Chapter 2
"Are you the guy?" I asked crossing my arms. I hope not cause I truly despise the scent of cigarettes. The man chuckled a bit and puffed the smoke into the air "Yep. Asuma Sabutori, and starting today I'll be you guys mentor." Shikamaru just shrugged at the response not really caring, Choji just smiled and said "Hey nice to meet ya! My name is Choji Akimichi!" Asuma looked at him and smiled "What about you three?" I sighed and said "My name is Ryuki Yuzu." I swear the smoke was annoying the hell out of me. After I said something Ino responded "My name is Ino Yamanaka." Then Shikamaru said "Shikamaru Nara." "So what's on today's schedule chief?" I leaned against the wall and swiped at the air trying to avoid getting the smoke into my mouth. Asuma chuckled and said " Well for today I just want to get to know my students. So we'll be hanging out here." He nodded his head at the direction of the BBQ spot. With that choji feel in love with him, "No way!" He screamed "Are we going to eat here?" Asuma smirked and said "Yeah, and I'm buying." I turned my attention back to Asuma and chuckled. I mean he honestly knows how to make a good first impression. Before Choji could run into the restaurant, shikamaru stepped in-front of him and looked at asuma "What's the catch?" Asuma just chuckled "There isn't a catch, just plain talking." Ino just shrugged her shoulders and said "Well if your buying then why not." She walked inside the restaurant and I followed her, I mean how could you turn down free food. Shikamaru and choji soon followed after and asuma came last. We all sat in the back of the restaurant by the window. I ran ahead of Ino and called "Window seat!" Like who doesn't like sitting by the window. Ino just chuckled a bit from my childish behavior and sat next to me and shikamaru next to her. Choji and Asuma sat across from us. Asuma called for the waiter and ordered Beef, pork, and chicken. As the Grill between us began to heat up, Asuma coughed and began to speak "So has your mentor I'm here to say from here on out the way you see life will be different. I'll teach you how to become a leader on the field, use teamwork to survive, and learn common knowledge of the field. I will also be looking over you and making sure your heads stay on the right path." The waiter came with three plates full of uncooked Pork slices, beef, and chicken. "Time to dig in." I grabbed the chopsticks that were on the table and used it to grab my pieces. Then one by one I placed my pieces on the grill in-front of us. "I have a question." I spoke up breaking the silence. Asuma looked at me "Sure kid, what is it?" "Are we going to go on super cool missions and all that?" Asuma chuckled as did Ino and responded "Yes Ryuki. We'll be doing missions. However, it'll be mostly C-Rank and D-rank missions but depending on the team's growth it'll go higher." Shikamaru took a drink of his water and joined the conversation "That makes sense I guess." We all ate the food and talked about our interest and what we wanna be when we get older. After we was done, we left the restaurant and walked through the village. I went in-front of Asuma-sensei and pointed my finger at him "Say, how strong are you?" He just chuckled at me "Pretty strong I'm guessing. Why?" I smirked and turned around "Good, because I don't wanna be trained by a nobody. So where are we going anyways?" "Well we're going to just walk around the village and get to know each other. And after that I'll test each of you in combat. See where you guys stand ability wise." Shikamaru sighed "I would've just preferred the walking around the village part. What a drag." Choji smiled "Aw come on Shikamaru, how bad can It be." I patted him on his back "Yeah! I mean come on. I need to fight!" While we were walking, Ino began walking next to me which caused to get butterflies in my stomach "You really love fighting huh?" I rubbed the back of my head and gave out an awkward chuckle "My mom told me I get it from my dad." Asuma joined in on the conversation "I knew your dad ya know." I turned around and looked at Asuma-sensei with bright eyes "R-really?" He smiled as we all stopped near a tea stand "Yeah. He very well known around the village. He's considered one of our elites." Choji turned to look at me "Wow Ryuki, your dad must have been amazing during his time." My smiled dropped a little to his response "Yeah, too bad I never really got to know him." Asuma came and patted me on the back "He always told me he had a son, I never knew it'd be you though. And looking at you now shows the resemblance." I smiled a little "Yeah, my mom told me we both looked exactly alike." I sat up straight from my seat and grabbed the front part of the bench "So tell us more about yourself." He basically went on about his childhood life to his days as a member of the "Twelve Guardian Ninja" which was a group that protected the land of fire daimyo, that basically means a Japanese lord or multiple lords.
