chapter 2
Alone in the dark, hole in my heart, turn on the radio.
And here he was again. Staring up at the ceiling, on the verge of crying from sheer fear, while a new song flowed through his ears.
Jungkook was trying to sleep once again.
Another day, another lonely night. I would do anything to have you by my side.
And unlike the night before, Jungkook could now connect to the song completely, and maybe that's why he was sad again.
But despite all the sadness, his thoughts kept on returning to the outgoing boy, Taehyung, who sat by him in class.
No time to sleep, all that I see are old memories of you.
Was Taehyung missing someone now?
He didn't seem like the type to get nostalgic over a time long gone, but Jungkook was definitely a nostalgic person.
He missed the time where he could actually sleep.
It's just another day, another lonely night.
Taehyung's day had started off as shitty as days could possibly get.
First, he woke up late, did the usual spilling of the food on his shirt, and only had enough time to grab a sweatshirt, and then there was Namjoon.
Namjoon had been bullying Taehyung since the first day they met, in kindergarten. Taehyung had messed up a tissue paper sculpture that Namjoon was unbelievably proud of, and then they got in a fight.
How funny it would seem, that the pair were still fighting well into their highschool years.
It was pathetic.
But what could Taehyung say? He hated the guy.
He walked into his second class with a frown, looking down at the ground, sliding into his seat, and immediately closing his eyes while placing his head on the desk.
"Are you alright?"
Taehyung's head snapped up, looking towards the source of the voice.
The sight of Jungkook made Taehyung smile once again. At least there was a part of his day which he actually looked forward to.
"Yeah, I'm just really tired."
Jungkook laughed, placing his hand on Taehyung's shoulder.
"I know how that feels." Jungkook grinned, and his eyes that had once looked lifeless, lit up when he smiled.
Just another thing for Taehyung to absolutely adore about the younger boy.
Taehyung smiled in response, but his attention was turned to the front of the room when the teacher walked into the room.
The class started, but Taehyung was eager to keep on talking to Jungkook, and so he began to pass notes.
Hey I have a question. -T
Well, what is it? -J
How come you look so tired all the time? -T
Insomnia. -J
Oh. I'm sorry, that must really suck. -T
Yeah, but it's bearable. -J
"Kim Taehyung! Are you passing notes?" The teacher had caught them, and Taehyung panicked. He was about to say something, but then Jungkook cut in.
"No, Taehyung was just asking me for my number so that we could work on the project together." Jungkook quickly replied.
The teacher sighed, and continued on teaching.
Nice save. -T
Thanks :) -J
Btw, can I actually have your number? -T
Of course! -J
Jungkook handed back the paper with his number scrawled on the bottom, and Taehyung grinned, giving him a thumbs up.
Now he didn't only have to talk to Jungkook in class.
???: hey kookie
jungcocky: um new phone who dis
???: taehyung
???: from class
jungcocky: oh hi!
supertaesty: hey ^^
supertaesty: aren't you supposed to be asleep dude its 2 in the morning
jungcocky: insomnia remember?
supertaesty: oh yeah
supertaesty: i'm really sorry ;~;
jungcocky: don't worry about it ^°^
jungcocky: shouldn't i ask the same about u?
supertaesty: just couldn't sleep
supertaesty: and i really wanted to talk to you ^^
jungcocky: aw nice to know that u think about me
supertaesty: thinking about you 24/7
supertaesty: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
jungcocky: yep not creepy at all
supertaesty: creeping on boys named jungkook is my specialty
jungcocky: shut up weirdo
supertaesty: weirdo? are you all of sudden 5 now
jungcocky: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
supertaesty: woah there
supertaesty: zero chill
jungcocky: ur salty ass should go to sleep now
supertaesty: yeah probably
supertaesty: see you tomorrow ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
jungcocky: weirdo
(Song - Another Lonely Night by Adam Lambert)
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