The War
Draco watched in fear and utter sadness as Hagrid brought Harry's lifeless body up to the castle. He couldn't be dead, right? He just couldn't. He loves this bloke. This just can't be real. Draco let a tear fall down his face, but he wiped it off quickly. He felt a hand rub his arm and looked up at Luna Lovegood who was staring down at him with a frown. "I'm glad you care about him, Draco," she said in her dreamy, but broken voice.
Draco nodded but what he didn't expect to hear was his mother and father calling him. He looked over at his mother and father who were gesturing him to come over. He knows what he must do to survive, to leave this side. "I'm sorry," he whispered to the other blonde. "I must part here."
He left, leaving her staring down at him with disappointment and he rushed past Volde-fucking-mort to his parents. He had no idea what the red-eyed git wanted from him. Was he going to hug him? How disgusting. He'd never be able to live with having that kind of weight on his shoulders.
Draco hid behind his mother, not wanting to be a part of this damned war anymore. He would rather pitch himself off the Astronomy Tower than have to see Volde-fucking-mort again. Besides, I'd be with Harry anyway, he thought depressingly as he stared down at the ground.
But then the most amazing thing happened. Harry fell out of Hagrid's arms. He's alive! Bloody Hell, he scared the Nargles out of my head! Oh, geez. He's starting to sound like Loony Lovegood now. But anyway, Harry's alive! He gets to go on that date after all!
Draco watched as Voldemort's facial expression turned into something that looks liked it has lost its will to live. He noticed Harry didn't have a wand on him. Of course, he knew what he had to do but didn't know when to do it.
Finally, when Voldemort looked like he was wanting to duel, Draco ran up to Harry and gave him his wand. He ran back to his parents with a smile, not caring if they were angered or disappointed. But, the look in his mother's eyes and the slight smile said otherwise.
"I don't know what that was... but anyway...where were we? Ah, yes," Voldemort said, aiming his wand at Harry.
It's called love, Draco just wanted to say. Love that you'll never be able to feel because of how dark you are.
Draco watched as Harry duelled Voldemort. In his heart, he hoped that Harry will win. That's all he could do right now, hope the darkness will be defeated. Sure enough, after many minutes which felt like hours, it was all over. The dark lord had been defeated.
Draco excused himself from his parents and wandered off into the castle to find Harry. There, in the Great Hall, many bodies lied to rest. He couldn't tell the sleeping ones from the dead ones. This shook him, students' dead bodies in the Great Hall where the feasts used to be. Smiling faces and hungry bellies were no more. Now, it was crying faces, dead bodies and... A dead Weasley?
Draco walked up to the sobbing family of red-heads and there he saw one of the twins' dead. Lifeless. The other twin looked so broken. Apart from him was gone, long gone. Draco felt so sad for all these families who suffered and all the friends that were lost. His eyes laid on Harry's green ones, they both stared into each other's eyes, tearful and bright and they hugged.
Draco could hear Harry letting all the pain and tears come out as he hugged him. He rubbed soothing circles on Harry's back and kissed his temple. He had no idea what to say, what to say to help Harry and comfort him, what to say to the Weasleys. He wasn't good at comforting people. He's had no experience in these kinds of situations. He frowned when looking at the dead twin brother, even Weasel...Ron was crying in Blaise's arms and Hermione crying in Pansy's. Draco had no idea where Blaise and Pansy even came from. He gave them both small smiles and nudged his nose in Harry's neck, smelling Pine and wintery air.
Draco looked down at the alive twin brother, not knowing which one he was. When he saw the twin look up at him, he frowned and mouthed, 'I'm so sorry'. The twin nodded a thank you and sniffed. Whenever Draco saw one of the Weasleys looking up at him, he just mouthed an apology for their loss of a loved one.
Draco leaned out of the hug only slightly, so he could look at the teary boy. He wiped away a few tears from Harry's face with his thumb and kissed him slowly, not wanting to leave his side, but he didn't want to keep his mother waiting. "I love you," Draco said, letting the word slip out of his mouth even though he shouldn't have said it. "Owl me the details of our date at any time, I'll owl you back a reply." He then exited the Grand Hall towards the entrance Hall after another kiss to the mouth.
Harry just stood there and hesitated, taking in the three words that he had just heard. He didn't even see Hermione standing next to him as she placed a hand on his shoulder, looking at him with a knowing smile. Harry stared at the floor, finding a crack in the floor to focus on, "He told me he..."