Our talk lasted half the day which only felt like an hour. We were gonna do sparring but it got pretty late out so we all had to split and go our separate ways. "I wonder how strong my dad really was." I thought to myself while opening my door to my house. "I'm home!" I yelled through my house taking off my sneaker. I saw my mom peek through the kitchen with a cookie in her mouth. She playfully waved and muffled "Hi son! Enjoyed your day?" I chuckled "Come on mom, take that cookie out your mouth. And yes I actually enjoyed myself. Our sensei was actually really cool to be honest. I'm pretty sure you know him." I said while sitting on the couch. She slightly tilted her head "Well If you tell me the name I'm pretty sure I'll know who your talking about." "Asuma Sabutobi. Tall man, smokes a lot!" She giggled while giving me some tea "Oh yeah I know him. From a toothpick to cigarettes. Him and your dad were good friends. He's a good person so I'm rather happy you have him as a Sensei." "So you and dad already know a lot of our Mentors?" I said taking a sip of the tea which ended up burning my tongue. "Yep. Kakashi, Guy, Kurenai, I knew them all. We were good friends and still are up to this day. It's just once everyone got into motion with the way our lives was, eventually we branched off and begun talking a little less." "Mhm. Hey mom?" I placed the halfway empty cup on the table and leaned forward "How strong were you and dad? I mean seeing how good I am, I can only imagine how strong you guys are." She smiled and brushed her soft black hair to the side of her head "I don't wanna brag but we were pretty strong. The third hokage himself said we were the strongest among the village right behind kakashi and Guy." Whoa these guys are no joke then. "What makes Guy so special though? I mean doesn't he only use taijustu?" She chuckled a bit "That's everyone question on him. But you'd be surprised. The amount of power guy holds in astounding." If he's the elite in this village with taijustu alone, he must be crazy strong. "Okay mom was dad stronger than you?" She looked at the ceiling and rubbed her chin "As much as I hate to say it, yeah he was. I'd say you got his ability to naturally pick up and be good. And have my side of just being awesome." I laughed at the comment "Yeah I totally got that from you." I sat up and stretched my body "I think I'ma hit the hay tonight." "Okay hun. But oh one more thing before you leave." "Sure mom. What is it?" She begun to form this mischievous smile on her face "How's things with that Ino girl?" I blushed a little and went into my room "Don't worry about it!" Then I flopped on my bed. I could hear her laughing from the living room, She must really get a kick from this but weirdly, it helped me sleep peacefully.
The next morning I woke up, as usual, my mom had already left and I know I won't be seeing her for a while. So I took a shower, get dressed and link up with the new gang. As I was walking, once again, I first saw Ino. I can't get enough of that beauty, everything she does is just perfect......Okay maybe not everything but you get the point. "Hiya Ino." I said waving at her. She waved back with a smile and walked up to me "Hey Ryuki. Gotta meet our team today right?" I nodded my head "Yep. And I'm guessing today is sparring day too." I wanted to add 'And you'll see that I'm far more better than sasuke so forget about him' But I kept that to myself. "Aw, I really don't wanna fight today. I just did my hair like 30 minutes ago." She said pouting while grooming her hair. "Well, I'll be sure to do the most fighting so he won't mess up your hair." I playfully said bowing to her. She chuckled "Such a gentleman." We both continued to laugh while running into Shikamaru and Choji who were eating rice balls "Hey guys!" Choji screamed while him and Shikamaru waved "Asuma-Sensei told us to meet him on the training grounds outside the village after we're all together." Shikamaru yawned while rubbing the back of his head "Man, what a drag. Why can't we just fight wooden dummies or something. "Come on guys" I said walking ahead of them "He just wants to see our current power and where we stand. Plus training with someone at his calibur will bring out the best in us and get us stronger." Choji nodded his head "Yeah. You have a point there Ryuki." "Exactly, so let's go out there and just learn." Everyone looked at me and then nodded their heads in agreement.
As we made our way onto the field, we saw Asuma-sensei standing next to a log "Took you kids long enough." He said puffing out smoke into the air. "Sorry Sensei" Ino said "We got side-tracked by something." "But we made it. And now I get to fight you. Right sensei?" I said gripping my katana softly. He chuckled "Whoa, you just can't wait can ya? Don't worry we'll fight, but before we do I have something I wanna discuss." We all looked at each other then back at him "Sure thing Sensei." I said. "Well for one, In this sparring session all you have to do is hit me once and it's complete." I looked at him confused at first then got angry "Wait a minute! I thought this was supposed to be a full on sparring session, Whaddya mean 'hit you once'. I'm pretty sure you'll get hit more than once." "He looked at me and chuckled "Well with that being said, If you don't hit me once before the timer of 30 minutes runs out, I'll be forced to drop you all as my students and send you back to the academy." "What!?" I heard Choji say from behind me "Why?!" "Yeah. That doesn't even make sense." Shikamaru said stepping in-front of us. Asuma-sensei shrugged his shoulder "Well if hitting me won't be a problem then you guys shouldn't be worried. So let's start as soon as possible." He went over to a log and placed the timer on. "Begin whenever you'd li-" I cut him off by dashing at him and leaping in the air "I'll make this quick!" I threw my first punch towards his face but he grabbed my hand and threw me over his shoulder. I landed on my feet and did a leg sweep but he jumped over my attack "Ha! Just like your dad. Never could wait." I threw another punch at his face "Your right! Take this!" I said but he dodged my attack and punched me in the gut causing me to curl up then he kicked me making me roll in-front of my teammates. "Ryuki!" I heard Ino say hovering over me "Are you okay?" I got up to one knee and nodded "Yeah, I'm okay. I take that back though. I don't think hitting him will be easy." Asuma-sensei chuckled "Glad you noticed. Now hurry, Time's a wastin."
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