Yoshikage Kira x F!Reader
Angst warning! (Sorry that this story is short)
Y/n was a girl in a village, doing all right.
Then a hand fetished serial killer hit the town over night.
Now she's gotta figure out how to do it right.
So much to be careful about
(Ahem, anyway)
It was a rainy night in Morioh. Most people were in their homes eating dinner or visiting with their families.
Everyone once in a while a car would drive down the streets from a late work shift.
While almost everyone else in the town seemed to be busy at home, there ran a girl with h/l, h/c hair flowing behind her.
She was coughing, sobbing, drenched, and trying to catch her breath to get away from 3 men chasing her.
She didn't mean to run into them, it was just on accident.
When they first asked for her wallet, she declined, which made the gang angry. They asked again, one wrapping and arm around her shoulder, which made her kick him where the sun doesn't shine.
After that she took off running, the gang on her heels.
That's how she got to where she was now.
At this point, the girl was choking, despeate to stop running to catch her breath. But this was life or death.
She couldn't afford to be mugged.
Y/n lived in a small one-room apartment, barely being able to pay for rent and food.
She was helpless.
The girl kept running, thinking about how she needed to find help. And fast.
She wasn't paying attention to where she was going and ran right into someone.
She fell to the ground, and felt herself having to puke from the lack of air and running. She leaned forward and felt a bitter taste in her mouth as she did exactly that.
"Are you alright?," Y/n heard a voice in front of her. Her eyes widned in fear as she tried to stand up, only to fall backwards again.
"P-please don't hurt me," she said, shaking.
"I hardly have enough money to get by.." she sobbed, as her felt someone lift her chin and hold one of her hands.
The stranger rubbed her hand in a soothing yet strange pattern.
"It's ok, I'm not here to hurt you. You seem startled, do you mind telling me what happened?"
"I-I ran into these men a-and they tried to mug me so I k-kicked him and ran and the c-chased me," y/n spoke really quickly, making the man chuckle.
"They're gone, you're safe now."
The mysterious man help the girl to her feet, taking his jacket off and wrapping it around her shoulders.
"Lets go sit down at the bench and call for someone to come pick you up," he said gently, leading you to sit down.
"My name is Yoshikage Kira, what about you?," The man now known as Kira asked.
"Y-y/n l/n," she muttered, still shaking.
Kira stayed quiet as y/n pulled her phone out to call f/n, her closest friend.
Kira kept rubbing the girls hand that was sitting on her lap, in what she assumed was to comfort her.
Y/n hung up the phone shakily. She felt relief knowing that f/n was coming to pick her up.
The girl looked over to Yoshikage Kira with a small smile.
"Thank you for helping me," she said.
Kira seemed like a nice man, but y/n wasn't aware of who he was, and what what he was capable of.
20 min later, f/n showed up to where y/n said to meet up.
F/n was confused to see that her friend wasn't there. They tried calling y/n, only to hear a phone ring in a bush. F/n paled as they went over to the bush to see their friend's phone.
They knew that someone else got to
Y/n first.
Yoshikage Kira walked home, holding the hand of y/n l/n, his newest victim.
He was glad y/n died quickly, she was a beautiful women.
He would be the only person to know that he turned his jacket into a bomb before he let her use it, then bkew her up, taking her hand.
Too bad she had to die, she truly was beautiful.
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