I woke up that morning with Rens arms around me
I slipped out
"Solem script water"I said as the word water appeared over his head and dreanched him
"I wanna go back to sleep good night "he said
I rolled my eyes
Today was my last day in team jnpr I was going to sssn I got out a communication deceive and dialed erza
"Hello (y/n) "she said
"Hi erza san I'm just wanting to tell you I have to go to a different teams room I'm sending you the location "I said
"Thank you for the information by the way if your room mates are not in the location you sent me maybe we can all hang out with take out us fairytail members are considered family "she said
"Sure but I do have homework"I said
"Well we will see you soon"she said
I hanged up and put it back in my bag and put my bag over my shoulder
"Bye (y/n) come back soon"Pyrrha said
Time skip
Soon I got to the room for sssn
"Wow it's extremely dirty"I said looking inside turn out the other guys left so only Neptune way there
"Yeah I know the guys are so messy"he said
"Well I'm going to straighten up"I said using my wind to clean the whole room
"Okay so that's done"I said
"Well welcome to sssn head quarters"Neptune said
"I have a question are you going to be the only person I will be able to stand"I said
"Properly"he said
I saw gray on the window naked
I kept giving him signals to leave and he did
"What was that for"Neptune asked
"Oh nothing hehehehe"I said
"Please tell me the truth I may be able to help"he said
"Okay just don't tell anyone not even my sister or any of your friends and family"I said opening he window
"Come on gray get inside and for gods sake put on some clothes"i yelled as Gray made a ice make ladder to get up
"Neptune this is gray gray this is Neptune"I said
"(Y/n) why didn't you just tell us you were training to become a stripper" Neptune said
"Wait where did my clothes go"gray said
"No gray is a thing called a wizard he is part of a guild called fairy tail the night you thought I went missing one of there s class wizards erza asked me to come with her saying they needed help they think that white gang is having help from a dark guild or a dark wizard himself they put this mark in my hand so I can see there first master"I said
"Wow"he said
"Do you wanna help"erza said coming in
"Yeah"Neptune said as they put the mark in his hand
Time skip since gray was here he taught Neptune ice make magic soon after having some take out they left after putting a glove over neptunes guild mark
"So what do we tell the other members of this team"Neptune said
"We don't tell them anything the last thing we need is more people learning about them"I said
"I spoke to there first master mavis she was really sweet they think white gang eather is being helped by a dark guild or zeref"I said
"Who is zeref"he asked
"She told me zeref is a dark wizard that leaves destruction where ever he goes and turns out
I'm the only one that has the ability to live around him without dying instantly even though I would suffer a large amount of pain "I said
"Well then if this zeref guy is that bad"Neptune said putting his pinky out"we will just have to promise each other that we will stay alive "he said and we shaked pinkys
Time skip
The three guys came in it was sun scarlet and sage
"Hey guys (y/n) is staying with us this weak"Neptune said
I watched as the guys faces looked at Neptune who was still naked from the ice make training
"Why are you naked Neptune"sun said
"What I didn't know the stripping was contagious"Neptune said as I gave him others I took from a closet
"Those were my clothes "sun said
"Oh sorry wait Neptune where is your closet?"I asked
"Over there"he said and I got him some clothes
I noticed I got a text from erza
"Hey Neptune we need to go out tonight to the middle of the town"I said
"Okay"he said
Suns pov(why not)
They were being really weird so I decided to follow them with Blake
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