"Yes, Harry. I pretty much heard," Hermione said while patting him on the shoulder. Honestly, that was the most beautiful thing she's ever heard. Draco loves her best friend! It was exciting, but it was hard to stay excited with the death of Fred.
"Same, mate," Ron said from the other side of Harry with a weak smile. "Congratulations. You have just been told the most powerful three words in the English Language by your rival, who I'm guessing is more than a best friend now."
Harry smiled and bit his lip. He could taste his tears. "He loves me," he said dreamily. He couldn't stop the tears from falling or the smile from widening even on this sad day.
Blaise smirked and patted Harry's other shoulder. "Yes, we know. He pretty much screamed it out to you. Okay, maybe not screamed but... it was loud enough for nearly everyone in the Great Hall to hear. And, he has been wanting to say that to you for ages. Like, since the third year or something."
Hermione and Ron both chuckled. They loved hearing this about Harry from Draco's friends. It really brightened their day.
"Wonderful Potter, with his scar and his broomstick," said Blaise, placing his hands on his hips and smirking. He recalls Draco repeating that sentence over and over again during the years.
"Oh, but he said much more than that," Pansy said, a mischievous smile spread on her lips. "Famous Harry Potter, his wonderful smile, intense but pretty emerald green eyes, lips that look as soft as a cloud, black sexy as hair and of course, my favourite and the most humorous, that hot sexy ass."
Hermione and Ron laughed, even George let out a chuckle from hearing the conversation. Harry just blushed redder than a tomato at what Pansy and Blaise admitted to him.
"Anything else we should hear?" Ron asked with a smirk to his lips. This was quite amusing, and he could use this as blackmail towards Malfoy if he hurts his best mate's heart.
"Trust me, there's plenty more of where that came from," Pansy said, resting her elbow on Hermione's shoulder and grinning. She could just go on and on about what Draco said through the six years she's known Draco
"Oh please, give us the information!" Hermione asked her in a pleasing tone. She'd like something to embarrass both boys with in the future.
Draco walked out of the castle to his mother, his father also waiting impatiently by some stone rubble. As soon as he was ear-shot from them, he sighed and said, "I just told Harry I love him. Is that bad? Is it too early to say that?"
Narcissa smiled at her son and shook her head. "No, my dragon." She embraced him in a tight hug as she was glad this war was finally over. "It's not bad at all, but maybe a little bit early to say those three words."
Draco surpassed a sigh of relief before looking up at his father. "What do you have to say about this, father?" he asked him curiously, but deep down he hoped his own father would accept him for liking guys.
Lucius sighed and ran a hand through his long hair. "Look, son," he started. "I do want you to be happy, but I'd still like a grandson or granddaughter. That's all I ask of you, as well as happiness."
"And what if I choose Harry to be with forever?" Draco asked him, his eyebrow quirked up. He knew that was a lot to say but he just had to ask. He had to know if his father would accept him for liking males.
"I'll be happy for you, Draco," Lucius said, his lips twitched up into a smile. "Besides, I know there are Potions out there that know...make a man pregnant," he added sheepishly. "So, if that's what you choose, then go ahead. As long as I get a grandchild, no matter if he or she turns out with black hair and silver eyes or Whiteish blonde hair and green eyes."
Draco flushed at knowing that there are potions out there that can get a man pregnant. He smiled at his father, "Thank you, father. Your acceptance means so much to me." He really was thinking about that male pregnancy thing. Would Harry be the one to carry the child or should Draco?
"It's the least I can do, Draco," Lucius said while keeping a straight face. "I've been a horrible father to you, making you think negative thoughts about blood types as well as pushing you to your limits to achieve the highest marks in school."
Draco shook his head. "Horrible father, no. More like annoying as hell. But you can make up for that. The First order from me is to befriend the Weasleys." He smirked at his father's anxious reaction to the first order. "I'll think of other things soon enough for you to make up for."
"Very well, Draco," Lucius said while wanting to get this over and done with so he can leave with his family. "When do I start?"
"How about..." Draco trailed off as Ron, Nerdy Weasley, and their father walked out of the entrance Hall together. "Now," he said, pointing to the three Weasleys. He just wanted to end this blood traitor thing. It made no sense why it exists anyway.
Lucius rose an eyebrow and looked over at the three Weasleys exiting the castle. "Alright, then," he said, sighing because he hasn't spoken to this family in what feels like decades. "You should start planning my funeral now. Goodbye, my dear family." Draco and his mother laughed at the sarcasm.
Draco watched his father walk over to the red-headed family. He sighed and rested his head on his mother's shoulder. "Think he'll do it?"
