name softly.
I give a hum as a response, now watching how his hand holds mine.
Will we still do this? Even after he says those words to her? I wonder, the thorn feeling rushing back.
"Am I bad person? For wanting to tell someone my feelings?" Felix asks, his eyes already reddening with tears.
"No, no, no, love," I quickly say.
I pull him in for a hug and place my hand on the back of his head, gently stroking his bleach blonde hair.
"You're not, you will never be a bad person for telling others how you feel," I explain, still holding him.
Small sniffles can be heard from him. After some time, we pull away from each other. Felix wipes his stray tears away from his cheeks.
"Thank you, Y/N," Felix smiles.
"I don't know what I would do without you," he adds.
"And I," I say.
Felix's POV
I stand at the alter waiting for my fiancée, or future wife. The thing is that none of this feels right. Everything feels wrong? Like I'm not the one she should be marrying and I'm not the one that should be marrying her. I give a quick smile to her bridesmaids, who are all wearing yellow and smiling happily. I turn my head to my best man, Bangchan.
"You know what to do," he whispers to me.
I just nod my head.
I'm such a terrible person. I note to myself.
I look down at my hands, left hand over my right hand. I can't do this. It's not right to her or to them. The wedding march begins and the church doors open.
"Here she comes!" One of the bridesmaids squeal.
I turn my head and watch her walk down the aisle. The white dress is lovely, her hair and makeup are top quality and enhance her beauty. The bouquet of yellow roses and white daisies look so delicate in her hands.
It's not them. I realize, snapping into reality.
It hurts.
We've known each other for so long. They have stayed with me through it all. They waited for me when I was chasing my dreams as I did the same for them. We're with each other, hand in hand, hip to hip.
"Y/N, will you take this cherry ring pop and be my wife?" I ask.
The two of us had come out to play after our school work and now the sun is setting. I'm down on one knee in the playground wood-chips. I ignore the sharp pains from the wood that are poking into my knees.
They laugh, "Felix, we're kids. Why do you think like this?"
They reach for my hands and help me stand up. I can feel the wood chips pop off my legs. I'm confused.
"You farthead, now your knees are all red from the wood-chips," Y/N grumbles.
"Y/N?" I speak.
"Yes, Felix?" They respond.
I stutter on unknown words, holding the ring pop tightly. I hear Y/N chuckle.
"Yes, but I think we'll have to wait a bit," they giggle, taking the ring pop.
The voice of the officiator is heard in the far ends of my ears, it's muffled. My bride looks at me with a happy, hopeful smile. I look out in the crowd of people. So many people. A familiar someone is standing in far back of the room, closest to the large dark wooden doors.
It's always the right. They're always on the right. They're right.
I bring my attention to what I should actually be focusing on.
It hurts.
Your POV
It hurts.
I stand on the right side, all the way in the back of the church. If I run out, I'd rather the sound of the obnoxiously heavy doors being closed be the talk than me being seen running. I'm trying my hardest to hold in tears. If they were happy tears I'd wipe them and let them fall, but they're not happy tears.
All the years of knowing Felix, I knew that one day he'd find someone and end up married. I just thought I wouldn't be there to see it. Maybe I would have been out traveling the world or something else. We've joked about liking each other, multiple times we got mistaken as a couple.
"Sign this," Felix speaks sternly.
I look at the white printer paper in front me that he slid over onto the table. He must have just printed it because I can still smell the scent of the printer.
"What is it?" I ask, returning back to my essay.
"It's a contract," he states.
"A what?" I ask, whipping my head to look up at him.
Felix pulls out one of the plastic library chairs and sits in front of me. He crosses his hands, mimicking a business man.
"A contract stating that 'if neither of us are in a relationship before we are between the ages of 22 and 28, then we will get married'," Felix states.
"You're crazy," I laugh.
I wipe one of my tears that are soon to be pooling from my eyes.
"If there are any objections, speak now, or forever hold your piece," the officiator speaks loudly.
The room is silent as the officiator waits for an objection.
