Æ - 10 - Æ
"mark! mark! MARK!" jaemin yelled a second after entering mark's house.
the older boy was lying on the couch, asleep, the remote control placed over his tummy as the tv played loudly in the background.
"mark fucking lee!" jaemin shook him awake, making the angel wake up suddenly.
"oh my god, jaemin... don't scare me like that!" he scolded, rubbing his eyes.
"it's important!" jaemin jumped up and down.
mark rolled his eyes, pulling the boy next to him on the couch.
"tell me everything." he sighed. "but make sure to calm down first."
"yeah, yeah." he nodded energetically. "i went to see the head angel, and i told him about haechan, donghyuck, the tattoo and everything. he listened to me, and he said that there was a high probability of haechan being donghyuck."
"so, we were right?"
jaemin nodded. "they share the same body but have different souls. donghyuck being a demon, and haechan a human."
"does that mean donghyuck is still there?" mark raised a brow.
"donghyuck died. so, he's no longer in the body."
mark lowered his head. "oh... i'm sorry..."
jaemin chuckled, seeing mark's saddened state.
"but he said that we could revive him!"
"what?!" mark's eyes widened.
"well, not actually revive him, but revive parts of him at least..."
"wait a minute." mark said, placing his hands over jaemin's shoulders and making them face each other. "revive him?"
"yeah, make him remember his demon life." jaemin smiled. "he won't turn back into a demon. he'll stay in haechan's body, meaning that these two would share one body."
mark thought for a second, processing everything jaemin had just explained.
he didn't even know such a thing was possible...
and he has been an angel for as long as he can remember.
"but... this means that you'll still have to deal with haechan." mark said after a silence.
"sadly." jaemin nodded. "but as long as donghyuck is back, i'm good."
"are you sure about that?"
jaemin looked at mark in the eye, sensing his uneasiness.
mark seemed to be reticent.
and jaemin's didn't understand why.
reviving donghyuck would mean seeing his boyfriend again.
it would mean having him back.
and that was the thing jaemin wanted the most.
his donghyuck.
"mark, why are you looking at me like that?" jaemin raised a brow.
"i'm not sure it's the best idea..." mark shrugged.
"what?! but why?"
"you said it yourself. donghyuck and haechan are very different. locking both of them in the same body will create problems. and it will hurt you like hell." mark explained.
"how can you be so sure?"
"i met donghyuck. and i see haechan around. they aren't compatible. dealing with both of them will be hell."
jaemin lowered his head, thinking about what mark just told him.
he had a point.
jaemin knew how donhyuck hated the things haechan did.
and he knew how haechan was.
and the two souls were quite opposite.
but he couldn't renounce to have his boyfriend back.
"mark, i love him. i don't want to lose him forever. this is the only way for donghyuck to come back..."jaemin said.
"i know. which is why i won't stop you." mark nodded. "i know how much you loved him, and i could see how much he loved you. you two are meant to be. i'm just giving you my opinion, but i'll respect your choice, whatever it will be."
"thank you so much, mark." jaemin embraced mark into a big hug.
the older angel smiled, hugging his friend back. "it's normal, jaemin."
haechan was lying in a bed, the arms of the girl beside him wrapped around his bare torso.
she was sleeping soundly, snoring from time to time.
haechan was wide awake, lying on his back, with his arms behind his head.
he was thinking about everything that was happening to him at the moment.
and as much as he tried not to, his mind often drifted to his guardian angel.
something about him finding about his birthmark was weird.
he seemed to be shocked, but relieved at the same time.
and the way he had touched it so lightly...
"haechan, come with me!"
"OH, MY FUCK!" the human exclaimed when the angel he was thinking about appeared just next to the bed.
"haechan, let's go, it's important!" jaemin took his hand, trying to pull him out from the bed.
"babe, what's happening..." the girl spoke, waking up because of the sudden noise.
"you're still sleeping around..." jaemin rolled his eyes.
"hey! fuck you!" haechan yelled. "get the fuck out of here!"
"babe... who are you talking to?" the girl looked around the room, seeing no one but haechan.
"my fucking angel." haechan spat. "now leave me alone for good! can't you see i'm busy?!"
"babe, do you- "
before she could finish her sentence, jaemin poked her forehead with his finger, and her eyes rolled to the back of her head before she closed her lids.
jaemin shrugged.
"she's asleep. and don't pretend that you care about this girl when you were with another one yesterday and another one the day before." he said. "now, get dressed and come with me." he added, throwing haechan's shirt that was on the floor to him.
"i don't want to."
"okay. let's use drastic measures then..."
haechan was about to argue, but before he could start yelling again, jaemin placed a finger on his forehead, and the world around him started getting blurry, until the only thing he could see was black.
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