"I assume so," Narcissa said, patting her son's head. "If not, give him something harder to do. It's quite funny watching Lucius doing such nice Hufflepuff things."
Draco snorted and thought about his father skipping down some rose bush maze with pigtails in. How weird... "Next he'll be bringing flowers to the Weasleys every once in a while."
"Oh, that will be hilarious, but also exceptionally nice," Narcissa said, a pure smile on her face. Perhaps she'll arrange a lunchtime or dinner with the Weasleys sometime. "Or even muggle teddy bears with hearts on them."
Draco yawned. He was extremely tired from this day and really wanted to head home to catch some rest. But he really just wanted to think about Harry. "Shall we head back to the manor?"
Narcissa looked at her son, drawing her delicate eyebrows in with worry. "Are you sure you want to go back there?" she asks softly and stops petting his hair. "I know it holds a lot of bad memories for this family."
"As much as I don't want to, I would rather go back," Draco said with a frown, really hate the thought of knowing that monster and his big snake was slithering throughout his family's house. "Can we like... redesign the inside of the house that...he...has been in? Paint the walls a different colour, like... a nice midnight blue or a forest green?"
"Yes, my Dragon," said Narcissa. She was already thinking of redesigning the loungeroom area to look a little more modern but antique. "We can surely do that."
After lots of talking and discussing matters, Lucius finally joined his family again. "That was horrible!" he scowls at his son, who made him do this in the first place. "We're invited over for dinner on Saturday night. Saturday night! That's when I get my nails polished with clear sheen and wash my hair!"
Draco chuckled at his father and how gay he sounds. Merlin... his own father is probably where he got his own gayness from. "Are you sure you're not gay, father?" he smirked as he asked.
Lucius narrowed his eyes at his son, disliking what he's saying. "Watch it, or no Potter."
Draco pouted at him; he was only acting anyway. But how dare his father take away his Harry Potter! "No Potter?! What? Why!"
Narcissa giggled at her son and husband. She intertwined her hand with her son's and linked her other arm with Lucius. "Alright you two, that's enough. We shall take our leave. It's home time."
"Finally!" Draco and Lucius spoke breathlessly. They both looked at each other and grinned. Like father like son. But Draco had a lot of his mother in him too, like her kindness, compassion, and brains.
Draco walked with his mother away from Hogwarts so they could apparate back to the Manor. But the manor, it held many dark memories from the past three years and Draco didn't want to return but he did so anyway. As they landed by the large black gates, he hesitated. "Shall we get the elves to paint the manor pink?" he asked with a small smile. Although, he definitely didn't want to be living in a pink house. A purple house, he could do just not a pink house.
"Absolutely, not!" Lucius snapped. There was no way he'd live in a bright pink girly house with rose bushes and vines snaking up the walls! He opened the gates with a flick of his wand and strolled on through.
"To answer your question, my Dragon... Yes, your father is gay, but he doesn't want to admit it," Narcissa whispered to him with a smile as she was out of Lucius' hearing range. "Your father always did what his father asked of him without an argument. Even though he hated most of the things he was ordered to do, but he wanted to impress his own father. We just had extremely strict parents that made us marry into pureblood families. However, I don't regret a thing about our marriage. Yes, your father can be a bit...weird sometimes...most of the time...but I do love him."
"Thanks for telling me this, mother," Draco said, his chin was held up with pride. "Now I can go and tease father on how gay he is," he added sarcastically. He was only joking but it was funny to know. "Wait... Does that mean you are also...?"
Narcissa shook her head, "No, I like both genders."
Draco nodded, understanding what she means. He never knew this, of course. But it's fun learning things from your parents that you never knew. "Ah, you are bisexual."
"Yes, dear," Narcissa said, but she sounded a little unsure on the term her son used. 'Bisexual'. "Now, I'm going to ask around for some proper trees to plant around the manor as the dead trees are just so depressing. You may go ahead and start painting any room you want. I'm going to have to ask Lucius and agree on a colour for the whole manor. Perhaps a nice sky grey will do the trick."
"Yes, mother," Draco said to her but turned to face the gate and muttered, "Collaris." The gates turned a bright pink colour, even the Malfoy crest was coloured pink, and he smirked.
Narcissa shook her head with a little smile at her son for his shenanigans. Then she turned and banished the dead trees around the front yard.
Lucius really likes his Saturday nights. Ahahahah!
When you realize your mother was bisexual but never actually dated any girls because she dind't want people to look down upon her. *sigh* I get you, mom. I know how it would have been and felt.
Question: If you could share a meal with any 4 individuals, living or dead, who would they be?
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