It was hot. So bloody hot. After Gregory cast that 'Fiendfyre' spell, it just grew and grew like a gigantic bushfire and Draco was running, running fast as his life really depended on it. His life did depend on how fast he would run. The snake-shaped fire kept coming towards him, Blaise, and Gregory. It was scorching hot in the room. He thought he could feel his insides burning. It felt like flying over a volcano on a broom, which he has done before.
This was like some child's nightmare, being burnt alive by some fire breathing snake. Draco kept running and running until he saw a pile of junk in a pile, he knew he could climb. So, he climbed as high as he could go.
Draco was trying his best to climb up high enough to get away from the fire, Gregory, and Blaise behind him. But then he saw Potter flying on one of the school brooms out of the room. How pathetic, he thought. He just leaves us here to die. Where's that Gryffindor bravery, Potter? But the thing that surprised Draco the most was that Potter turned around and was flying over to him with Weasley and Granger following close behind.
Draco tried to climb higher as the deathly hot flames rose from the floor. This was it; this was his last chance of survival. He held out his hand but heard something tumble below him. He cautiously looked down, Gregory was falling, disappearing into the sweltering hot flames, he was not coming back. Draco blinked back tears, but those tears were evaporating because of the Fiendfyre. He watched Blaise cautiously, hoping he wouldn't fall too because Blaise is his best friend.
The next thing Draco heard was Potter yelling at him. He warily looked up at Potter who was flying around him, holding out his hand. He immediately grabbed Potter's hand, ignoring a sudden spark sensation when their hands touched, and held it like it was the last thing he'd ever do and because he just didn't want to die. Before he knew it, he was climbing on the back of the broom Potter was flying on. He looked back at Blaise, seeing as Weasley grabbed onto him and hauled him up and over the broom.
Draco sighed in relief and wrapped his arms tightly around Potter's stomach, but he knew he was hugging him as it's the least he could do, even if Potter didn't know it. He could feel the softness of Potter's hair against his ears as his head was resting on Potter's shoulder. He just wanted to run his fingers through Potter's hair and feel how soft his sexy messy black hair is. Did he just admit that? Yes, yes, he did. He had to admit, Potter was indeed good looking, he's always been attractive in the kind of nerdy but hot sporty way. But Draco knew Potter and Weaslette had a thing. Or did they? He's never seen them two together and he knew Potter doesn't stare at the Weaselette in any kind of way. Not that he does stare at Potter... Oh, Merlin, he knew he had a thing for Potter. Who doesn't? Those pretty and intense emerald green eyes, messy sexy black hair, pretty long black eyelashes, soft and kissable looking lips.
Draco was holding Potter tightly; he didn't want to fall but he also didn't want to let go. He still felt the fiery flame's heat on his face. Potter was guiding the broom around the flaming room, looking for Gregory on the floor but he wasn't anywhere. "Forget about him, Potter," Draco said sadly while holding back the tears of the loss of a good friend. "He's gone, he's not coming back." Potter nodded and soared out of the blazing room but as they flew to the door, a sudden blast knocked them off the broom.
Draco closed his eyes when falling, but when he knew he was safely back on the ground he opened them. Emerald green eyes were staring up at him with need, lust, and curiosity. Draco felt his face flush, he was on top of Potter and his lips were inches away from the Gryffindor's mouth. He blinked, hoping this wasn't a dream but also wishing it was. Before he consciously knew what, he was doing, he was leaning down and ending the small space between him because Potter totally didn't save his life and Draco just wanted to thank him.
Ron, who just flew out of the room with Blaise on the back of his broom noticed Harry and Malfoy fall off their broom. He smirked when seeing Malfoy fall on top of Harry, so close to his face like they were about to kiss. He stopped in mid-air, cupped his hands over his mouth and shouted, "Oi! 'Mione! Look! You better have 10 galleons ready because my bet will be happening soon. Just look at Harry and Malfoy!"
Hermione stopped just in time and looked back towards the entrance from where she and Ron had just flown out of. Harry and Malfoy had fallen off their brooms and landed on top of one another. Well, Malfoy was on top of Harry and she could see very clearly the look on Harry's face. Hermione grinned, but the bet could be the other way around. She flew towards Ron, stopping as she has neared the two blokes. "No! You better have 10 galleons, Ron, because I'm pretty sure Harry's the one who'll be snogging Malfoy."
