e l e v e n t h
either i choose to make this chapter about brohm almost having sex or sattcula being close and shit with each other and gorilla and luke being disgusted bc their friends are not getting a room...
sattcula wins bc chilly said so
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by the past couple of days, mike and dracula have grown closer, with dracula purposely being sweet towards him. while mike just sits or stands next to him laughing and blushing at his small little acts here and there.
"you know sattelizer? you are the most beautiful person who has ever happened to me." dracula says looking at mike read a book from under the tree they were sitting down on. mike's thick framed glasses fell to his nose and his head perks up from dracula's compliment.
he giggles and blushes. "well, thank you dracula. that's the 10th time you've told me that today. what's been happening with you? why being mister nice guy?"
"i mean, can't we just have all jokes aside and stay true to ourselves for a little?" dracula replies focusing on satt's hand, getting to hold it with his left hand.
satt blushes, flustered by the sudden action. he giggles again. "honestly, i don't mind how you compliment me from time to time. ever since first class, i thought you were scary and you were that popular guy who would always make fun of people. but no, you're really the opposite." satt smiles to himself as dracula looks at him mesmerized.
by this time, they hadn't noticed that their hands were tangled with each other. dracula was a blushing flirt, while mike was just a regular ol' blushing cutie.
until a cough rose,, "ahem" the voice of judgment wallowing in their ears. the two perk their heads up to see their friends looking at them with disgust and arms crossed.
"you guys are so adorable it's actually fucking disgusting." luke makes a face signifying that the situation was rather gross than pleasing to look at.
"s-shut up toonz!! you're just jealous, because no one compliments you like dracula does to me!" satt blurts out still blushing.
gorilla does a shocked face and gives a loud laugh, tears coming out of his eyes. "you got fucking wrecked toonz!" gorilla continues to laugh while, luke glares at him scoffing.
"whatever, just get a fuckin' room you disgusting couple." luke retorts back turning away from the pair, sitting down.
"i mean, we're not together, but we could, if satt accepts that is. i don't wanna push him into a relationship he doesn't feel comfortable in. so, mike misetich, would you accept the honor to go on a date with me?" dracula asks rubbing the back of his neck profusely and obviously flustered.
tomato as satt's face becomes and jumps on dracula's lap to hug him. "i would love to." by now, dracula couldn't help, but smile to himself holding satt's waist hugging him. the scent of flowers through his nostrils as he holds the boy close to his chest.
"does this make us boyfriends?" dracula asks grinning at the boy on his lap. satt giggles and nods, digging his head onto dracula's chest even further.
while the two was being lovey-dovey, the two buff boys in front of them were making faces of disgust as they laugh and walk to somewhere else where there weren't any couples.
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im sorry i didn't post chapters for a few weeks. i was really busy with parties and exams here and there, but before im too late to post a christmas special. i'll be trying to post it tomorrow same time as today. and, stay tuned for a new year's special so, that's two events in this book!
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