chapter 1
You cannot beat the darkness, you can only beat the light, fuck that.
Jungkook was spending yet another night staring up at the dark ceiling, the darkness engulfing him.
He had his headphones in, and the words to a new song recommended by his friend Jimin, pounded against his skull.
I am more then a giant. I am limitless, we are limitless.
But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't connect to the words of the song, about loving the darkness and the night as a whole, loving that you were able to escape your problems in the dark.
Jungkook could never escape his worse fears and worries when nighttime came around, and that was because he was afraid of letting the dark take him.
Nighttime was where his fears were born.
Next, darkness is the backseat of my dead best friend's sister's car, and every potentially stubbed toe, and every missed step on the staircase.
Jungkook couldn't exactly remember where his insomnia originated. He just remembered one night, he went to bed, slipping into sleep easily, and then the next night he was plagued by nightmares.
He could never sleep comfortably ever again, but it seemed so natural for the human body to want to sleep.
And Jungkook was afraid.
Shadows jumped at him from the dark corners of his room, voices bouncing around in his head, the nightmares making him fear for his life as he slept.
Music made it a little more durable.
Every night, at around 9 o'clock, Jungkook would pop in his earbuds, and click on his playlist titled "obscure indie bands". It included songs that Jimin recommended to him, and songs that he found on his own.
And every night, it lured him to sleep, although his other senses screamed at him not too.
I loved you like I loved the dark. Why would I aim to defeat it?
jungcocky: pls help
jungcocky: they're back again
jungcocky: jiminny
jungcocky: jiminnnnn wake up
jungcocky: sigh
jungcocky: i'm seeing things again
jungcocky: i'm really scared
jungcocky: whatever i'll talk to u tomorrow
Taehyung was sitting towards the back of the classroom, because first of all he had no friends, and second of all he didn't want anyone to talk to him.
He was just having a really shitty day, and he didn't need anyone else making it worse.
Then a younger classmate, with black hair and brown eyes sat next to him. Taehyung would have ignored him, but it was hard to do so.
Taehyung thought he looked dead.
You know when you're watching a movie, and a character dies and all the light seems to leave their eyes?
That's what he looked liked, and Taehyung absolutely adored it.
The shadows under his eyes, and the way he seemed to move, like he needed to go somewhere but he was always scared, made him much more interesting then half of the douches in his class.
"Who are you?"
And now the dead stranger had a name, Jungkook.
"I'm Taehyung. Nice to meet you."
absectular: hey
absectular: sorry i didn't reply last night
jungcocky: that's alright
jungcocky: u were asleep right?
absectular: yeah :/
jungcocky: it's fine
jungcocky: just because i can't sleep doesn't mean i should stop u
absectular: i still feel really bad :(
jungcocky: just forget i said anything, k?
absectular: ok
absectular: how was your day?
jungcocky: it was alright
jungcocky: this kid named taehyung was talking to me in science
absectular: taehyung?
jungcocky: yeah
absectular: i remember him
absectular: he's quiet tho
jungcocky: i guess he was alright
jungcocky: jimin?
jungcocky: whatever i'll see u tomorrow
Everyone's afraid of something, right?
It's in our nature to fear the things that challenge our survival.
You could be scared of fire, drowning, spiders, and even water itself.
Taehyung was scared of heights.
No, he didn't get scared while standing on a ladder, or while going on amusement park rides.
But whenever he was on top of a building, and he could feel the wind brushing across his face, the shouts of the people below, and the beating of his own heart in his chest, was when fear overtook him.
And it wasn't exactly the fear of heights, but rather the fear of falling. When Taehyung was on top of a building, he felt the overwhelming urge to jump.
L'appel du vide. The call of the void.
At least they had an explanation for it.
Taehyung experienced this feeling just like any other person. He would be crossing a bridge, look over the edge, and wish to jump.
It was normal.
But one day, Taehyung did try to jump.
(Song - Shoppers Beef by The World Is A Beautiful Place And I Am No Longer Afraid To Die)
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