Blaise rolled his eyes at the two Gryffindors. Why aren't they flying to safety? "Are we really just going to sit here and wait until Draco leans in, or are we going to fly out of here to safety?" he asked seriously while holding onto Ron's waist.
"Hah! Even Zabini thinks so!" Ron pointed out happily and held his hand up to Blaise's' for a high-five.
Blaise stared at Ron's hand, not knowing what to do except poke it with his index finger. "It's Blaise, to you. I hate this last name thing."
"Alright, Blaise," Ron said with a smile as he was watching the two rivals look deeply into one another's eyes. When he saw Malfoy leaning in, he smirked and looked over at Hermione. "Told you so, Hermione! I'll be waiting for my galleons tomorrow morning."
Hermione sighed and watched Harry and Malfoy start snogging. At least they've finally come to their senses about each other's feelings for each other. It was just a pain to see them think they hate each other when they have been hiding what they truly feel under a mask or a title.
Draco felt soft lips kiss him back slowly, which made his heart skip a beat and a fluttery sensation intensify inside him, and he clung to those lips. Potter's lips were so perfect, they connected with his own lips flawlessly. All his senses were tingling, and he just didn't want this to stop. He kissed harder, craving more but knew he should stop soon but he didn't. He licked across Potter's bottom lip quickly, asking for entrance and when Potter opened his mouth, he slid his tongue in and twined their tongues together. Oh, Merlin, he was loving this. Potter tastes amazing, so sweet and sour at the same time. He can just smell the outdoors in Potter, the pine trees and wintery air. It was an incredible smell but of course, Potter always smells like the outdoors. Not that he knows what he smells like... because that would just be weird.
He leaned back out when he was out of breath, breathing hard and staring into magnificent emerald green eyes with a visible blush on his neck and face. "I'm.... sorry," he said awkwardly, looking elsewhere but at Potter. He wasn't supposed to kiss Potter, but it was just so tempting... He felt warm hands cupping his cheeks and looked back down at Potter.
"Don't apologize, Malfoy," Potter said softly, caressing Draco's cheeks with his thumbs. He doesn't know why he has his hands on Draco's cheeks, it just happened subconciously. "I hate to admit it, but that was wonderful, and I'd do it again."
Draco smiled down at Potter, feeling his cheeks burn a deeper shade of red. Potter would kiss him again? That was exciting to hear, and he would like to kiss him again too. "Yeah, it was," he said, biting his lip to stop him from sounding dreamy. "Aren't you with Weaslette though?"
Potter shook his head, "Ginny's like a sister to me, but we're close." Then he hesitated and smirked at the Blonde snake above him, "Why? Jealous, Malfoy?"
Draco narrowed his eyes at him. "You wish," he replied, trying to sound exactly like Potter was back in their second year. He hated when people were right other than himself. He admits that he is jealous. Jealous how Potter can get anyone he wants with just a blink of his eye. But he doesn't want anybody else, he wants Potter and he realizes it now.
Potter laughed and Draco couldn't help but also give a small chuckle. "Don't you have a Dark Lord to defeat, Potter?" he asked while holding down his fear of how today might end. He would hate if the Dark Lord won this war. What would happen to Hogwarts? What would happen to Potter?
"Oh, right," Potter said through his teeth. He almost forgot about that because of the Slytherin lying on top of him, who kissed him. "Yeah, I do. Would you like to help?"
Draco nodded. Why wouldn't he help? Nobody likes the Dark Lord. Well, nobody except his Aunt Bellatrix, the thousands of death eaters outside, and his father. "Anything you need, I'll be here."
Potter's smile grew and he kissed Draco with passion and gratitude. He felt like his luck was increasing just by having Draco with him. It was luck that they ended up like this together.
"Now it seems you have 20 galleons to give me, Ron," Hermione said, smirking at the two boys snogging on the floor. She's so proud of Harry. But then there's Ginny, who she knows likes Harry but how would she explain this to her?
