1st day
Happy :Author-chan doesn"t own Fairy Tail. Hope you'll enjoy the new chapter!!
Zeref's pov
We were at a big room. No-one was there expect Laxus, Mira, Erza, Natsu and me. "Where is everyone else?" Natsu asked them. "You"ll see them soon enough. Don't worry" Mira replied with her usual smile. We just nodded.
After some time poeple who were cheering could be heard from outside. Then Laxus, Mira and Erza started walking towards the huge door and we followed them.
We found ourseles being in a stadium. It was huge and there were sooo many people. Natsu and I looked around in awe. Our eyes fell on the other people who were down there with us. They are the same people from yesterday.
I look away ignore the glare that some of them are sending me. I don't know if it's hate or something else but i don't care too. Natsu looks at me worried "onii-chan...." . I smile at him "it's nothing Natsu. Don't worry" i say and ruffle his hair which causes him to laugh.
I love this sound. Listening Natsu laughing is always something that gives me happiness and hope. I don"t know what i would do if i didn't see this smile again. It makes me hope for something better. And with hope we'll reach our dream. I'm sure of it.
We turned our attention to a little pumpkin guy. "Hallo everyone and welcome at the Grand magic games!!" We looked around and saw many people looking at us all with exhitement.
Timeskip after the explaining of the games
"Today's game is.....BLIND MAN'S BUFF!" (i don't know if that's what you call it. That's just what google translate said😅) "The rules are simple. One person from each team will close his eyes and try to find the members from the other guilds while escaping from the traps that have been set here. For each member he gains one point! The time limit is 20 minutes!" the pumpkin guy said.
This sounds like fun!! I think exhited. From our team went Laxus. From Mermaid Heel went a weird snake or spider-like girl named Arana. Warcry from Quarto puppy. His name made us laugh. It was so funny. Chelia from Lamia Scale. Obra, a really tall man, from Sabertooth. And Ren from Blue Pegasus.
The game started with Lamia Scale. In the end Laxus won since his nose helped him finding all of them, where and who. Well that's what you should expect from a dragon slayer.
Timeskip to the last battle
Now it was Laxus vs Orga from Sabertooth. They both possess lighting magic. This will be interesting. I thought to myself with a smile. It's not everyday that you see mages with the same element fight each other.
Let alone lighting, one of the most dangerous and difficult to control ones. Not many people are strong or brave enough to even try master lightning.
From what we saw Orga had God slayer magic. It's incomplety tho. Even if you know the basics if you haven't finished the training then you would never be able to do even a scratch to a God. Well it's not like Laxus is any better.
I sighed. It sure is a really good fight but it would be better if they both had completed their training. I look next to me and see Natsu looking at them bored. It seems like we both agree to this.
In the end no-one won. Their time-limit ende before they could give the final blow. And like this the first day of the games ended.
Gray's pov
We all went to the infirmary to see everyone who fought and probably got hurt. Laxus had only some scratches without any serious injure.
Natsu and Zeref had run on him and as strange as it might be he played with them. He ruffled their hair, made them laugh. He let them hang from his arms while he was shaking his arms so that the brothers would fall on the bed. He was acting like their dad!!
We stayed at the infarmary for some hours. Natsu amd Zeref had fallen asleep at some point. Lucy took Natsu and i took Zeref. We were both walking back to the hotel. Sudenly i felt something like water on my shoulder. I turn around and see......Zeref crying!!
"....dad.....mom....." he whispers to himself while crying in his sleep. He is dreaming of his parents? Then why is he crying? Did something happen to them? Or he just misses them?
"Zeref...." i whisper and shook him litghly to wake him up. He slowly opens his eyes and looks at me. His eyes are red from the tears he shed.
"Gray...." his voice is a little hoarse. "What's wrong buddy? Did you have a bad dream?" I ask him with a smile. He just slowly nods.
"Do you want to tell me what it was about?" I ask him still smiling. He doesn't reply for a while. I was worried if i said something i wasn't supposed to.
"I was dreaming of mom and dad" he replies in the end. "Hmm. You don't need to worry then. We'll help you find them" i try to encourage him.
"....They are dead....." he replies with some tears in his eyes. I gasped. They are......Zeref and Natsu are... ..the same as me. I take a deep breath and look back at him. I bring my hand to his head and ruffle his hair. This seems to make him relax again.
He falls asleep again after some minutes. He seemed peacefull so i guess no more nightmares for tonight. When i looked ahead of us again i saw that we were already at the hotel.
Me and Lucy putted these two at their beds and left them sleep. I decided not to tell anyone about what i learned just yet. Right now we can just enjoy the games and have fun. They can learn this later on.
Author:......i'm sorry!! All of my inspiration just went poof! I know many of you waited long for it and this chapter probably dissapointed you but i have to say it was the best that could come to my mind.
Well i hoped you liked it even a little. I'll try not take long for the next chapter and make it as best as i can. Until next time. Bb😘
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