Know your enemies
Evelyn garret
Evelyn and everyone in the shelter stayed as silent as possible until the footsteps passed and they all breathed a sigh of relief
"What was that thing"
Jack shook his head
"I don't think I wanna know, it's big scary and stupid, that's all I need to know "
They all spun at a sudden noise behind them pointing weapons at the source
What the were pointing at was a small girl in an blue t-shirt with black pants wincing in pain, she must have tried to walk on her injured leg
Evelyn ran over to help her up but the girl recoiled back yelping at the approaching woman in full swat gear who had shot her earlier
"Hey kid, it's alright, I'm not gonna hurt you......anymore"
She looks at the places that it still bled on her shirt and pants
The girl shook her head backing up
Evelyn sighs
"Someone else get her, obviously she doesn't trust me"
"well you did shoot her"
"it was an accident !"
Any walked to the girl
"My name is Amy Baxter , it's ok we're with S.T.A.R.S, the good guys"
Athena walked purposefully hunting the V.M.S
She mowed down all creatures that got in her way, infected, S.T.A.R.S, infected animals
She heard the missile before she saw it, it moved at speeds that made it hard to track until it hit her Gatling gun blowing it apart
This made her feel an urge to do unpleasant things to whoever had shot her gun
She took the gun off her arm and grabbed it by the other end making it so she could use it as a club, she ran at the S.T.A.R.S members and jumped raising the flaming remanence of her weapon before bringing it down hard on the screaming man
He face Wes splattered with blood as was the wall behind where she had hit, she left her gun in the pile of what was left of the S.T.A.R.S member as it served her no purpose anymore
She looked over to see the other two members and she struck fast
She grabbed the first ones head and then grabbed a leg before pulling both in opposite directions, she back handed the other member and stomped on their head
She went back to hunting the V.M.S
Mark fisher
They all were taking turns guarding the kid, she hadn't given them her name or said anything except that she was hungry, the way she seemed to stare at them all creeped him the hell out
She had one blue eye and one hazel giving her a really odd look
"So.......do you know where your parents might be kid?"
She looked at him before saying
"Their sick.......mom ate dad when she got sick"
She was obviously traumatized in the way she spoke, her voice shook
"Oh, I'm sorry......"
She gave a little smile
"It's ok, mrs. Jensen made them go to sleep with her gun, then she got bit and told me to run away, I liked her, she always let me sleep at her house when mommy hit daddy and drank the juice"
Mark was at a loss for words, this kid didn't even sound like they knew how bad all of it was
"Holy shit......"
He look at his teammates who were all just as shocked
Jack shook his head
Evelyn was still trying to get over how she had shot a child
And Amy was looking out a window like a badass
"Are you ok kid"
The child faltered a little be then put up a horrible fake smile
"What are you doing?"
"Mommy told me to smile even when I'm sad"
Mark knew he wasn't the right person to have this conversation with, literally anybody except Evelyn would do better at him then this, and even would probably be better if she hadn't shot the kid
"Um....Amy "
Amy understood and walked over
"Kid....you can tell us anything, you won't get in trouble, nobody's going to hurt you, just let it all out"
The child sniffled then began to ball spilling everything
Amy didn't quite know what to do, she was more of the quite badass type not the motherly lovey type, she awkwardly rubbed the girls back soothing her as she listened to the horrible things the child was saying
Mark just sighs and goes through their food supply, even if they had only been stuck in this stupid warehouse maybe a day tops it felt like it had been weeks, especially real life fucking zombies it was getting a little claustrophobic, he needed to get out
He checked his ammo before leaving
The child
The child was still scared of the people she was staying with, the one had shot her, the other woman was just scary in general, but the other man seemed nice, he apparently hand patched up her wounds
His name was jack she had learned by listening to the others, right now he was talking into a radio
"Hello .....we are trapped here and we have a child with us, is there anyone out there....hello?"
He turned it off and noticed the girl looking at him
"Hi kid, you ok?"
She nods and then walked over laying on one of the sleeping bags that they had later out, she curled up and yawned then closed her eyes
Sara hunters
-umbrella HQ 24:00 hours-
Sara was sitting watching the feed Athena from a camera attached to her shoulder, it was imbedded into her skin and was built so nothing could destroy it
The B.O.W was good at her job, it made Sara's stomach turn at some of the things it would do to it's victims, like rip them in half or stomp them to death
She just hopped it found the V.M.S soon so they could lock that thing away, the B.O.Ws scared the living hell out of her which made her job extremely stressful, she particularly had a bad feeling about this tyrant, she seemed to have a higher level of intelligence then any other tyrant and that mixed with her enormous strength and speed made her a danger if she were ever to go against what the umbrella corporation wanted
"Fuckin monsters"
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