"Heeeey!" Ron whined with a prolonged 'o'. He couldn't believe he was getting beaten by a girl from a daft bet. "Malfoy kissed Harry first, remember? And don't you dare make any new rules!"
Hermione rolled her eyes and watched her best friend and his rival snogging. It was amusing to watch, seeing her best friend kiss Malfoy. And Harry's definitely kissing him in a way that he's never kissed Ginny before. This type of kissing looked loving, and full of passion and excitement whereas Harry's kissing with Ginny was quite boring and slow.
Draco leaned out of the kiss with a smile. It's been a while since he's actually smiled, and he hopes this won't be his last. But Potter makes him smile, he always could even when he was teasing him. "So, how can I help?"
Potter reached up and ran a hand through Draco's neat and styled hair. The Slytherin's blonde hair was soft and fluffy like it appeared to be. "Give me your wand when I need it," he said, not in a demanding way but in a calm tone. Draco reached for his wand, but Potter grabbed his wrist to stop him. "Not now, but when you know I will need it."
"What about your wand?" Draco asked with furrowed brows while thinking about another kind of wand Harry could mean except for the wand Harry was talking about. Merlin, these gay thoughts come out from the depths of his mind.
"It... kind of broke," Potter said, giving Draco a sheepish smile. He has Hermione to thank for that, breaking his wand in that forest. It's going to be a memory to laugh at in the future.
"It broke?" Draco asked in disbelief. How can a wand just brake? Wands have a very strong wood so it shouldn't break so easily.
Potter nodded. There was no other explanation for it. "Can you please get off me now, I need to save the Wizarding World even though they have Aurors that can do the job instead."
"Oh, sorry," Draco said quickly but chuckled at Potter's sarcasm. He lifted himself up off of the Gryffindor, held out his hand for Potter to take so he can help him up.
"Don't apologize, this was fun," Potter said with a smile. "If you ever want to crash and fall on the floor on top of me, just owl me the details and I'll meet you there," he added, winking at him just to give him an idea of what he wants to do with the Slytherin.
Draco nodded but a sudden realization hit. Did Potter just ask him out on a date, or a shagging session? Either one will be nice though. He'd love to go out with this other bloke, he's kept his feelings hidden for so long. Well, he ignored the feelings and replaced them with hatred. He was such a daft little child when he was younger. "Of course, Potter. Hopefully, when all of this ends, we can do that."
Potter smiled and held out his hand for a truce to this rivalry. It's what they should do since they practically kissed, isn't it? And to him, he knows it's the best thing to do. "Please, Draco, call me Harry."
"Harry... Harry..." Draco said as he shook Harry's hand and repeated the name so he can get used to the feeling of saying the same. But the name was so alien on his tongue. "So, this rivalry has ended?"
"Yes, Draco," said Harry, nodding and clinging onto Draco's hand because it just felt so warm. "It has." For years, he has tried so hard to believe that Draco wasn't attractive. Why did he do and think something so daft and fallacious? This bloke in front of him is clearly an attractive and attractable person. His features might be sharp and pointy, but that's what makes this blonde Slytherin so unique and attractive. As well as his unique silver eyes, which are quite rare to him. Even in the muggle world nobody had grey eyes, not unless they were wearing contacts.
Draco just held onto Potter, no, Harry's, hand, forgetting what he was doing as he was mesmerized by Harry's emerald green eyes. But then, Harry grabbed onto Draco's black suit jacket with his other hand and pulled him into another kiss. Draco smiled into the kiss, kissing back eagerly, snaking his hands around Harry's waist until their lips departed. "I'll see you on the field, Harry," He said softly, winked at him and walked over to Blaise, Weasley and Granger.
"Malfoy," Ron greeted with a nod. He honestly didn't care if Harry dated this git. As long as this Slytherin doesn't hurt his best mate, he's fine with him. But if this git does hurt his best mate, oh, things will get ugly. Actually, Malfoy's face would get ugly when he "presses" his fist to the snake's face.
"Weasley," Draco greeted back with a nod. At least the Weasel showed some courtesy, not like he did back when they first met. He's glad Harry has such good friends, even if he hasn't actually met these two other Gryffindor's fully. He'd like to, to be honest.