I stand still, letting words and memories to quickly pass through my mind and by my eyes. A phantom feeling of his hug, just one more time.
"but, I don't think I can continue with I'm going to do without telling someone something that I need to tell them".
I look up at the alter.
"Felix," I whisper softly.
I can feel my stomach shake and my balance faltering. My heart is beating faster and my breathing is quickening.
"Fuck it," I tell myself.
"I object!" I holler, voice shaky.
The room erupts in gasps and everyone's heads turn towards me. Anger, disgust, amusement flood the room.
Felix's POV
Felix, no one is going to do anything. You'll have to live with letting the best person that has ever come into your life go.
"I object!" An extremely familiar voice roars through the room.
I turn my head searching for where the voice came from.
"Y/N?" I whisper their name in disbelief.
I let go of my brides hands, hearing her mumble something as I let go. I step down from the alter and make my way to Y/N. The guests whisper to one another, some yell at Y/N for interrupting such a holy moment of life.
They can't possibly feel the same way. But why would they object is they didn't?
I pick up my pace and speed walk on the churches wine red carpet.
Why does this aisle feel so long?
I give up and run to Y/N, standing right in front of them. I can see that they have cried a little. No wonder why they stood in the back.
I sigh and smile.
Your POV
"How dare you! You being - you dare interrupt such a holy moment between two lovers!" A guest screams at me.
I keep my eyes on Felix. He left the podium, taking slow strides towards me. Then, quickly picking up his pace to running my way. A hair becomes astray as his runs, it bounces once more when Felix stands in front of me. I dart my eyes around the place, they land on his best man. Our third musketeer, Bangchan. He has such a proud look on his face. I bring my attention back to Felix.
"Hear me out, please?" I squeak, unsure of what I'm doing but know I need to.
Felix takes my hands, holding them softly. So delicately, as if my hands are a child's, afraid to squeeze to hard or they'll break. I can feel the tears coming back for a rematch. This time I can't hold them in anymore.
"I'm sorry, I - I know I'm being selfish for doing this. But, I can't live - I can't live the rest of my life without you knowing," I say, holding myself together.
Felix smiles softly, a smile that brings me so much comfort in this moment of horrendous anxiety.
"Love, I know. I know it all," Felix tells me.
"Yes but, you don't know how much it hurts seeing you with other people. How happy I try to be but fail when you're not around because I know you won't be with me. Knowing I won't be able to call you mine. Knowing I won't be able to sneak over when life becomes to noisy. Knowing I can't hug or hold you freely because if you're married it would be wrong," I ramble on.
"It hurts so much, Felix."
Felix's POV
Why do they have to be such a theatre kid?
"'but, I don't think I can continue with what I'm going to do without telling someone something that I need to tell them,'" I quote myself.
"Wha-what?" Y/N sniffles.
"Y/N, I need to tell you something. You, you are the best thing that has happened to me. It's silly, but you - you are this magical, wonderful - wonderful person that has brought me so much joy," I speak, choking tears back.
"Don't cry, that's my job," Y/N whispers.
"Let me speak, please? Despite our petty fights and our extreme fights," I pause.
I inhale deeply, "I - I love you. I love you, so, so much. And it hurts me."
Y/N sniffles while furrowing their eyebrows together.
"It hurts me to think that I wouldn't be spending my life with you," I clarify.
"I want to be with you," I speak, looking into their lovely eyes.
"I want to love you," I say.
"I want to be with you," Y/N says.
I wipe the tears that roll from their eyes off of their pretty cheeks.
I feel so happy.
"You mean that?" I ask, already knowing what they'll say.
Y/N steps closer to me, my elbows go to towards the back. Y/N let's go of my hands and wraps their arms around me.
"I love you, Lee Felix. I love you, my sunshine" Y/N sniffles, holding me tighter.
A/N: again....I LIIIVVVEEE. Wow this was a long one but I hope you liked it. Anyways, be safe and be healthy <3
P.S. - you look lovey <3
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