Chapter 1
Yes, last chapter was an introduction rather than a chapter. So let's go get this thing started. Also, this is going to be slightly like Marble Hornets, so disclaimer.
(Lmao good job, old me, for both being so uncreative it hurts, and listening to shitty music)
Ryland's POV
I walk into class, still rubbing at my eyes. I sit down, quickly grabbing a pencil out of my trapper. Let's get this shit on the road.
~After Class~
I let out a relieved sigh as I hear the bell. I rush out the classroom, taking my homework with me. I keep my head up, and get into my locker. I grab my math book and make my way to math class. I sit in my desk, the one in very front. I put the homework from last class away, and start getting ready for a double period of math.
~After Math Class~
(Great, every great author obviously uses time skips as an excuse to be lazy amirite?)
After math comes lunch, my favorite period. I grab money from my backpack and begin walking to the lunchroom. I avoid all the students, and sit at my table. I sit at the table where all outcasts sit. Everyone in middle school through high school will know what I'm talking about. I wave to some of the people at the table that I actually like. The deaf kid, the girl in a wheel chair, and the creepy emo guy. But he isn't so creepy when you get to know him, in fact, he's quite nice.
I get up and go into the lunch line. I buy a sandwich and some water. Not much, but it means I'll have more money later. I walk back to the lunch table and sit next to Jonas, or the deaf kid previously mentioned. I sign hello to him before beginning to eat. "I heard about the whole locker thing." I hear Lily say from her spot at the top of the table. "Yea? How bad is it this time?" I ask gesturing to my bruised face.
(Oog I hate this, why couldn't I just leave this be to die?)
She winces,"Not as bad as last time.." she trails off. "Yea, well last time was really bad, so that isn't much consolation." I sigh. She awkwardly coughs before beginning to eat her lunch again. "Hey Frances? What happened to you today?" I ask around food, making my voice slightly muffled. He looks up from his food,"Not much of anything really." I smile at him,"Well, I'd keep eating your lunch because the bells about to ring." I say before standing up to throw the wrapper from my sandwich away. I'll reuse the water bottle.
~After school, you know what happens~
(Wow great)
I grumble, opening up my locker. A small tape falls out, no label. I suck in a sharp breath, nervous. How does anybody know I have a camera? Let alone my locker combination? I reach a shaking hand down and pick it up. I shove it in my pocket. I grab my stuff and rush to the bus.
(And here is the part where, preferably, you leave this 'book' and find a decent one)
I run up the stairs on the bus, waving at the bus driver. He waves back. I take my seat and grab my phone and the tape out of my pocket. I open my phone and take a picture of the tape. I put my phone in my pocket and continue to look at the tape. There's a scratch on the corner, but it doesn't have any significance. The bus stops, startling me. I stand up, grabbing my bag and walking off the bus. I sigh. Time to deal with dad.
I put the tape in my backpack so he doesn't find it. I pull a key out of my backpack holder and unlock the door. I push the door open and walk in, looking around. Nobody. He must be working late. I shut the door and walk upstairs. I drop my backpack and yank the tape out. I rush to the camera on my side table and put the tape in.
I watch it, getting more and more paranoid by the second. The video contains footage of me, well, dancing in my room to freak. At night. It doesn't look like this was filmed too long ago. But does that mean whoever is watching me doesn't has more videos? Or watching me right now? I turn quickly on my heels. I shut the curtains on my windows. I sigh, whoever did this can't see through curtains.
I take the tape back out and set it in one of the drawers. I turn around to see my bed. I walk back over to my backpack and take out my homework. Fuck school... I sigh and get to work on math homework.
~ After Homework; 12:18 PM ~
I throw my homework on the floor. That took forever... and on a Monday too. I stand up and lock my door. Better safe then sorry. I walk to the bathroom, grabbing some pajamas on the way. I walk into the bathroom and do my business. I take a shower and pin my hair up, I absolutely hate when wet hair touches me. I throw on a top and shorts and grab my glasses from the sink. I walk out and throw my old clothes over into the hamper. I set my glasses on the side table and collapse onto my bed. I'm not too worried about the tape anymore, nobody can see through curtains, and I locked the door.
Nobody's getting in here tonight. I curl up and fall asleep to that thought...
I wake up to the same annoyingly high pitched alarm clock. I get up, my eyes still halfway closed.
I hear the crinkling of paper beneath my feet. I open my eyes and see my homework. I sigh and walk into the bathroom. I look in the mirror, seeing the familiar bags under my eyes. I forgot to take my hair down last night. If I take it down now my hair will look even worse than normal. I suppose I'll dress nice today. I leave my hair pinned, glad for once that I slept on my face. I walk over to the closet, shedding my clothes on the way.
I grab the only nice jacket I have, a leather one to be exact. I grab a grey shirt and some old jeans. I slip the clothes on. I grab my homework and put it away. I grab my backpack and make my way extremely quietly to my moms room. It's dangerous every time I do this, but I find it fun to be in risk. Call me insane, but it's true. I open the door as quietly as I can. I make my way towards her closet. She's only noticed me once before. It didn't go down well... but it's never happened again since then. Well, it doesn't really happen all that often.
I sneak into her closet and shut the door behind me as precaution. I feel around for the shoes I want. Call me a thief, or whatever you want to, it doesn't offend me. It's more of a talent then you'd think. I finally grab them, but when I reach to pull them out, I knock over a box. I hear an intake of breath and sheet rustling. I bite my lip and move behind her clothes and curl up. The door opens, revealing a disgruntled mother. She looks through the closet without moving anything. Foolish. I mentally shake my head. I can't think that way about my mother. She looks around one more time before shutting the door.
I wait for around ten minutes until I hear her breathing even out. I let out a inaudible sigh and open the closet door. I go as fast as I dare out of there. I grab my backpack from the resting spot I put it before I went there. I realize I've forgot my glasses but shrug that off as unimportant. I'm already behind schedule. Thank god it's Friday. I slip the shoes on and run out the door, backpack bouncing off my back...
It's still short, but it's longer than last chapter. I'm getting this story going, without trying to rush anything. It's not easy... but I think it's working out decently. But I wouldn't know, nobody has said anything...
(Lmao good ol' teenage angst. I might actually continue this in my notes and see if my writing has improved. But that means that it would go on a completely different path. Which is great. So I'm hoping my FBI agent watching me through my phone likes slightly less edgy girls enough to stick around and learn to read the words backwards on my glasses reflection. Anywho, this has been a rant with, as I will probably never be known as again, Call_Me_Strange.)
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