Yeah. First fanfiction. Well i have to say only one thing. I don't own fairy tail. Mashima does. Well at the story
At the guild
Lucy's pov
It's been two weeks since the war has ended. And two weeks since they dissapeared. And by they i mean Natsu and Zeref. While they were fighting they sudenly dissapeared.
All the guilds are gathered in one place. We we wait for Natsu to say that he won via telepathy. While we waited we discuss what we'll do after the war ends. I was with team Natsu, Levy, Gajeel, Mira, Lisana and Laxus.
Our conversesion was interapted from a freaked out Warred. " G-gyus i can't find them. Natsu and Zeref's presence suddenly completely disappeared."
* end of flashback*
Since then we haven't found them. We search for Zeref, too. After all it can't be concidence that even if there were other people no one else disappeared. There must be a reason as to why they disappeared. And it was first master's request too.
I sighed. Nothing made sense anymore. I look at Happy. He took this worse than anyone. Since Natsu disappeared he hasn't slept and always whispers something that i can't understand.
I stand up. "Happy let's go ask Warren if he found them. Later we'll go to my house and i'll give you fish, alright?" I ask happy and smile at him. He just nodded.
Before we make a move there was a really strong magic pressure. Then it vanished. "What was that?" Asks Gray. Then Warren bursts in. "Gyus i found them. It's Natsu and the black wizard."
"Are you sure Warren?" master asks
"No doubt. I saw them in my radar. They aren't far away. But there is something strange."
"What could this be?"
"I don't really know but there's something strange about their magic. It's like they don't have the same powers like before."
Master thinks for a little then says. "Alright brats. You heard Warren. I want from some of you to go and see what happened. Team natsu, gajeel, laxus, levy and miirajene go and find them. Try and capture Zeref but remember don't get in fight with him. He is really powerful." " AYE SIR!!" we all say.
After Warren explains us where they must be we leave and head there. 'Wait natsu. We are on our way.'
After two hours we reached a forest. We walked another half hour in the forest. "If Warren is right then they must be somewhere around here." Erza says. Gajeel, Laxus and Wendy starts sniffing. "No luck. I can't smell them."
Right when we are ready to leave i sensed someones presence. "Gyus i can sense someone." Where lu-chan?" Levy asks. "I don't really know but it's near."
"Alright we'll split. If someone finds them they'll shot with these flame guns. The green for Natsu, red for Zeref and yellow if you find them both" Erza orders. We all spilt up and starts searcing for them.
After i searced for around 15 minutes i found Natsu and Zeref's presense. I shot the yellow flame gun and wait for everyone to come. When we gather all together we head to where the presense is.
I couldn't believe in my eyes. They had turn into childs. Zeref looked like a 7 year old and Natsu a 4 year old boy. Well they were cute like this. They are hugging each other so that they won't feel cold and have a really peaceful face. "What will we do?" I hear wendy. "I don't know but you all have to admit that they are really cute like this." mira says like she sees one of her ships comes true.
"We'll have to take them like this." I say and go closer to them with gray right behind me. When ibwas ready to take natsu he opens a little his eyes and look at me and gray. ".....Mom.....Dad...?"
Natsu's pov
I was sleeping when i heard voices. When opend them saw a girl and a gyu that looked like mom and dad.
".....Mom.....Dad...?" i whisper but they hear me. My vision becomes blur from the tears that left my eyes and fell on nii-san's clothes. But he didn't understand it because he is sleeping. Aftet this my vision became dark once again.
Back with team natsu
Gray's pov
I can't understand. Why did natsu called me and lucy, mom and dad and started crying? I have never seen him crying again. Well it deosn't really matter. Lucy took natsu and i took zeref. Since they were childs we took them bridal stule and started heading to the guild.
While we head to the guild zeref wake up. He looks at me. Them he grubs my shirt and says " Don't leave us again dad" then fell asleep once again. What's going on? I can't have the same face for both of their father.
Well we'll learn once they'll wake up.
That's for first chapter. Hope you liked it. Please leave a review. Let me know what you like or dislike about it. I suck with grammar i know i'll try to fix it. Until next time.
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