"Malfoy," Hermione said, smiling at the Slytherin. Honestly, she couldn't wait to see these two snogging in the corridors or even at the Burrow, that is if Draco does come around. "So, you and Harry ended your rivalry?"
"Yes, Granger," Draco said with a strong nod. "And, he and I will hopefully be going out when this whole thing ends. So, you'll both be seeing more of me in the future."
Ron grunted at this new information and Draco just ignored him. He turned his head to look at Blaise, "Ready to face the dark git?" He actually wants to run away, like a normal person would and not face these problems but he knows the Dark Lord can track down certain people, especially himself who has been branded with the Dark Mark. Disgusting tattoo that will stay on his arm forever.
"Ready as I'll ever be," Blaise said with a frown, everyone could tell he really disliked this. Nobody wanted this war in the first place, but it happened unexpectedly.
Ron walked up to Draco and pointed his wand at his throat, trying to be civil here but also brave. "You treat my best mate right, or I swear I'll hunt you down," he drawled. He watched from the corner of his eye as Harry emerged and stood behind Draco.
Draco smirked at the Gryffindor bravery Weasley's portraying. It's nice to see friends stand up for each other to be honest. "And what if I'm in bed with Harry sleeping? Would you still come after me?"
Ron's ears turned a dark shade of red. What is Malfoy getting up to... "Yes, of course!"
"And what if Harry and I are naked in bed?" Draco asked and sounded quite amused. He'd like to know what Potter's skin feels like under his own, the grunts he'll make during sex and the moans. Okay, he knows he's going a bit too far there. They haven't even been on their first date yet. "Would you still hunt me down and drag my naked ass out of there?"
Blaise snorted at the question and bit his lip, looking at a red-faced Ron Weasley. Well damn, that face can go as red as a tomato.
Ron's face did, in fact, turn red from what Draco said. "No..."
Draco clasped his hands together and grinned. "Then that settles it, you won't come after me if I hurt Harry." He placed a hand over his heart, "But I adore your worry for your dear Golden Boy. But of course, I'll never hurt Harry. He's a true warrior and a prince." He felt arms snake around his stomach and soft lips kiss his cheek and he blushed, wondering how much of that Harry heard.
"If you're wondering, I heard it all and I'm flattered Draco," Harry said sweetly, kissing Draco's cheek again. "Especially the second option if Ron tries to hunt you down. That, I can do."
That just made Draco blush even more. Merlin... Potter can turn him on. "Right," he said awkwardly, rushing over to Blaise. "We have a dark git to help kill." He strolled down the corridor, yelling, "Let's go, Blaise!"
Blaise rolled his eyes, walked up to Ron, cupped his flushing face with his hands and kissed him. Ron's cheeks flared a cherry red colour, he couldn't tell if he was liking this or not. He was confused. He looked over at Hermione who had her arms crossed over her chest with her left hand tapping her arm with impatience.
Hermione rolled her eyes and pulled Blaise off Ron, sending him crashing into a wall. She put on a serious angry face and pointed her wand at the Italian Slytherin's throat. "You just kissed my boyfriend! What do you have to say for yourself?"
"Sorry..." Blaise said with regret while his eyes trailed from Hermione to Ron and back at Hermione. He didn't exactly know those two were a thing, but he should have known from the start.
Hermione smiled and shrugged, "Pansy's pretty hot, though." Then she winked at him, "So, you can have Ron for a day as long as I get Pansy."
Blaise nodded and ran off towards Draco. What's she talking about? He's not into or dating Pansy. He wondered where Neville was...
"What exactly was that?" Harry asked them, raising his brows and staring at his two best friends with delight. Are his two best friends' bisexual? If so, that's definitely a surprise to hear.
Ron shrugged and he had to admit, "He's a good kisser though."
Hermione rolled her eyes in aggravation. Oh, how she wishes to find Pansy and snog her in front of Ron just to see his reaction.
"We should get going," Harry said, smiling at his best friends. Sometimes he misses when these two bicker in front of him. And honestly, he's seen so much chemistry between these two so he's kind of confused. Do they like each other or not?
Hello, if there's anybody out there. (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
Question of question: Have any Pet peeves?
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